Hello readers!~
I’m so excited to host my second interview about bring Christ to the nerd and otaku community. I really loved having TWWK from Beneath The Tangles on here last week, but the person I’m interviewing today was actually the first person to ever agree to an interview with me. His interest gave me the confirmation and confidence I needed to run full speed with a change of direction for my blog, focusing a bit more on Jesus while still creating valuable articles about Japanese Music and Anime.
How This Interview Came To Be
If this is your first time here, you can learn more about my background in this article, but here’s the summary: I’m Nostalgia and I picked up guitar in 2020 to bring my childhood band dream to life. Having been an anime fan forever, and falling in love with Japanese music when I was 12 years old, I knew I wanted to do anime covers. Once I got a rookie band together in 2021, I started this blog to help promote us.
I wrote about bands and guitars, along with my experiences as a rookie pursuing the stage, but my articles about Japanese music theory and easy anime songs for beginners have been trending since the beginning. I wasn’t expecting much views since no one else was writing about those topics, but once I realized there was an audience for it, I wanted to fill the hole in resources. So, I spent the next year and some writing over 200 detailed articles on the niche. I even made an e-book and course on Japanese music theory, something I wished I had years ago.
But last year, around new years 2023, things changed. I grew up in the legalistic Seventh-Day Adventist church, so I only came to understand the true gospel and put all my faith in Jesus Christ alone for my salvation at this time. I was born again and instantly lost interest in music. I then felt my time was divided with the band, so I told God that after our gig at Japan Festival Canada, I didn’t care to play guitar again unless for Him. I’ve since been recruited to play at a biblical Sunday church plant, and I love getting to use my newfound talents to serve God, all while falling back in love with music that edifies my soul.


I also became more bold sharing my faith and story on my platforms, and even wrote a couple articles such as 12 Anime Tropes that Made Me a Better Christian, but what else could I do? I didn’t want to completely abandon the Anime and Japanese music niche it was built on and confuse readers (and search engines), but Japan has always had less than a 2% Christian population, so everything would feel like a stretch. Feeling uninspired, my blog was left dormant.
But earlier this year (2024), I came across videos regarding the missionary efforts in Japan, so I figured there must be more Japanese worship songs by now (something I was unsuccessful finding in the past), and there was! I was so excited to learn them as Japanese chord progressions are longer and more beautiful than the usual 3- or 4-chord progressions that Western music has. I loved the instrumentation and storytelling aspect of Japanese music, but I couldn’t be ignorant of the Shinto-based, unbiblical messages anymore. (More on this topic in my ‘Is Anime/Japanese Music Safe for Christians’ article).
The same day I found some Japanese Christian songs, I considered performing them at an anime convention…but I wasn’t sure if Christ or religion would be accepted at such a place. Thus I conducted some research online to see if anyone besides famous voice actor Mic Vignogna may have done something like that in the past. I was pleasantly surprised to find a few articles about people’s experience hosting a faith-based panel, and one of which was written by our guest today, Samuru from Gaming & God!

Samura has an article titled “Panel Results at Floriday SuperCon 2014“. This was actually his first panel ever! And while he was aware that most con-attendees weren’t interested in anything spiritual, he also figured that hosting one would be a way to stand out. “On top of that, there are at least two different tables (and over 3 panels) advertising pornography, sex, and hentai…so why would they say ‘no’ to me?” as he stated.
His panel’s time ended up competing with the original Power Rangers cast! And the people who hosted their panel before him said ‘no one showed up to their panel on ‘con etiquette”, so he really wasn’t expecting anyone to show up for his…but to his surprise, he had almost 50 attendees! He poured his heart out sharing the gospel and everyone had a good time. He said that even though his greatest fear is public speaking, he wasn’t nervous at all since ‘it’s a topic he has so much love and interest for’.
Samuru, like most writers, kept their experience short, which left me wanting to know more about how they went about it, what was the response like, and what advice they may have for others who want to do the same thing. So, I reached out to him asap about my idea for a more in-depth interview, and he replied within a day saying he’d be down for it! ^_^
Samuru has been blogging for over a decade now, so I already know his answers would be so insightful, edifying, and encouraging for any other Christian readers out there. So without further ado, I hand the mic (or screen) over to Samuru!
1. Please introduce yourself and your brand/platform!
Thank you for this opportunity! My name is Mike but online I use the name Samuru. I’m a Christian gamer who blogs and creates content at Gaming & God.
