I’m tired of seeing lists containing ‘fun and cool’ things to do in my city, but it’s all about sightseeing, museums, and walking around historic markets. If you want an actual list of fun and cool activities that make you feel like a main character, giving you a rush, letting you test your skills and smarts, THIS is the list you’ve been looking for.
As a thrill seeker myself, I’m all about new and unique activities. Toronto has all the usual activities as well, like Bowling and Karaoke, but I want to open your mind to the things people may have never heard of, and thus aren’t looking up.
I, for one, always wanted to experience flying so I was eager to try iFly since I saw their commercials growing up. My cousin set it up as a birthday gift in 2019. It was pretty cool, but it was more of a floating/falling feeling instead of flying, so I was eager to try hanggliding!

It was going to be a gift to myself for 2020, but we all know what happened. Once my band got to perform (as that was higher on my bucket list. I wasn’t going to risk getting injured before our first gigs), I quickly made plans and got to experience hang gliding with Fly High/High Perspectives in September 2022.
As for a regular activity I love, Escape Rooms have been my favourite. As a detective/secret agent wannabe since childhood, it’s a cool experience being locked in a room with some friends and you’re trying to find and put these puzzles together to escape before time is up. It’s a great way to test your observation and problem solving skills under pressure, and also test your teamwork and communication skills.
I’ve probably gone about…8/9 times? Damn lol Got to do a diamond heist with lasers, airplane simulation with an actual cockpit, creepy biology/medical room, library mystery, sinister circus, a dark tomb raider experience, something with a cabin, etc. We have always escaped (though the staff gave us a little extra time for our very first experience). A lot of places will change up the rooms every year, so you’ll never run out of rooms to do!

I have certainly spent a lot of time over the years looking up things to do and keeping an eye out for new things on social media channels. I have had the opportunity to try most of the things listed below, and I can promise you, the experience is so worth the price!
Sadly, a lot of these kinds of businesses didn’t survive the pandemic since they weren’t essential, and they often require huge rental spaces. The ones listed below have been spared, but they could definitely use your support!
Archery/Combat Archery
Places To Check Out: Archers Arena, Archery Circuit, Archery Toronto, Battle Archery
Whether you’re a fan of shows and movies like Brave, Robin Hood, Hunger Games or Avengers, or not, archery is pretty cool. Having a long range weapon, along with the strength, technique, and aim to take someone down at a distance is pretty badass. You can learn the basics of welding a bow and arrow in 10-15 minutes, and then you get to start playing. You can also choose the more traditional archery sport and use it as a disciplinary or meditative tool.
Obstacle Course
Places To Check Out: Pursuit OCR
If you ever watched shows like Ninja Warrior, Wipeout, Splatalot!, you may have thought “that doesn’t look that hard, I bet I could win!” Why not try it then? Pursuit OCR has opened up a few years ago and it has obstacles you have and haven’t seen before. Go alone and work on your skills, or challenge your friends to see who is best. It’s not always about strength and speed, but also technique, precision, and balance.
Axe Throwing
Places To Check Out: The Rec Room, Batl Grounds, Bullseye Axe, Bad Axe, Far Shot
Axe throwing is a big thing in Toronto. I wanted to add knife throwing as well, but it looks like the only two locations have closed down due to the pandemic, but at least this is still up and going strong!
Knife Throwing
Places To Check Out: Shooting Academy Canada
If you’re not that big on axes, but still want the thrill of throwing something sharp? Why not try knife throwing? My friend and I did it once before the pandemic and were planning to come back. Sadly, two of the biggest places (Stryke and TKTO) have closed down due to the pandemic. The place offers archery, axe throwing and airgun, but be sure to check out knife throwing as well if you pass here!
Parkour/Free Running
Full list of Ninja and Parkour training facilities in this article!
If you’ve ever seen character in movies jumping between buildings, hoping over fences, swinging between bars, climbing pipes, and doing crazy flips to escape, this is all part of ‘parkour’. Now that you know what it’s called, you’ll be happy to know there are a couple places for you to learn this in a safe environment. Drop in and stay as long as you like, or pay a little extra for their classes. Build confidence as you realize all that the human body can do.
