Heyooo!! Nostalgia here. I’d like to say I’m an intermediate guitarist at this point, but I was a true beginner with no experience just a couple years ago. This blog shares my whole journey from that state to the stage and beyond, so I love watchind anime series about musicians and seeing just how realistic and relateable it is.

A bit more about my background, I took music through school so I have some experience in music groups like orchestra band, choir, and drum line, and performed solo a few times with the viola at school and piano at church.
Despite all this I had an unfulfilled band dream that was resparked when I watched K-ON!! back in 2014. I had my first band attempted them (me playing keyboard), and the rehearsal went great, but due to different schedules and priorities we never met again. When I first tried guitar in 2017, I tried to make my second band then, but after I found some people and put them in a group chat, it went silent. I did look for a tutor as well, but he discouraged me very quickly and I put the instrument down.
Then in 2020, remotivated and eager to make the dream happen, I picked up guitar again. I found a couple people, a guy from my first band attempt, and a mutual friend who I knew loved to sing, but due to Covid and lockdowns, it took a while finding other members as people didn’t want to commit before meeting us. I thought I found a couple people that year, but when I planned a rehearsal, one cancelled the day before and the other completely ghosted.

But in 2021 after an audition/rehearsal, we found the final members and started worked together, practicing 1-2 times a month, sometimes less if someone was occupied with something like exams. I searched and searched and managed to find a few gigs that were open to taking us newbies. By 2022, I fulfilled my promise to them as we got on stage at a venue and an anime convention.
It was quite tiresome and frustrating for me as it didn’t feel like the other members were making the effort to master their parts so we could learn more songs and do more things, so I said that would be the end, but they wanted to keep it going. I was open to it, but someone else had to take charge as I didn’t like feeling like a nag.
The first guy I asked said he would….and not even 2 months later, I found ads that indiciated he was making a second competing anime band behind our backs. We all argued, all expressed our own frustrations, and while we all kinda wanted to work it out, we ended up breaking up. The guys stuck together and continued (though it didn’t work out in the end), and me and the singer dropped out and went on hiatus.

A few months later, she pushed and urged for me to make another band. I didn’t really care to, I at least crossed my dream off the bucket list and was over it all, but when she pitched us being a duet, I was open to it. She came prepared and she helped me, so I wanted to help her. So we did another round for 4 months, and performed at the convention and at the biggest Japanese festival in Canada.

After that, I put the guitar down again to focus on my Christian faith, but then the pastor of a church plant reached out. They were in the city over and were desperate for musicians, so I was willing to serve. They had a keyboardist and drummer who were being borrowed from another church, but they were planning to move to a morning service in a few months, which means they wouldn’t be able to come. So during the next 9 months, I got to play with a variety of people and also played alone.
So if anyone knows what it’s like being not only a beginner musician but a band member who gigs, it’s me. I share a lot of tips on this blog, along with Japanese music theory lessons, and beginner stuff for Jpop and anime fans like myself.
But over the years, I also started reviewing musical animes, giving each one I watch a score based on the accuracy of the playing and how realistic it is when it comes to progress and the experience. I’m always amazed by how much detail some shows put into the music and instruments, but some are a little too fast and optimistic when portraying beginner musicians.
Since the majority of main characters in these shows are beginner guitarists (Yui, Mafuyu, Kasumi, etc), I tend to be a little more skeptical but quick growth. I think any other instrument, you can certainly pick it up, learn it fast, and sound decent in a few weeks, but guitar is a very technical instrument. Even if you know in your head what to play, your hands may not have the calluses, flexibility, coordination, strength, or precision to do such. I think they set a lot of beginners’ hopes too high, but I understand that these shows are still meant to entertain the general public, aka, people who don’t play band instruments.
Anyways, I decided to give more detailed analysis reviews starting with Given. I first watched it before I built this website, then rewatched it after being in a band. I think I wanted to cover a song from the show and reinspire myself as my spirits were running low. While the band didn’t cover it, the singer (who also watched it) and I covered and performed it as a duet. Anyways. things just popped out a lot more that time around. You can really enjoy the jokes and details in these shows when you are a band musician yourself. I then did a thorough review of Bocchi The Rock as it was airing.
While I grew up on anime, I really haven’t watched much in my adult life as I try to be productive. I started watching a bit more for the sake of this blog, but really lost interest last year (2023). Now and then, I’ll still check Crunchyroll to see if any new musical animes came out as I at least want to keep some articles updated. They also tend to be pretty light-hearted as opposed to supporting and promoting dark and sinful themes.
So more recently, I noticed that Sound Euphonium released Season 3. I was so excited to see how that series would end as the previous season was touching but ended on a losing note. And then I happened to have noticed this series as well. I haven’t heard a single thing about it, which is different than the hype that I felt came from Bocchi the Rock finished airing.
So right after finishing that series, I started watching this one. I assumed I was just going to add it to the Musician rates Animes with Musicians article, but 2.5 episodes in, I realized I had so much to say and figured I could write an article analysing it. I ended up going back to rewatch the first 2 episodes so I can write it in detail, but the rest I went in blind.
This series definitely has more of a story behind it, so I’m including certainly details that I feel may be vital to the story as I go along, and it can be a good refresher if you watched it already and want to remember what happened so you can understand what I’m commenting on.
So far, I really like it. Quirky characters, deeper topics like financial issues and the conflicts that happen within a band that leads to people leaving or the group breaking up. I know a band will be formed, but I really have no idea where it will go otherwise, but I’m excited!
*I considered waiting til I finished the season to publish this, but since I’m quite occupied working on other things atm, it may take days or weeks til I complete it. I’m kinda late to the trend anyways haha. But man, there’s so much going on in an episode that is either band related or I know will be a key point later on, so it’s really taking me time to comment while I watch. K-ON! had a lot more day-to-day life like studying, cooking, or just a bunch of jokes in comparison. Everything feels relevant this time around. I’m also keeping a more detailed timeline so I can more easily add photos to the right section, and also give my final thoughts on each episode at a later time*
So here we go!~~
Episode 1: “Birds For All!”
EPISODE SUMMARY: Nina, the main character, a 17 year old from the countryside, gets on the train to head to Tokyo. She gets lost, and gets to her apartment after the rental office closes. Instead of accepting help from her neighbours, she runs to a cafe to charge her phone overnight. Her family calls and puts her down for her incompetancy, and we get a sense of their conflict. She then notices that her favourite singer has a street show not far away, and she manages to catch her before she finishes. She fangirls over the singer, Momoka. Momoka teases/tests her by telling her to buy her CD, and Nina was willing, but Momo gives it to her for free.

A couple other artists challenge her for the spot, Momoka was about to leave in peace, but sticks her middle fingers at them to provoke them, and she runs away with Nina. They get chased for a while, and ultimately end up at Nishinoya, a beef bowl (gyudon) restaurant. Nina explains her situation in detail to Momoka, and Momoka explains that her uncle lied about the area, Kawasaki, but she doesn’t mind it. Nina asks if Momoka could sign a ticket from her band’s (Diamond Dust) cancelled concert in her home city. Momo appears to be fond of Nina, her fan, while she’s eating. Momo then asks what Nina is going to do, and she says she’ll figure it out, but Momo invites her over saying ‘she always takes cares of her fans’.
Momo’s place is a little rusty, a door that’s hard to open, it’s a bit cold. The two engage, Nina admires Momoka’s guitar as she’s never held one before and says she’d love to play. Momoka shares that she moved to Tokyo at her age, 3 years ago, and then drops the bomb that she’s returning to Ashikawa tomorrow. She’s quitting music. Nina is upset because she thinks Momo’s music is amazing, but Momo accepted taht she has no choice and not everyone could make it big. It’s hard living off her music earnings, and thus spends all her time at her part time job. Nina argues that she made a song that had a lot of views, but Momo shrugs saying she gave away the rights to the song to her band. Nina demands more details and is in denial.
Suddenly, Momoka’s roommate, a gay man (not her boyfriend), walks by. Nina is stunned. Momo says she couldn’t afford living there alone. Momoka suggests that Nina find a roomate too so she wouldn’t have to spend all her time working, and inquires more about Ninas situation. Nina shares that she has some savings and receive funds from her family. Momo comments that she has it easy then. Nina gets angry and asks ‘what do you know about me?’ and tells her ‘don’t assume I have it easy’. Nina gets up and storms out, leaving her phone behind. Momo finds her and informs her that she knows it isn’t easy.

She asks Nina if she has a dream. Nina says no, and shares that she didn’t come for a dream, she just didn’t feel like she belonged back home, and that people acted like she was at fault even though she didn nothing wrong. Momo apologized. Nina asks what she’s moving back. Momo says it’s nothing big, ‘just your usual fight and splitting up’, and since they were going to continue in music, she gave the song to them. Momo figures she could always just write another song. Nina realizes she is a softie at heart. The two end up doing karaoke, and Nina picks out an old song because of her grandmother. Nina wondered how she managed to become a fan of Diamond Dust, and she shared she’d listen to her when she felt stuck, and how she felt Momoka was singing about exactly how she was feeling. Momoko then shares that tonight is the last time she’ll ever sing that song.
Nina then wakes up alone in Momoko’s apartment to a note saying she’s out to grab her last paycheck and the movers will be around. And how she’s leaving her guitar with her. Nina arrives at her apartment. She reaches in her pocket to see her signed concert ticket. She also opens up the guitar case and sees that Momo wrote “Middle Fingers Up” on it. Nina immediately runs out with the guitar to look for Momo.

Nina gets to the station and hijacks a duo that was setting up to make an announcement hoping to reach her, asking her if she’s sure, and that if you stop it all ends! She shares that she came here because she didn’t want to lose and that she doesn’t want her to lose either, so please raise your middle finger up with me. Momoko then appears on the scene and asks if she could sing. The two then start the song, and the couple behind them joins in. Momoko then asks if she could sing and the two start the song, and the couple behind them join in.
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: This episode already has a lot of insight. For one, Momoka being a struggling artist, needing a part time job and having a roommate is all very realistic. While some may think her comments about things not workign out is depressing, especially when we’re used to more optimistic anime characters, but she’s just being realistic. She tried it, it’s not working out, she accepted defeat and she’s ready to move on. One fangirl isn’t enough to keep struggling and failing.
Next, do you know how serious you have to be about quitting to actually give away your beloved guitar? I almost gasped. Most people will hold on to their beloved guitar, especially if it’s their only guitar. They may play it for fun, or they just have a lot of memories on it and want to hold on to it. They would rather keep it in storage than give it away. So her giving it away to Nina, someone she met less than 24 hours ago, I knew how serious she was about quitting music, but also, how much she really loved and admired Nina, or how much she hopes to inspire Nina in some way. Nina inspires her in some way.
But also….Nina dropping the guitar on the road while she looked for Momo? I was hurt inside. It probably has some permanent scratches, dents, places where paint was scraped off. I always get so sad when I drop my guitar and it’s damaged ;_____;
The last scene as well….the couple who were on set, they have every right to be annoyed assuming they booked and possibly rented that spot for the night, just for it to be hijacked. At least they were still in the middle of setting up, so they weren’t ‘interrupted’ per say, but still hijacked. And then being able to jump in with the song….a bit unrealistic….though, as drums and bass, it’s possible to give support to anything they hear. Also, if the song is as popular as it seems, they probably heard it before, may have played it as well, so I’ll let it go.
And I guess one other things that caught my attention was Nina’s boldness. I wasn’t sure what kind of main character we’d get. At the vert start, she seemed like your average anime girl, sweet, quiet. She was reserved and short when talking to her family, and more timid and awkward when lost like when she spoke to her neighbours, but then we see how bold and outspoken she is when expressing her admiration and frustration to Momoka, her idol. She doesn’t have much tact you can say, and doesn’t seem to care about her surroundings or who she’s bothering when she has something to say.
Normally, singing in front of a crowd would make anyone self conscious and hesitant, but because Nina already has these traits, and we know she can sing due to karaoke, and she really loves this song and probably sang it countless times, her just singing for the world at a public train station with confidence isn’t ‘out of character’ or ‘unbelievable’. Some people just naturally got stage presence, and Ninas case, she has a lot of teenage angst and nothing to lose at this point. She’s in a new city, no one knows her anyways haha.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: As much as I would usually try to side with the optimistic one and I usually encourage people in regards to their dreams (thus this website, Chromatic Dreamers), I actually fully understood and related to Momoka. My band was just tasting success when we split due to internal issues and frustration as well. I was totally over it. I achieved my simple dream of playing on stage and there was no reason to push and fight to go further, I could rest in peace.
But then my singer was like Nina, constantly pushing and nudging me to make another band. After a couple months, seeing how excited she was and considering how she helped me achieve my dream, I was willing to give it another run. When you have good mates, the journey is a lot more enjoyable, but regardless, if things just aren’t working out, sometimes it just ain’t worth it. Being in a band takes so much time, money, energy, and effort, and if you don’t see a bright future at the end of it, then it’s hard to motivate yourself. But hey, when you got good bandmates to encourage and motivate you when you’re losing hope, it can re-spark what you thought you lost.
FINAL THOUGHTS: This is the first episode, but really strong start. I hope the series fleshes out more about the idea of band drama and breakups. The series I’ve watched so far just have a group coming together and things just magically working out for them, everyone generally gets along, and their disagreements are pretty light.
Being in multiple bands seems to be the norm, unless you’re lucky enough to have made a band with friends from high school. Finding good, dedicated, hardworking bandmates who like your genre of music is hard, and then finding a group of personalities that click is really hard. When things don’t work out, it can get messy as there are certainly a lot of things, possibly legal things, that need to be sorted out, like names, logos, photos and song rights, so I’ll be a huge fan if this show covers these topics that I have yet to see in a series.
Episode 2: “Stressed Bird”
EPISODE SUMMARY: This episode starts with Nina waking up in her apartment with hungover Momo sleeping beside her. Nina is pissed as she had to deal with this for sometime while Momo tries to get her apartment back. Momo accompanies Nina as she applies to cram school, and Nina says she can’t afford to go there everyday, but it’s necessary if she wants to get into a good college, and how life would be hard as a high school dropout. Momo agrees and says people would make fun of her. She also adds that she’s not really interested in her personal business, as long as she can practice when she’s free, and that they’ll have to consider her part-time work as well. Nina is confused, Momo is also confused. There is a misunderstanding, but Nina corrects her and says she meant Momo will fight with her music and Nina with schooling.
On the train ride back, Momo asks her about just dabbling in music, but Nina says it’s not possible. Momo clarifies that she only wants her on vocals, she has a good voice and good soul. Nina is a little intrigued and curious. Momoka then shares her view on bands, stating that it is a group of people who have a lot of stuff they want to say. Nina says she though Momo was just going to play by herself (like she was doing when she met), and she replies that she thought so too, but there’s something nice about being in a band. “You get tense when you’re together, talking behind each other’s backs, but you keep it all inside and it just builds and builds, until you can’t stand them anymore and you finally expload”. Nina interjects that that none of that sounds good, but Momoko adds on “but its fun, creating something with others that you couldn’t on your own”.

The two then make food at Nina’s apartment. Momoko comments on how Nina speaks and acts like a rich person. She clarifies that they are middle class at first and shares more insight on her background, how her family had precepts and were proud of enforcing it, and how kids at school started making fun of her so she dropped out. She mentions that the most popular and prettiest girl in school bullied her for no reason, and how girls like her make sure to have people on their side before coming after you. She once got sent to the hospital but her family told her to not make a big deal out of it. Momoko then stops her and urges her to eat, and also tells her she really should sing as she could write 5 songs from that experience alone. And how she always wanted to be in a band where she wasn’t the vocalist so she can focus on guitar. Nina expresses her need to go to college and how failing at that would be like losing to her parents, her teachers and her bullies. Momoko says she understands and won’t ask again.
The following day, Momoko packs up to go back to her own apartment. Nina then checks to make sure she didn’t forget anything, and decides to return her guitar to her. Momoko agrees it’s best, since Nina made it clear she’s going to focus on her studies. Momoka does ask for one more favour though, to hear her sing, then she heads her way. After Nina gets back home, she starts to tear up and tries to distract herself with her studies.

They go out for hot pot, and Subaru makes a bowl for Nina. Subaru then tries to ask Nina questions, Nina hesitates and Momoko responds for her. Just as Nina tries to talk for herself, a song comes on and the two start discussing it, leaving her out. It’s clear Nina doesn’t want to be there, as it reminds her of her past. Subaru then starts asking her other questions, and Nina feeling pressured excuses herself to the washroom. Momoko catches up with her and asks if Subaru is not her type. Nina says not really. The two end up fighting in the washroom, and Nina says it feels patronizing, being dealt with like a baby. Momoka gets pissed about her attitude and says she’ll never be able to talk to anyone if she keeps thinking that. Nina walks away, and agrees that she won’t be able to make friends because of her personality. She grabs the light, thanks Subaru, and leaves the restaurant.
Nina studies all week, but she hasn’t talked to anyone during that time. She was hoping to catch up with Momoko but decides not to bother her. To her surprise, Momoko reaches out first, and says she has a light if she needs one. She heads over right away. Momoko then offers to take her out for food, and she agrees. But then another character pops out, her new drummer, Subaru. It appears Momo and Subaru have good chemistry already. Subaru can Nina is a little wary of her, and tries to backout, but Momoka drags her along.
Upon leaving, she starts to cry realizing how she stupid she was, and how Subaru was being considerate, trying to connect with her. She starts to yell out how stupid she is. The shop owner tells her to ‘shut up!!’ and she gets super pissed, swinging around the light and breaking it (though, it somehow still works in the end). She gets home and tries to plug it in, but falls in the process. Lying on the ground, she accepts how lonely she is, and how she’ll never escape the darkness.

Thankfully, Momoka and Subaru are already at her door, saying they really should start a band and how she needs a better hiding spot for her key. Subaru sees the broken light and laughs. Momoka restates that she loves her voice, even though Nina thinks she’s lying. Momo then says “You’re so negative and complicate, but it’s because you can’t lie to yourself. Even though you’re so fragile, you hate bending your views. You’re just like my songs that I had forgotten about. The ones I love and want to keep holding on to”. She responds that she doesn’t need her kindness and starts crying, and the other two start playfully laughing at her. Subaru says mendokusai (what a pain/nuances) in a joking tone, but Nina hits her in the leg, and Momoko tells her to channel all that negative energy and put them into songs. And after receiving the drink they bought for Nina, she continues to cry.