2. How and when did you get into gaming? What is your favorite series/game?
I picked up a controller for the first time around the age of 8 or 9, I don’t remember my exact age. The NES was my first console and I fell in love with the world of video games. I don’t have a favorite series or game as the ones I think of have different points I enjoy, but if I had to pick one I would choose Chrono Trigger.
3. Please share your Christian testimony with us!
To make a long story short, I gave my life to Christ when I was 17. I was raised Catholic, and in high school I went to a bible study and gave my life to Christ there. I have always wanted a relationship with God, especially as a Father since I did not have a father growing up. I was raised an only child by my single mother who didn’t teach me the ways of God nor was the bible read in our home. It was quite the opposite and my mother practiced not only Catholicism but dipped into other religions and rituals.
Thankfully after giving my life to Christ, a friend plugged me into a local church even though it was very legalistic. I read my bible almost from cover to cover because I wanted to learn about what I was believing in and to learn more about God. I am so glad I read my bible back then and continue to do so because I learned over time how many issues some churches have. No church is perfect, but not being “raised in the church” it was all new to me, so I had no reference going in.
Over the years I’ve learned to grow in discipleship, reading books, and just being anchored to God’s word and keeping the basics of prayer, worship, and devotion to my Heavenly Father.
4. What inspired you to bring God to the community you are in? Please share your timeline from conception to fruition.
I wanted to bring a connection of faith to the gaming community, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. I thought about writing since I do enjoy writing, so I searched if there were any online. There actually was one back then called Game Church and they had excellent articles on the exact topic I wanted to write about! That inspired me more because it showed me that I was on the right track and following God’s will, because here was another group of individuals who were already doing this.
I decided that instead of asking to join their group, I wanted to open my own blog and give my perspective and share what I felt God was putting on my heart. That’s how Gaming & God was born!
5. Prior to this initiative, did you have Christian friends within the community, or were able to find and connect with other Christians within the community?
Not really, I had no idea if ministries, blogs, or any other content about faith and video games was even out there. It never occurred to me to look it up until I did. I eventually did connect with the team at Geeks Under Grace and joined them as a writer for several years, then I joined Beneath The Tangles as a staff writer as well. BtT is an anime blog run by Christians and exploring biblical values in anime and has a large community of followers. I still write for them but I did leave Geeks Under Grace years back because it was too much writing and I was always behind on my projects for them.
I’m grateful though to have met and continue to meet many in the gaming community. There are so many believers in Christ out here doing ministry, praying for others, being mentors for new disciples and so much more that it’s hard to keep up!
6. Do you have any favorite Christian shows/games? How did you discover it?
I think The Chosen has been a recent favorite, even though it has some controversy to it. For games, I am really liking how Gate Zero is turning out and I hope to play the full game when it’s released. There are several movies I’ve enjoyed that are faith based like Sound of Freedom, One Night With The King, Bible Mini-series, and Jesus Revolution.
7. What non-Christian game/anime touches you the most and/or taught you the most when it comes to your Christian walk?
I have a lot of those! I’ve written on many of them, but I will list a few. Several anime like Trigun, Megalobox, Kenshin, Clannad, Frieren, Violet Evergarden among others.
Video games that I felt either God showing me lessons, rending me of the bible or giving strong Christian parallels have been: Final Fantasy X, Chrono Trigger, Destiny, Kingdom Hearts, and a lot of JRPGs. RPGs are my favorite genre so I often pull from those.
8. What non-Christian character inspires you most to be more like Jesus (ie. kind, meek, sacrificial, forgiving)?
There are several that come to mind but I want to go with Sora from Kingdom Hearts. He’s very sacrificial and gives everything for his friends and is all about destroying darkness with the power of light. He reminds me of John 1:5 that says “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
9. Can you recall a scene from a show/movie/game that really hit you hard when it comes to your faith, whether in a good or bad way? Why did it impact you in such a way?
I don’t think I have one that stands out in particular. There have been so many moments in my life where what I watch has reminded me of my faith in Christ, a scripture, or a promise that God has given to His children. I recently wrote a post on MEGALOBOX that reminded me of not giving up even when I make mistakes or give up. Stories about being restored or picked back up when your down are ones that I relate to most.
10. Being honest, do you find your interest in gaming/anime tends to draw you closer or pull you farther away from God? Why?
