Unison Square Garden is a band I remember others telling me about when I started to dig more into Japanese music over a decade ago.
They are quite big with their Youtube Videos getting millions of views each, and have been around since 2004, yet, many anime fans may struggle naming a song by them.
Usually, when I do these articles, I would add some of their background and accomplishments from Wikipedia, but their page is pretty empty.
On Generasia, they just state that they are a 3-piece band their earlier releases were electropop-based, but over time, became more rock style. So either they’re quite private, or there isn’t much to know about their origins.
Regardless, they make great music that people love, and as of October 2024, they have made 19 anime openings, so definitely check them out!
Also, if you’d like to discover other Japanese music and artists, check out my playlists on Youtube!
And if you’re interested in learning more vocabulary and kanji so you can watch anime and dramas, read manga, sing J-pop at karaoke, or play raw Japanese video games, check out my 250+ Kanji for Japanese Media (+Sentences) article and my Japanese Study Guide!