Are you a drummer who loves anime and Japanese music? Tired of playing the same beats and rhythms?
While the drummers main roll is to keep the band in time, that doesn’t mean they can’t have fun! Unlike guitars that can play around with licks and strumming patterns, or bass that can always be creative and make things a little funky, it’s very easy for drummers to end up playing the same kind of patterns since that’s what most songs call for.
But if you’re looking for a bit of a challenge, or just interested in learning more beats and rhythms that you can incorporate into your original stuff, here’s the list for you.
While I am not the drummer in my band, I was in drum line for 2 years and learned the basics on a kit. I have looked through hundreds of anime drum tabs to find easy ones for my previous drummer, so I’m quite aware of what beats come up time and time again.

The songs below either have beats that I don’t see/hear very often, or the song combines a variety of beats that will make learning the song a lot more fun.
Not all of them are super fast or difficult. I made sure to include some slower ones, and songs that are in the late beginner/early intermediate area. Just consider this a collection for anyone who wants to change things up or has the time to go through a song in detail.
If you’re a true beginner or find that these are too difficult for you, definitely check out my 20 Easy Anime Songs for Drums list. And if you’re looking for something faster, check out 15 Fast Anime Songs for Drummers!
And if you’d like to learn more about Japanese music theory so you can understand and create your own Japanese inspired music, check out The Complete Japanese Music Theory Course!
UPDATE DECEMBER 2024: “No Longer Dreaming” Published!
If you’re a beginner or inexperienced musician who wants to break out in this competitive field, check out my new eBook! I started this blog when I was still a rookie guitarist with no experience, but with confidence and a plan, I created a band and we performed at a venue, conventions, and a festival in the span of 2 years.
As a solo musician, I’ve played for a church, got to be part of a high production music video, and was offered to perform at a huge event and play on an album. In this guide book, you’ll learn how to choose your style, niche & target audience, what to practice, how to find bandmates and organize rehearsals, how to promote yourself and/or your band, where to look for gigs, how to dress for photoshoots and the stage, how to network with people, and so much more! If you’re interested, click here for more details!

Without further ado, let’s get to it!
Fullmetal Alchemist
Tabs | BPM = 170
Starting off strong with this classic that has a very unusual rhythm. If you have a tambourine, be sure to pull it out.
Jiyuu no Tsubasa
Attack on Titan
Tabs | BPM = 135
I think out of all the first AOT openings, this one definitely goes hard with the drums. You may even need a double bass pedal, but if you’re up for the challenge, I say go for it!
Long Kiss Goodbye
Tabs | BPM = 120
This is a great slower song for a late beginner to get comfortable with 16th beats and different kinds of simpler fills. You’ll train yourself to pay attention the smaller details, like when the hi hat is open or closed during a section. The chorus is on the simpler side, but sometimes you need a break where you can just groove along.
Tabs | BPM = 92
If you’re looking for a slower song with a lot of alternate rhythms that you’re probably not used to, definitely check out this song. There’s a lot of snare rolls during the verse to help with your timing, a couple 2/4 bars thrown in there, and just a bunch of other things to practice your skills are a more comfortable pace.
What’s up People
Death Note
Tabs | BPM = 165
if you love metal, you’ll love this song. Every section has a new rhythm. Some are bass drum heavy, others have 16th beat cymbols**, and just a variety of collection to keep you focused. *
Tabs | BPM = 90
Ahh yes, the classic ending for Naruto. If you didn’t know, this song is in 5/4 time! So even if it’s on the slower side, it’s an opportunity to work with a new and unique time signature that is barely seen. *Do note that the second drum part includes the rimshot noise.*
Utauyo Miracle
Tabs | BPM = 164
All K-ON!! songs are great learning material, but this is definitely one of their most fun songs when it comes to drum parts.
My Hero Academia
Tabs | BPM = 190
This song definitely has a variety of patterns that I don’t see much elsewhere, some parts stick to eight beats, but it has a way of changing things up from the norm. This song is on the faster side, but has a few slow and simple moments throughout which can give you a well deserved break.
FUkai Mori
Tabs | BPM = 81
If you’re a late beginner looking for a challenge, but you don’t want to take on multiple changing patterns at the same time, why not try this classic for size? The BPM is slow, but the song consists of eights and sixteenths, so it’s a great way to get comfortable with these kinds of rhythms at a slower pace before moving on to faster songs.