It depends! If I’m watching anime that is filled with fanservice, gore or lots of cussing then I will avoid that anime because that’s leading me away from God. Videogames are the same, it depends on the game. Media is media, it’s not all bad but you have to chose the one that more align with what you believe and are willing to tolerate. I just don’t watch or entertain content that is going to lead me to sin or fill my mind with trash or violence.
11. Do you ever feel conflicted about whether you should continue indulging in these hobbies due to their unbiblical themes (ie false gods, sexual images, violence, magic) or its general secularity (similar to how people view secular music)? What is your inner dialogue like regarding this matter?
Nope, not at all. As I stated above, you just have to know what to pick. For example, would you consider not reading books ever again because there are books full of sexual content, cussing, magic, etc.? Of course not, all you have to do is not pick up those books. It’s the same with any media whether it’s music, anime, TV, videogames or anything else.
Another example would be social media. Instagram and Tiktok have lots of lustful posts but you just don’t follow those people and you’ll be fine.
12. Do the people around you ever question your faith because of your interests and hobbies? If so, how do you respond to them?
As a gamer, for the most part some people my age or older think it’s childish but that’s just their opinion. I haven’t had anyone question my faith though because of playing videogames or watching anime.
13. How do you personally feed your spirit and take care of your soul to ensure you remain close to God despite the time you invest in your hobbies and platforms? (ie prayer, devotion, church, music, breaks).
Prayer throughout the day, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes. I have several devotionals I like to read, one being plans on the Youversion app or their verse of the day. One I’m recently enjoying is My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers, it’s so good and convicting. We are part of a local church, but not as involved as I would like to be since they are a huge congregation so it’s difficult to plug in, but we do go on Sunday’s. I’m addicted to Spotify so I listen to music all day, even while I’m writing this! I love several genres of Christian music, not just worship, so that always lifts my spirits. Breaks I try to take, but with my toddler it’s hard but a blessing when I can get one!
14. If a Christian isn’t currently into anime/gaming, would you recommend or encourage them to get into it? If yes, please share some recommendations.
Sure, or at least try it. For video games, it depends on what they like. If they enjoy long stories or sci-fi, maybe Mass Effect or The Last Of Us might tickle their fancy. There are plenty of sports games, shooters, fighting games for those who like to be competitive, or party games with the family. In regards to anime, the same rules would apply. I would not recommend Violet Evergarden to someone who likes a lot of action, or SPY x FAMILY to another who wants to watch something relaxing. Both of those series are excellent and not old, but if I would just throw out titles I would with Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, Frieren, My Hero Academia and so many more. How much time do I have? 🙂
15. What were your initial thoughts and feelings when you considered bringing your faith to your community? Fear and anxiety? Excitement and passion?
I felt excitement but also a bit of anxiety because I wasn’t sure how others would react. When I shared the gospel twice at cons, I had not heard of anyone else doing it at that time so again I had no point of reference as to what exactly to do. Do I just pass out flyers to a church? Do I host a panel? Stand outside and tell people about Christ as they walk in?
I decided to go with the panel since I felt that way I had my “foot in the door” and people would decide or not if they wanted to entertain my talk on faith and videogames. The first time I did it, the room was packed and I had my PowerPoint slides ready to go. I was shaking a bit most of the time while I spoke, but I gave it my best shot and people enjoyed it! The second time, hardly anybody came but I gave the presentation anyways. I would like to do it again, I just have not planned it out.
Nowadays I do outreach either through Twitch, my blog, Discord, Youtube and any other digital means I can. I don’t have to wait for a con or any event to let people know about Christ!
16. Please share your first experience hosting a Christian related event (panel, table, performance) at a convention. How did you plan for it, what materials did you bring, and how did it go?
As I mentioned above, I hosted two separate panels at SuperCon which is a huge con here in Miami, FL. It was pretty easy to setup, as the only requirement was to apply on their website and the panels are free. I just had to be quick about it because they have deadlines and the slots get full quickly, so I went for it and thought the worst they can say is “no”. Thankfully they said “yes”, I got a room to present and I made some slides so I could have some notes and visuals.
I presented on faith in anime and videogames, and the first one I would say 30-50 people showed up. I did not count but the room was full which was incredible. It was nervous to see more and more people sitting down before I started and I was thinking, “No way all these people are here to listen to me?”. Geeks, gamers, otaku, etc. are often super nice so I felt comfortable giving it my best shot and it went super well! Some people came up at the end to thank me and I even had a few questions at the end.