MUSICIAN INSIGHT: When Nina and Momo were both confused about whether Nina was going to be in a band, I would have came to the same conclusion as Momo. Nina begged, screamed, and sung her heart out, telling her to stay in Tokyo and keep playing, I would have expected her to join me on the journey too. Who is Nina to make her stay just to struggle more and not help her? Momoko also brought up that Nina yelled at Momoko to ‘raise her middle finger with her’. Sounds like a pact to me!
There’s other parts that I totally related with Momo, such as her comments about being in a band, how it’s complicated and messy, yet it’s a fond memory. It’s a unique experience for sure. It’s not like a family where you just live with each other but still do your own thing, nor like a relationship where it’s just one on one and all romantic, nor is it like friends that just hang ou and talk about life….you’re partnering with 2+ other people to create something new or play something that speaks to you, and every person is important to the band so you all need to be committed and work hard, and you’re all assumingly aiming for something together.
Usually, talent comes first for a band, because if someone can’t play an instrument, they have no business being there, but that also means personalities are more likely to clash, but you’re more determined to work things out so the band could continue. As tiring or frustrating it can be at times, there’s just something calling you back to rehearsal. The more time you spend with each other, the more comfortable people get as well, so it can feel like a family. You don’t always like everyone, but you tolerate them and/or love them in a different kind of way.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: Heh, I relate to Momo a lot. Her trying to push and convince Nina to join a band, I did the same with my singer. When you see talent, and someone that you just know would be great for such a position, you can’t just let them go. Even if they seem to not be interested or they make excuses, perhaps they just don’t really know about bands or are doubtful about them. Sometimes you just have to entice them, to nudge them, and as we’ll see in the next episode, get them hooked haha. I get that people don’t want to waste their time on something that won’t work out, so once they see that it’s becoming a reality, they tend to get more excited about it.
I also totally understand Momo when she says, it’s just nice to play and focus on guitar. I don’t consider myself a singer. I can hit and hold notes because I’ve sung like everyone else does, and was also in choir for a couple of years, but it’s not my goal or dream to be a singer. When I started my band, I only wanted to play, but some songs required backup vocals or harmonies, and none of the guys were willing, so I stepped up. And then sometimes the singer would be tired and need a break, so I even had a couple solo songs at gigs. But if I really had the option, I would just play. I can move more, engage more, and just have more fun if I don’t have to multitask and remember lyrics or stand by the mic stand the whole time. Even if I had the energy to dance and be crazy on stage, I don’t want to risk being winded when I have to sing.
But all in all, what I really love about bands is being able to share the work and the spotlight. Being on stage by yourself just isn’t the same. Doesn’t have the same energy in my opinion. And for people like me who don’t really care for the spotlight or attention, and just wanna play music with people and actually do something with all the time and energy they put into learning to play together, bands are great. The singer naturally gets the most attention as well, so I think that’s also why I don’t care for it even if I can do it. regardless, being in a band means you get to share the work and the spotlight. I personally don’t care for the spotlight, I just wanna play music with people, and get to do something with all
FINAL THOUGHTS: I’m interested to see what Nina has against Subaru. I get her hesitancy towards strangers, or people who she considers popular or fake or whatever. But I’ve also had a lot of shy and introverted friends who only care to talk to and open up to certain people. I was wondering if it could be jealousy, seeing her and Momo get along well, feeling like the 3rd wheel and such. I think we also get to see just how sensitive and aware Momo is. She can sense emotions and call it out for what it is, but at the same time, she doesn’t baby Nina in this regard. When Nina was sulking in her room, I was so happy to see that they went to check on her. I’m tired of people just leaving others alone thinking everyone needs space, but sometimes, that’s the best way to show you care. Despite all the harsh things Nina said, or how she treated Subaru despite her efforts to be kind, they still showed up for her. This is how real friendships develop~<3
Episode 3: “Pigeon Beats”
EPISODE SUMMARY: We start off this episode with Nina playing around on a music app, starting with the drum beat. While she has yet to play an instrument, she has a good understanding or sense of music. We then catch Nina falling asleep during cram school and being distracted with music ideas. Nina then heads over to Momoka’s house. Subaru is already there, so they all sit to eat dinner. Momoka asks Nina bout the song, not actually expecting her to have it done, and expresses her own thoughts about what would work best for the trio. Subaru shares that she doesn’t really care as long as she can play drums.

Nina then plays what she’s been working on for them, and is a little anxious on what their feed back would be. Momoka confirms that she only taught her how to use the app a week ago. Subaru praises Nina for what she created in that time. Nina shared that Momoka said she could just write by ear instead of learning how to read music. Momoko then points out that the fact this song is so well made means she spent over eight hours a day working on it, right? Nina then gets up and heads out as she realizes she seriously has to study. She blames Mamoka for showing her the app, but Mamoka rejects responsibility. Momo still apologizes and offers to delete the app, but Nina rejects the offer. Nina accepts responsibility and tells herself that she just needs to focus and leave the band to her, right? And heads out.
Subaru decides to head out as well and catches up with Nina. Subaru compliments her saying her songwriting skills is impressive and that she couldn’t do it herself. Nina says she just followed some tutorials. Subaru says she she knows she wouldn’t be able to come up with lyrics either. So it definitely sounds like she has tried in the past, but had accepted that she doesn’t have the creative chops for it. After a short walk, Nina tries to make an excuse to separate from Subaru, Subaru tries to come along but gets the hint. Momoka realizes Nina left her phone at her place, and asks Nina to return it for her since she has work later, and Nine reluctantly agrees. Nina gets lost navigating her way to the acting school, and passes by Hachinko on the way there. When Nina sees her, she sends her 3 friends off and asks Nina to hang. Nina tries to excuse herself once again. Subaru then confronts her and asks if she should just quit the band, and she tells Nina that she knows she’s avoiding her. Nina tries to deny it, but isn’t able to express herself, so the two meet over food.

Nina tells her that it’s okay for her to stay in the band. Subaru asks if she’s sure as she only started playing music in middle school (2-3 years ago since she’s also 17), so she doesn’t have much authority. She also makes it clear that “bandmates tend to be close since they have to come together to make one thing, and when there’s a difference in opinions, you can’t just ignore it. If you try to gloss it over, there’s bound to be a misunderstanding, so you should speak up if there’s something you don’t like”. We see Momoka catching a glimpse of her old band, Diamond Dust, on a big screen, and she seems to miss them. Nina corrects her, saying it’s not that she doesn’t like her, it’s her own fault. She’s used to being hated, so she keeps a distance from people who make an effort to interact with her. And while she doesn’t hate it, when people approach her to be their friend, she gets a little defensive thinking “You think I’m just going to be that easy?”
She asked if that’s why she dropped out of school. Nina replied not really, and seems a lil annoyed that Momoka told her that, stating that ‘it must be nice looking down on her’. Subaru is annoyed and yells at her, stating she’s wrong about her and how she’s in acting school which doesn’t give her a diploma. Nina yells back that she’s chasing her dream, but Subaru corrects her. She tells her her grandma is an actor and she was pushed to follow in her footsteps. She’s not really interested in being in one and she hates herself for going to acting school. People seem to misunderstand and assume she’s going because of her family. So being in a band is her way of pushing back. She didn’t want to be in the acting club in junior high, so she joined the band club and had fun. She even joined a band secretly before. Subaru then asks if Nina saw Hachinko. Nina was self conscious about being seen as a country bumpkin, and Nina encourages her saying she is one. The two take a photo together as a sign of their new friendship.

We then arrive at the next seen where Momoko is suggesting that they appear at a street show, and how she already reserved a spot for next weekend. Nina thought they would have recorded first, and Momoko said they will but she felt this was the right call. Especially as a trio. Momoka then comments that the photo of the two of them oozes of misery and discontent. They’re a bit offended, but she explains that that is why she reached out to both of them. Subaru then asks about bass, and Momoka says it’s an amateur event so they’ll make it work. She also has a looper, which is tool that allows you to record what you’re playing and then it will automatically play it in a loop, freeing you up to add more chords or melodies on top of it. Nina asks if by street show, she means in front of a crowd. Momoka confirms and Nina heads out. The two argue at the door, and Nina says she’s quitting and leaves, but comes back saying Momoka is holding the band hostage. Momoka tells her to stop being scared. ‘Whether it goes well or not, whether you succeed or fail, you’re going to regret it either way. Because that’s who you are.” Nina defeatedly tries to deny it, but Momoka says that’s the truth. “You might as well go all out and sing what you’re feeling right now”. And tells her to put her anger and feelings into her singing.

The trio then appear in a rehearsal room. These are hourly rental spaces that have almost everything a band needs, a drum kit, amps, mics, and a PA system. Nina tries out the set, and it actually looks and sounds good, it’s not run down or broken like you may expect from a sketchy or really old place. Momoka asks Nina if she went through the song and then says they’ll rehearse it. Nina is shocked, and Subaru asks what do you think we came here to do? Nina says its too sudden. Momoka encourages her saying not to be afraid, ‘it’s rehearsal so it’s going to suck, they’re going to fail’. After a short vocal warmup, and Momoka joining in with a chord, they jump right into their song. Of course they cut it to surprise us later. Nina shares that she has goosebumps. Subaru teases that she fell for Momoka’s trap. “Once you know this feeling, you can never quit”. Subaru shares that ‘humans have a gene that make them move to sounds. Music and dance are human instincts’. Momoka then compliments her voice and shares that she has goosebumps too.
Afterwards, they grab food. Nina’s voice is hoarse from singing too hard and the others laugh at her. Momoka shares that it should be back to normal by tomorrow and to take care of it. Thankfully it’s a few days before and not the day before, or that would really suck. The waitress then asks if they are a band, as she saw the guitar case. Momoko says ‘yes’ and shares their unofficial business cards while inviting her to their show. The waitress shows it to her coworker and mentions that she could give theirs in return, but she says only after they check them out. After eating, Momoka has to head to her part-time job. Subaru notes that she treated them to the food and the karaoke box (rehearsal room). They catch Momoka looking up at a street sign, and note that those are her formal band members.
Now it’s time for their show! Subaru and Momoka are already on stage and ready to go as the announcer introduces them. We also see an empty mic. We get a glimpse to earlier when Subaru was arguing with Momo about their band name (“Shinkawasaki” which is literally the name of their closest subway station I’m sure) and Momoka says it’s just a placeholder. Nina then walks in with her usual fit, and Momoka asks if that’s what she’s wearing. She then reminds her to bare her heart on stage and get changed. Then we’re back to the present stage, and Momoka makes a message to Nina via the PA telling her that she figured it was better to wear an outfit she hated, and to not overthink it. Just express what you’re really feeling. Momoka then shares how she feels about Nina, how she is timid but stubborn, cowardly but confident, a walking self-contradiction (complex). Nina then yells out that those aren’t compliments, and the audience laughs at her comment. Momoka continues that she has so much angst and energy built up inside, and that’s rock and roll without a doubt. Nina then seems to have a light up moment realizing she is rock. Momo says one more thing “nobody knows who you are and nobody will wait for you. But that’s what makes it interesting”.

Nina then comes out running, wearing a clownish looking outfit and screams into the mic. She looks up at the audience, and there’s about 15 people near the stage ready to watch, and various others in the background minding their own business. After one last encouraging comment that Nina is rock and roll, they jump into their song and Nina is confident and angry. The graphics with mini-Ninas around in the audience was interesting. We end the episode with Nina talking to herself, saying this is rock and roll, and looking up with a small smile on her face. She is definitely hooked!
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: I’m personally impressed with both the music app and Nina’s musicality. I thought the app would have just covered the drums (kick, snareclap, hats, shaketing are all parts of a drum kit), but to hear the final piece she made with the app, it sounds like a real DAW (Digital Audio Workplace). Even if Momo taught her, I knew it was crazy that she wrote a whole song unless she was literally on it all the time, as Momo called out. I know that Nina didn’t play any instruments, but I wonder if she still learned any theory or how to read in school. But the great thing about DAWs is that it has a piano roll for you to hear the notes you input, and you can even drag and drop chords, so it’s totally possible for her to just feel and hear her way to make a new song.
We also get more insight on what kind of drummer Subaru is, not technically but mentally. She expressed that she doesn’t have the creative chops to write and create, which isn’t abrnomal or anything. For one, drummers are just focused on the beat, so they may not be thinking about chords and progressions and melodies and so on. Some people like me just prefer to cover song, even though I know how to make a song, and could probably write something meaningful. But for Subaru, she probably tries a couple times, wasn’t feeling it and backed off.
She’s also generally apathetic about what is played, as she said ‘she doesn’t really care, as long as she could drum’. This can be two sided. Some people like musicians who’ll just do as they’re told and follow along, especially if they have a vision they want to bring to life. Other people really want input and ideas and suggestions from their bandmates, so they may feel someone like Subaru doesn’t really care, or that they’re apathetic towards the band or the song. She was in a band previously, and she was open to quitting for Nina’s sake, ready to go where the wind blows, but I’m happy she found her home here and really seems to love the songs and enjoy playing them.
When Momoka suggests that they perform before record, I had the same mindset with my band. The more of a rookie or amateur you are, the harder it is to record a solid track in the studio. Things have to be sharp and clean there. On the stage however, you’re allowed to make mistakes, it can be a little sloppy, and you can just be free. You can feel the energy of the crowd and be hyped up by them. The general ear won’t be able to hear if something is wrong, and even if they do, they won’t really remember. They’re just here for a show and will cheer the majority of the time. Whereas things are more strict in the studio, and people are more brutal online. I also think performing and getting to try out songs a few times would help people feel more confident and ready when they do go to the studio.
Regarding the rehearsal studio, it was a unique room. I do note that the outside says it’s a karaoke place, so I don’t know how many actual band rehearsal rooms there are. I was amazed at how crowded the room was with the surplus of gear like music stands and amps. Momo says it’s the cheapest place, and perhaps most people don’t even know the karaoke bar has a rehearsal studio (sometimes music stores and bars have a single or a couple rehearsal rooms) but I don’t know for sure.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: The musical scenarios in this episode are pretty basic stuff, but I would say what I related most to was Nina seeing the Hachinko statue. probably gave off the same vibe when I first arrived in Japan. From the airport, I hopped on a train to Shibuya, and it was one of the first sites I saw. It’s a very popular site for tourists and also considered a meeting spot for the Japanese, so it’s super crowded. I took some pics, and tried to take a selfie, but it was too busy and a bit awkward ‘looking like a tourist’ lol. Nina actually being Japanese, I’m sure it’s even more awkward being called out as a country bumpkin since it was a new site for her.
FINAL THOUGHTS: I liked Subaru after this episode. She did give off that ‘perfect popular girl’ vibe in the previous episode, and she comes off a bit like an airhead due to it, or at least a bit fake since she seems to get along with everybody. I thought Nina was probably seeing through her but that wasn’t the case at all. I like that Subaru is considerate and knows when to respect other’s boundaries, but at the same time, she has enough self-respect to be upfront and ask Nina how she really feels about her. She tried her best to connect with Nina, trying to talk to her and inviting her, but she was always shot down, and she doesn’t know why. She can’t do that forever.
And when Nina tried to say she’s so lucky and blessed, we see that she has her own personal issues, and that she’s being pressured to pursue something she really doesn’t care for. As Momo said, they both ooze of misery. Normally, I wouldn’t recommend depressed or broken people join together, but they’re all capable characters who are hard working, they just have angst and wanna break out from the molds they were placed in and felt forced to conform to. While I doubt they would suddenly become besties, I think they can relate enough or like each other enough to at least have peace. And by peace, I mean more than just tolerate each other haha
Episode 4: “Stage Drummer”
EPISODE SUMMARY: The band is at a music store, and Nina is admiring the guitars on the wall. Subaru asks if she wants to play, Nina responds she’s never played and asked if they think she could. She starts to daydream thinking about it, but Momoka tells her to forget about it as she has no experience and will end up neglecting her singing. Nina didn’t hear her as she’s still hyped remembering the gig. She’s never done anything like that as she always cared so much about what others thought of her and how she often chocked on her words.

At the studio, Momoko is using a DAW (Digital Audio Workplace) to record the various parts and sections of the song. It’s sounding good so far. Momoka asks if Nina can modulate (change key) more when she enters the chorus. She attempts it and checks, Momoka approves and said the song was kinda obvious and boring (changing/raising the key adds more energy, thus why some songs love to do this for the final chorus, especially if it’s doubled). She also requests for Nina to retake the drums. Nina and Subaru are take break outside the room. Nina shares her concerns or worries as Momoka was looking up her ex-band, Diamond Dust and how they may be getting in her head. Subaru says its to be expected since they are a hit band. She then makes a good point by saying ‘if she was really wary of them, she wouldn’t have recruited amateurs like us”. Subaru then gets a text or sees something and has to run off.
Nina is at Momoka’s house and is worried and freaking out about Subaru. Momoka suggests it may be a guy. Nina is taken back and asks is she really. Momoka explains that girls in bands do get attention from guys in bands, that they see them as ‘easy prey’, and she warns Nina to be careful. Nina then says she’ll call, but Momoka discourages her saying she won’t answer, and that they’ll ask tomorrow. She goes on to say that she things they should be free to choose who they date and where they work. Nina then comes right out and asks Momoko how she feels about her exband. Momoka says nothing really. She says she doesn’t hate them or anything, just wishes them the best. Nina then asks why she quit, and Momoka stats to play her guitar, saying they don’t need to talk about that. She tells her to stop worrying about these things and to just focus on singing.

Nina pushes however, and asks what kind of band were they? Momoka gets tense and tells her to drop it. Nina urges for her to tell her. She walks away but comes back with a photo and a story. They started out as a school music club. She continues that everyone was already good (at their instrument) and they had passion.
“We all had the same goal so it felt like fate. It felt so much like a miracle I got goosebumps. My prediction was right. We packed our entire gym with a crowd at the fall school festival in our freshman year. We were the closing act. It was awesome. So we decided to drop out of school to go pro and we moved here, put out a CD ourselves, played some shows and came close to a major debut. That’s when I quit.” Nina then comments “So, this is how you smile”. I was thinking that too as she shared her story. She has many positive and fond memories with her band. Sounds like they were moving up very quickly considering the 3 year span, She still has that spunk and enthusiasm for music, but we haven’t seen her smile from the bottom of her heart much. Momoka doesn’t know how to respond to that.
Nina wakes up at 6am the following day assumingly. She checks her phone and sees a message from Subaru that she’s quitting the band. Nina and Momoka shows up at Subaru’s school. Momoka says this isn’t the best idea, but Nina fights that they shouldn’t give up. Momoka responds that she’s not giving up, ‘she can always dump the guy and come back. Try to force it and it might reignite their spark’. She then asks Nina if she ever dated, she avoided the question and asked back. They’re both quiet.

They enter the building and see Subaru smiling and glowing, with her famous grandmother behind her. Nina tries to confront her, but Subaru pretends she doesn’t know her, saying she’ll explain later, but Nina demands an explanation. Her grandmother then asks who they are, and she claims they are her actor friends. They all end up at a fancy cafe. Her grandmother instantly berates her on her posture and reminders her about how her regular mannerisms will show when acting. The grandmother tells the other two to correct her when they see something and then excuses herself. Momoka then asks if that is the famous actor, and Subaru implies that she should have known. She does say that her regular parents have regular jobs. Her grandma told her she was visiting the day before.
Nina then confronts her since she doesn’t want to be an actor, but Subaru defends that she can’t say that right now, Nina asked why she said she was quitting then, but Nina says she freaked out and was committed to tricking her grandma. Her grandmother then reappears and says she wants to see how much she improved, and invites the others to join. The two are freaking out, and they try to text each other saying no, but Subaru gives them an ultimatum if they want her in the band. The grandma knew they were messaging, but assumed they were trying to prep for the Etude. During this acting session, Momoka and Nina are awkward and laughing, but then during a scene of a breakup, Subaru gets serious and asks Subaru’s character ‘how could say that you were leaving so easily? Did you lie when you said you were serious about us?’ She replies that she was serious. Nina asks ‘then what?’

