You read the title! You know what you’re here for! I’ve searched far and wide, to the other side of Youtube and back, to find anime cover bands you may be interested in or who may be local to you.
Music was always my favourite subject, but in middle school, when I saw a band practicing during lunch break, I knew I wanted to be part of a band one day. The same school year that the dream was ignited, I heard my first Japanese anime opening (“Butterfly” from Digimon) and I fell in love. I’m from Canada, so our animes were dubbed and songs were changed. I had no idea most of my childhood shows were ‘animes’ until I watched Digimon on Youtube and did some research.
Sadly, I didn’t have any friends who played instruments and/or were interested in being in a band and performing, so the dream was delayed. As an adult, it took 3 attempts over a 10-year span to bring the dream to life, but it was totally worth fighting for! I was happy to find a dedicated group that was multicultural (white, black, latino, and asian) as it reflected the city we lived in (Toronto, Canada). Anime has touched as all since childhood, so it was cool to show Japan that as well!

Within a couple years of starting my rookie anime band under the name ‘Chromatic Dreamers Band Project’. We were all beginners, either at our instrument or just never performed with a band before, but by the end, we got to perform at a small venue, a couple anime conventions, and even had a spot at the biggest Japanese Festival in Canada! You can see the whole journey on this page.
While the anime band project is officially over (2021-2023), this blog lives on to encourage and advise other rookie musicians! You can read all about my journey as a rookie guitarist to the stage, and from our earliest rehearsals to performing at a festival on this blog. You can also learn about Japanese music theory and find easy anime songs to practice to!
All in all, I know personally how hard it can be to find other musicians who are dedicated and motivated to record and/or perform, but another level of difficulty is added when you like foreign music. Having done a lot of research on conventions for my band, it’s clear that idol groups and cosplayers are abundant, and there are many panels to showcase these people….but anime cover bands don’t have that same privilege. Some conventions aren’t willing to accommodate them either, as I have learned.
Thus, I really wanted to find and showcase other groups who shared the same dream as I did and help them gain attention. I know how much money, time, and energy is invested into starting up a band, finding members, paying for rehearsal space and equipment, promoting and pitching, dragging everything to venues, and so on, and it’s nice to get some recognition for it! <3
There are only a couple conditions to being on this list:
- The band must play live together, whether in a rehearsal studio and/or on stage. Thus, online collaborations where individuals record separately and are edited together were not included.
- They must have a Youtube channel with at least 3 anime/Jpop covers. I was open to groups that cover other genres or languages, but they must have a decent number of Japanese music on their channel as well, just to prove they are people of culture haha
So let’s get to it!
Stoic High School
Instagram | Channel
Probably one of the biggest or most known anime cover bands on the net. They do pre-record their covers, but I don’t think anyone cares or minds if it means we get to see the lead guitarist and bassist dance and entertain throughout the song. The singer is amazing and they all have a sound and vibe that makes you come back for more.
Dress Up Town
Website | Instagram | Channel
Dress Up Town is certainly one of the most serious and dedicates cover bands I’ve come across. This group is from The Netherlands, and they not only go full out with the costumes, but also finding the perfect sets and videographer to create a story for their music videos. Not to mention, they are creating their own English covers. Definitely worth checking out!
Facebook | Instagram | Channel | Spotify
I came across this band by chance and wow! They’re definitely killing it, not just musically, but promotionally. They even sent me some photos so I had to add them here haha! I asked them what they’re all about and this is what they told me:
“Hailing from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Brightburn started off as a band of friends from different musical backgrounds, with dedication to rock Japanese and Anime songs! Heavily influenced by the likes of One OK Rock and Survive Said the Prophet, known for energetic display of performance, it has become Brightburn’s mission, commitment and promise to deliver the utmost unforgettable J-Rock show for all of its spectators and supporters old and new! 🔥

They have played countless Anime and Comic Conventions in Malaysia, such as Comic Fiesta and Animangaki! And they plan to spread their wings even further by making their name out there known amongst Anime and J-Rock enthusiasts and to spread their wings even further to be known worldwide!
Not only that, their debut single has over 3,000 views over at Youtube and is available on all Streaming Platforms!
What’s next in store for 2024? Brightburn will be releasing their new and upcoming single called ‘Throne’ and a bunch more other originals and covers so stay tuned!! 🔥🔥🔥”
Luna Gravity
Facebook | Instagram | Channel
This band is from indonesia. They’re known for the cute and capable singer and they stay pretty true to the original feel of the songs. I actually thought I was hearing someone singing to the original backing track. Quite impressive!
Instagram | Channel
Here’s a cover band from South Korea. They have 11 members who rotate between songs. They stay true to the song while still adding their own flavor or twist to them. I personally love seeing a male lead singer now and then as well!
iConiQ The Soundtrack Orchestra
Website | Instagram | Channel
Can you believe there’s a full orchestra out here playing anime themes? They showed up on my feed earlier in the pandemic when they covered various Digimon themes, and I thought it was amazing. They used to play in person but had to move online due to world events.