17. Please share your most positive/favorite interaction with a non-believer in the community.
I can’t think of one in particular that stands out. It’s been mostly believers that have emailed me, left me comments, or messaged me online. The times I remember interacting with non-believers, the feedback has been positive. I’ve yet to receive a nasty or insulting comment from someone, though it wouldn’t bother me if I ever did get one.
18. Please share your most negative/most-hurtful interaction with a non-believer in the community. How did you recover from this?
Thankfully I haven’t had one! Either way, it wouldn’t bother me much as that’s part of being a Christian. The world is not going to understand, they are spiritually blind and in need of Christ. I can’t get mad at a blind person who can’t see what I see, which is salvation and forgiveness of sins we have in Christ. He sets us free, but someone who is still bound by their darkness isn’t going to get it.
19. What is your favorite way to evangelize/share the gospel and why? (ie panels, street preaching, articles, social media posts).
My favorite way is writing blog posts, online via Twitch, Discord and also social media posts. I’m working on making some interesting short clips for TikTok, Instagram Reels and Youtube shorts but I haven’t had a chance to get them up.
20. What would you say has been the hardest part about reaching nerds/otakus/gamers when it comes to the gospel?
I would say the hardest part has been getting them to watch or read my content. Oftentimes since I am marketing towards Christians and there is so much gaming content already out there. It’s hard to stand out. I think Twitch is the best place currently because as long as your playing a game people want to watch and interact with, you’ll have their attention.
21. What would you say is the general reception for Christianity within the community? Do you find that most are open-minded and curious or tend to be hateful and defensive?
Yes, I do find most are open-minded and curious. If you are not being weird, rude, defensive and argumentative, then I think you’ll do just fine. Gamers are curious about the gospel and spirituality as much as anyone else, it’s a topic every human being wants to know more about.
22. What has been the biggest lesson you personally had to learn when it comes to evangelizing? (ie patience, not taking things personally, more studying and preparation)
Patience is definitely one, and not getting upset if someone is being sarcastic or just dismisses you. Another one is not needing to have the answer to everything. I can always tell the person, “Let me look that up and I’ll get back to you” or just saying you don’t know! We don’t know everything, and that’s important to having faith. Though some questions are pretty silly and are easily answered with some knowledge of the bible, but I like the pushback because it challenges me to dig more into the bible to find what they are looking for.
23. What motivates you to keep evangelizing and ministering despite any cold or hateful experiences?
I’m an extroverted person and not easily hurt by people being cold to me. I have had plenty of experiences in my life with people being rude, insulting, lying to me, etc. so if a stranger is being rude to me I try not to let it bother me. I don’t know them so why let it get to me? I just pray for them and keep on going, the decision is theirs to make to know Christ. I am planting seeds and hoping to water the seeds already there, or better yet take the harvest and lead them to the Lord.
24. What would you say is the best approach for others who want to evangelize to friends or strangers within the community?
They would have to figure out what their strengths are and what model of content they want to focus on. Do they want to stream on a platform like Twitch? Are they going to write like I do, or are they going to make social media content? Youtube? Go to places like cons, arcades, festivals or wherever people who enjoy the same things as they do congregate and share the gospel one-on-one? There’s no right answer, they just need to pick one or two and get started! I would begin with finding others who have done it already and ask them for advice. There’s nothing new under the sun and someone has already done what your thinking of doing 🙂
25. What tips and advice would you give to someone who wants to host a faith-based panel or table at a convention?
Go for it! Yes, you’ll likely be nervous and not sure how it’s going to go but you need to try. I’m almost 100% sure hardly anyone has shared the gospel at your con besides hecklers outside. You’ll find an audience that is often inviting and wants to learn more about spiritual matters but they haven’t been approached before. You speak their language, like what they like and can connect with them in ways ohers can’t. Give it a try!
26. Are there any bible verses you find yourself bringing up time and time again when talking to individuals in this community?
One that comes to mind is Matthew 6:22-23 which talks about the eye being the lamp of the body. Oftentimes what we enjoy watching and reading might not be good for us, so we have to be careful about what we are consuming. If the content is leading you away from God then I recommend choosing another series, game, anime, or comic book.
27. What about bible verses you say to yourself to stay motivated and to combat fear/anxiety?
I don’t have a set of bible verses I repeat to myself, but some habits I do that help is listening to the word of the day which is a short video on the Youversion app. Also reading devotionals and just being surrounded by God’s word in various ways helps. Even listening to Christian music or podcasts is encouraging as well. I personally don’t deal with a lot of fear and anxiety but it is a problem with others.
