Update: Hello! Nostalgia here! Due to the original list being so long that it barely loads without crashing, and thus making it impossible to edit, I have transformed this original list into a simplified list with only the artists’ names and links. I have also made new articles that includes all their details along with Youtube videos if you would like to explore more. Each list has 40 artists (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3). Additionally, I have created an article with just the artists that are alternatives for Jpop and Anime music fans.
Hello! Nostalgia here! This was supposed to be the first article in my blog’s new direction, but as I was writing the introduction for this article, I realized all I had to say on how and why I ended up digging into Jmusic, so it would be better as it’s own article. I ended up writing and publishing that in one day before coming back to finish this one. Definitely check it out: “Is Japanese Music Safe for Christians?“
Since my blog has been pretty dormant since our last gig in August 2023, I was thinking of a way to use this platform to glorify God without completely abandoning the niche of Japanese Music that it was built on. I still loved Japanese music from a music theory standpoint. The chord progressions and instrumentation makes my ears perk up and it’s a lot of fun to play on guitar, but I wanted to keep my mind on God. I didn’t care to play music that was unbiblical and/or built on Shinto beliefs (idolatry).
More recently (early 2024), Youtube videos started popping up about the missionary efforts in Japan. I know I looked up Japanese Christian Music years ago to no avail. I wasn’t surprised as Japan has always had less than 2% of Christians…but if evangelistic efforts were in full bloom, surely there must be some people or groups making original Japanese Christian music, right? And to my pleasant surprise, I found some! And then I found some more!
There aren’t any articles or resources to help people find Japanese Christian music online, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a need for it. I couldn’t find any information about how to make Japanese-sounding music when I picked up guitar, so when I started writing about Japanese Music Theory, I didn’t think it would get much views, but the audience ended up being much bigger than I thought. I have no doubt it would be the same for Japanese Christian Music.
I hope to make the best all-in-one resource for anyone looking for beautiful, edifying music from this country or from Japanese artists, so please comment below if I missed someone! As long as they have a Youtube or Spotify account, and have more than a couple original songs or high quality videos on their channel, I would love to include them!
Notes About This List
Most groups have an English name, or can be found by their romaji/transliterated name; however, I made sure to include their original Japanese name in brackets (if I could find and confirm them) in case you wanted to look more into them on Japanese websites and channels. Some Youtube channels are also under their Japanese name, so you can compare if in doubt.
Most groups have a soft worship, CCM, gospel, or general Jpop sound. If they stand out musically, I made sure to include the genre (ie. rock, hip hop, EDM) that they would be categorized in. I generally embedded 2 videos from each artist so you have an idea of their sound. If I felt their variety couldn’t be described well with 2 videos, I would include 4 for reference.
Some groups only had a Spotify/Apple Music page, and thus, no videos. Some artists also don’t have their own personal Youtube channels, so their distributer would create a ‘Topic’ channel for them when they release an album. If the artist happens to have both their own channel (performances and personal stuff) and a Topic channel (song releases), I made sure to include them both.
I have included biographies if the artists has written anything about themselves on websites or social medias. I will add my own commentary to blank groups as I spend more time listening and exploring these artists on my own.
As of April 18, 2024, I have created a sampler playlist to the Chromatic Dreamers channel with all the video links below (minus a few that were categorized as kids and couldn’t be added), so if you just want to listen and see who catches your ears, check out the playlist here!

On October 10, 2024, I created a Facebook group to help people find and explore new artists at a slower pace. I’ll be sharing a song, chords, or links for Japanese music a couple times a week. If you’re interested, join the Chromatic Saints Facebook group!

As of November 18, 2024, I have created a new sub-article that can help any current J-music fan find Japanese Christian alternatives. I have separated all the unique groups from this list that fall into certain genres like Jpop, Rock, Hip Hop/Rap, EDM, Jazz/Funk, and Classical. You can find that article here!

And on November 27, 2024, I have made a new Common Words in Japanese Lyrics article that is focused on Japanese Christian songs. Learn the vocabulary so you can better understand and sing along to these tracks!