Blinding Sunrise
Website | Instagram | Channel
On their About Us page, they state “Blinding Sunrise is an Italian band formed in 2011. After a few years spent inside the metalcore scene, during a tour in Ukraine they got interested in the world of anime and made-in-japan music, that’s how their actual project started. After falling in love with Tokyo Ghoul and its characters, they decided they were ready to make their first cover of an anime opening. It’s with Unravel that they reached an unexpected success, and from that moment they never stopped riding the Japan wave that brought them to hit more than 3 million views with Black Clover, which is still one of their best-known songs.” This group not only has amazing covers, but their MV quality is next level!
Eternal Hoshi
Linktree | Instagram | Channel
This cover band is located in New Jersey, USA. I’ve been keeping an eye on their Instagram for months when they were in the rehearsal phase, but now they are actively performing! They have more shows coming up this year (2023) so if you’re in their city, be sure to check them out!
Hoka No Tea Time
Facebook | Instagram | Channel
According to their biography, “Hoka no Tea Time (HTT) is an anime song cover band from Melbourne. Originally formed as a K-On! tribute band, HTT has extended their covers to include music from various anime series. Essentially, HTT is a collection of musicians who share a passion for anime and love jamming to their favourite anime songs.” Their band was formed in 2012 and they are still going strong with additional members!
Linktree | Instagram | Channel
Nyahama is another anime and Jpop cover band from Perth, Australia. This band formed in 2019 and is composed of 6 members. They got a Twitch, Tiktok, Discord and Merch Store, so you can be sure they’re quite serious as a gigging cover band!
Instagram | Channel
Soryu is a J-rock and Anison band from Colombia. I translated their Youtube bio in it states “Soryu is a band that was born with the intention of showing the broad influence of oriental music in our western culture. Go ahead and enjoy our music, as much as we enjoy making it for you!”
Carrd | Instagram | Channel
According to their bio, “EV133 started as J, Brandon, and Pigao. They all met as undergraduates where they would hang out at the campus’ unrecognized Idol Research Club after a long week of working & studying. Forming right before the 2020 pandemic started, EV133 has dedicated time to recording and producing covers of their favorite anisongs from Brandon’s bedroom. On December 17th 2021, EV released their first original song, titled “Start Again.” Shortly after release, Indigo officially joined the band as a new member. A few months after, they added John to the group.” The group has made countless live appearances since their formation in 2020!
Secret Zero
Facebook | Instagram | Channel | Spotify
Secret Zero is a popular band from France, performing at various festivals and even releasing their anime covers on Spotify. According to their bio, they formed in June 2020 and are made up of 4 professional musicians coming from various musical genres and resulting in a unique mix of modern metal and pop.
Fun Fact: In 2015, the singer Flora Spinelli (representing France) sang at the famous Japanese TV show “Nodojiman The World” where she ended up 2nd, which helped her to get access to some of the best anime festivals in France and also made her record a cover album published in Japan.
1-2-5 (OneTwoFive) Band
Instagram | TikTok | Channel
1-2-5 band is an anime cover band from New York, USA. They let me know that “1-2-5 (also styled OneTwoFive) started as a passion project between fellow members from a university music club. The name ‘OneTwoFive’ came from odd rehearsal times for their first gig, which typically ran from about 1 to 5am. Thus, one-two-five. The band aims to cover a wide variety of songs that the members love, already having covered songs like the first Chainsaw Man opening to Serial Experiment Lain’s ‘Duvet’. Currently, 1-2-5 is looking to record dedicated covers for many of the songs they’ve performed live and release an EP of entirely original songs in 2024.” They’re the only band I’ve seen to cover one of my favourite songs, “Crow Song” from Angel Beats!
Time Skip
Instagram | Channel
TIME SKIP is a band based in Vancouver, British Colombia (gotta love my fellow Canadians! <3) and they made their official debut in October 2022. I reached out to learn more about them and found out that they’ve been friends for several years. Each member comes from a unique music background, which makes their sound very diverse and their set lists eclectic. They’re known for their high energy performances and intricate arrangements. They also have originals that they plan to release in Summer 2024, so keep an eye out for them!
Sang D’Or
Instagram | Channel
While doing my occasional Instagram scroll to find new bands, I came across this Louisiana duet which instantly reminded me of B’z, the most popular Japanese artist, as they too consist of a singer and a guitarist. While this group has been actively performing for some time, they just started a Youtube channel so be sure to support them!
I asked them what they’re all about and they told me “Sang d’Or is an anime cover band composed of two musicians, Connor (guitar) and Rin (vocals) and their audio engineer Justin. The band has a gothic aesthetic, inspired by visual kei artists and fashion and plays genres such as J-rock and metal as well as popular anime and video game OSTs. Connor and Rin have extensive musical backgrounds in live performance and covering anime songs. Their musical journey led them to continue performing anisong covers, and thus Sang d’Or was born in 2021. The band’s goals are to keep performing live shows as well as uploading full production covers in the future.”
