There comes a time in everyone’s life where our childhood confidence fades because we start caring about how others see us. We want to fit in. We want approval and praise. We want to be seen as attractive to the opposite gender.
Those who get a lot of praise and attention seem to have higher self esteem, while those who were bullied and rejected are more insecure.
However, high self esteem and confidence comes from within. We can choose to listen to those outside voices, or we can start to see our own awesomeness and live unapologetically.
So here are some truths that will help you change your mindset so you can start living more confidently today!
1. You Are Stronger Than You Think
Nobody’s life is easy. We all have our own battles and struggles.
Of course there is no denying that some have had it harder, and these people are the strongest of us all, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t strong if you have faced tough situations and circumstances and survived.
Regardless of your background, you are here right now. You have survived the events of your past, and chose to keep on living. Even if you are physically weak, your soul is strong.
You decide to keep living, you decide not to let your past trauma get in your way.
You are strong

2. You Are One Of A Kind
There is only one of you in the whole entire world. In all of history! You are so special!
You were born to be different, not to be a copy of someone else, so stop comparing yourself to other people.
Instead of wishing you had someone else’s face, talents, or skills, you need to start looking at what you have that others don’t. You may realize that there are things people may envy you for!
If the people around you can’t appreciate you for you, then they don’t deserve you. There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing.
One day, you will be surrounded by people who do love you for you. People who admire you and respect you. While you may feel insecure or shy now, some people may actually find that attractive about you.
Embrace your differences and see the beauty in it. Find your talents and gain confidence from your abilities. You don’t have to be someone else to be cool.
Be You! Everyone Else Is Taken.
3. People Generally Don’t Care
This phrase may sound harsh, but it’s a truth that has certainly made me less self conscious when going outside or taking the bus.

Outside of those closest to you, everyone else is too busy with themselves to notice, care, or remember anything about you. You are just a stranger.
If you don’t believe me, you can look at yourself.
Think about the last time you were on the bus or in a restaurant.
Do you recall anyone else who was there?
Do you remember any strangers faces?
Did you notice that someone had a pimple or a stain on their shirt? If you did, did you even care?
Did it matter to you in any way, shape or form?
It’s not normal to notice or care about every person you see everyday.
Even if you made eye contact with a stranger, I doubt you will remember their face a couple days from now. There is power in this knowledge!
When you realize that strangers aren’t paying any attention to you, you can start living more freely! Stop wasting time worrying about what others think, because honestly, they don’t think about you at all.
4. Haters Are Envious
Bullies are playing a mind game with you, and they truly hope you never figure that out.
Bullies often target those who they presume are too weak, too nice, and most importantly, a little insecure. They want someone who they can take control over. This is why confident people, even if they’re geeks or weirdos, don’t get bullied. But it’s more than that as well.
Bullies have been proven to lack self-esteem themselves. They are insecure in their bodies, jealous or envious of others, may have a rough time at home, and they don’t know how to channel that frustration.
Confident people would never spend their time putting down others. People who love themselves would never stoop to such levels to make someone else hate themselves. Confident people make others feel confident. People who love themselves wants to share that love with others.
But haters and bullies target others with the sole intent of making themselves feel better. They think that if they put others down, they are raising themselves up. Most of all, if they can make a pretty, kind, smart, and/or talented person like you doubt yourself and your abilities, they win. That’s all it is to them.
They call you names so you’ll start to believe it. They tell you things that aren’t true to tear you down. If you don’t have high self-esteem, it will get to you.
So remember, if someone is hating on you or bullying you, you are not the problem. They are the problem. Don’t believe what they say.
Even the most talented, most attractive, most successful people still get hate comments from people who probably still live at their parents home, not doing anything productive with their life.
Don’t let them win.
5. You Can Be Anything You Want To Be
You can only start living your best life when you take this phrase to heart. Let me tell you why.
There are many people who believe that because they were born into a certain situation, look a certain way, was raised to believe certain things, and so on, that they could never be this or that. Even if they had dreams, those around them love to crush them and feed negativity and doubt into their mind.
However, what they say is simply not true. Those who gave up on their dreams will often discourage others from pursuing theirs…..
But everyday, people are beating the odds. Everyday, people are proving others wrong. Everyday, magic happens.
No matter where you are right now, the world is your oyster. You can still grow and learn and become who you really want to be. Even if there is a wall in your way, you can always be the first to pave the way.
The more you want something, the more you desire it, the more you believe it’s possible, the harder you will work to make that a reality.
This is why training your mind and creating a positive growth mindset is important. It’s easy to be doubtful and just say ‘I can’t do that’ or ‘It wasn’t meant for me’, but how would you know if you don’t try?
I’m someone who used to be a negative nancy, scared of the world, being realistic. Grew up poor in a dangerous neighbourhood. My race could always be a factor….but I didn’t want to live a life full of regrest. When I saw others doing things I wanted to do, I really had to ask myself, what is really stopping me?
As many excused as I made, the real answer was me and my mind. Others could discourage me and say it’s impossible, but as long as I thought it was possible, it could be. i’ve done so much in 4 years on my own.
Went to Japan, got my own place, changed careers into my childhood dream, saw more of Canada…all that’s left on my childhood bucket list is to perform with a band on stage. My band is Chromatic Dreamers, and this website is evidence of me working towards that.

Start to internalize your dreams, visualize it, and go for it with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. Watch some anime to encourage you as those have the most inspirational main characters I’ve ever seen.
Take those steps, enjoy the journey. You may fall, you may fail, but don’t give up! Before you know it, the you that you can admire will be arms reach away.
You’ll gain more confidence when you realize all you’re truly capable of. You get to choose your own destiny.
In Conclusion…
You are special, unique, and stronger than you think. Despite what others tell you, you deserve to be here. You deserve to be happy and feel confident in your own body.
You need to start taking control of your life by realizing you are amazing. Find what you love about yourself, ignore the haters, and be free. Life is too short to let a few people or a few negative comments destroy your self-esteem and stop you from living.
If you’re interested, I got some in-depth eJournals for you to learn more about yourself, build some self-confidence, and even achieve your biggest goals!