Hello readers! I’m so excited to host my first interview with a Japanese artist, and not just any artist, a Christian one: 4.5Music! If you haven’t heard of them yet, you can find them on these platforms ( Website | Youtube | Instagram | Spotify | Apple Music | Tunecore ).
While Japan has the 2nd biggest music industry in the world, Japan has also always had a very small (less than 2%) Christian population due to persecution in the past and evangelism struggles. It was even titled as the ‘missionary graveyard’. But over the last few decades, God has been flipping this country and we now have various churches and children growing up in Christian homes. With faith comes music, and one artist that has been contributing to the creation of original Japanese songs and hymns is 4.5music!
While I was on the search for Christian Japanese music to cover, 4.5Music was one of the first few artists I managed to find, and from there, I was able to discover over 50 other Japanese Christian Artists! But while I was amazed by this number, a great majority may only have a Youtube channel and have not officially distributed their songs on places like Spotify. Others may not have any kind of social media or places to learn more about them, but I could tell 4.5Music has put a lot of work into quality videos and branding.
Additionally, I haven’t found many artists with their own official website which I feel is the ultimate test as to how serious any artists or business is. 4.5Music not only has a beautifully designed website, but they have gone out of their way to create chord and lyric documents for all their songs, which has been a huge blessing for churches who may want to adopt their songs into their service, and people like me who love to cover Japanese songs as close to the original as possible.
As I continued to check out this artist, their most recent video on their channel at the time is the one below where they talked about their vision, future activities, and need for financial support. I’m aware of the low Christian population and how most struggle to fit in with their peers, but I only learned more recently that Japanese people are considered to be quite cold. According to The Japanese Reporter, while Japanese people are certainly polite and respectful on the surface, they do not like to get involved with others, and they ranked very low when it comes to how much the general person donates or how much time one would volunteer.
So when you add religious differences and the general negative view towards Christianity, I could only imagine the struggles for a Christian music group to flourish in Japan. Music production requires time, equipment, software, one may need to rent a studio space or videographers to ensure high production, and of course money to distribute. Japan really needs the hope and joy that comes from knowing Christ, and gospel music has the power to touch and convert others; thus, I was eager to have an interview to help bring awareness and assist with their music ministry.
In this interview, as with all my interviews, I like to go in deep with people and really flesh out who they are, their backstory, why they chose this path, their struggles and successes, and their experiences with evangelism. People don’t always get a chance to share their stories, so I want my platform to be a chance for people to not only share and build a deeper connection with the audience, but also a chance for the audience to really learn something and gain value, edification, and encouragement from the interview.
I hired the only English/Japanese/Christian translator I could find on Fiverr to translate my questions into Japanese for them to answer, and to translate their Japanese answers back into English. I noticed some errors, so I used Google translate to double check, and edited for clarity on the English side. If anyone has a better translation for any answer, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated!
And without further ado, here is my interview with 4.5Music!!~~
1. Please introduce yourself and your brand/platform/music!
Our names are Shinri Nakura and Ayumi Nakura, and we are “4.5Music”. We live in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, a city with a population of 650,000. I have two sons who are in elementary school. We have been active as 4.5Music since 2017, and have mainly been releasing worship songs, covering traditional hymns and original worship songs, through music distribution services such as Spotify and Apple Music. And from 2019, we have also started distributing music videos through YouTube.
2. How did you get into music or when did you start playing instruments?
I (Shinri) started playing music when I was in the third grade of elementary school by participating in a kid’s band that started at church. At that time, I was playing electric bass. When I was 15 years old, I bought an MTR (multi-track recorder) and started recording worship songs.
Ayumi discovered the joy of singing when she joined the children’s choir at the church she attended at the time when she was in the third grade of elementary school, and began participating in praise service at the church from around the age of 15. Since then, she has been involved in the children’s ministry, composing hymns and several hymns for children.
3. Who are some of your favourite artists or sources of inspiration? (Christian or non-Christian)
My biggest influences were the Japanese band ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, which I listened to a lot when I was in middle school, as well as Planet shakers and Hillsong.