Climbing Activities
Places To Check Out: Hub Climbing, Aspire Climbing & Fitness, True North, Joe Rock, Base Camp
What better way to work on your upper body strength and test your limits than with climbing. Rock climbing is super popular and there’s many places to check out. You can also check out Aspire Climbing that has additional obstacles like ropes and a warp wall.
Circus Arts & Gymnastics
Places To Check Out: Fly With Me, Toronto School of Circus Arts, The Circus Fix, Cirque-Ability
This is definitely more of a long term thing, but they have parties and all that, so you can probably drop in if you’re curious. Learn to do flips and handstands, try out flying trapeze, master your juggling skills, look graceful with aerial silk or hoops, and much much more. Nothing cooler than mastering skills that you can perform and impress others as they see how far the human body can go.
Ninja/Samurai Martial Arts
Full list of Ninja and Parkour training facilities in this article!
Another thing that could be long term if you want, but there’s always introductory classes and parties available if you want to hop in and learn the basics. It’s always great seeing what your body can do, and that despite your age, weight, or height, you could take down seemingly bigger opponents. Martial arts are also great for the mind as it promotes awareness and concentration.
Go Karting
Places To Check Out: K1 Speed, Go-Karts Toronto,
Who doesn’t like go karting? If you haven’t gone as a kid, it’s time to check it out. You don’t need a license for this one. Just get in a kart and you’re ready to go. Speed is the game, but bumps are expected. Best with a group of friends to add to the rivalry.
Virtual Reality Games
Places To Check Out: LevelUP Reality, Virtual Sting, VR Playin,
If you like video games, VR games will take you to the next level. You not only get the headset, but other tools like a treadmill, or at least a spacy environment to physically get into the games. Even if you’re not the biggest fan of video games, there’s something for you. Games can include sports, combat games, dance/rhythm games, mystery games, horror/survival games, and there’s also options to explore other countries or relax by seeing the stars.
Bubble Soccer
Places To Check Out: At Bubble Soccer, Bubbleball Soccer, Bubble Soccer Toronto, Archers Arena
I have yet to try this, but from what I’ve seen, it’s a lot more intensive and fun version of soccer. You get the competitive aspect of the sport, and you have the opportunity to knock down your opponents or role around the field. I’m sure it’ll be an experience you’ve never had before, and probably something you’d look forward to doing again!
Amusement parks
Places To Check Out: Canada’s Wonderland
They are called “Amusement” parks for a reason. Since Ontario Place closed, and Centre Island only has a handful of rides designed for kids, I’ve only included Wonderland on this list. They have a kids area as well, but this is a park build with teens and young adults in mind. Face your fears with huge roller coasters, test your abilities with some interactive games, and just have a good time with some out of world experiences.
During Halloween, Wonderland hosts their famous “Halloween Haunt” in which they transform into a scream park filled with “Halloween attractions that offer unforgettable thrills and unspeakable horror.” Now, they are even open during the holidays. So if you’re in the city for a long time, get a season pass and go as much as you want. You will need that time since you’ll spent most of the day waiting in lines anyways.
Escape Room
Places To Check Out: Omescape, Roundabout, EscapeManor, Imaginarium, Trapped, Captive, Casa Loma, Escape Games
It’s easy to watch movies and think “oh, if I was in that situation, I would totally survive”…but would you? Escape rooms let you experience that physically. You’re placed in a locked room and the theme can range from diamond heist, to murder mystery, to plane crash, or even a library full of secrets. This room is full of secrets and clues that you have to find and solve if you want to get out before time runs out. Will your team be smart, observant, and fast enough to beat records?
There’s a lot of escape room places around Toronto, and most of them will change the rooms for a new theme every year or two, so you and your group will never run out of new and unique challenges.
Race Simulators
Places To Check Out: Next Level Racing, Simulation1
Yeah, sure, there’s enough racing games out there, but if you want to take those to the next step, why not try a racing simulator? These locations offer a combination of a moving car seat and virtual reality to give you the experience of a lifetime, without requiring the training and license needed for the Indy Series. Not to mention, I’m assuming if you want to, you can turn it into a game of bumper cars too as nothing is at risk. This is definitely the place for enthusiasts who enjoy racing arcade games but want to take things to the next level.