Enjoy! And God Bless!~
Pingback: Is Anime/Japanese Music Safe For Christians? A Deep Analysis ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers
You missed a few, Makoto Iwabuchi. Who started with Kosaka Chu.
Night de Light
To name a few.
Thanks for the recommendations and links! ^_^
Hi, I found your list posted on Facebook, and wanted to see if my project would qualify for your list. Not worship songs, but a Christian music project. Thanks for your consideration!
Awesome list, by the way! So many people that I didn’t know about!!
Hi Ryo, thanks for reaching out and for the compliments ^_^
Your channel looks great! I’d love to add you! Can you tell me more about yourself and your project?
Pingback: Interview With 4.5Music : Insight & ADvice For Japanese Christian Music Ministries ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers
Hello Nostaliga san,
I also would like to add my channel to the list if it qualifies. Its mostly Christian worship in eng, japa, and span ( as well as occasional other languages). I found your list on facebook too, and was happy that y’all made this list. I found many other people I never knew about, and some I love to listen to.
Project goals and self, – Currently Austin Tx based, making christian music translations official into Japanese, as well as creating originals. Personally I enjoy praising in my mother tongue, so that I can simply enjoy worship. I find it interesting in many languages. it is fun to see how worship music can be transformative in people’s lives.
Also Tsuguru’s family lives in Fukouka, but he is currently the worship leader in Dallas.
(Tsuguru Nakayama (中山告)) He is very active at the Cross Chapel, as well as holding gospel choirs through out the year.
Hello Daniel, thanks for your reply! I have added your channel and made a note about Tsuguru.
Your videos and songs sound great! Thanks for all you do to help spread Christian music to Japanese people ^_^
Sara Maeda is a musician whom plays the sax. In the church , where her father is the lead pastor..Sara recorded christian music and she plays concerts around Japan.Talented saxaphonist.
Pingback: Interview With RAM's Voice/ARoma Ministires : Advice For Japanese Christian Ministries & Evangelism ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers
Pingback: Interview With RAM's Voice/Aroma Ministries : Advice For Japanese Christian Ministries & Evangelism ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers
Pingback: Introducing Band Project 3.0 - Chromatic Saints ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers
Pingback: Japanese Christian Alternatives For Jpop And Anime Music Fans ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers
Any distinction on Theology? I know Ruah makes theirs more generally to be played by Christians of all denominations, I would imagine most are the same but there is some big differences theologically between the interconfessional and the more traditional/conservative/reformed. Do you have any that stick out in either camp? I am a big fan of the hymns 4.5Music does 🙂
Hello! どういたしまして! Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to tell you as my Japanese is limited and most don’t post lyrics anywhere for me to translate and dissect them. Many groups don’t have biographies, or they only have a couple lines stating that ‘they are a Christian’ and sometimes their location or church. Since the Japanese Christian population is so small, I’m sure a lot of them are just trying to make music for church services, to share the gospel to unbelievers around them, or for personal edification/encouragement since they are living in a pagan nation. I’m personally very big on theologically-sound music and avoid certain groups/artists so I understand the importance of the question, but considering the fact that most of us didn’t even know Japanese Christian music existed or we struggled to find more than a couple artists, my main goal for this article was just compiling them together. I would think the groups that create Japanese hymns would be more on the traditional/conservative side, but I can’t say for sure. Wish I could be of more help!
I think you did great and I really appreciate your research and effort 🙂 I have only run into a couple songs that gave me pause (Fledgling Japanese here). I think your list is awesome! Great job.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! ^_^ And you’re always free to share or advise your discoveries here as well!
I know there are a few groups that I couldn’t even tell if they were Christian cause they don’t make it as clear in their bios or themes, but others said they were so I took their word for it.
One of those was Night de Light. Some song titles sounded Christian, but hey, I know a secular Jpop group that also has a song named “Eden” and “Niji” (Rainbow), and their song titles “Cream”, “Stain”, and “Pride” were questionable haha. But they’re one of the bigger groups with lyrics around, so I was able to investigate. They’re one of my favs groups now. I don’t listen to music much anymore, but it’s a good replacement to the Jpop I used to listen to.
Another one is Heavenese….quite a quirky, rebellious kinda group (their songs or channels get banned for whatever reason). If you were to watch their MVs, it’s hard to see the ‘Christian’ aspect of it, but they always include #gospel in their descriptions so like….if only I could hear and understand what their songs are really about XD
I considered learning more Japanese just for this purpose, thus why I made the Japanese Christian lyric list, but considering the little time we have, I felt my time could certainly be used in other ways to serve and spread the gospel locally. A resource is better than no resource, so it’s the least I could do with my limited abilities <3