We then fast forward to them on a train ride home, and Subaru is even more mad and asks why she unloaded on her like that during improv. She then explains that she’s not looking to quit the band, but everyone in the industry sees her as the granddaughter of Tendo Awa. It’s been bugging her as her grandmother normally wouldn’t just drop by, she’s not spontaneous at all. She then gets an alert and say’s that’s why.
The trio are now in band rehearsal at the studio, and Nina explains that her grandma decided that she would play a minor role in a drama, and it should be done in a week, but will have to miss rehearsals. Momoka says okay. Nina tries to complain, but Subaru mentions that Nina skips practices to study too. Nina tried to say its different, Subaru says is the same (I agree). Momoka then interrupts them, telling them not to fight, and things like that happen all the time (I also agree). Momoka asks why she’s so mad, and Nina explains that Momoka doesn’t seem to care. Subaru says she’s the one who doesn’t seem to care, as she’s already expressed that she is coming back. “Why can’t you trust me?” Momoka says “everyone has personal issues they don’t want to share” and brings up how Nina doesn’t like being asked about why she moved here, and how they’re wasting time. She suggests just pre-recording Subaru’s part (so they can practice with it) so she can leave. Nina appears frustrated but drops it.

Afterwards, she’s mumbling to herself asking what’s their problem and how she is being caring. Subaru then texts and asks if she’s free tomorrow, and Nina instantly says no….but then responds saying she lied and she is available. The next day, she’s invited to Subaru’s home, a very spacey and modern duplex apartment. She tells her to take a seat, and then plays clips from her grandma’s early days in acting. Apparently, Subaru was named after the film and that movie made her famous. Subaru wasn’t born yet so she didn’t really know, but her grandma said it’s an auspicious name if she’s going to be an actor. Nina mentions that she doesn’t want to be an actor, and Subaru responds that she can’t stand getting special treatment for who her grandma is, and she just doesn’t like acting so she gets embarrassed. But when she tells her that she’s trying to be an actor, she smiles. It’s the only time she really smiles. Just like Nina, I also thought back to Momoka.

Subaru then asks what would she do? And if she finally sees where she is coming from. Nina, while she appears to get it, tells her that she should tell her soon if you don’t want to act. Nina then explains that if she went to acting school and her grandma realizes she can’t act, that she’ll give up on her. We then fast forward to Nina heading out and Subaru comforts her by letting her know she won’t quit the band. She said when she did the last gig, she realized that she really liked hitting the drums. She then tackles Nina as she opened up to her and didn’t get a response. We then see Momoka heading home, and she notices a gift of citrus fruit on the ground in a bag and a message in rocks saying ‘I’m sorry, Nina’. I’m happy they all talked things out and expressed themselves.
Days later, we’re at the set of The Detective Granny Case Files. Her grandma is introduced and Subaru introduces herself, saying she’ll be the shore clerk. Momoka confirms that Subaru is going to tell her grandma, Nina says that’s what she said, she might need to quit her school and move back home, but she wants to stay in the band. Momoka then comments that if it’s that big of a deal, she doesn’t have to tell her. Nina agrees, and continues that Subaru knew she eventually had to one day.

They then end up chilling by her grandmother who is taking a break. They confirm that it is okay for them to be there, she says yes as she’s done for the day. And that it’s the first time they were acting together, how it’s been her dream to appear in the same title as her. The grandmother shares that her daughter (Subaru’s mom) hates her job, because she’s never home and that she’s too bossy for someone who can’t take care of a home. And that’s why it made her so happy when Subaru said she liked her job. Her grandma then gets up to review the footage, and Subaru comes by saying that she wants to talk to her about something, but seeing her grandmother smile at her, she couldn’t get it out before Nina interrupts and says they have to go.
The two are then at the studio, arguing once again. Subaru says her actions don’t match her words, and how Nina told her she should come out and tell her already. Nina says ‘she did’ boldly, so Subaru argues more as she was ready to tell her. Nina then quotes Momoka in that ‘everyone has their own personal issues’ and how ‘its not easy, but you need to grow to be more understanding’. Subaru says she knew that already. Nina then says she will have to tell her eventually, Subaru asks when, and she responds when you find something you want to do. Subaru asks Momoka what’s wrong with Nina, and she casually says she doesn’t know. Subaru is rightfully angry and frustrated as she says I’m so over this. She finally made up her mind to stay in the band, but now she’s stuck with a ‘morality monster’ who suddenly changes her mind and someone who gets it but wont help’. She announces that she’ll make her own decisions so leave her alone. They were concerned, but then Subaru laughs and asks how was her acting?Subaru tells them its fine, and she knows she’ll have to deal with it eventually, so she’ll be here to kick their asses forward until then. The episodes ends off with everyone in a good mood thankfully 🙂
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: The beginning of this episode has something I’ve been waiting to see in these band series, and it’s Momoka discouraging Nina in regards to playing guitar. Not that I don’t want her to play, but compared to other series where a newbie picks up guitar, and is magically able to play on stage within a couple of months is so unrealistic. Almost any other instrument, I would let it pass, but guitar is super technical. It not only requires a lot of coordination between your two hands, but your right hand is going to be in a lot of pain for weeks or months until calluses kick in, and your fingers just don’t naturally bend and curl to do the weird chord shapes. So as Momo said, if they really want to get this band thing going, it would be much better for Nina to just focus on vocals than to spend hours and hours trying to learn guitar, especially when they already have one in the band.
I think we also get to see what a well rounded leader Momo is. Considering how she was giving up not along, she quickly steps up to do what’s necessary. She knows how to play guitar, but she’s also great with DAWs and software. With this, she can record each of their parts individually and edit them together. She can also add effects like distortion and echo/reverb, and even input other instruments like bass and keyboard through the software. While they don’t have a goal yet, she still tries to keep Nina focused. When it comes to the members, she knows when it may be best to give them space and when to speak up, or when to let them sort things out themselves instead of taking a side. She can certainly come off as passive at times, but she knows when to mind her business. She’s also a little older than the other two, and has been burned by the world already, already lost her friends and such, so she certainly has a bit more maturity despite only being 3 years older.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: When Nina was hooked after her gig, I can certainly imagine the sweetness Momoka felt. As much as Nina tried to run and reject the opportunity, and despite how pushy Momoka was, when you see talent, or someone who you think is perfect for the stage, you can’t just let them go. It’s not really selfish because sometimes the other person doesn’t realize how much they would love it til they get there. My singer was against the idea, and I pushed and tried to convince her to at least give it a shot for months, and then 2 years later, after we make it happen and I’m over it due to band drama, she’s now pushing me to make a new band with her.
FINAL THOUGHTS: I was just as frustrated as Nina in this episode as Subaru was. As invasive as I used to be, and as much as I want people to be honest and talk things out so they can live freely, as long as Subaru said she’ll be in the band, I wouldn’t have been so pushy. Nina knows it’s something she needs to do, but she is considerate of her grandmother’s feelings and protecting her smile. Perhaps she wouldn’t get the funding to stay in Tokyo if she quit acting. Perhaps she figured her grandma doesn’t have long to live so she may as well make her happy while she’s around. I don’t know her exact thoughts, but the band isn’t super successful right now anyways, so it’s not something that needs to be rushes. But for Nina to push and push and push, and then stop her when she finally has the guts to do it…..I would have been annoyed, but thankfully Subaru is a light hearted person. She may be annoyed one moment but quickly forgives and gets over it.
Additionally, I think Subaru’s pretty cool in that she doesn’t want to use her grandmas fame to be famous herself. It could perhaps be useful for the band, but (since I’m writing this after I finished the series) she never bring it up or promotes it for the sake of attention. She loves her grandmother, but really doesn’t want to be associated or compared to her.
Episode 5: “Old Scars”
EPISODE SUMMARY: We start off this episode with Momoka’s old band, Diamond Dust, appearing as a feature on an uprising artists broadcast. Momoka turns off the TV as they were wasting time in their rehearsal studio. Subaru then brings up that they need a bassist, and Momoka says if they can find one. She also adds that she thinks the 3 of them are pretty good as they are. Nina then asks about the girl, Momoka says she never met her, Nina seems to recognize her though.

The group then pops up at a venue and Momoka is chatting with the owner who appears to be an old acquaintance. He mentions that the place may go under, even tomorrow, and how she’s his only hope. They explore the stage area, which is a pretty good size. Momoka mentions that there are a lot of regulars, so they’ll be ruthless if they suck. Momoka says its up to them and to think about it, but Nina is excited to perform. They’ll have 20 minutes for their set. Momoka then hands each of them tickets that they’ll have to sell before the show.
Nina is looking defeated but Subaru was able to sell most of hers easily. She advises Nina to give them to people at her school. She slips one to a classmate, and later explains to her bandmates that ‘they need to get an audience before profits, not like we’re in it for the money to begin with’, but Subaru says eat the cost of any ticket they give away for free, because they paid the live house for those tickets. Subaru adds that ‘the ticket-quota concept is dying out, but venues generally get paid upfront by the bands as a participation fee or to cover tickets. That way, even if nobody shows up, the venue is guaranteed a minimum income.’ Luckily, the staff worker buys a couple of their tickets when they weren’t paying attention.

As Nina and Subaru are walking home, Nina shares her concerns that Momo paid upfront, but it’s not like either of them have a job. They then run into the venue owner who calls them in and hands them a couple of Diamond Dust’s tickets. They came by to thank him, but he said he loses interest when they get such a major labels backing them. Nina then looks at their poster on the wall and wonders why Momo left the band. The owner says he doesn’t know the details, but there were rumors that they were told to be more mainstream before they debuted, and how Momo was the only one against it. The owner then asks them to give a ticket to Momo. The two leave and wonder what they should do, Nina is worried about starting a fight, but she personally wants to see them, and they both agree to see them.

Nina gets lucky as the girl she gave away a ticket to comes back to her and says she has 3 friends who want to go, and asks if she has more tickets. Nina snaps back by mentioning the price of the tickets. The girl is shocked that she’s charging, and Nina argues that she doesn’t have to buy them if she doesn’t want to. Her and Subaru are at the concert and Subaru tells her how she should have handled the situation.
The two then enter the sold out music hall to the Diamond Dust concert. As the song starts, Nina has a flash back to her school days, bruised, and given a sly comment by a classmate. She realizes it is in fact her, and walks out saying ‘she doesn’t get to sing this’ (her favourite song from the first episode). Subaru chases her to outside the venue, but Nina says she needs a moment to let out some words, including some nasty ones. Afterwards, she says ‘it just had to be Diamond Dust, something I care about just as much as my life, my treasure’. She then clarifies to Subaru that she knows the main singer, how she used to be her friend before she cut contact, and that she’s dead to her. ***

At rehearsal, the TV featuring Diamond Dust was on, but Nina cuts them off angrily. Momo responds that she decided to go to their show, got bent out of shape, and now she’s whining, and calls her annoying. Nina is frustrated and complains. Subaru mentions that the singer went to many auditions and ended up doing well to get the roll (that sucks).
Momoka tries to say that’s her problem, Nina argues that Momo listened to them the most, and she said that’s what it’s annoying. Nina asks if she’s fine with that, she said she is. They’re more popular than when she was in the band. Momo’s just annoyed that she keeps butting into people’s business and tells them to focus. Subaru tells them they can’t practice like this and tells them that if they’re going to fight, settle it first.

The three end up at a pub and they hash it out. Nina asks why she’s backing them up, Momo explains that she’s not in their band anymore so they’re free to do whatever, it’s not her place to criticize their decisions. Nina then asks how she feels, if she likes it or not, Momo says its whatever, she neither likes nor hates it. Nina then says that’s the band she poured her heart and soul into, and Momo says don’t decide that on your own. Nina then says perhaps she was wrong then, and she guesses that Momo never cared about the band nor poured her soul into it. Momo tells her to shut up, and it’s the vocalist she has a problem with. Nina denies it and says she just wants to know if she’s fine with what Diamond Dust has become.

Momo says, just like how people change, bands change, it’s inevitable. She then asks her why she quit, and Momo was silent. Nina continues, ‘you quit because you couldn’t accept that change, right? You quit because it wouldn’t be the Diamond Dust you knew. You quit because you thought you weren’t wrong. You quit because you hate the kind of stuff they’re doing now.’ Momo is silent. Nina continues then Momo throws her drink on her, telling her to shut up. Nina still goes on and tells her that she loves the Diamond Dust that Momo was a part of. She says that song changed her life, and throws a drink back at her, and tells her ‘that’s why she doesn’t want her to lose’. Momo is angry, but Nina continues that she doesn’t want her to lie to herself.
Momo asks her if she knew what Diamond Dust’s goal was back then? It was to keep the original band members until we were all old ladies, to never quit (awww). ‘It wasn’t about music or direction, they only cared about that one thing. That’s why it’s all my fault “just be patient, one day we’ll be able to do what we want to do”, They desperately tried to convince me, but i still quiet’. Nina responds that she still likes her, and she likes her music, because the one that moves her was the Diamond Dust from back then. She then starts crying in public and they both agree she’s stupid. Afterwards, the two attempt to drag drunk Momo home, and Momo apologizes in her sleepy state.
Subaru then tells Nina that they should pick out her stage outfit, and how having something you have history with take over as the vocalist of your favourite band is a rare experience, so she shouldn’t let it go to waste. Put all her anger, joy and sadness into it. Subaru then shows Nina their promo page which states “featuring former Diamond Dust member Momoka”. Nina is pissed, but Subaru says that people who went to see the Diamond Dust show will definitely check them out, so think about what you want to show them.

They get to venue which is sold out. The owner tries to apologize saying that he told them not to but the staff just wrote that, but thankfully it sold out. Nina then shows Momoka the outfits that she wants them all to wear. She looks into the bag and likes it. Some random blonde guy with red streaks pops into their room and says he doesn’t vibe with girl bands, and offers to tear the place up, but Nina says that’ll do that themselves. The guy just walks away nonchalantly (we never see this guy again XD so random!). The episode ends with them on stage with a big crowd, lights still off as they do their sound checks. Nina and Momo exchange a few words, and Nina says their goals should be to ‘leave a mark’. They stick their pinky fingers up, and with one last encouragement to shout what’s in their heart and bare it all, they start the show. Very strong start to their concert!

MUSICIAN INSIGHT: Sadly in this world, popularity really is everything. Considering I love Japanese music, I’ve always been aware that Jpop doesn’t appeal to the West as much as English artists or cool, high production Kpop videos do. I think Jmusic is one of the most beautifully written and consistently musically complex music, and yet, the rest of the world doesn’t seem to notice, or even says it’s bad just cause it’s odd. Music over here has only gotten simpler, using DAWs instead of real instruments, and the melodies are simple, or non-existent like in rap. As long as the general public sucks it up, they have no reason to try to promote ‘better’ music.
I don’t blame Momo for being negative or skeptical in regards to her own music. She tried that approach before, but it was rejected. She was told she’d have to change before, and in the process of refusing to, she lost her bandmates who she essentially pushed into their stardom by encouraging them to go to Tokyo and take it seriously just for them to continue on without her. If agencies and other sources are always saying you need to be mainstream to go mainstream, she’s just being realistic. Nina doesn’t get it though because she’s just focused on the song and band she personally loved, and thinks Momo is quitting, running away and letting them win, but it’s much deeper than that. Being positive and fighting to the very end still doesn’t guarantee success in the music industry.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: Out of my band’s 4 main gigs, there was only 1 where we were expected to bring in a certain amount of people for the show to go on. We didn’t have tickets to sell persay (people would pay at the door), and there were other acts who were also encouraged to bring fans, but the host made it clear that there had to be a certain amount of people there due to costs. Us being so desperate for this opportunity all brought friends and family for the sake of the show.
As for my invited, I invited my mom (who doubted me when I shared my dream haha), a guitarist who replied to my band ad and we kept in touch (we met a month and some prior and hung at a music store. It was that day when I bought my pink guitar spontaneously. He said he better see me use it on stage, so I made sure of it) and he invited 6 or so of his own friends, and another random guy that was at the previous convention (when I was browsing shops, we chatted casually and followed each other. He was a big idol fan, so I told him about it). So while 3 of my invites came out, I had about 10 people come for me in a way. We were the first act, and the only band (the rest were idol dance groups), so a lot of them left after us or went downstairs to eat.
When you’re a new group and don’t really have followers or fans yet, it’s really hard selling tickets. Even if you had friends who are happy for you, doesn’t mean they’ll take the time to come see you. Maybe your music isn’t their style, or maybe they’re working that night. Either way, you have to be grateful when people come to see you. And in return, if any of them are pursuing something, maybe they’re an artist as well, or a shop owner, or they’re opening a cafe, you should go and support them too!
FINAL WORDS: As the episodes go by, we definitely see Momo go from a bright and eager musician to slowly losing her resolve as Nina aims and pushes higher. Since Momo is not only the leader but the songwriter, it’s important that she is motivated as well. She loves music enough to keep playing and sticking with her mundane part time jobs to invest in it, but she’s not aiming as high as she once used to because she’s already accepted defeat.
Episode 6: “Drop The Bass Keytar”
(Drop The Bass + Bass Guitar + Keytar [A keyboard shaped like a guitar])
EPISODE SUMMARY: We start this episode with the two girls from the restaurant watching the band’s live, then going back to recording a track they are working at. Just as they start, a siren blares in the background. One says that the song gets harder when you make the melody using a Vocaloid, so maybe they should find a vocalist to sing it. The other girl doesn’t want to, so she obliges and says they’ll have to continue making music on their own. She then shows her a popular channel that helps makes music, telling her that if she’s serious…

The band is at a bath house and Nina lost her voice once again. They discuss the show. Seems like Subaru hurt her shin as she also went a little hard. Afterwards, Nina decides to read the reactions to the show, and most were comparing them to Diamond Dust, and liking them more as they are more like their old rock sound. Momo then asks if they want them to trash the other group as posers, and like them more because they are more authentic? Nina sadly asks if she doesn’t want to, and Momo asks if she’s serious? She then tells them to check their followers, and they have 20K, and they only have 500. Nina asks what they should do, and she says nothing. Just do what they’ve been doing, practice, make songs, do shows…Nina asks, then what? And asks what their goal is for the band? Momo asks, isn’t she going to college? And Nina asks about her. Momo tells her not to ruin her mood, but Subaru also wants to know. She adds that Momo used to be a pro, but is now in a band with amateurs. But Momo replies that she really has no goals or plans.

Later, Nina and Subaru are at a restaurant, and Nina is frustrated that Momo always shuts her down. Subaru says she charges at people too much and it’s hard for people to open up that way. She suggests that Nina create a situation where she could open up and to let her do so gradually. Subaru then asks what she wants to do with the band, if she wants to defeat Diamond Dust, and mentions that that would be a hard feat since they’re pros with an agency behind them. The two workers are overhearing the conversation.
Nina then does research on how a band can go pro by doing online searches and asking the venue owner. He says that in the past, scouts would come out to venues or people would submit audition tapes, but now, agencies are directly contacting popular bands online. She asks if a talent agency is that important, and he says yeah. You can release songs online, but for collaborations and promotions, she should strive to reach the indie band days of Diamond Dust. They had 10K followers when they were still a local band, and that’s how they got noticed. She acknowledges that it is a numbers game, and also realizes their band’s follower count went down from 500 to 471.
The two workers are in their home, where the small looking one is playing keyboard along with the band’s song. The taller one quotes her and how its fine if she believes those things.
The bandmates are at rehearsal and about to finish up for the day. Nina asks if they can think about their next stage outfits, and how she’s thinking of something cuter this time. She also asks if she can upload the picture she took of Subaru to social media, saying it’ll attract a lot of follers. Subaru fiercely denies the idea, and told her to upload her own photos. Nina says she thought the fans would like her more, but Subaru is worried that her grandmother would see it.