Indoor Skydiving
Places To Check Out: iFlyToronto
I remember seeing commercials for this place since I was a child, and I finally got to go in 2019 as a birthday gift. I was expecting more of an actual flying experience, but it is definitly more of a falling simulator. You do get to feel moments of weightlessness, but you’re in a high wind tunnel, and if you can’t get your stance right, you’ll probably spend more time on the floor or pumping into the glass panes instead of actually being in the air. The professionals definitely make it look easier than it is haha.
I would recommend this if you’re interested in skydiving but are also a bit scared. I feel after this experience, I wouldn’t be as hesitant since I know what the feeling is like (You also get a coupon for a real skydiving experience, or at least we did when we went). It’s still a cool experience many may never get to do, and if you like it, keep going and you’ll get to fly higher and longer!
Hang Gliding
Places To Check Out: FlyHigh/High Perspective
If you want a real flying experience, why not try hang gliding. No, you do not have to jump off a cliff, nor would really get to in a place like Toronto, but that may be more enticing to you. At High Perspectives, they will lift you off the ground with, and you can choose how high you want to go as it’s a more monitored experience.
Places To Check Out: SkyZone, Just Bounce, Air Riderz
Sometimes seen as a childish activity, sometimes seen as something left for the Olympics, but it’s actually a place many teens and adults can enjoy. It’s a great way to burn some calories while jumping high and doing things you normally can’t do on the ground. See how high you can jump, learn a trick, play dodgeball and dunk some basketballs! Have fun and be silly for a couple hours.
Dive Into A Pool
Places To Check Out: Dive Toronto, Etobicoke Diving Club, Alex Duff Pool
Looking for an exciting and thrilling summer activity? If you love water, definitely check this out. Not many of us have the opportunities to dive off a 2+ storey platform, but you may curious if you watch certain teen movies or the olympics. Here’s you chance to try it out. Face your fears and get more comfortable with heights by literally jumping off a platform.
Paint Ball
Places To Check Out: CombatPursuit, Defcon Paintball, Sgt. Splatters, DeltaForce Paintball
If you want the rush of a real battle, perhaps want to know what it’s like in the military, why not try paint ball? Work with your team and get revenge….and I do mean revenge. Paintballs will inflict just a bit of pain, so you need to be ready for that. Most people come back so that tells you it’s all worth it!
Laser Tag
Places To Check Out: LazerMaze, The E Zone, PlaytimeBowl, BattleCity, Lasertag Toronto
If you want the rush of paint ball without actually feeling the bullets, laser tag is a fun and child-friendly activity to check out.
Air Soft Shooting Range
Places To Check Out: PewPew
One more for good measure. Pew Pew is Toronto’s first airsoft shooting range. It’s pretty much the experience of shooting a gun without the actual gun. Unlikes Paintball which is usually against other people, you get more objects to target and obstacles to overcome.
Active Games
Places to Check Out: Activate, Pixel Games
I remember seeing a reel long time ago of these places that had light up floor tiles and you would avoid the red squares and cross the board before time runs out. I didn’t know what these kind of activities were called, but I saw the word ‘Active Games’ somewhere and it makes sense, cause these kind of games will get you moving and maybe even sweating.
I came Pixel Games which is more up north as I was trying to plan an activity with my little cousin during her PA day, but they required a minimum party count to book. Later on, my sister invited me to another place, Activate, as she had gone recently. They not only had the light up floor game, but various other activities like dodging lasers, shooting hoops or guns, and something similar to DDR. I personally loved the ‘Hide’ game where you would press the numbers in order around the room, but also hide from the eye behind a pole when time ran out.
Places To Check Out: Dave & Busters, Zed80, The Rec Room, Tilt Toronto
Last but not least, why not go to an arcade! If you don’t feel like moving around too much, but still want some cool experiences and games, arcades are great! Compete with some friends or meet up with other singles and face each other. Beat your highest score or aim for the best score. There’s lots of games and a way to challenge yourself.
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