For Ayumi, J-pop’s SuperFly, Ayaka, and Christian artist Darlene Zschech were her favourite influences.
4. Please share your Christian testimony with us. Why did you start a ministry?
I (Shinri) grew up in a Christian family and went to church every week. From an early age, I believed in the existence of a Creator and that Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried in a tomb, and rose again on the third day. And when I was 18 years old, I was baptized. However, somewhere in my heart, I believed that all Christ did was open the doorway to salvation, and once I passed through that door, I would prove myself to be a good Christian by doing the right thing to complete my salvation. At the time, I subconsciously thought that the salvation achieved by Jesus is free to enter through grace and faith, but once you enter, you have to make payments in order to maintain your salvation.
As a result, my way of life became legalistic, and believed in my heart that my worth depended on my actions. In order to erase my guilt and for my own pride, I tried my best to serve at church, pray, praise, and read the Bible. However, when I was 23 years old, I was taught the gospel in a systematic and thorough manner through the associate pastor of the church I was attending at the time, and through the work of the Holy Spirit, I had the experience of being saved by having all my wrong understandings about the gospel corrected. Little by little, I changed from a legalistic lifestyle to one in which I lived by the grace of God.
My (Ayumi) mother became a Christian when I was one year old, so my mother, older brother, and older sister started going to a Baptist church every Sunday. My father was born in an area where there was a custom called Danka and grew up in a Buddhist household, so he and his family were against the idea of his mother becoming a Christian. I loved church. I remember having so much fun participating in the elementary school choir, singing praises, dancing, playing with my classmates, and listening to God speak. At that time, for me, the existence of a Creator was a matter of course, and I had no doubt that God really existed. It was something I could genuinely believe.
So, when I was eight years old, I decided to get baptized; however, my father did not allow me. Around that time, the relationship between my father and mother deteriorated, and violent fights began to occur frequently. My heart was always filled with fear and anxiety. As I spent many years living like this, my fear and anxiety eventually turned into anger towards God. “Why won’t God help my family? Why do bad things happen even though I believe in God?” No matter what I did, whether I prayed, went to church, made offerings, or served, my family relationships did not improve. In fact, they just got worse and worse. At that time, I couldn’t talk to anyone about my painful feelings, so I kept a lid on my heart, did stupid things, and struggled desperately to fill my heart with a boyfriend. However, my boyfriend also betrayed me, and I became desperate. I lost all faith in God, and even wanted to die.
Then, when I was in the third year of junior high school, I decided to live without God and went to a meeting to say goodbye to the church leaders who had helped me so much. At that meeting, I kept swearing and complaining to God in my heart. Then, just as the meeting was about to end, the light suddenly brightened up in front of my eyes, the voices around me disappeared and everything became quiet, as if I heard God’s voice saying, “Ayumi, I will never let you go.” At that moment, I felt like I was being surrounded by something warm, and I couldn’t stop crying. I then realized that that “something warm” was “God’s deep love for me,” and I was convinced that “God does exist and will never leave me!” and I was filled with an absolute sense of security.
God’s sudden and overwhelming presence made me cry, and I asked God to forgive me for my foolishness in trying to abandon him. I repented and prayed for God because I couldn’t live without Him. This was the moment I received my salvation, and from that moment on, my life completely changed and Jesus Christ became my everything. Since then, my desire to dedicate my life to Christ has led me to serve the church and use my music and gifts to serve God and others.
My family relationships are currently in the process of recovery. God is faithful and wonderful, and He never gives up on our family. I will continue to trust this person and pray that my family will be saved.
5. What inspired you to start evangelizing through music?
From here on out, I (Shinri), who mainly composes 4.5 Music, will give you my answer. The main reason for this was that I had a wrong understanding of the gospel, so I wanted to firmly communicate God’s nature, work, and gospel through praise lyrics to both believers and unbelievers.
6. What were your initial thoughts and feelings when you considered making Japanese Christian music? Did you expect people to pay attention or listen to it?