Momo asks if she really wants to attract followers that bad, Nina says its important to draw a crowd, so Momo says they can try wearing high school uniforms, even naming their band that. Nina says it would be a scam if Momo wore one (as she’s not a high schooler anymore), but seriously contemplates it if it would get them followers. Subaru asks, wouldn’t that be the same as the current Diamond Dust? Nina says she knows, but its hard reaching their level of success without going pro, and for that, they need a strong fan base. Momo asks, since when was that our goal? And she replies that they won’t be able to beat Diamond Dust otherwise. But Momo reokues that she doesn’t hold a grudge against them, and Nina says its her that doesn’t want to lose. Momo tells her not to put her personal vendettas on them, but she restates that she really doesn’t want to lose.
Subaru and Nina then hang out at the diner, and Subaru says she knows where she’s coming from, but suddenly wanting to go pro? Nina admits that she knows things won’t work immediately work out if they go pro, nor does she think they’ll beat Diamond Dust, but she hates admitting defeat and giving up from the start, because they’re not wrong. The short worker pops out, hands them their band business card, and introduces herself to them.
The four end up at a different cafe to talk. The tall one is Rupa, and the short one is Tomo. They’ve been making songs together for a while. Subaru and Nina says they recognize the song, but their faces were hidden. They then worry that they confronted them for a battle or to complain, or perhaps they won a contest, but Tomo says they wanted to scout them and work together. Rupa adds that they saw their last show and decided they want to play with them. Nina tells them that they don’t draw a crowd and their fanbase is still small. They say they’re the same but they still had a few agencies reach out to them. However, when they talked, none of them really matches what they were looking for. They just latch on to what sells right now and Tomo didn’t vibe with them. They said that after seeing their show, they realized they only sing what they want, that they voice their opinions.

They all head to the duet’s home. Their goal is to play at Budokan (Japan’s biggest stadium). Nina says that’s a great goal and how it didn’t even cross her mind, but she looks very inspired by their dreams. Rupa then asks if they want to see it, and they go check it out that night, saying it’s important to close the distance. Nina then says, ‘if we could sing here, then we’ll be able to feel that we weren’t wrong. We could say we aren’t losing to Diamond Dust’, and she makes it her own goal. Afterwards, the two are headed home and Subaru asks what she wants to do. Nina wants to call Momo, but she stops her. Nina says Momo wanted a bass and keyboardist, but Subaru says their goal is Budokan which means wanting to go pro, and asks if she thinks Momo would agree to that? Nina still wants to tell her.
The two show up at Momo’s house and plays the duet’s music for her. Momo says it’s good, proper top-end isolation, effective rests (breaks in music). Subaru adds that they are a bass and keyboardist, and that they seem perfect to try making one song together at least. Momo asks what they think, and Subaru says they want to try jamming together this Sunday.
They then end up again with the duo and explain the situation. Subaru says Momo is half in and half out, as if she has two sides. She explains that Momo is serious and dedicated when making music, she wants to create something great that resonates with people, but when she drifts away from music and comes to her senses, realizing she stepped down from music once already, she believes Momo is wondering if there’s any point in taking this so seriously. Tomo says she doesn’t care and just asks if they can play together or not, but Subaru isn’t sure, but she feels Momo will give in if it looks like they’ll be a good band.
The four then headout to a rehearsal studio. Tomo notices Subaru’s photo with her grandmother and asks how she got a photo with her. Tomo is a huge fan and watches it 3x whenever it’s on TV, and always cries at the end. Her grandmother is famous for being distant with her fans, so Tomo demands an explanation. Just then Momo walks in, and realizes she’s from the beef bowl place, and they do their introductions.
Momo asks what they should play, and Nina suggests the song from their last show. Momo says sure but asks if the others can play it. They say yes as they listened and practiced a bit before she arrived. Tomo says she’ll be changing it up a little. Momo just needs a little moment to finish tuning. Then they jump right in. Nina is stunned at first from the full band sound. The girls are jamming and Momo is smiling.

After the short song, Nina confesses that the two of them were wondering if they wanted to be in a band together. Momo is calm but I can tell she was taken off guard. Nina states that she wants to try. That Momo’s songs are just as good and she wants to prove it to everyone. Momo has yet to say a word before we end up at another scene.
The 4 are back at the duet’s house and they talk about a festival, how the first step is getting attention there. There’s an amateur section, so they just apply, get selected, play on stage and make waves. Then an agency may reach out to them. Subaru adds that music producers flock to festivals hoping to find a diamond in the rough. Nina looks at the festival page and notices Diamond Dust will be there as well. Momo is actually there as well, thinking on the balcony.
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: I love that this episode covered the concept of goals. That isn’t anything new when it comes to other band animes, or animes in general, but a lot of musicians get together and start a band without a goal. While they may play great, because there’s nothing really driving them forward, or because they end up being all over the place because they’re not focused, they end up falling apart sooner or later.
Leadership is important for a band, but also a specific goal or goals to work towards. Do they want to play on a certain stage? Do they want to release albums, or get a platimum record? Do they just want to make money playing at local bars and venues? Or do they just want to have fun jamming? All members need to be aware of the goal and be on the same page. If some are motivated and others don’t care, it’s going to be like pulling teeth.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: When I was building my own band, I said from the start that the goal is to play on a stage, and since we were an anime/Japanese music band, playing at an anime convention was also a goal of ours. While I stated this in my ad when looking for more members, I still had people replying to it asking about just jamming, or wanting to do other music, and so on but I rejected them. I don’t mind bending a bit, but compromising on the ultimate goals or the niche/genre of the band will only lead to more confusion later, for the members and for the audience. Even if a band starts casually by fate, I definitely think this is something that needs to be sorted out faster so everyone can work hard towards that together. Bands are a business at the end of the day.
FINAL WORDS: But on that note, seeing everyone else being enthusiastic about being big enough for Budokan, nothing seems to reach Momoka to actually re-inspire her to dream big again. While she’s going with the flow for Nina’s sake, she seems a bit over it. Still being a strong leaders, still writing music, but I just know this will be a cause of conflict sooner or later.
Episode 7: “Rockin’ Crossroad”
EPISODE SUMMARY: At the venue, Subaru, Nina, and Tomo are trying to advertise their merch to no luck. Tomo is annoyed as she told them not to bother with it. Subaru asked why did she make them when they haven’t even decided on a band name? Nina says that she thought it could fund their activities. Momo is hanging by herself, while Rupa has many people lining up to take a photo with her. Tomo states that they really need to find a name.

Momo then tells the band that she has a gig for them. Someone who helped her when she was starting out asked if she wanted to play. It’s in another city, so they would arrive the day before to rehearse and the show will be the next night. She does let them know that if they’re busy, she can alone, but Nina wants to come along. The new girl says theyre out of sync, but Subaru says the more shows they play, the better.
The 4 then go to the duo’s place to discuss matters and their name. They were a bit embarrassed about their pitches, but share them at the same time. Very generic names imo, Dream Girl, Chocolate …whatever ‘Undine’ is. They then argue about their choices. The three continue to brainstorm but can’t think of anything and are feeling defeated by how difficult it is. At the end of the day, they still haven’t decided.
When Nina gets home, her sister is waiting at her door. Nina says she’s usually not out that late, and her sister asks if she has a boyfriend? And if she’s doing anything weird for money? And she tells her shes in a band. Her sister laughs and is in denial. She shows her a picture and shes suprised that she’s serious. She seems okay with the idea but asks if that’s why her grades crashed. She asks how she knew, and she said her cram school reached out about her grades and her missing classes.

She says to be thankful that she stopped dad from coming, and asks what she’ll tell him. Nina says that she’s leaving home. Her sister comforts her by letting her lie on her lap, she says that’s fine, but lets her know that that’ll mean she’ll never be able to come home again. Her sister adds that she thinks their father is in the wrong. He was a revered figure so he couldn’t accept his own daughter’s truancy.
She knows Nina must have been hurt but she sees where their dad is coming from. ‘At the very least, if we had overlooked the bullying, the school would’ve owed us. You could’ve easily gotten recommendations with your grades.” Nina disputes that would be cheating. Her sister replies “why is why you said you’d come here and make it to college on your own, right? But now you’re abandoning that and leaving home? Even I can’t support you on that”. She then leaves the room.
The group packs up to their gig. Nina overpacks but Momo tells her to pack light. Momo is driving a rental but doesn’t know how to ride a manual. Thankfully Rupa knows how to drive. They all don’t want Momo to drive, so they decide to do a pit stop if needed if Rupa needs to rest. Subaru then suggests they play a game where they raise their hand if they agree with the statement. Nina asks who has few friends, and they all raise their hands.

During a pit stop, Nina grabs a drink for Tomo, and the two are in the car alone. Nina asks her why she quit school. She shares that she felt she was wasting time there. Her parents were never around, so she know she’d be on her own after graduation. What’s worse is that her mom was cheating with another man, and was like someone else with him. She figured that it’s not weird for 20yos to be singers, so she figured the sooner she started, the better. So she came to Tokyo and found band members. Nina sympathizes and says she wouldn’t have thought about that. Tomo says anyone would think like that, and slips Rupa lost her family in an accident and thought about it. They are interrupted, and the group takes their first photo together. Then sleep in the car.

The next day, the group is at rehearsals. Someone says that went well, but someone rejects the statement saying they weren’t in sync. Momo’s colleague walks in and says they’re not that great but she doesn’t hate it. Momo says they’ll do their best to not embarrass her. The colleague has her guitar out, Momo recognizes it, and the person shares that it’s the same, still has her sticker on it. Nina notices that Momo is like a completely different person. Rupa comments to her that that is probably closer to who she was in the past.
The colleague asks if they can play a song together at the end. Momo asks if she’s okay with them, and she shares that she invited her because she wanted to play with her. The colleague then asks the band if they’re okay with that, and Nina says yes. She then asks if they’re okay with a jam session and clarifies that she wants to sing together. She then sings a sample and her music really touches the members. Nina says she’ll do her best to sing the piece.

Momo then shares that when she moved to Tokyo, she say Mine’s show and thought to herself, she was like a bonus act, but she stood firm and fought with her song. It was so rock and roll. It’s perfect for my last show…..and she drops the bomb that she’s going to quit the band after the show. Nina asks what she means, and Momo says she doesn’t feel like she can carry this band to go pro. Nina asks why. Momo says, because the songs she makes won’t work on a professional level. She’s happy that they like her songs and shes grateful that they’ve taken this seriously but….Nina asks if shes fine with that, and Momo says she is.
The band is then at restaurant, Rupa at a table with Momo who is drinking, and the high schoolers at their own table. The owner sits by them and asks if they had a fight. Subaru tries to change the subject, but Nina goes back asking if Mine thought about quitting music. She shares that Momo must not like coming to the conclusion, but the longer you do something the clearer the results become. If you fail the first time, may just be bad luck, but two times and it may point to a lack of talent. Nina asks if she can’t just believe it will work, and Mine shares that she’s sure she wants to, but if you have faith, it cuts even deeper when it doesn’t work out. How Momo is scared because she really loves music.
After they all eat and are exiting the restaurant, Nina asks if Mine is scared, she says of course. Even now there are times she loses sleep or her appetite. That’s what happens when you do something you love as a job. In school, she thought about just becoming a teacher and doing music as a hobby, that would be the smartest path, but the stage is where she can say whatever she wants, she loves it, so it doesn’t matter how scared she is or how tough it is. Nina, being inspires, runs off to a lake. Saying she has decided. By chance, fireworks go off.

We then fast forward to just before the show. The group is backstage and still couldn’t decide on a name. Nina goes on before the group and starts talking to the crowd. She introduces them as Togenashi Togeari, something random that was on a girl’s shirt. She then shares that she suddenly found herself joining a band this spring, she didn’t know why she did or why she was singing at all, but it was fun. For the first time in her life, she got sucked into something. There’s a song that completely changed her life, that really pushed her forward, that’s why she wants to prove to everyone that the song isn’t wrong. She wants to move people with that song and brag about how awesome it is. She calls out the members names (forgetting stage names haha) and how she’s sure they all feel the same, so they’re going to seriously work hard. They’re scared but they believe and they hard work.

Rupa then jokingly knocks her over, saying it’s annoying to talk a lot about yourself. Subaru is annoyed at the messy start, but they jump right in. The band does well, as expected. While still on stage, Momo tells the group that she’s quitting cram school, and Momo seems annoyed with an eye twitch.
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: Regarding merch, there isn’t a good or perfect time to start selling. Of course, a band name should be decided first, and it would be easier to sell when you’re popular, but otherwise, it’s worth having. What you don’t sell at one gig, you may be able to sell at another. It’s not perishable like food after all.
I also like how we see connections at work in this episode. They always say in the music world, it’s not what you know but who you know. You can be one of the greatest musician, but that doesn’t matter if you’re not actually going out there, networking with people, working for people, helping other people. Momo says that person helped her, so she’s eager to help her back and maintain a good relationship with them.
As predicted, Momo drops the bomb that she’s dropping out. Again, I don’t think she has anything against the group themselves. It’s great having a group that’s in-love and passionate about the music you make, but their goals aren’t aligned, and Momo is already aware her music won’t get them where they want to be. As Mine explained, ‘the longer you do something, the clearer the results become. Failing once may be bad luck, but two times may be lack of talent. And the more you have faith in something, the deeper it cuts when it doesn’t work out’.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: Failure is definitely hard to get back up from. My first band attempt was in 2014, and I saw such great potential at our first rehearsal just for a second to never happen. As much as I knew I couldn’t give up on my dream, I still had to take breaks, try other things, learn guitar, and be re-inspired before I was ready to try it again with confidence. For Momo, she didn’t even get a real break between her leaving he last band and starting this new one, so she definitely has a lot to work through internally.
I guess technically I did have a similar back to back band experience, but at least in that case, I was building off of the success of the first band. I already had this website, already had some social media followers and fans and a good reputation. If Momo kept the rights to her song, that’d be one thing since we constantly hear it over and over through the series, but otherwise, she was starting from ground zero. Sure, she was a member, but places like the venue would have to namedrop “Diamond Dust” because most of the public doesn’t have the names of individual members memorized, especially if they are a newer group.
FINAL WORDS: This is anime, and this is also Nina we’re talking about, so we know she won’t let Momo leave like that. I also don’t think it’s fair to Nina for Momo to just abandon her. Not only is Momo her inspiration, but Momo literally dragged her and pushed her into being in this band with her, and she agreed mainly for Momo. While she is starting to build a friendship with the other girls, their bond is different. They both need each other in a way.
Episode 8: “Bickering In The Rain”
EPISODE SUMMARY: We start this episode with a flashback of Momo with the original Diamond Dust members. One girl rebutes that dropping out in Middle School sounds like a bad idea, and asks can’t they wait til they graduate. Momo says the guy at the live house said there are countless cases of people getting nowhere from hesitating too long. They wonder what their parents would think. One suggests recording an album than going back. Momo tells them to trust her, that it’s going to work out. And tells them that the more escape routes they have, the less motivated they’ll be. They’re amazed and inspired by her confidence. They all run together, and we see that Momo had plans of going to Budokan as well.

The girls are back in the van on the way home. Rupa asks if anyone needs a washroom break, Nina picks at Momo, and Momo gets mad at her, and Nina continues to provoke her. The group is at a restaurant, and the others tell Nina to apologize. Nina is shocked that they’re taking her side. Subaru says it’s not about sides, but she shouldn’t have said all that back there. Momo says the stage is for the audience, not the place to spill your personal situation. Nina says that’s exactly why she wanted to say it there. Momo and Nina face off again. Momo brings up that Subaru isn’t innocent either since she didn’t stop her. Subaru doesn’t know how she would have. Tomo gets up to leave, but Rupa stops her, and tells her they should welcome internal conflict.
Nina then goes off and says it is Momo’s fault for dropping the bomb that she’s quitting. And momo says she doesn’t want to hear that from someone who suddenly decided they’re going pro. Subaru says they’re both at fault. Nina says she’s not giving up, but Momo says if she gets worked up, she’ll regret it later. Asks if she knows how popular Diamond Dust is. Momo says that doesn’t mean she wants to just give up, and how she doesn’t want them to be wrong. She tells Momo that she’s the one turning a blind eye and running away. Momo yells back what do you know about me? Nina tells her to tell her, and asks why she kept playing music? If she thought her music wasn’t good, why didn’t she move back home? Why did she start a new band. Momo dodges the topic and tells her to go back to cram school. But Nina says no and stands firm. So Momo tells her to do what she wants and starts to walk past her. Nina mumbles and asks if she’s running away. Mom grabs her and tells her to shut up. Nina tells her yo punch her if she wants, she’s used to it, but then she’ll be able to hate her, and how she’ll be the same as the people back then. Momo pulls back but stops herself and lets her go.

They’re back in their car, Nina is getting out at her stop, but her and Momo are both still very angry. Momo then calls out and asks what’s with the guitar Nina has in her hands. Nina said it was given to her as she was leaving, and asks is there a problem? Subaru then fills her in that Mine gave Nina one of her guitars that she wasn’t using, and how her voice wasn’t unpleasantly seeking attention, that she was like Momoka and how she wishes her luck.
Subaru gets off at Momos stop hoping they can talk. Subaru mentions that her place is relaxing, and maybe she’ll move in. Momo asks if she wants to when a room opens, Subaru slyly jokes that if Momo’s going to be her roommate, she may have to consider. Momo then asks if Rupa and Tomo knew Nina would say that. Subaru said no way, but she bets they saw it coming from the way she was acting, and how Momo was the only one who didn’t notice. Momo asks why didn’t she stop her, she replies that she’s free to do what she wants. Momo states that what she said was reckless, and how they didn’t even make their indie debut.

Subaru shows that they got accepted to the festival, and a label contacted Rupa expressing interest. Momo is shocked. Subaru adds that she may think its crazy, but she’s a former Diamond Dust member, Rupa and Tomo are a mystery duo that got a lot of attention online, and some vocalist tweeted how much they liked Nina’s voice. Their band’s account (Togenashi Togeari) has almost 28K followers. She also says that the survey said they have the most fans coming specifically for them.
Momo understands. Subaru says Nina’s not talking about some pipe dream, beating Diamond Dust is crazy, but they can at least take the first step. Momo asks what the new members were thinking, and she replies that they were always looking to go pro. Momo asks about her, and she says she’ll do whatever, basically, they won’t be kids forever. So it’s ultimately up to Momo since everyone was already in agreement. Subaru says not really, but Nina says they need to set a goal and corner ourselves (essentially, what Momo said years prior to her bandmates). Momo shows a sad expression.
Nina goes to the music store to grab some lesson books and tools for her guitar. I don’t know how she’s even trying an F chord on day 1 haha. But hey, she learned a few chords and doesn’t sound half bad lol Way too fast for progress though, but I’ll let it slide. Nina then writes a letter to her father. She thanks him for raising her, and says she’ll try to make it on her own now. He doesn’t need to send money anymore. She’ll return his bankbook too. And she mails it off.

Nina ends up getting a job with Rupa and Tomo. They’re strict on how to run things. While Nina’s been there many times, she’s never had to do customer service before. Tomo is frustrated that she doesn’t know the basics (like don’t eat the food you cook), and Nina is surprised. Tomo asks why she chose to work there, and Nina said it’s her first job, so it’s probably better with friends.
We then hear a couple customers taking it out on Rupa and saying foreigners should know their place. Nina was about to go off on them but Rupa stops her and stays polite, apologizing to them. Rupa tells her that this happens all the time, and that’s why she needs rock and roll.