28. What is something someone should avoid saying at all costs when trying to evangelize to those in the community?
Being critical about what they enjoy. For example, I don’t play board games very much but if someone did I wouldn’t tell them that I like video games more and board games aren’t fun at all. Everyone is into their own hobbies so to critisize them would be hurtful.
29. What would you say is the best response when someone condemns a Christian or questions their faith due to their interests in anime/gaming/cosplay/etc?
Oh that’s a good question! I like this one because I’ve heard it so many times. I tell people that think enjoying gaming, anime, comics, etc. are childish or not from God that it’s the same as enjoying sports or watching TV. It’s just something that people enjoy doing, nothing more. It’s a form of community, or being sucked into an engaging story and characters, or forgetting about the mundane issues of life and getting lost in a fantasy world.
30. Is there ever a time when you think a Christian should seriously avoid or take a long break from anime/gaming?
Yes if it’s taking a lot of time away from their relationship with God or their personal responsibilities. Some of us have families, jobs, homes and other priorities so if an anime or video game is hindering you then you need to organize your time better.
31. What is something you feel the non-Christians within the nerd community need to hear/understand the most when it comes to God/Jesus/The Bible/The Gospel.
That God has placed us all here with a purpose and a reason to live. It’s not just about enjoyment, but He wants us to follow His will and not our own. The gospel is about surrender, giving up what you want for what He wants. His way is always better, including forgiving us of our sins and giving us eternal life through Christ Jesus. The nerd community can be an isolated one, but God offers us community through other believers because we share the same faith. It’s being part of a family you never knew you had, and it’s global!
32. Please share some words of encouragement to your fellow brothers/sisters in Christ who are interested in sharing their faith to their local nerd communities.
You will express yourself in a unique way that I won’t, or any other individual/ministry will. I used to think that since there other groups like Geeks Under Grace, Love Thy Nerd, Beneath The Tangles and many others why should I even bother doing anything? They got it covered right? Wrong! They can’t reach everyone, and even if they did, your voice and story will attract others that they won’t. Everyone has their own “flavor”, and what you bring to the table is all your own. Be yourself, create content, and let it reach whomever God wants it to.
33. Any final words for the readers?
This has been a blast to write. It took me a while because I love writing but I overthink what I write. I hope what I did share was encouraging in someway. I’m just a regular person like you, nothing extraordinary about me! I want you to take that leap of faith and share the gospel with your neighbor, that geeky friend, at the con or group you like to attend, or wherever you find yourself. Ask God to give you opportunities even if your shy. Maybe it’s just online, and that’s OK! Just take those steps you’ve been scared to take. The only person stopping you is yourself.
34. If anyone would like to contact you and ask more questions, how can they reach you? (I will include all your website and social links in a separate section. This is just for personal contact and questions).
Please contact me via GamingandGod@gmail.com or over at my website www.GamingandGod.com, all my social media links are at the top right.
35. Are there any additional resources you would like to share or other individuals/platforms that you would love to recommend?
On my blog I’ve created lots of resources from communities or ministries to check out, books, articles, Youtubers, streamers and podcasts. As I find more of them I update those pages. If you’re an anime fan, I highly recommend Beneath The Tangles for all your otaku needs 🙂
Final Words From Nostalgia
Thanks again Sumaru for all your time and effort for this interview! I really loved what you said near the end in that ‘we all got a unique way to express ourselves, so never shy away just because others appear to be doing the same thing already’. And vice versa! Even if you don’t see people doing it, that doesn’t mean people aren’t searching for it. You never know what you may say or create that can be the seed or spark in someone else’s life ^_^
If you’re a gamer or just looking for more Christian-Nerd content, definitely check out Samuru’s blog, Gaming & God and consider following his social medias ( Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Tumbler )!
I’ve personally been so inspired and encouraged by both Samuru and TWWK from Beneath the Tangles (You can check out my interview with TWWK here), and I really hope this interview has been edifying and informative to all you readers as well. I’m sure we all feel a need to be more bold about our faith to those around us. As intimidating as it may have seemed, I’m happy to hear that the reception towards Christ and the gospel has been generally positive in the community!
I plan to have more interviews with other Christian content creators and Japanese Christian Artists, and I’m sooo excited to share their experiences, wisdom, and advice with all of you. So, if you haven’t yet, you can follow my Facebook page or subscribe by email in the sidebar to be notified about new articles!~
And that’s all from me. Hope you all have an amazing day! God bless! <3 <3