The first time I composed a praise song was when I was in junior high school, and the pure process of composing music was so much fun that I didn’t feel like I answered the fifth question at all. At the time, I did it because I thought it was fun to record and hoped that I would get attention and praise for my songs. However, as I answered in the fifth question, after having the experience of having my heart changed by the gospel, I started listening to songs that centered on the gospel to encourage people who don’t know about Jesus yet, as well as people like me, to hear the gospel. My desire to convey the truth of Jesus to those who misunderstand it has become stronger.
When we first started as 4.5Music, we expected that many people would listen to it if we distributed it, but due to issues with the quality of the songs and the fact that we weren’t good at branding or self-production, things turned out worse than we expected. I was disappointed that there was no response. However, my desire to create praise songs and my desire to express the wonders of the gospel through songs never changed, so I have continued my activities.
7. What has been the hardest part about making music in Japan or for Japanese people?
What I find difficult when composing a song is that when I try to make a catchy, short song, the lyric content gets diluted, and when I try to enrich the lyrics, the number of verses increases, making the song itself long. Additionally, if there is a lyric for “you” in English, it can be expressed with one sound/syllable, but in Japanese, it uses three sounds/syllables for “you” (anata), which is always difficult.
Also, apart from songwriting, the proportion of the Christian population in Japan is quite low at 1%, so even if you write a praise song in Japanese, fewer people will listen to it than in Europe and the United States, thus, you wouldn’t be able to make a living off Christian music. I find it difficult to find the time to compose, record, and film because I don’t make any money off our music and have to do other work.
8. What has been the hardest part about promoting and spreading your music?
The most difficult part was breaking out of the shell of our personalities. We were not very outgoing and were not comfortable with self-production.
9. How has God led, inspired, or encouraged you to keep at this when you had doubts?
As for doubts about being involved in music, I have never had any doubts about doing so. This may be a little off topic, but I feel like God is always telling me that since I (Shinri) tend to get absorbed in my creative activities, I need to balance my time with my family and rest. I am always encouraged to take my time as I go along.
10. What tips and advice would you give to someone who wants to create or cover Japanese Christian music?
It goes without saying, but it’s important to actually try what you want to do. Also, when it comes to composing or performing covers, I personally think that completing the song is more important than perfecting it in order to grow.
11. What sites, platforms, or apps are best when spreading your music around to Japanese people?
We’re also looking into it, so we’d rather you let us know.
12. What has the reception been like to those who have heard your music? (Optional: Has anyone shared that they were touched and sought God after hearing your music?)
There were many people who said ‘they felt God’s love’, people who said ‘their hearts were focused on God’, people who were depressed but were overflowing with joy after hearing the praise, and many people who said ‘they felt encouraged’. I’ve also heard that 4.5 Music’s songs are helpful for foreigners studying Japanese.
13. What is the best approach when sharing the gospel to Japanese people?
This may not be unique to Japanese people, but I think it’s best to slowly build a relationship of trust before sharing the gospel.
14. Please share your most positive/favorite interaction when evangelizing to a Japanese person.
Same as answer #13, but build a relationship before evangelizing. I especially try to listen carefully to what the other person has to say and try to find out what kind of background they have.
15. What has been the hardest part about sharing the gospel with Japanese people?
Japanese people are a race that doesn’t like conflict and likes ambiguity, so they find it difficult to accept the idea of “oneness,” such as “one and only God” or “one salvation”. They also don’t know the general story or outline of the Bible, so I have to explain a lot of things, and I find it surprisingly difficult to explain the gospel without using Christian terminology. They also find it difficult to accept blessings or prayers because they live in a culture that sees virtue in working hard and not relying on others.
16. Please share your most negative/most-hurtful interaction when evangelizing to a Japanese person. How did you handle it? And how did you recover from the experience?
I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve only recently started sharing the Gospel with unbelievers with the firm purpose of evangelism, so I haven’t heard any negative comments yet, but I’m a little wary as I speak to Japanese people. There are some people who feel like I’m not in good hands with them, so I feel a bit disappointed.