Angel Beats
Tabs | BPM = 166
While this song does have a few sections of the stereotypical beat, there are a lot of other beats here to keep you engaged. You may even be thankful to have those few bars of predictability.
Haruka Kanata
Tabs | BPM = 175
If you don’t mind a comfortable rhythm for most of the song, but you’d still like some moments where you shine, this is the song. The intro, the fills, the triplets, it has a lot of elements that an early intermediate player may want to work on.
Tabs | BPM = 190
Not a big fan of cymbols and clashes? Rather work on your toms? Check out this song. It has a new rhythm with some triplets that is quite repeatitive, followed by some half time sections and a few other things. Definitely an upper body workout!
Go Go Maniac
Tabs | BPM = 250
Obviously, I wasn’t just going to put one K-ON!! song in this list. Considering how big their discography is as a band anime and just how hyper their songs could be, you can expect many songs that may excite you as a drum player. If you have the speed already, test our your endurance with this song.
STrike The BLood
Strike The Blood
Tabs | BPM = 208
If you have the speed and skills and just want a hardcore headbanging song, check out this track. One thing you’ll get to work on a lot is the anticipation by resting on the 1st beat. Not to mention, the extra long snare fills!
This Game
No Game No Life
Tabs | BPM = 147
Here’s another song that is quite upbeat with a wide variety of beats and fills to keep you busy. There’s even a few triplet sections to test your timing.
Start Dish
Love Live
Tabs | BPM = 150
If you’re a late beginner who wants to get comfortable with songs that change rhythms quite often, here’s the perfect song for you. You’ll become familiar with some rhythms that I see in harder songs, but with half the cymbols*.
Core Pride
Ao no Exorcist
Tabs | BPM = 182
Ahh gotta love this classic. The drums get a highlight solo at the beginning, then the rhythm changes up quite a bit throughout. It has enough slower parts with rests which you can work on your timing for, and lots of fills as well.
Giri Giri Chop
Detective Conan
Tabs | BPM = 117
Looking for a hard rock song with that classic feel? You’ll love this song. Don’t let the BPM fool you! You’ll be playing 16ths the majority of the time. There’s triplets and…sixtuplets? All in all, just a energetic song with lots of tricks up its sleeve.
Bravo Bravo
Shugo Chara
Tabs | BPM = 180
I think this is a great intermediate song for those who want a challenge. It not only has quite a variety of rhythms and fills, but like in the intro, you may have to switch from 8th and 16th notes to quarter notes. A great song to work on your timing in detail.
Ready Steady Go
Fullmetal Alchemist
Tabs | BPM = 144
Have you been neglecting your toms? Trying to use it more outside of fills? Then give this song a gander. It switches between this tom-based section and a faster version of the common beat, but nothing wrong with that!
SAmurai Heart
Tabs | BPM = 113
If you want a song where you can focus on your cymbols* and incorporating more rhythms, here’s the song for you. It’s a really fun song that everyone loves, and it has more repetitive parts that allow you to just get into the groove.
SoRa Ni Utaeba
My Hero Academia
Tabs | BPM = 204
This song has enough similarities to the common beats in anime, but also has it’s own way of changing things up. You get a lot of clashes on the 4+ beat and anticipation on the 1st, there’s a lot of fills to work on your snare rolls, and a few other parts to keep you on edge. I personally love parts like the intro and the end of the bridge where you match the odd timing of the singer or guitar.
Tokyo Ghoul
Tabs | BPM = 135
If you find that you tend to overdo it a lot, I think this is a beautiful and amazing song where you get to see both your simpler and quieter styles make the impact of the louder rock part that much more amazing. It definitely has a lot of new and different patterns that really match the style and melodies of this song.
Sorairo Days
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Tabs | BPM = 174
This song has a lot of sections with it’s own parts you can learn from. There are quite a few variations of rhythms, there are some sections with a bar or so of rests to work on your internal timing, and some anticipation (no 1 beat) as well.
Tabs | BPM = 135
Last, but definitely not least, I got one of the coolest songs from a pretty epic band anime that came out in recent years. If Wind above is too easy for you and you want to try another 5/4 song, this is the one to check out. Short and sweet, but leaves an epic impression.