Tomo then asks what’s up with her and Momo. Nina says nothing, and they’ll probably just fight again if they talked now. Tomo then let’s her know that if things stay rocky, they’re going to quit. She says she knows. Just then, Momo walks in and orders a bowl. The two avoid eye contact. Momo asks Nina if she’s free after, she says yes.
We get a flashback to Nina in school, where her father, the principal or some figure, Nina and her bully are in a room, and the principal asks if they can agree that there was no intention of bullying or harm. A simple argument got out of hand? She says thank goodness, and that she’ll have both girls write an apology and seal it with a handshake. The other girl gives an evil smile while stretching out her hand, Nina isn’t happy, but the scene cuts.
Momo is driving Nina somewhere and says we’ll be there soon. Momo asks if she wanted to go somewhere, Nina says no, but comments that she doesn’t hate driving with you in the Kei truck. Momo is surprised but happy at the comment. Rupa and Tomo are waiting for a text or update, but Rupa says they need time to talk alone and work things out, shows they care.

Momo takes her backstage to a concert, turns out to be Diamond Dust. Momo tells her, this is what it means to not set escape routes and survive. They can’t afford to just play the songs they like. In order to survive, they’ll have no choice but to chase what will sell, what will be liked, and what will go viral. Nina disputes that not everything will necessarily be like that.
Momo says only a handful can survive doing the things they want to do. We get screen of hate comments as she continues, even the current Diamond Dust didn’t want to do this from the start. They chose this to survive, to sell tickets. Nina replies that that doesn’t mean her songs won’t reach people. She rejected her song and quit the band before you even tried.
Momo says, ‘but they found an audience as they are now. What they’re doing now is right. At first, they were all totally against the idea of being an idol band, that they’d only play their own music. Nobody listened. But the reality was, even if they were praised, they didn’t sell tickets. Only the most laughable acts would become hits. That’s how the world is. The truth slowly begins to pressure you. And then comes the choice, if you choose to reject it, you can’t continue. They chose to continue. She can’t hold that against them. But she doesn’t want Nina to make the same choice as her.

She then replies to Nina’s previous questions on why she never moved back home and why she started a new band. She responds that when she saw Nina sing, it reminded her of her self when she was first starting out. Nina didn’t care about money ore recognition, she just sang a song she loved. She was the version of herself that she loved. Someone she used to be. That’s why she wants her to continue singing as herself. Bound by nothing. She wanted to listen by her side.
Nina then asks, ‘what about my feelings?’ She gets angry and runs away. Momo catches her, but Nina turns around and slaps her. Nina says I’m not your memory. Don’t lock me inside your memory!’. We then flashback to Nina at school, refusing to he shake hands and running away, then smiling and dancing to the song she loved. She starts crying and tells Momo, ‘whether my fingers tremble or not…there are people who decide to live because of your songs. Who you need to protect isn’t yourself inside of your memories. It’s your desire to have your songs reach people. You started the band because you wanted to express your feelings, joy, anger, sadness. That’s why you sang at your school and came to Tokyo. That’s why she became a professional.

She then pins Momo against a wall still crying, asking her why she’s scared and to stop being scared. There’s one in front of her who was able to fly because she gave her the courage, someone who felt joy being able to sing with her, and is willing to bet everything on her. Someone who believes in her is right in front of her. Nina then cries on her chest and Momo is stunned. Nina says, ‘don’t use me to run away.’
At that moment, the other Diamond Dust members walk into the garage and ask if that’s her. The new singer doesn’t seem to like the situation, or at least recognizes Nina. Momo then tells them to run, but Nina is too slow, so Momo drives off without her. Nina runs away on foot.

Momo is driving quickly, Nina jumps in front of her car, hands oustretched. Luckily Momo notices in time and avoids hitting her. Momo calls her an idiot and asks if she’s crazy. Nina says now they’re even and falls to her knees tired. She once again asks why Momo is running away, and how she doesn’t need to run, she did nothing wrong. Momo tells her to shut up again. Diamond Dust then catches up with them.
One of the members tells her she doesn’t have to speak, just listen, and they all say something: ‘We heard you started a band. We look forward to it. We don’t regret anything. We’re going to make it to the top. We’ll make you admit we weren’t wrong. We’re gonna survive until then.” Nina then replies to them, “We’re not going to lose either. You’ll say that we were right.” Momos eyes open wide. She continues “That we weren’t wrong”. Someone in the group says “Who do you think you are?”
Momo then angrily replies “You’ve got some nerve saying that after that crappy performance! If you don’t have any regrets, then try being cuter! Act professional. We’re entering the next festival too. If you play like crap again there, we’re stealing all your fans!” and sticks up her pink finger. Nina on the other side of the truck also sticks up her pinky fingers.

The members have a mix of expressions from happy/relieved to unimpressed and angry. The angry one asks ‘what’s that?’ and Nina says ‘a declaration of war’. A happier member screams out to Momo and says they won’t forget. Momo then tells Nina to get in and they drive off. One member asks the new singer if she knows them, she says she doesn’t know her. Momo is pissed, but Nina is laughing and has a calm expression. Nina tells her that she loves her after all. Momo asks what the hell is that? She replies, isn’t it obvious? I’m confessing my love. Momo starts bawling. Nina also sheds a tear.
Tomo then gets her reply that things went well and she is happy. Rupa comes into her room and says, told you so. Subaru also smiles with relief and says they’re interesting for sure.
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: I personally think any artist can be successful, but that also depends on what you consider ‘success’. I’m aware that not everyone can be a pop start, on the Billboard 200, and selling out stadiums, but that doesn’t mean a small niche band can’t get 100K+ listeners, and sell enough albums to make a profit, and sell out medium-sized venues. Obviously, because Nina’s band is trying to rival Diamond Dust, they are hoping to be really big, but idol music is the most popular. Groups like AKB48 have been on the top for ages. If they were a boy band, that would be a different story, but for girls, being cute and making happy music is what attracts the bigger crowd.
Of course, things are changing, and more edgy artists like Ado are making it big, but then again, you have people like LiSA who has been singing for ages but only became very known when she did more poppy anime songs. One OK Rock, my favourite Japanese band for a decade, their music used to be more hardcore. They had more screamo, more angry lyrics….but they’ve definitely softened up and incorporated a more mainstream and pop-like sound with each album. With the inclusion of full English lyrics for their international albums, they’ve definitely grown their fanbase around the world. Is it simply because of time that they grew more popular, or because they’ve conformed to what the world wants? They’re still rock, they still got some edgy songs, but for the most part, older fans have been calling them ‘One Ok Pop’.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: While it wasn’t official or public, you could say I had a band rivalry of my own. The bassist in my band who took over as leader betrayed us not long after by secretly making a second competition band behind our backs. I know because I found his ads looking for other members and confronted him in the group chat. He claimed he was going to run both, play bass for us and focus on singing in the other, but considering he was the weakest member who can’t remember his parts or his lines, even separately, and often says he’s busy or tired, that didn’t make any sense and we called him out on it. It did lead to us all voicing our complains or issues with other each other. While we did ultimately work it out and we all desired to keep the band going, I gave an ultimatum because I didn’t want to keep going in circles due to people not mastering their material. Conditions weren’t met, so I left, and the singer followed me. The guys, which included the bassist, the lead guitarist, and the keyboardist that joined recently, stayed together and kept it going. The split was on Christmas Eve 2022.
The guys found other members pretty quickly, and started posting rehearsal clips by mid February 2023. I kept an eye on their Instagram, mostly out of curiosity to see if they’d get anywhere. They got a passionate male singer, so the bassist didn’t end up singing anyways. They definitely had some new talented musicians as well. But in future clips, the lead guitarist was gone, and then keyboard. I was still in touch with the lead guitarist so I asked what happened. Regardless, the group only amassed about 13 followers. And even uploading a couple covers from their rehearsal room on Youtube, it didn’t really add to their subscribers.
As for me, I was personally over the whole band thing. Not only does it suck to be backstabbed by the person you knew the longest (he was part of my first band attempt in 2014), but I fulfilled my childhood dream and really had no motivation. The singer wasn’t done singing though, so she pushed and urged and tried to give me ideas on how to make a new band. I told her she could lead and I can join as a member, but she’s not the leading type, and I know how much work it takes to create and manage a band, so I didn’t want to try again and deal with the drama and frustration once more. But when she pitched that we be a duo, I was more open to it because I know she’ll come ready and I could improve my guitar skills as well.
So we started working on our band early April 2023, 4 months after they started. In the first 2 months, we learned 20+ songs and uploaded a couple covers on Youtube. And me owning this blog and being the only one that made an effort to network, I got us 2 gigs that summer, which included the festival gig. They may have stolen my idea, built off of my foundation, and started earlier than us…..but I would say we won the battle. While I said I was over it and I forgave him, I was still a little bitter, and it sucked to have ended on a bad note, but we redeemed ourselves and ended the project higher than we ever expected ^_^
So I can definitely relate to both Momo and Nina in this episode. Momo being the leader, building the team or at least motivating and pushing her friends with her plan. While I didn’t write songs, I still had to find tabs, analyze if the songs were easy enough for us, and make sure everything is organized so everyone is on the same page. Like Momo, we were the core of the band, but we left because things weren’t going as we expected, and the band continued without us…rightfully. Momo’s band had a golden ticket at their fingertips. For my members, if the option was stay together or end it all then, I don’t blame them for staying with something that’s already working.
But like Nina, when you realize your friend-turned-foe is in the opposing band, you can’t help but feel this burn inside of you to at least beat them, to prove that you weren’t wrong. In both our cases, the other band probably had no clue we were rivaling them, though both the bassist and lead guitarist were still following me, so I’m sure they saw my personal updates regarding our new band and our upcoming gigs. I also created a whole new Instagram just for our duet, and we got 80 followers pretty quickly with my promotion. And not even 2 months after that, they saw us perform on the stage we all talked about together.
While their band made progress, they didn’t grow their follower base probably due to lack or promotion, and didn’t have any gigs. This year, the bassist had to drop out for a work trip. He said they’re still continuing, but not sure what they’re working under or if they’re serious. Whereas I made even more progress as a solo musician, being recruiter to serve at a church, and getting to be in a professionally made music video as well. This site has been monetized through digital products and ads, and I’ve met some pretty cool people who were touched by my articles. So either way, I wasn’t wrong <3
FINAL WORDS: Damn, this was an episode. I totally understood both sides. I’m all about goals for everything in life, but more so with bands. They need direction, purpose, and drive. Why dream small after leaving your hometown and putting so much time, effort, energy, and money into making music if you don’t actually intend to do anything with it? Might as well run hard after your dreams. But on the other side, I get that Momo is older, she already tried once, she accepted defeat because she saw that her band didn’t get any attention doing their original music. She didn’t want to compromise to please people, so she peacefully left the band so they can do what they want.
But when it comes to personalities, Nina is really overbearing. I’m certainly the type to want to know and understand people so I can encourage and help them, but at least I’m calm and level headed when doing it. Nina certainly has her own emotions and she expects others to feel as passionate or as angry as she does, and gets annoyed when others don’t seem bothered. Though, I also understand that leaving home may have been the only time she really got to be free from expectations and pressure, so she doesn’t want to hide who she is and how she really feels anymore, and I guess she expects that from Momo too. She can tell that Momo isn’t being completely honest about her feelings and desires, so she’s frustrated.
But at the same, Momo is just as annoying in a way. As I said, I’m the type who wants to know, so Momo being private, and then getting angry when you pry into things that does actually concern you, like her wanting to quit the band, how can she expect Nina to be quiet and mind her own business? The two met by fate, Nina meeting her star, the one that gave her meaning and life. But even so, it really was Momo who chose to stay back and create a band with her, and she was really pushy at first, even a little manipulative. And now that Nina is hooked, Momo doesn’t have the right to just leave and abandon her.
While Nina is no doubt super emotional and super demanding about her desires, she’s not wrong. If it was anybody else who wanted to quit the band, it’s whateve. I feel like she’d be more willing to let them go in peace, but imagine your favourite musician taking you on this journey, and then, day by day, she just seems to get more apathetic, less driven, and now trying to quit. You know that this musician doesn’t have a diploma and that she doesn’t have much waiting for her at home.
You also know she has amazing talent, so if she can’t make it, what hope is there for you? Nina didn’t even really care about music at the beginning, but now she has a goal, and she finds out Momo also had that goal, how could she just let her quit? If Momo gives up, I don’t know if Nina would have the same drive to keep pushing forward. While she is now doing this a bit for herself out of revenge, her main inspiration is getting to sing with the person who wrote a song that saved her.
Episode 9: “Mild Blooded”
EPISODE SUMMARY: The group is at rehearsal. Nina is sharing her story and said she thought she was going to die because her AC only had hot air coming out. Momo is ready to go and says they need to fix the lyrics and songs by the festival. Nina asks ‘why’ as she likes them as they are. Momo is surprised. Rupa asks what she doesn’t like about them. Momo says, they sound ordinary. Tomo seems complex, and Rupa asks what she thinks. Seems Tomo had issues in the past as people couldn’t deal with her perfectionism. She hesitates, but tells Rupa she thinks they’re okay. Rupa smiles, probably seeing her growth or consideration in this scenario.

Rupa later asks Tomo why she didn’t say anything, because she mentioned to her personally that something was botheing her about Momo’s new songs. She says nothing really, she thought it was fine. The door rings and Nina is at the door. Tomo actually tries to avoid letting her in. She’s just there for the cold air, saying the AC repair man won’t be there til next week. They let her in and she comments on their weak AC. She clicks a forbidden button and theirs breaks as well. They then end up at Subaru who also isn’t fond of the sudden guests but allows them to stay for an hour. Tomo brought her snake pet without warning and it freaks her out.

Momoka is working near by so she said she’ll pass by later. The other girls plan to stay longer even though they said it’ll be short, turns out they missed their last train. Subaru calls them out saying this was their plan from the start. Nina tries to distract her sayiing they can play cards. Nina says they haven’t done anything like this (a chill hang out day) before. She was about to find a game for the 4 of them, but Tomo says to count her out and goes to another room. Nina asks if she did something wrong, Subaru says she did plenty XD But Rupa comforts her saying its not her fault, then goes to check in on her. Rupa asks if Tomo’s going to bed, she said no, and she just wants to be left alone, they can play cards without her. She says okay and is about to head out, but Tomo tells her that if she has a complaint, just say it. She asks why would she have a complaint? And continues to leave.
Later, Nina is sulking over her loss, and Momo just arrived, wondering what she’s looking at. She says her AC is at fault, Subaru says to just bare it. She then explains that she killed time at the convinience store, hung out on a bench for an hour, but its so boring being outdoors when you can’t spend money. Momo changes the topic to ask about Tomo, Rupa said she went to bed, Momo asks if she had anything to say about the songs, she said not really. Momo replies that it looked like she had something to say. Momo then heads over to put beer in the fridge, but Subaru stops her, in case her grandma finds them. She says don’t worry as she’ll drink them all by the morning. Momo then catches a snake crawling on Subaru’s shoulder, and Nina tells her not to worry, it’s friendly and non poisonous. Out of reaction, Momo throws a beer past them, but Rupa catches it and drinks. Momo runs off to hide in a room. She refuses to come out until its gone, and yells at them to handle it. After Momo and Nina fights for her to come out of the room, Rupa then kicks the door off it’s hinges….Subaru is mad at all of them. The next morning, she kicks them all out.

Momo then heads off to her job. Tomo then tells Rupa they have to go and check the apartment. Nina asks if they’re ditching her. Tomo asks why do they have to hang out with her when it’s not even for practice (not all bandmates have to be friends or do everything together). She claims that Momo said its important to do things like that. Nina then suggest that if they have time, can they watch her practice? She said she’ll grab the guitar from her place, and the 3 of them are in a shaded park area. Nina does one strum, and Tomo says that the second string is off. Nina is impressed and brings up that she’s been playing keyboard since young. Tomo says that’s unrelated, and anyone could tell when it’s this of key (I didn’t even notice, so she really has a sharp ear). Nina brings up that guitars are impressive, and you really do get calluses as you practice (so much pain, but proves she’s been practicing a lot). She retunes and asks, but Tomo says its still a little off, but its probably the best you can do (the fact that Nina is tuning without a tuner is also impressive. Earlier in the episode, I noticed Momo had a clip-on one in the studio. It’s possible to tune without one, just use each string to tune the next one, but you still need a starting point).
Nina then starts to play something, and Tomo has a flashback of her old band. One of ex-members were showing her something excitedly hoping to play it at their next show, and the other exmember comments on how much she improved and how guitar would elevate their sound. But Tomo is unimpressed and says no, and how she can’t play a show at her skill level.

Back to the present, Nina asks Tomo how it was. Tomo asks Rupa, but she says its not her expertise. (From the bit I heard, she’s progressing for sure, but her strums and timing are uneven, still needs work). Tomo argues that she doesn’t play guitar either, but Nina comments that she knows a lot about music, right? She’s eager for feedback. Tomo says it seems fine, as a hobby. Nina confirms, not for the stage? Tomo doesn’t say more.
Rupa asks if she wants to play it on stage. She says yes, and says she realized something when they went to the Diamond Dust show, she wants to become better, not just rely on Momoka, she wants to contribute, so she urges them to let her know if there’s something she can improve (Bandmates really should give each other feedback, especially if it’s valuable or something worth considering). Tomo then says it was okay, but Nina urges her to tell her (at least Nina is self aware enough to know she’s a beginner, and not that great). Tomo then says what she said back then ‘with your talent you’ll never be good enough’. Nina is stunned. (awww, honestly, anyone can improve at an instrument. Considering she is self learned, and I don’t think it’s been more than a few weeks since she started, she’s not doing half bad. She can be good enough with practice).

We then get a flashback to Tomo in her old band, and she’s yelling at the others to play seriously. The drummer throws her sticks at her, and tells her to stop measuring us to your standards. They’re not like her whos been winning piano awards since she was little. The drummer says she can’t do this. Rupa tries to cut in, but she’s told to stay out of it, and the drummer walks out.
In the present, Rupa and Tomo are back at their home one night. Rupa hands her a popsicle and tells her it got cooler inside, but says its good to go without the AC from time to time.You can feel the temperature gradually on your skin. Tomo then gets a text from Nina thanking her for today, and saying it’s still warm at home. Rupa comments that Nina was happy today. Tomo disputes saying no she wasn’t.
The next day, Nina pops up at Subaru’s home again. Subaru says she has some nerve, but Nina says she wanted her advice on something, and claims she wasn’t coming for the AC, but for something serious about the band. She plays her song for Subaru and asks how it was. She asks what Tomo said. She tells her what she said, that with her talent, she’ll never be good enough. Subaru says thats harsh, though she’s sure that’s partly her personality. Seeing her face, Subaru asks if she lost motivation. Nina asks why would she? Subaru is relieved and says as long as she’s not bothered. Nina then asks her opinion, and Subaru kinda agrees with Tomo. Okay, at least Subaru agrees with her next statement, ‘it’s not something you can do only after a year or two. Maybe if you were an amateur, but not if you’re aiming to go pro. Nina claims that Subaru is managing, but she says she bets Tomo has a lot she’d like to say about her. Nina claims that she’s never said anything to her, but Subaru responds that she doesn’t go out of her way to ask like she does. Subaru adds that Tomo is a little timid, so she keeps her distance because she doesn’t want to be hated. She never approaches people by herself, but if we approach her instead, grr!. Nina says that sounds like herself. Subaru agrees and says she was like that too.
Tomo and Rupa also pop up at Subaru’s house. Subaru says she has an aquaium that they can take. She also asks if the snake is okay since it hasn’t eaten, and Tomo says its fine. Nina is practicing when Tomo walks into the room. Romo seems frustrated and asks ‘you’re still at it?’ (does she expect her to just quit ;___;) she says yes, and she had Subaru listen. Nina winces in pain due to her fingers (still developing calluses). Tomo then says its fine, she should play on stage if she wants to. Nina asks her why she’s lying. Tomo is quiet as she does swhat she needs to do and walks out. Rupa sees her walks past and smiles for some reason.
Rupa then shares Tomo’s story with the other two, saying she came to Tokyo, recruited members online, and started a band, and that’s how they met, along with the drummer and guitarist. They were planning to go pro. Subaru comments that everyone says that. Nina asks really? She says people who are successful say that they didn’t have to work hard at all, but if that was realy the case, anybody could be successful. Rupa says, Tomo knows that as well, that’s why she kept saying that they (the old band) wasn’t good enough. Since she believed they all felt the same way, she became more and more demanding (relateable). Nina mentions that Rupa stayed with her. She says Tomo said she’d set out on her own, but being so young….We then get a flashback of Tomo asking Rupa to be her Guarantor. Tomo told her ‘she doesn’t plan on contacting her parents, and she promises not to be a burden’. That’s when they started living together and formed beni-shouga together. They had opportunities to go pro but…Subaru cuts in, ‘each time, she’d butt heads with someone and ruin it’. Rupa continues, and because of that, she thinks she’s become scared to say how she feels. That if she shared her true self, it would ruin everything.