17. What would you say is the general reception for Christianity within Japan? Are they open-minded and curious? Hateful? Defensive? Ignorant? Uninterested?
Recently, there has been a lot of news about heresies in Christianity, so I think many people are wary of the dangers of religion. Personally, I feel that there are many people who are not interested in it.
18. What has been the biggest lesson you personally had to learn when it comes to evangelizing? (ie patience, not taking things personally, more studying and preparation)
Before preaching the Gospel to others, I feel it is important to examine whether you are walking in the Gospel and whether you feel in your heart that it is truly good news.
I learned once again that in order to love others, if we do not feel in our hearts that we are loved by God, there is a danger that even something as wonderful as evangelism will be replaced by something that proves our worth.
19. What motivates you to keep evangelizing and ministering despite any cold or hateful experiences?
I want them to know that they can live with God forever instead of eternal destruction, and I want them to know that God loves them so much that he would sacrifice his son for them.
20. Are there any bible verses you use all the time when evangelizing to Japanese people?
Although there is no specific scripture, when Paul preached to the Gentiles, he focused on God the Creator, and based his teachings on the premise that there is a Creator who created humans and this world. I always talk about it.
21. What bible verses do you say to yourself to stay motivated and to combat fear/anxiety?
A scripture that always makes me examine myself so that I don’t engage in heartless superficial work or wrong motives is Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
22. Please share some words of encouragement to your fellow brothers/sisters in Christ who are interested in sharing their faith to anyone around the world.
Just as Paul’s imprisonment in Philippians 1:12 actually helped advance the gospel, there are times when you cannot see the fruits of your own evangelistic labor, or when the visible circumstances don’t seem to be good, yet you can continue to advance the gospel of God. It is our responsibility to share the gospel in words and deeds, and it is God’s responsibility to change people’s hearts and save them. So even if you feel conflicted, don’t lose heart and continue to be bold as the Holy Spirit guides you. Let’s share our faith boldly and work together to make many people disciples of Jesus.
23. Any final words for the readers?
I (Shinri) finished my internship at the church in March 2024 and I am currently collecting donations to continue the work of praise. My wife Ayumi is currently attending university to obtain a childcare worker qualification. The goal is to donate 3 million yen per year, but currently only about 25% of the total has been raised, less than 50%. In Japan, the culture of giving has not taken root, and the size of the church is small, making it very difficult financially. I am grateful to be able to take this opportunity to address everyone. (You can support them via this Paypal link).
Through praise in Japanese, the name of Christ will be highly praised in Japan, and Japanese people will understand the gospel in their minds and hearts, be encouraged, and live their lives powerfully as disciples of Christ. I hope to continue to compose praise frequently so that I can continue to do so. We would be happy if you could financially support us so that we can reach our target amount.
24. If anyone would like to contact you and ask more questions, how can they reach you?
Here is my personal email: shinri.nakura@gmail.com
25. Are there any additional resources you would like to share or other individuals/platforms that you would love to recommend?
There is a Japanese composition community that I am also a part of called Unison Worship (www.unisonworship.com). From this site, you can download the audio source of the New City Catechism created for children in Japan for free.
I also have some of my background music registered on music stock sites like Audiojungle and Audiostock (audiostock.net/artists/2131/music) , which unfortunately aren’t free, but if you need background music, please use them.

1. 自己紹介とブランド、プラットフォーム、音楽を紹介してください。
4.5Musicとして活動している名倉真理(Shinri Nakura)名倉あゆみ(Ayumi Nakura)と申します。私たちは日本の千葉県船橋市という人口が65万人の街に住んでいます。小学生の息子が2人います。夫婦で4.5Musicとして2017年から活動していて、主にトラディショナな讃美歌のカバーやオリジナルのワーシップソングをSpotifyやApple Musicなどの音楽配信サービスを通して賛美の楽曲を配信する活動を行ってきました。そして2019年からYoutubeを通してMusic Videoの配信も始めました。
2. どのようにして音楽を始めましたか、またはいつ楽器を演奏し始めましたか?