UAM Band
Instagram | Channel
UAM is a J-pop/J-rock cover band based in Vancouver, BC (More Canadians, yay!!). Formed in 2018, UAM has grown a lot since a lot of members joined as complete beginners! UAM band features both female and male vocalists, versatile members who play multiple instruments such as sax and trumpet, and dynamic stage presences. They have performed in a variety of events and conventions in the lower mainland such as Live House, Richmond Night Market, Haru & Akimatsuri, SFU SummerFest, and Pop-Up Hanami. They are actively performing, so check out their Instagram for updates and fun posts, and enjoy this cover of “Study Me” from ZUTAMAYO from one of their gigs!
Linktree | Instagram | Channel
These sometimes masked musicians are an active anisong cover band from Mexico! Their first Youtube cover was uploaded 6 years ago, and they are constantly putting out behind the scenes content on their Facebook page!
Spirit Bomb
Website | Instagram | Channel
Spirit Bomb is an active band in the US that is appearing at various anime conventions. According to their Youtube channel, “Like Goku’s genkidama, Spirit Bomb gathers their power from all the great anime music in existence to coalesce into an explosive live performance.”
Purikura Panic!!
Website | Linktree | Instagram | Channel
According to this band’s website, “Purikura Panic is a New Orleans based cover band created as a love letter to anime. Performing iconic tracks from the most influential animes of all time, their powerful sound ignites audiences nostalgia. A Purikura Panic show is an open invitation for anime lovers to celebrate their fandom. Their members cosplay for performances and encourage audiences to do the same, creating an enthusiastic and positive energy at shows across Louisiana.
Purikura Panic has played at conventions like CyphaCon in Lake Charles, and Fan Expo in New Orleans. They even got to play the original Pokemon theme with its singer Jason Paige (How cool is that!). With their one year anniversary on the horizon, Purikura Panic is eager to broaden their travels further into the world, seeking more fans to celebrate anime with.”
Peach Tea Punch
Website | Instagram | Channel
Peach Tea Punch, more commonly seen as PTP, is an anime cover band from the DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia) area. They informed me that they all met in college! Their bassist, Thomas, recruited everyone and started this project sometime Spring 2019. They started posting covers on YouTube in 2020 when the pandemic hit. In 2023, they started performing regularly for Anime Alliance, and continue to juggle performing, recording, learning new songs, and watching new (and old) anime.
Instagram | Channel
IchiRockU! Is a Japanese rock and Anime song cover band from NJ/NY. They play anything from anime openings and endings, vtubers, vocaloid and popular J-pop singles. IchiRockU guarantees a high energy performance that will get the crowd excited.
Tokyo 3 Anisong Band
Website | Instagram | TikTok | Channel
A cover from this Mexican cover band showed up on my Youtube feed a while back. With only a handful of rehearsal room covers, I assumed they were quite new. When I checked again to update this list, they uploaded a performance they did at a convention! Upon further research, they have actually built quite a following on other platforms. I love seeing new bands make such a splash, and it goes to show how loving and supportive the anime scene is around the world!
Branch 291
Instagram | Channel
City Pop cover band. Established since 2017. Intro coming soon~
Website | Instagram | Channel | Spotify
As their site puts it, “DAM.G (pronounced “damage”) is a rock band composed of both American and British musicians. With music influenced by other well-known artists such as Evanescence, their music is also heavily influenced by the anime/Japanese rock styles of LiSA as well as My First Story.” The band has performed covers such as “Hero Too” from My Hero Academia and “Gurenge” from Demon Slayer. They debuted in 2021, so be sure to give them your support!
October 2023 Update: I noticed the cover that I embedded was no longer available and messaged them. They have recently taken down their covers due to lineup changes. So for now, I’m sharing a video from the ACUK (Anime Cover UK) Youtube channel as the band has taken part in a few of their collaborations. But don’t worry, Dam.G is still very active and they have even released their first original album called “ISEKAI”!
Mighty Rocksters
Facebook | Instagram | Channel
I found this band through their Digimon covers and they’ve been my favourite cover band since. They don’t usually have a singer, but I love seeing the guitarist play the melody line. They also cover Kpop songs if you’re into that! (I personally am if you’re curious haha).
EDIT: As of November 2024, their Facebook and Youtube channel is unavailable, and their Instagram hasn’t been updated since 2020. I hope they just renamed themselves or something, but not sure as what. They made many many covers, probably had over 100 videos, so I really hope they didn’t just delete everything ;_____; I’ll keep them here until I know for sure on their status.
オイシーoreos (Oishii Oreos)
Carrd | Instagram | Channel
“Get ready for Oishii Oreos, a local band from the GTA (Toronto, Canada) that’s shaking up the music scene with their j-pop/rock and anime covers! Featuring a mix of beatboxing, keytar, guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals, their sound offers a unique take across a wide range of genres. Known for bringing high-energy performances to events like Anime North, Fan Expo, and Ghibli Holiday Market, Oishii Oreos loves performing for the anime community. Check out their latest YouTube cover of Bling Bang Bang Born—featuring the goofiest music video with dance submissions from friends and cosplayers!”
Are there other bands I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!
If you’d like to learn a bit more about Japanese music and 10 common progressions in their music, why not purchase my book “Japanese Music Progressions“? Or, if you’d like to dig deep into music theory and get 50 chord progressions, you can check out The Complete Japanese Music Theory Course!
Purikura Panic is gr8!
Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll add them 🙂