Nina then asks Momo about her playing, if she’s good enough to play on stage. Momo has a serious face, and asks if she wants her honest opinion, and Nina gets the hint.
At Rupa and Tomo’s place, they’re releived as the snake is eating again. Rupa then tells Tomo, no matter how scared you are, you won’t get anywhere if you’re just watching. Tomo asks what she means, and Rupa suggests they go for a walk. They’re starting band practice again tomorrow. Tomo suddenly says that she wasn’t wrong, and she said Nina is bad because she is, she’s just not good enough. So Rupa asks, why did you tell her she could play on stage? Tomo argues, because Nina is hoping to, to play guitar on stage with Momoka. Rupa says, that’s why she asked you. She wants to improve. Tomo argues that’s what they all say, that they’re serious, or want to improve, but they end up just wanting compliments or sing whatever way that feels good. They then hear Nina practicing in the distance. Nina is practicing, winces in pain, and continues to push ‘do what I tell you, stupid fingers!’ (The rage haha so relateable! Honestly happy to see one anime that’s a lil realistic, not making guitar seem so easy and fun for once. She’s crazy attempting barre chords so early but you can only play F and B that way).

As they’re looking from afar, Rupa says she noticed something, these people are serious. It doesn’t matter how good they are, they give it their all on stage. Tomo shows a solemn expression. Rupa continues, I’m pretty sure that’s all you’re looking for too. Nina turns around and notices them. Tomo tenses up then looks away with her usual mad expression. Tomo then yells out ‘you suck!’. Nina is surprised, but then smiles and yells back “I’m gonna get better!” (i love her!). Tomo then goes about her business, and Rupa says she loves this kinda thing.
During rehearsal, Momo says something doesn’t feel right. Tomo then speaks up that she thinks the song is boring as it is. Momo smiles and says, right? 😛
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: Everyone was so harsh with Nina ^^” It’s good that they’re honest because she really isn’t ready for the stage. I get not wanting to hype someone up that they start to create big plans that they’re not ready for, but some tact would be nice. I also get that only Momo is a guitarist, so only she has real insight on how hard the instrument is and where Nina is. Other instruments like piano can sound great on day 1, but guitar is hard. And as I said in an earlier episode, I’m thankful that they don’t make guitar seem like it’s a piece of cake and have Nina on the stage already. It will take probably a year for her to sound decent, in the weeks or couple months she’s been working at it ALONE, she’s made great progress. She’s even attempting barre chords from the start, but she is experiencing the pain and frustrating of her fingers not doing what she wants, and I really love that they made an effort to include this. I also love Nina a lot because she could have just given up, or she could have yelled back at Tomo saying how she’s been working, but she just takes the critique to heart and works harder.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: I can totally relate to Tomo in a lot of ways when it comes to her musical standards. I think most people who took music through school or were professionally trained know how tight a song has to be to be approved by conductors or to get awards. Sadly, when it comes to most band musicians (guitar, bass, guitar), a lot of them are self-learned and never took a class in their life. They just want to have fun and play what they want, and they’ll brush past mistakes, timing issues, forgetfulness etc.
So when people like me and Tomo arrive, people who know how serious practice and perfection is in the music world, and we’re just asking for them to practice and improve and get better, it’s often met with backlash. They think they’re fine so they get defensive or rebellious when we give advice or criticism. Thing is we want to prepare them for the stage, for recording, for critics, to save them from embarrassment, but we too, don’t want them to reflect poorly on us when we worked so hard to master our parts, just for them to make the whole band sound messy or muddy. Sadly, you can’t force your bandmates to practice or care. If we could, music teachers around the world would be much happier.
FINAL WORDS: I wasn’t fond of Tomo initially. I don’t know, I just never like the very serious looking characters who seem to always look down or put down others, never impressed, not much if any warmth coming from them. But Tomo, like the rest of the characters, are quite complex and three-dimensional. She has a soft caring side, and she is learning and growing from her past. She really was trying to stay quiet and to spare other’s feelings, but people kept nudging and nudging her. I like that Rupa urges her to speak and to be open, but still allows her to take her time. This band is different from the last one. They’ve seen them fight from the beginning, but they’re fighting because they’re being open about their thoughts, feelings, and suggestions.
Episode 10: “Return To Pride Town”
EPISODE SUMMARY: This episode starts with I Momo asking if they’re even popular, Nina saying their merch is cute, and Tomo commenting that it’s cause she gave them a weird name. We get a flashback of them trying to promote their merch but getting ignored. Nina says they’re selling better than when they were Shinkawasaki. At least the polaroids are popular, with Rupa taking pictures with fans.

A recruiter then gifts her card to the group. They say the name looks familiar, and Subaru recognizes it as a talent agency. Tomo tries to act uninterested while sneaking a peak. The group is at a table to talk. Momo asks if the recruiter is scouting them, and she says that’s her intention. She tells them that if they have douts, search online for their company, and her name is Miura. Nina quietly asks Subaru about them, and Subaru says they’re popular, and she has classmates who wants to join them, and they have a few bands signed. Nina seems concerned as she heard about agencies. The recruiter than says shes a fan of Diamond Dust, butshe doesn’t like the current Dband. They’ve lost what made the original band so good. She loves Momoka’s music, and she wants her to actualize the kind of music she originally pursued, and she belives this band can do it. Momoka seems a lil…disgusted or hesitant with the recruiter. Nina is standing up super excited, but Momo tells her to sit down.
Momo tells the recruiter that when Diamond Dust wanted to go mainstream, she was told that her songs won’t work and that they didn’t match the trend. The recruiter says yes/understood. Momo continues that she doesn’t think they were wrong about that. The fans followed the band when they adopted their new sound. But these 4 want to still go up against Diamond Dust. They want to give it a show with the music she wants to write, and she’s planning on doing that.
The recruiter says she understands. And confirms that they’re entering the upcoming music festival….The group is then outside talking amongst themselves. They repeat that she told them to leave their mark at the festival. If they stand out there, it’ll be easier for the agency to get labels on board. We see her business card, the agency is Golden Archer. She told them that if they have a lot of fans, they won’t need to change their music style. Subaru says the festival is like their final audition. Momo then asks Nina if she would mind writing lyrics for that song. She seems surprised but open. Momo says she wants to see the song her music inspired, and she says okay. Tomo doesn’t think it makes sense, but Rupa says it sounds fine to her, and Subaru adds that they seem to understand each other.
At work, Rupa checks in on Nina about the lyrics, but Nina says she didn’t get anywhere with them. Tomo jumps in asking, didn’t she say she had something she wanted to write about? She says she did, and tomo says to write about that, but Nina says she doesn’t understand. Words are outside, once you put it into words, what you had inside gets out and takes shape. Tomo confronts her asking ‘who do you think you’re talking to?! Do you know how many songs I’ve written?’ Rupa says she understands what she’s saying though. Tomo tells her her breaks is over though. Nina gets a text and inspects it. Tomo asks what’s up, but she says nothing.
As she’s about to great a customer at the door, she recognizes the guest and hides. It looks like her mother, so she’s freaking out, Why? How? She hides and signs for the other girls to cover her. Rupa handles the customer, and the guest says ‘i believe you have a girl named Iseri working here part-time’ (she got caught!) Rupa tries to hide by saying she’s not on schedule today. The guest looks over the counter hoping to catch her, but she’s already gone. She asks if she’s looking for her? She then calls Rupa by name.
Nina is walking home and notices the text that says mom’s here, and she said she should have told her sooner if she knew. She then recognizes her father standing in front of her building, and hides again behind a pole, running in the other direction. Her dad kinda caught a glimpse of her.
Nina ends up at Subaru’s place. Subaru says she doesn’t even know why they’re here, so shouldn’t she talk to them? She’s ignoring her while relaxing, and Subaru seems genuinely concerned. She says they can’t understand each other. It’s the same with her grandma, they have different values. All they say is nonsense. Subaru tries to say something, but Nina cuts and says she needs to write lyrics. They don’t have much time before the festival, and everyone’s future is on the line. She doesn’t have time to deal with this.
Subaru says it sounds like she’s running away. Nina is annoyed and turns away, looking at the 40 text message notifiation on her app. Subaru asks her if she wants to sty over tonight, but no response.
The next morning, her sister (I assume calls), and Nina tells her to stop calling her. She replies she’s the one that ran away. Nina says it wasn’t like that. She responds they keep calling her asking where she may be. Nina asks if she told them, she said it’s because she sent a letter like this, of course they wouldn’t leave her alone. She says why? And her sister says, do you think they’d just accept it? If you have something to say, stop running and tell it to their face. Nina hung up though.
Nina gets to her apartment and was trying to get in, but her key doesn’t work, so she figures they changed the lock. At her job, she alls her building manager and says she lives there, give her the new key, then hangs up. She then goes off yelling what is wrong with everyone? Tomo tells her to shut up. Rupa then hands Nina a ticket, and says she took her off the schedule, and that’s a present from the two of them. It’s a train ticket from Tokyo to her home city, Kumamoto (damn, it’s like $250!). She says, she thinks Tomo may have mentioned it (tomo is in the back looking sad), but Rupa was supposed to call her family that day, but her shift went long, so she figured she call them the next day or some other time, but that was the last time. She tells Nina you have less time and opportunities than you think. She apologizes saying she knows its annoying to talk about herself, and walks away.
Nina is at Momo’s place and talks to herself while looking at the ticket, ‘do you think they would care, they used to just ignore me’. Momo plays on her guitar, and says that’s her weakness. Nina rebutes, and says they’re not. So Momo tells her to just do it then, and Nina is annoyed she agrees with the rest of them. She says Nina is the one misunderstanding. The thing you can’t let go isn’t your exams or the bullying, it’s that her dad didn’t take her side. Nina tries to deny, but Momo says, if that’s not true, then go meet them. And she says she will. So Momo tells her to go, and says she’s not welcome back here until she does. Nina runs out.
She travels on the train late at night and arrives at her home. Somoene is walking behind her, her parents, and they say they were looking for her. At the dinner table, she already told them she’s in a band. Her mom asks if she wants to make a living from it. Her sister says seems like it. She’s already been approached by a talent agency, and she’s one step from going pro, though she’s not sure if it’s true. Her father is in the room beside overhearing it. She says it’s all true. Her father from the other room says, she left home to study for college, and she did all of this without telling any of them? Her sister said she heard a little. Her father says, do you know how hurt your mother is? Nina starts to show her red sparks that we haven’t seen in ages. She replies, ‘this again. Mom’s got nothing to do with this. When I left home, you told me to do what I wanted, Dad. And I told you I would.’ He says ‘No, i told you to get into college. How much do you think we’ve let you get away with? You wanted to drop out of school, so we did the paperwork. You wanted to go to Tokyo so we arranged it’. She replies “stop making things up. I did eveything myself. Dropping out and going to Tokyo”. He replies “you only got that apartment with your mother’s introduction. Whose name is listed as your guarantor? You’re still a minor. Do you know what that means? It means you have an adult looking after you.” She replies “so i should do as you say? Just at like I wasn’t bullied?” She continues “I can’t do this after all. I came here to try to talk to you properly and get you to understand my side. But this is how it starts, she just can’t. Her father enters the room and says she wants her to come with him somewhere tomorrow.
The next day, they are walking, with her far behind. She asks where they’re going, he says you’ll see soon enough. They get on a train, sitting far from each other. She glares angrily at him. Even on the platform, she’s far behind him. ON the bus, she sees a mirage of her old self with bandages on her head, sitting across from her. When they get off the bus, she tells him she’s not going. She’s not going back to that school. He says he’s already spoken to them. He has something to say, just like she does.
At the school, she hands the principal a letter of apology. The principal thinks them for coming in this hot weather. Nina looks at the letter and asks what’s this? The principal is smiling and saying it must have been hot for her too. She says the followed up and the other student admitted the truth, and she wants to apologize on beahlf of the school for their lack of awareness. The father asks, ‘is that all? Are you saying the school wasn’t responsible?’ She replies that is not the case, however, the school doesn’t recognize it as bullying, Nina is getting angrier. The father says ‘I know it’s not my place to say this, but I think the school was arare of the truth. Nina cuts off her father, and says to stop. He says, ‘you don’t need to say that, you’re the victim’ (awwwwwwww, he believes and is standing up for her ;____;)
Back at Momo’s place, Subaru wonders what will happen if Nina doesn’t come back. Momo says it’ll work out. At the duos place, Tomo drops her mug, she seems upset or concerned. Rupa hugs her and says it’ll be okay, let’s believe in her.
Back at Ninas home, she returns and her mom greets her at the door, asking if she wants food, she just walksa way quietly to her room. Her sister enters the room and asks if she’s returning. She says yes. Sister asks if she’s really doing the band, she says yes. She asks if she loves it that much, and offers her lap to rest, but Nina shakes her head.
She sulks and brings up how that song gave her the push she needed. She was told the smart thing to do was to hold it in, so she thought she didn’t have any other choice. That song pushed her forward. We get a flashback of her attempting to write her apology letter, but is angry and cant. She says she wasn’t wrong, that she doesn’t need to hold it in, she should stop thinking ahead and just take a leap. She didn’t know if that leap would lead down towards hell or upwards to the sky, but that song made her fly. So there’s no ground to return to, not that she wants to go back. Back then, she was trying to suppress the person she was. She may not have wings, and she might just be imagining that she’s flying, but she loves who she is now the most, She can proudly say that, this is the real her. She sheds a tear, and her sister says she understands with a small smile, but tells her to eat before she goes. The sister brings her a curry dish to eat in their room. Nina asks if it’s okay, as they have their precepts, she says its fine. Its been weird since she left, dad even had some beer the other day, even though he’s not a drinker. He got so drunk. She imitates him smoking when he asked ‘what he should do?’ Nina is surprised. She says he worries about her. And despite being a well known educator, he went around and asked for advice. And her round trip train ticket. Mom secretly asked your friends to give it to you, you didn’t realize? She tells Nina that she’s loved. Despite how she acts, their parents love her. Don’t forget that. She cries as she eats her food. Her sister tells her, thank you for being alive, and that she loves her too. (Awwwwwwwwwww).
Nina has a small smile reminising around the house as she prepares to leave. She then overhears her favourite song from another room. Her father asks if she loves that song. She replies, you don’t like it? of course you don’t. And her spiky bits come out. But her father comments that it’s a good song, and her eyes open wide. He repeats his comment. Nina then says from behind the wall, I’m sorry for being such a selfish daughter who doesn’t listen to you. Try to cut down on the smoking.’. And she heads out.
As shes walking down, a little frustrated while saying ‘good bye/I’m off’ in her head multiple times, he runs out. And he tells her ‘have a safe trip’ (their formal Japanese greeting). Her mother and sister also come out and throws her apartment key at her, and her sister says it’s from her dad. Nina cries, bows, and runs off. But then comes back to hug her dad and tells him I’m going to sing a song I wrote at our next show. Please come hear it. He smiles and says okay. She backs off from him, sticks her pinkies up, and thells them I’m off with a smile. She says ‘thanks for cutting the branch, and her sister waves her bye.
She starts her journey back, while thinking to herself, they’re nosy, noisy, and irritating, but I love them. Bye, i’ll see you again. On the train, she falls asleep again, but we can see her lyrics are typed out on her phone. A train attendant wakes her up as it’s the last stop, she actually recognizes her (damn lol). She asks if she slept well. She smiles as she arrives back in Tokyo. The whole band was waiting for her. Momo asks about their souvenirs (common Japanese customs for any trip). She asks how and starts crying. Subaru says Momoka was so sure she’d come back. Rupa adds if Nina didn’t come back today, Momo was going to drive all of them to Kumamoto. Tomo adds, she said shed even drive us herself. Subaru adds, Rupa was about to be their hero. They comment on her crying, if it counts as crying. She thanks them all. We get a still of them running towards each other as she says im back, and momo asking about the song, and she says she got it done.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: I certainly understand Nina running away because her family doesn’t seem to understand, listen, or believe her. I waited since middle school to one day get my place, and even after I moved, things got worse for a while. It’s tempting to run away and stay away when you finally have space, privacy, peace, but like everyone else was saying, it’s good to face it head one, to argue and fight if you need to, but to ultimately work things out if it could be prepared. This year was probably the first time I felt a kind of peace with my family, especially my mom. Like Nina, it’s easy to look at the 5% wrong our families did to us, but when you realize they do actually love you and they’re not that bad, you can move past the offense and give grace for the sake of unity and peace.
FINAL WORDS: This was a really sweet and well needed episode. Nina was being a hypocrite cause she’s being a morality monster, telling Momo to be honest and stop running away, and also telling Subaru to stop living a lie and be honest with her grandmother, and yet Nina was running and avoiding her own problems. It’s always easier to judge and condemn others, aint it? Sometimes we really do need a break, but its also scary going back when you think things are just going to be the same and people don’t understand you. Sometimes, we really do need to leave for others to reflect and notice their faults, or at least for them to realize something has hurt so much that we will leave cause we can’t take it anymore.
But I think its great that she was able to take it head on, even if she had to be pushed by her bandmates. Rupa’s story would hit anyone, having lost her family when she thought she had time. It’s something I always think about, and it’s why I always say how I feel, whether good or bad, and I let people know I appreciate them, cause you never know when it’ll be anyone’s last day. If you’re feeling angry or frustrated about how someone is treating you, it’s important to speak up because they may not even be aware that their actions or words are hurting you, or they may not realize that it affects you a certain way, and if they knew, they would stop it. If they’re toxic and they really don’t care, then those are the ones you need to cut off. But maybe with time to reflect, they may come back and realize they were wrong and seek to reconcile the relationship. I personally think life is just too short to be fake for the sake of fake peace. People shouldn’t have to hide how they feel nor walk on egg shells around each other, if you really care, then talk things out, work things out. Maybe it is all one big misunderstanding, but now people are offended and bitter over something that could be resolved with one conversation.
I appreciate this series for sharing and bringing up such mature concepts, in a relevant place. Bands can’t leave things unresolved, and people can’t bring their negative emotions to the group all the time. I’m so used to positive band animes that just always achieve their goals and work things out very quickly, usually in the span of an episode, and it wasn’t even that serious in the first place, but we’re dealing with real issues here. Family conflicts, bullying, careers and futures, death and loneliness. We also see how Nina really thought the world was against her, but that’s not the case. As well see later on, even who she assumed was her anime out to get her didn’t even see things that way. I’m happy that Nina can go back home without that fear, bitterness, and angst against them. And she can actually get her family’s support for her future gigs.
Episode 11: “Festival Fanfare”
EPISODE SUMMARY: The band is at rehearsals, a very tight room as it was cheaper. The band then looks at a flier for Baycamp, and recognizes some names. Nina points out excited that they’re on there too, and Momo said of course, they’re performing. They’re on day one, near the start (second on the poster). Subaru says they can watch the rest as well, especially since they get to enjoy them all for free. Nina asks Momo how many people will be there, Momo says that festivals go long so it’ll vary. It’ll be full during main acts, but not so much with side acts.
The owner calls out to them, saying he heard they’re playing a different time at the festival. Turns out a band dropped out, so a slot is free during the second day which is busier. They’re all happy about it and Nina feels things are going their way. Momo takes them to the festival which is being constructed and explains the two different stages. Nina is clueless as usual, so Momo says that popular bands play like DD plays on big stages, while bands like them play small ones. Nina thinks it’s cool as she feels like they’re challenging Diamond Dust from the small stage. Subaru says, she doubts DD or their fans sees it that way. Nina says her and Momoka do. Momo asks if they’re really okay about their new time slot, Nina confirms that its okay with the others, then says yes. Nina then tells Momoka to make sure she has a guitar for the festival, then says bye to head off to her second job. Rupa tells Momo that she got that job on her own and Momo has a proud face, saying that she’s changed recently. She also asks if Nina can actually play the guitar now? They don’t know.