私(Shinri)は小学3年生のときに教会で始まったキッズバンドに参加することを通して音楽を始めました。そのときはエレキベースを演奏していました。15歳の時にMTR(multi-track recorder)を買い賛美の録音をはじめました。
3. あなたの好きなアーティストやインスピレーションの源は誰ですか? (キリスト教徒でも非キリスト教徒でも)
私(Shinri)が一番影響を受けたのは中学生の時によく聞いていたASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATIONという日本のバンドとPlanetshakersやHillsongです。
あゆみ(Ayumi)J-popのSuperFly、綾香、そしてクリスチャンアーティストのDarlene Zschechです。
4. あなたのクリスチャンの証を私たちにシェアしてください。 なぜ奉仕活動を始めたのですか?
(真理 / Shinri)
5. 音楽を通じて伝道を始めようと思ったきっかけは何ですか?
6. 日本のキリスト教音楽を作ろうと思ったとき、最初はどんな思いや気持ちでしたか? 人々が注目したり、耳を傾けたりすることを期待していましたか?
7. 日本で、あるいは日本人にとって音楽を作る上で最も難しかったことは何ですか?
8. あなたの音楽を宣伝し広める上で最も困難だったことは何ですか?
9. あなたが疑問を抱いたとき、神はあなたをどのように導き、霊感を与え、このままにし続けるよう励ましましたか?
10. 日本のキリスト教音楽を創作したりカバーしたいと考えている人に、どのようなヒントやアドバイスをしますか?
11. あなたの音楽を日本人に広める場合、どのサイト、プラットフォーム、アプリが最適ですか?
12. あなたの音楽を聴いた人たちの反応はどうでしたか? (オプション: あなたの音楽を聞いて感動し、神を求めたという人はいますか?)
13. 日本人に福音を伝えるときの最善のアプローチは何でしょうか?
14. 日本人に伝道する際の最もポジティブな/お気に入りのやり取りを教えてください
15. 日本人に福音を伝える上で最も難しかったことは何ですか?
16. 日本人に伝道する際に最も否定的で最も傷ついたやり取りを教えてください。 どのように対処しましたか? そして、その経験からどのように立ち直りましたか?
17. 日本国内におけるキリスト教に対する一般的な受け止め方はどのようなものだと思いますか? 彼らはオープンマインドで好奇心旺盛ですか? 憎たらしい? 守備的? 無知ですか? 興味がありませんか?
18. 福音宣教に関して、あなた個人が学ばなければならなかった最大の教訓は何ですか? (つまり、忍耐力、物事を個人的に考えないこと、もっと勉強して準備すること)
19. 冷たい経験や憎しみに満ちた経験にもかかわらず、伝道と奉仕を続ける動機は何ですか?
20. 日本人に伝道する際にいつも使っている聖書の一節はありますか?
21. モチベーションを維持し、恐怖や不安と闘うために自分に言い聞かせる聖書の一節は何ですか?
22. 世界中の人々に信仰を分かち合いたいと考えているキリストにある兄弟姉妹たちに励ましの言葉を送ってください。
23. 最後に読者に一言お願いします。
24. あなたに連絡してさらに質問したい人がいる場合、どうすればあなたに連絡を取ることができますか?
25. 共有したい追加リソースや、お勧めしたい他の個人//プラットフォームはありますか?
Final Words From Nostalgia
Thanks again for checking out my interview with 4.5Music. We’d both appreciate it if you shared this article with your friends or any Christians or Artists who may be interested!
Please check out and follow 4.5Music on these various platforms ( Website | Youtube | Instagram | Spotify | Apple Music | Tunecore ).
As mentioned, they are in desperate need of financial support to continue making gospel music that will bless Japanese Christians and other foreigners, so please consider sparing a few dollars to help with their ministry.
And that’s all from me. Have a wonderful day everyone! God bless~<3
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