Are you a drummer who loves anime and Japanese music? Looking for songs to increase your speed? Maybe you just want a challenge?
I’ll keep this intro short. Down below, I have 15 anime songs that have a BPM of 190+ if it sticks to 1/4 and 1/8 notes, or 120+ if it contains 1/16 and 1/32 notes.
If you’re a beginner, I got 20 Easy Drum Songs for you. If speed isn’t your goal, I also got an article with Cool & Challenging Anime Songs for Drums.
UPDATE DECEMBER 2024: “No Longer Dreaming” Published!
If you’re a beginner or inexperienced musician who wants to break out in this competitive field, check out my new eBook! I started this blog when I was still a rookie guitarist with no experience, but with confidence and a plan, I created a band and we performed at a venue, conventions, and a festival in the span of 2 years.
As a solo musician, I’ve played for a church, got to be part of a high production music video, and was offered to perform at a huge event and play on an album. In this guide book, you’ll learn how to choose your style, niche & target audience, what to practice, how to find bandmates and organize rehearsals, how to promote yourself and/or your band, where to look for gigs, how to dress for photoshoots and the stage, how to network with people, and so much more! If you’re interested, click here for more details!

Without further ado, let’s get to it!
Jiyuu no Tsubasa
Attack on Titan
Tabs | BPM = 135
I think out of all the first AOT openings, this one definitely goes hard with the drums. You may even need a double bass pedal, but if you’re up for the challenge, I say go for it!
Tabs | BPM = 175
This is a great drum heavy song with a lot of variation to keep you on your toes, literally. Thankfully, you’ll get a couple places to rest, and some slow parts now and then.
Inkya Impulse
Asobi Asobase
Tabs | BPM = 140
If you’re looking for a bass heavy song with a few new patterns for you to add to your collection, this may be your song of choice.
What’s up People
Death Note
Tabs | BPM = 165
if you love metal, you’ll love this song. Every section has a new rhythm. Some are bass drum heavy, others have 16th beat cymbals. A good variety with a speed.
Utauyo Miracle
Tabs | BPM = 164
All K-ON!! songs are great learning material, but this is definitely one of their fasted songs.
Küsö Mesorogiwi
Mirai Nikki
Tabs | BPM = 230
This song definitely has one of the higher BPMs, but thankfully, it sticks to quarter and eighth notes. If you’re looking for simpler drum patterns with more repetitive sections to build your speed, this may be the one!
This Game
No Game No Life
Tabs | BPM = 147
This song is not only fast, but it has a lot of variety, various fills, and even some triplets thrown into the mix. Definitely a song for an advanced drummer.
Naruto Shippuden
Tabs | BPM = 198
Very very fast song with some 16ths. Some parts are repetitive and there are some sections with basic beats, but you’ll definitely need a double bass pedal and speedy hands to keep up with those fills!
Tabs | BPM = 200
For those who don’t have a double bass pedal, but also don’t want to be doing 16th notes on their cymbals for half a song, this may be the perfect pick for you. There’s a lot of chill sections, and lots of parts to play around with your toms as well!
Stand Proud
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Tabs | BPM = 165
Double bass pedal definitely required for this one during the chorus. Lots of fast snare fills as well.
Go Go Maniac
Tabs | BPM = 250
Had to put this K-ON!! song on the list as well. This is probably their most hyper song on the list, and the drums go crazy. Test your endurance with this hit. If you’re a big fan of fills, especially ones that last 2, 4 or even more bars, I’m sure you’ll love this song!
You Say Run
My Hero Academia
Tabs | BPM = 175
If you’re still getting used to playing fast and want more consistent patterns, maybe try out this song.
Ichirin No Hana
Tabs | BPM = 100
Yes, I saw the BPM. If you know, you know. If not, well, I’m sure one listen will make it obvious. It’s filled with 16th and 32th notes. Good luck out there soldier. Double bass pedal definitely required. Maybe triple even, grow another leg or something.
Strike The Blood
Strike The Blood
Tabs | BPM = 208
If you have the speed and skills and just want a hardcore headbanging song, check out this track. One thing you’ll get to work on a lot is the anticipation by resting on the 1st beat. Not to mention, the extra long snare fills!
Kyouran Hey Kids
Tabs | BPM = 147
If you’re looking for a fast song that’s a well known classic in the anime community, you definitely gotta try out this song. If you don’t care much for fills and just want to work on your rhythm and consistency, this is also a great one to work on.
Giri Giri Chop
Detective Conan
Tabs | BPM = 117
Looking for a hard rock song with that classic feel? You’ll love this song. Don’t let the BPM fool you! You’ll be playing 16ths the majority of the time. There’s triplets and…sixtuplets? All in all, just a energetic song with lots of tricks up its sleeve.
Hunting For Your Dreams
Hunter x Hunter
Tabs | BPM = 178
All the Hunter x Hunter songs are great for drummers and lead guitarists, but out of all them, I think this one definitely had a hard and fast drum beat that advanced drummers could have fun with.
Tabs | BPM = 134
If you like cuter or happier sound songs like K-ON!!, here’s a choice from outside the series you can definitely work on.
Tokyo Ghoul
Tabs | BPM = 135
I think this is a great song for those who love to drum to the pace of the melodies and riffs. While this song is fast, you also get to enjoy some breaks and slower sections.
Tabs | BPM = 192
This song has a lot of sections with it’s own parts you can learn from. There are quite a few variations of rhythms, there are some sections with a bar or so of rests to work on your internal timing, and some anticipation (no 1 beat) as well.
So that’s all I have for now. Hope you found a few fast songs to challenge you or increase your BPM limits. If you enjoyed this list, definitely check out my other anime posts on my Japanese Music Resources page.
Also feel free to leave me a tip on Ko-Fi!! Any tips allow me to keep writing original content for musicians like you who love Japanese music ^_^
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