Subaru has a different expression on her face, and then we see her at home, seeing an email from her grandmother. She mumbles and says it must be nice to work out your issues. She looks at the band T-shirt they wore before, in which hers says “Liar”, she crotches down and says, she’s not a liar.
At the duos place, Tomo asks, and confirms that Subaru’s still hiding the fact that she’s in a band, right? Rupa says she likes that about her. Tomo rebutes saying she doesn’t really care. Rupa says, I hope you can forgive them, one day. Tomo says that’s not happening. Rupa says theyre still in reach, and she gets up to the balcony. She continues, even if you never meet or talk, they’re still alive. The people I cared about are not ash, nowhere to be found (and she’s about to tear up). Tomo says you still have me, and she thanks her. The two hug each other.

We then hear someone’s thoughts, being asked why they sing, and they say maybe because it lets me connect to someone else. Maybe its because its where I can be honest. Momo shares her thoughts, because I can forget everything and just be free. Nina shares, because she wants to feel like she’s not wrong.
We fast forward to the festival which is in full swing. They sign in and are told where to get off. The group is free to go and check out other groups in the meantime, Momo just tells them not to be late. Subaru runs off to do her own thing and check out the bands, Nina tries to join her but she rejects. The other 4 find the tent set up for them (their name at the entrance). Mine finds them and asks if its a good time. She didn’t tell them she was coming, said what’s the fun in that. She then says playing this slot on the second day is a big deal. Momo thanks her. They said it was just luck. She asks Nina how she’s doing, she says good but she’s still learning the guitar. Mine says good, looks like you’re settling in. Nina is suprirsed, and Mine says she has the look of a singer, and the two laugh.

A punk looking girl is at the door and tells her to introduce her already. Momo and Nina freak out (OH!!! I saw another post by chance, and she’s the street guitarist from episode 1 LOLLL). Mine says its Kyoko, the girl shows her claws saying its a small world. The two are still freaked out, hugging each other defensively. Mine says Kyoko is a fan of Nina’s. Nina is shocked. Kyoko says she loves her voice, and tells them to come back with them again sometime. Nina says if theyll have her. Kyoko is happy and shocked, saying that’s awesome. She then walks over to them and asks if she can have a photo, asking her to make a funny face. She then invites the others to come to all, but Rupa and Tomo backed out of the pic.

The group is then looking at their socials. They got a lot of likes and comments, people are excited to see them. Rupa then brings a big mug of beer sayings its all you can drink. As shes about to drink, Nina stops her. She asks just a little, but Tomo says her little is never just a little.
In the background, Miura (the recruiter) is walking in the background trying to disguise herself, but Nina calls out to her. Nina second guesses if its is her, and Miura denies saying she got the wrong person. Rupa tries to drink again but is stopped. Momo then mentions that Subaru hasn’t made it back yet. Nina says its unfair. Rupa says she was already back in the dressing room. Nina gets back to their tent first and asks if Subaru checked out the other bands, She said yup. Nina says she’s jealous, she wanted to go to. Subaru then says, she bets she’s jealous, then gets serious and say, ‘it must be nice to have closure’. (I get why she’s a little bitter, considering Nina stopped her when she had her opportunity to tell her grandma and was about to). She continues ‘the first time I went to a music festival, one of the drummers said something. How they always do their best to play, watching the other member’s backs. That really resonated with me. I’m in the exact same position.’ She says she texted her grandma yesterday, that she wanted to do something other than act. Momo was at the door but didn’t enter when she heard the two. Subaru then encourages Nina saying, lets keep this band going, even if it doesn’t work out today. Momo is relieved. Nina asks if that’s okay. Subaru says she’s narrow minded and stubborn and she preaches morals, she’s shy and unfriendly, no wonder she got bullied. (ouch lol), But she doesn’t lie, plus she gives evertyhing her all and that’s reassuring. It makes her want to stick with Nina. Nin says thanks, but says she’s lying though, Nina calls her a lier, and the two make a pinky promise. Momo then tells them it’s time to go. They ask where, she tells her to follow them.

They end up at the main stage, which has a really huge crowd. Looks like Tomo got used to sticking up her pinky naturally. The song starts, and Nina recognizes it. Of course, it’s Diamond Dust. Nina is BURNING.
We get a flashback, NIna and her exfrieend lying on the ground on a school yard. Her exfriend asks her, ‘how long are you planning on playing the tragic heroine? You were in the wrong’, and she gets up, ‘keep it up and you’ll just hurt yourself. You must be stupid’, and she walks away. Nina tells her to shut up. In the present, she sticks her pinky up towards them. It’s assumed the singer notices her at the very back, but the show starts up. The band all watches them very seriously/angrily.
After their song, someone thanks the crowd, and then says welcome, they can see them at the back. Tomo comments that they’ve gotten better. Momo comments that they got slammed for being over-produced (more digital sounding or perfect) after they got an idol as their vocalist. She knows they’re thinking ‘don’t mock us, i’ll change your mind about us right now. The fans got the message, they’re serious’. The singer than raises up her hand and her pinky finger and sticks her tongue in their direction. The others also stick up their pinkies their way. Subaru says they’re game too, Nina says she’s pissed, Rupa says she loves this type of thing. Nina says all right, lets steal all their fans here. Momo is down.

The group is now on their stage for a sound check. Nina is amazed with the crowd space in front of them (still empty at the moment). Subaru does her sound check first, playing a rhythm, loving the close up and effects. They have her check her mix next, and then she thanks the sound engineer. They got one by one, Rupa showing off with a bass solo confidently, and testing out her distortion pedal.
Now its just before their set. They ask about Miura, she texted one of them earlier saying she’s in the crowd, and the member prefers the distance, makes her seem more trustworthy. The stage member says theyre ready for them on stage. They ask about huddling up, but Nina says they can all put up their pinkies instead, Tomo saying its lame. Momo says her last comments ‘we’re about to start the most important show of our lives. Let us all hear you sing and shout on that stage, Nina. Go hit that crowd in the emotions with our song. Nina says okay, but the others comment that she’s crying, and how they’re about to take the stage. (Good thing they’re not wearing makeup eh? Or at least nothing obvious).

Nina jumps on stage, grabs Momo’s guitar, and strums hard. She yells to the crowd that she can play, then hands it back to her. The crowd has a good laugh, and the member’s comment. Nina then does a formal intro, saying they are Togenashi Togeari, they’re in a band, but it’s not easy at all. We’re all timid and distrusting of others and always grumbling (its true), we invite others then end up not giving it our all. Momo asks if she’s talking about her, and Tomo asks what does she mean by grumbling, Nina says they are. Subaru cuts them and introduces them, saying Momoka’s on the guitar, Tomo on keyboard, and their Morality monster, Nina on vocals, and Rupa on bass, who says she loves fighting. And Rupa introduces Subaru on drums.
Nina then quotes negative comments she had in the past, (mostly from her exfriend) ‘”Give up, it’ll never happen. You can’t do it, just face reality. This is enough. it’s hard for me too.” Reality tries to swallow and undermine me with a kind expression. So I’m putting it all on this song, and turn the nonbelievers into believers with this song. To all the people who rejected all of me. I’ll scream to them that I wasn’t wrong.’
The song starts as the credits roll. First time we get somewhat of a full song. We see the crowd roll in. We also get some dark and sad scenes from all he members, Momo being alone after the band broke up, Subaru with her situation, Tomo burning her piano awards, and Rupa looking at a candle in remembrance of her family. We then see people like Subaru’s grandmother in the audience and Diamond Dust. The song is done and they get a lot of cheers and praise. Nina smiles and asks Momo, she wasn’t wrong.
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: Once again, I appreciate the insight into this world. I performed at a festival, though they only had one stage there, but everything they said is accurate regardless. A bigger crowd comes for the bigger, well-known, popular acts, but nobodies like my group only drew a small crowd.
People tend to come closer to the stage for acts they care about, but use other acts to show, eat, and look around. Some will stick around cause they’re only there for the show, but if there’s a small and a big stage, you can bet more would go to the big stage and hold on to their closer spots.
The members have to sign in and let a manager know they are there. Them having a tent to set up and change is also normal. At the festival I did, they had one big tent for all. We didn’t actually go to it as we were dressed and ready to go, and to be ready behind the stage a while before your time starts. You’re generally free to do whatever, as long as you’re back and ready to go at least half an hour or more before your set starts. People don’t want to have to look for you, nor do they want to risk the schedule falling behind.
And while the show seems to imply that the groups are only doing 1 or maybe 2 songs each gig, I would assume the festival gave them at least a 15-30 minute block. More so if they’re going through the trouble of a sound check and all that.
The agent/scout wanting to be undercover also makes sense. They don’t want people to know they’re there or for people to look out for them and such up to them, they wanna see things raw and make their own judgements.
PERSONAL CONNECTION: I totally understand the band’s feelings in all this. For us, the festival was also a 2 day thing, but they divided it so the full day (Saturday) would have more local acts, entertainment, idol groups etc, whereas the second half day (Sunday) would have more traditional Japanese acts and group dances. Due to my religion, they were considerate and allowed us to play later on Saturday (8pm, though they were behind schedule so we started around 8:30pm). I had friends in other groups who we talked to behind stage before we went, and they were envious as their slot was around 3pm and they said it wasn’t that crowded.
For us, it was definitely busier for the idol groups and anime north convention cosplay show that went on just before us, and also more crowded after when the foreign acts took the stage, so we were like a filler group. We just sang and played guitar, so it’s not like we were that entertaining to watch. If anything, the whole venue space would hear us and could see us, and we already knew what it was like to be somewhat ignored while people shop and talked around us at the previous convention. We weren’t there to be popular though, it was just to live our dreams and sing songs we loved, so we were happy that we pushed ourself and got to perform at such a big stage regardless.
What a cool way to officially end the band project! Well, we didn’t get a sound check or anything, so there were some issues, but hey, we’re small enough that no one cares. Not even the venue uploaded pics or vids of us afterwards XD Maybe we weren’t Japanese-y or idol-y enough, but that’s why you always have to capture your own footage! Either way, we know what it’s like to work hard and to get to certain place, and to still be ignored for bigger acts or different kinds of groups/music. It is what it is. I’ll always be grateful for the opportunity and to have that memory either way ^_^
Episode 12: “Contracted”
EPISODE SUMMARY: The band is at a photoshoot, implying the scouting went well. They comment on how it looks great but it’s been retouched. The recruiter says they’ll chose a photo when they sign their contract. When they’re about to sign, Rupa and Tomo weren’t there as it was their last day at the restaurant which has been good to them. The recruiter says the contracts are in order, which means as of now, they’re all officially part of the agency, and that she will be responsible for them.

At the music store, Nina hears their salary (200K Yen, about $2000), and Momo confirms they’ll get that on the 25th of each month. Nina is glowing. Momo says she bets she didn’t read the whole contract. Subaru teases that they’ll suddenly demand that they do adult-y videos. Momo says it won’t be like that but the agency will get a percentage of their earnings. Merch, concerts, and albums too. The agency will help promote us, and if we make it big, its a win-win. Nina then catches a glance of a telecaster guitar (I hate this style so much) for 79,200 yen (about $780, not bad at all). Nina then says she wonders, and Momo asks if she’s not confident. Subaru asks if shes still hung up on that music festival? How she’s egosurfing. She says of course! They put on such a great show, but all they talk about is Diamond Dust, and shes angry, saying their show was way better! Subaru says it’s not surprise, and Momo tells her not to egosurf since they got recognition that led to their contract. The competition is just starting.

The trio head to Nishinoya and they hand the duo their contracts. Subaru hands them flowers saying congrats on their last day. The also sit down and eat even though they were having hot pot later. Nina reminisces about how often they came there. Momo adds this was the first place she bought her dinner. Subaru asks about it, Momo says it took her four hours to get here from Tokyo Station, and she was crying about not having her key and whatnot. Subaru comments, how bad with directions are you? Nina defends that the Yokosuka Line is so complicated. Tomo is in the back checking out the flowers and card, which includes a note that says, thankyou, we won’t forget the Beni-Shouga soul. Rupa then says, thanks for everything (formal phrase, also means, thanks for all you hard work). Tomo replies, you too, although we’re just getting started.

Later that night, they are all at Momo’s place to have a party and celebrate. Subaru is ready to party, but the duo are still on their way from work. Momo is struggling to cut up some pumpkins, Nina says she never knew raw pumpkins were so hard, and Momo comments on her being a princess, like she used to. Nina is about to refute it, but then thinks she may have been right. She reminds Momo of how much she taught her when she first moved, and says she was really shocked at the time, that she couldn’t do anything, that she didn’t even realize how much she didn’t know. Momo asks if she’s better now though, she says yes, and she’ll keep working on the guitar. Momo ask if this really was for the best, Nina says with resolve, they just all need to get to a point where we can say that it was. She says okay!
The others come in with beer, and Momo jops over. Rupa says she made their band logo as well. Momo and Rupa start drinking, but Subaru tells them they haven’t even kicked off the party yet, but they’re in their own world. Nina says they can just start, and Subaru starts to serve the others. They both prefer their cabbage softer, and Subaru says they’re both a pain. They say we have our preferences. The adults are looking over at them as they argue about it, but smile. Momo picks up her phone, and writers down an idea for a new song.

The group ends up at a recording studio, and they’re introduced by the recruiter to the sound engineer and his assistants (they all look the same LOL). Nina is stunned and says she can’t memorize all that (their names, I’m bad with names too). Momo says memorizing names becomes part of the job, and while trying to be cocky, she messes up his name too and the engineer corrects her. Rupa asks if its the song from the other day, Momo says yes, she put in some temporary lyrics, and she passes the paper to Nina who is still laughing over the name situation. Nina looks at it and the title, and Momo says its about them. When she thought about what their first song should be, I knew it had to be about us. They seem happy to get started. Tomo tells Nina that if she’s serious about beating Diamond Dust, put your heart into this. We then get a montage of the group working on it over the next few days, at the studio, thinking about it and mentally practicing on the ride home, etc. Nina chekcing out the music store at the guitar she wants. Momoka glancing at Budokan and practicing hard.
After, they’re on the outside of the studio with the engineer listening to the track. Momo asks if they did too much, Subaru says she thought it was fine. Nina asks, what about moving that part to the beginning? They discuss it and mention redoing it. But then the recruiter comes in saying it’s getting quite late. Momo gits her teeth, frustrated. The group is at the train station going their seperate ways.
Nina tells Tomo that its fun, making a new song for themselves. Momo is knocked out on Nina’s shoulder. Nina continues, when she imagines it reaching someone else soon….Tomo says its not that easy. Rupa adds, sometimes it never reaches anyone no matter how much you want it to (they would know since they’ve been producing and releasing stuff online). But Nina responds, ‘don’t worry. look how hard we’re working on it. It’ll be fine.’
Back at the studio, Mommo says that a part is bothering her. The engineer asks if she wants to hear it from his side? She says okay. Nina asks about Miura, but she stepped out. Momo tells nina to call her as she should probably listen to it too.

Nina then calls out to Miura in a different room, but she’s on a call with someone and mentions Diamond Dust in shock, and says really? and then says she’ll talk to them later. She seems surprised to see Nina behind her. Nina tells her Momoka wanted her to listen to their song too. Miura asks if she overheard, she says no, the manager was about to walk away, but Nina asks, what about Diamond Dust? The manager sighs. She then shows a flyer she received, that says “Valentine! Battle of the bands. Diamond Dust x Togenashi Togeari”. It would take place at a club, Diamond Dust the first day, and their band the second, on a big stage. The recruiter says it’ll be in February, and comments that, it’s like they know their song’s schedule. They want it to coincide with Valentine’s. Nina says sounds good to her, bring it on! The recruiter then tells them to read the next page, and says they’ll compete over ticket sales and attendees (that’s not even fair bro), and the winner’s song will be chosen for a TV show’s theme song (oooooo). Momo and Tomo understand what it’s all about, but Nina is not getting it.
At a different location, the band meets. Nina is stunned and repeats what they said in that they can’t win. She argues why give up before we even try? Momo says they won’t it’s obvious. Diamond Dust has doubled their follower count, it’s a fixed race. Tomo adds, they brought this to us because they know they’ll win. Rupa adds, then they can openly say they’re better than us. Nina sounds defeated, but fights, ‘well be on the same stage this time! Then we just need to get everyone pumped like at the festival!’ Momo tells her to think about it. The unfair thing about this is that they’re not playing to the same crowd. Subary adds, they may be facing off, but they’re both playing solo. Which means what’s important isn’t the performance, but the crowd draw. The more famous one will always win (sadly). Nina gets it and says that’s unfair. Momo says there’s no point in getting mad. Subaru asks, what do the Diamond Dust members think about this? Momo says no idea. Nina says, they don’t think anything about it. At the very least, the girl she knows, Hina, won’t care. She sees nothing wrong with getting an advantage. Subaru says, she feels like talking about this will start an argument. Rupa says, what’s wrong with that (she must be a sadist lol) it happens a lot on TV. Like throwing beer and drinks at each other. Subaru comments that she’s already been through that. Subaru says really, and we can hear that she sounds a bit excited about it. Subaru says all they can do is vote. Momo asks who’s in favor, Nina and Rupa raises her hand, and against, 3 of them raise their hand.

Another day, they are at the agency and tell the recruiter that they discussed it as a group and think it’s too soon. They need more time to prepare. She understands, and says she’ll let them know we decline. Nina then asks her what she thinks about this. The recruiter is torn. She says she thinks winning is difficult, but doing this against Diamond Dust would help with their publicity. Nina seems a little hopeful, but the recruiter continues, but at the same time, if the results are too one-sided, it will leave the impression that you’re unpopular. So she is down once again. Momo asks, were they aiming for that as well? The recruiter responds, build each other up or tear each other down, either one could be for show or their real goal, she honestly doesn’t know.
Later, Subaru and Nina are in a breakroom. Nina says shes tired as she gets a drink from the machine. Subaru says everything seems like a scheme. Its like they’re in the adult world now. She sees Nina and asks if she still thinks they should do it? Nina is conflicted, and says shes wondering if this is what being a pro is going to be like. Nina reminds her that she chose this path.
They go back to the rehearsal room with waters for everyone, and Momo and Rupa are discussing the arrangement, but seem frustrated. Tomo suggests that it might be faster to just rewrite it from scratch. Momo says they could. She comments that the part seems a little dated and people might not like it. Subaru asks about it, and says she guess key changes are trendy now, but seems unsure, though she feels more confident when Rupa showcases the idea. Nina calls to Momo who seems really frustrated and tells her that she’s thinking too hard, and drifting further from where they stared. This is supposed to be their song by her, right? Then why not just let it be that? All that matter is whether or not its their song.
We cut to the members leaving the agency and the recruiter saying shell see them tomorrow, and they thank her. Nina calls to her, and tells hher she still wants to take on Diamond Dust. The other members look at her stunned. She says, she understands there are other things at play here, but we’ll get to headline their own show, and sing their own songs, right? Subaru says they will but….and Nina cuts that she thinks they should do it. She doesn’t think they should ever run away from playing their music. If they do that….Subaru adds, we’ll lose. Nina says yeah, and then asks Momo if she thinks they can do it. Momo is quiet. Rupa walks by her side and says, Momo should decide. She’s the one with the most history with Diamond Dust, and asks the others if they’re okay with that.

We cut to them at a park/shrine. It is quite cold out. Subaru asks if this is Nina’s neighbourhood and why they’re there. Nina says its actually the perfect time for visiting shrines and temples. One asks if they’re there to pray, and she says yes. Nina asks Momo if she every visits shrines with Nana or the rest of Diamond Dust on New Years. She says no, we didn’t have time for prayers and it wasn’t her thing. One (Rupa?) says that they can use all the help they can get, be it from the gods or anyone. Another (Tomo?) says if they exist?
Nina asks Momo without facing her, what is it? It’s weird how irrirated she’s been? Momo asks if that’s it? The songs just not going how she wants…Nina calls her a liar, and says she doesn’t want her to lie to them. Momo then says she’s scared. The more she starts writing seriously, the more she starts reliving that anxiety. She got scared that she might lose it all again. Nina says she knew it, that she was suffering. We were all alone in this world, but we had music. Even now, Momo’s passion still flows through her, and that brought her to all of them. She trusts this feeling and their music, so please trust in yourself. She adds that she wants to creat the story of Togenashi Togeari, she wants the five of them to continue to have the same dream. She believes the god of rock exists. They all stick up their pinkies and huddles. One asks, if the god of rock existed, what would she ask them? one responds, to sell a million CDs obviously, and she adds, what about 10million CDs, and another says more,100 million! As they pray, Momo says she’s askinng that they will beat Diamond Dust at their show. Ninas eyes open, realizing she’s accepting the show. They all look at her shocked.
At the studio, the engineer asks for their thoughts. Subaru, tomo and Rupa says it sounds good. Momo seems a little unsure. The engineer says, I try not to express if I like a song or not, and he sweats this isn’t flattery, but he likes how it is now. It properly has all the things they want in it. He’s watched them all these last few weeks and this song is true to themselves. Momo with a brighter mood asks really? He says it felt fulfilling to work on it, and he’s glad he took this job helping a band like theirs. And gives a big smile. Nina stands, bows, and thanks him, but says the wrong name, and he corrects her.
At the next seen, the recruiter says she’ll let them know when the mixing is done. Nina asks when will it be uploaded online. She says if it goes smoothly, they’re on schedule for the start of next month. Before she leaves, she adds that she like the song too, and believes the song will be a hit. Nina and th eband then thanks her. She says its too early to thank her, they’re just starting.

The next morning, assumingly new years day at 6am (around when the video should be released), Nina gets up, washes up, then prays to the god of rock for a billion views…but even 10K would be enough. She then quickly finds the uploaded video, and sees 103 views. She is stunned, and asks what is this?
PERSONAL CONNECTION: I haven’t worked with an agency, so not much I can personally share here. But man, imagine being signed to one of the biggest, and still flopping. That’s gotta hurt! I would be really crushed if I were Momoka. You knew this, but you still allowed this band to drag you through it, still got quite a few fans attention, got recruited by someone who believes in you too….and then this. More so, if she thought the song needed something more, but everyone said it’s great, and then those are the results.
Episode 13
EPISODE SUMMARY: We start with a flashback of Nina’s school. Her friend, Hina asks if she’s going to help the girl who is being bullied. Nina says of course, it’s not right, she didn’t do anything. Hina says bullies don’t need a reason. Nina says she needed help, and Hina says if she goes, she won’t be able to help her, and they’ll target her next. Nina asks what about the girl, and she says she’ll either bare it, drop out, or a teacher will stop it. Nina asks if she’s asking her to ignore it? Hina asks why is she like this and that she’s irritating. Nina says she understands what she’s saying but it’s not right. People who are in the wrong can’t just get away with it. Then she walks out.
Nina wakes up from her dream having overslept. At the agency, the recruiter is blunt that the song didn’t reach half of their projections. Tomo says that makes sense. The video barely got any views and their subscriber count hasn’t grown. Momo seems troubled. Rupa asks what the recruiter thinks. She replies that they have more exposure and recognition, and a respectable number of searches, so the song should have more traction. Momo says but they’re not. The recruiter cuts that its the agencies fault, and their promotion must be failing. She apologizes. Momo tries to say that’s not what she was implying. The recruiter continues, ‘in the age of self-publication, talent agencies can’t fall behind. If we offer no benefits to artists, they would leave us, right?’ She asks the band to give them more time and they’ll think of a plan.
As the band hangs outside, Nina comments that she’s never seen Miura like that. She also notices that Momo was gone. Subaru comments that Momo must have realized that the song is the problem. Miura realized Momoka was going to say that, so she stopped her as it would hurt her feelings. Nina denies it and says it just needs more time, it’s a great song! Tomo says, nobody would struggle if that was enough to make a hit. Rupa adds, as they say, Van Gogh only sold one painting while he was alive. Subaru adds, Ultimately, people are influenced by trends. They’ll watch anything if everyone says its good. And they won’t watch something nobody else is. They then hear Diamond Dust’s song playing out loud on a truck advertisement. Nina sees it and sticks her pink at the banner.
The next day, Nina is at home reading hate comments, “The band that picked a fight they couldn’t win” “I hate how they’re acting like they’re all that.” “Go away, losers!” Nina gets angry, about to throw her phone but resists, and tells them to shut up, and screw them. She says they’re not losing to them and tells herself to calm down and think about the battle of the bands. Diamond Dust already sold out their show, of course.
She then sees that Hina requested to follow her, and the two then meet face to face. They remanence over a snack they used to get, then Nina gets down to business asking her what she wants. Hina says nothing, she just figured she had the wrong idea. She claims that she told her she was auditioning, but then recalls they stopped talking and Hina dropped out before that. Nina asks if she came to brag and that this happened because she didn’t listen to her. Nina says yes, but also shares that their agent came asking if they could do a show together. Their schedule’s free, so it’s their choice, but she wanted to get Nina’s opinion. Hina goes on for a while berating her, saying they should be grateful, and telling her to apologize or acknowledge that she’s wrong. Hina gets angrier, refuses, and ultimately leaves.

Nina then gets a call, and we move to a scene were the band has gathered at Momo’s place. They say Miura called and Diamond Dust asked if they could play both days because they want to play for the same crowd. They Momo asks Nina what she thinks? Nina asks about the group’s thoughts and they are open to it since they didn’t stand a choice before. Nina says the competition wouldn’t matter then as DD would get all the credit, it’s the same as admitting defeat. Rupa asks if she’s against it, and of course she is. Nina yells that there’s no way she’ll agree, think of everything we went through. Their whole point was to prove that Momoka’s songs can reach people and they came that far because they believed that. Momo cuts in that reality won’t let them. They haven’t even sold enough tickets to fill 30% of the venue. Nina says so what? Momo asks, are you gonna take responsibility then? Do you know how much money this costs? Nina is stunned regarding money. Momo adds that there’s also merchandise and marketing, so they need to reduce our losses as much as we can.
Momo then states that it’s her fault and bows to apologizes to the group. Nina asks, does this mean you’ll bow your heard to Diamond Dust too. Momo’s eyes open in realization. Subaru says that’s not what they’re doing, and Tomo says they’re just taking them up on their offer. Nina cuts them off angrily crying, do you really think Diamond Dust made that offer to us? Miura bowed her head and begged them, to help us by playing with us. One asks really, how does she know that? She tells them Hina told her and wanted her to admit she was wrong, and then she’d help the as much as they wanted, but she didn’t want to because she didn’t think they were wrong. Nina then grabs Momoka’s guitar, plugs it in, and yells at them not to bow their heads to them. She plays rock and roll, and 3 of them are not impressed, ignoring the moment, but Momoka’s eyes brighten up. Nina tells them, ‘don’t reject the person I was. Money, responsibility, popularity. I know that already. I’m so mad and frustrated! Just shut up already’. She then trips and falls of the table. The others ask if she’s okay, but Nina continues to cry and asks why am i so weak? Momo gives a soft smile at the end though.
Back to a flashback from high school, Hina is talking to an injured Nina, and says ‘Did they do this to you? I told you I can’t help you’. Nina replies ‘was what i did that upsetting foryou?’ She replies “you know, every time we talked, I got this feeling that you have this sense of justice that you flaunt and hurt everyone with. You make us feel like we’re the bad guys’.
The group is outside. One asks to conform Nina that they haven’t spoken since, she says yeah. Rupa asks what happened to the girl who was being bullied? Nina says, she started bullying me with her former bullies not long after. Then she’d tell Nina privately to apologize to them. That they’d probably forgive her, and she wouldn’t have to go through this. Another adds, so that’s why you stopped going to school. Momo says, becuase you weren’t wrong huh? Tomo yells, ‘but you were wrong! Look at the results! That Hina girl was obviously right! But….I think that’s why I was drawn to you. I like your voice. The others too, probably’. Nina smiles brightly and hugs her. She doesn’t like it, but Rupa hugs both of them and says they have their decision. Momo mentions that Miura worked hard on this deal, they need to take responsibility. Subaru comments that she guess she knew it would turn out this way from the beginning. It’s Nina after all. The girls laugh.
At the agency, they tell Miura that they decline the offer. Miura says they want to do a proper battle of the bands. Momo said they know, but it would look like we’re being saved by them. Miura says, even so, the audience would……then Momo hands her a letter of resignation, and says it’s what they’ve all decided. They all bow in her direction. Momo adds, we also know how selfish of a decision this is, and the loss to the agency isn’t insignificant, please let us know the cost for this event. I can’t promise when, but we will pay it back, so please. The recruiter tells them to raise their heads and tell her why. Nina speaks up and says Hina contacted her directly. Nina thanks Miura for her hard work and apologizes for being selfish. Miura says, she knew it would go against their wishes and claims she’s a bad manager. She says the agency and her will do something about the money, and this is exactly why she wanted to work with them, so she asks that they let her help them one last time. They are then in the recording studio where they told the engineer that they’re quitting. He asks if they’re changing agencies, Nina says no, they’ll continue on their own. He asks if they were dissatisfied, they said no, it’s just what they decided. He then tells them to come back here if they’re still around in 10 years. He’ll work for them for free.
They head to Yoshinoya for a beef bowl. Nina brings up this is where they mey Beni-shouga. She asks if they want to make an oath on it, its an important name to the two of them, so an oath is important. Tomo asks what kind of oath. Nina says, the five of them will stick together and never quit. Subaru joke, guess we have to eat here then. Rupa says sounds good, just one drink. Nina then tells Momo she loves this city where she met lifelong friends that she can laugh and cry with.
At the venue, Subaru mentions that they lost and Nina says they knew this would happen, that things were stacked against them, and it wouldn’t be easy. Subaru says she’s one to talk, she’s the one who was the most clueless. Momo mentions that due to Diamond Dust’s show last night, and reads some “I like them” “Why do they get so much hate?” “Shut up, songs aren’t about numbers” “Its not over until its over”. Momo smiles saying they really can reach people. Subaru has a big smile on her face. Momo adds that she didn’t expect her guitar playing to improve so much. Subaru says it was a surprise. Nina asks, is its really okay for me to play? Rupa says she practiced so much in the park. Tomo says seems fine.
They get a knock on the door saying its time to go. Hina left a few notes around to point her to another note which says ‘made you look dumb’ with a chibi of her sticking out her tongue. Nina is annoyed, Tomo say she’s funny. Subaru says, maybe hina didn’t want you to fold after all. Nina asks what does she mean. Momo jokes, she came all this way to tell you to apologize, even though she knows you won’t. Rupa says, true, NIna is like the final boss. Hina is not amused. Subaru adds, the universe’s most irritating Morality Demon King. Mom adds, beating you means the game’s over, but she still wants to play. Nina says that doesn’t make her happy at all, Momo says its a compliment. You know shes right. The recruiter tells them its time and they get on stage. The curtain drops. The turnout isn’t half bad!

Nina starts by saying you know we’re competiting against Diamond Dust, but you an see the results, she then stops herself, and cheerfully thanks them all for coming today. She knocks her head on the mic as she attempts to bow and the crowd laughs. She then smiles. She says to be honest, we cared about it a lot. They wanted to beat DD, they didn’t want to lose, we really did our best at the last music festival too. We catch a glimpse of Hina hiding somewhere in the venue. Nina then gets serious and asks to talk about herself for a moment. She asks Rupa if that’s okay, and she nods. She says back in high school, i helped someone who was being bullied, i was really happy as i left my classroom to go save her. I felt so porud, and i loved myself for doing that. But because of that, i got bullied instead, and i ultimately dropped out of school. But not once did i ever think ‘i shouldn’t have gone’ or ‘this wouldn’t be happening if i hadn’t gone’, that’s when i realized, i don’t regret anything. I became stronger because of Momo’s song, and i often talked about that to Hina, she gasps as she realized she said her name, she says oh…as she realizes Hina liked Diamond Dusk’s songs too. Hina smiles at the comment. Nina realizes it wasn’t just her song, it reached her too. And notices Hina on the balcony of the crowd. She continues, once again, thank you so much for coming today. You are the contrarians who came ot see us, but i love people like that, and ill scream out that we haven’t lost. That we weren’t wrong. Please be the witnesses to our beginning.
And their final song starts. We get a nice montage of all the member’s past, which includes some good memories, and when Subaru first caught a glance at the drums. During a glimpse, we see Hina smiling at the band, and her bandmate notices her, but Hina tries to hide her expression. The song is sweet, ultimately saying the version of themselves who wanted to disappear is gone, because they met each other and fate bloomed. It ends with them smiling, waving, and thanking the audience.
MUSICIAN INSIGHT: This episode was certainly bittersweet. I think we’re so used to the main characters always winning in the end, so it was a breath of fresh air as well. The music industry isn’t easy, and success or fame doesn’t happen over night, even if you do have amazing songs and put on a great show. As much as I had my fingers crossed that their song release would get some decent numbers, it is what it is. I always tell real artists to just get their first song out there as the first is the hardest, and it’s probably going to get little to no views/listen anyways. Many of us assume or hope we’ll go viral, but that’s rarely the case. Most of the members are realistic and accepting of this, probably because they’ve released stuff before and know how it goes, but Nina is especially stubborn and annoyed due to her high optimism.
FINAL WORDS: I didn’t like Hina initially. It’s not even about siding with Nina, and from a Japanese perspective, she was right that if Nina got involved, she’ll be bullied next. She probably told her to try to protect her, even if she said some harsh words while doing so. But I’m thankful to know that this was all a misunderstanding. Seeing someone who betrayed you become the singer of the band that saved you, I don’t even know how I would react to that. But we find out that Hina not only thought she told NIna that she wanted to audition, but that she is genuinely a fan of Diamond Dust too. Essentially, it has nothing to do with revenge or getting under her skin, but Hina’s all for rivalry and picking at her. I love rivalry too, so I like that it ended off on a lighter note with Hina teasing with the notes, the members laughing at it all, and ultimately, the somewhat understanding and supporting each other.
I like that while there is space for another season or two, we end with a kind of peace. Togenashi Togeari didn’t win in the end, but Nina gained the understanding and acceptance of her family, she realized her friend from high school isn’t actually out to get her, and the band stuck to what they truly believed in even if they weren’t as popular as they would have hoped. No doubt they could get there, but it’s definitely going to take time~
Season 1 Final Comments
Man, as I said in the intro, I wasn’t expecting such a deep show. Usually, I can actually sit back and laugh and enjoy slower, slice-of-life moments, but this series is jam packed. They actually go through all the steps and include all the vital points, and they got to perform like 4 times in the span of 13 episodes…HOW??? I tried so hard to ‘summarize’ the episodes, but I felt if I did, I’d be missing out on some key points, conversations or hints. It really is so much different from most series I watched where the whole season is working up to one big gig, or they may get one smaller gig early on but then nothing until the final episode.
I also appreciate that they never had a ‘instrument/string breaks or singer loses their voice right before the big show’ trope….there’s enough drama and pressure and stakes on the line without it. But also, because the band has nothing to blame and thus no excuses, if they don’t do that well, it’s simply because they aren’t popular. And because they’re not just focusing on a musician learning an instrument like was the case for Yui (K-ON!), Mafuyu (Given), and Kasumi (Bang Dream), we actually got to dive deeper into the logistics of running and managing a band, and the various aspects that goes into preparing for a recording or a performance, we got to learn more about networking, venues vs festivals, and such, so I found it a very insightful and realistic depiction of the band scene.
Also, this isn’t common for me, but I really do love all the members of the band, and as we’re getting to learn more about Diamond Dust, they’re pretty cool too! As I mentioned in an episode, we’re so used to 2-dimensional characters, they’re just cold because they’re cold, or they’re always brave and courageous, but these characters are different. We often get to see at least 2 sides of them, like Nina being more shy and awkward, to being loud and bold, or Subaru acting like a princess in public but actually being quite rough and angry with her bandmates, or Tomo who gives off a haughty attitude and always seems mad, but she is actually pretty considerate and obedient as well. They all got their own personal problems which contribute greatly to why they are that way, so it’s really beautiful getting to see them actually open up and be their true selves in the band setting.
Even Rupa which we barely got to learn much about, while she just seems to be the happy-go-lucky individual that everyone loves, she’s also not against conflict and seems to like it. It seems like a weird combination, but when you find out she lost her family, it’s understandable why she’d rather people talk even if it means they fight, than to be silent and grow apart. She knows when to step in and how (ie kicking down the door, or bumping Nina on stage), but she generally sits back and just enjoys the liveliness of having people around her. While they haven’t been in a band for long, you can tell they are a family to her. She is responsible for Tomo, and she pushes her to open up so she won’t be alone either, but she is still patient and puts her first. I think it’s also nice that the show put 2 adults with 3 teens, as it opens a lot more possibilities for the band.
But yea, it’s a great series. Definitely the best band series I’ve watched regarding rock bands (there’s other amazing music series like “Sound Euphonium” and “Kids on the Slope” that i’ve also given a 10/10 rating to thanks to their accuracy to the instrument, band dynamics, and the music industry. Definitely check out my article where I give ratings to all the animes I watched, and I’ll see you again if there’s a season 2!