We’re back!! Chromatic Dreamers Band Project 1.0 ended in success. 4 rookie musicians got together, formed a band, practiced, and we got to perform at an anime convention (acoustic) and on a real stage.

Due to failed projects in the past, I started that as a short-term project with a clear finish line. However, since I, Nostalgia, still want to play guitar and the singer, Cloud, still wants to sing, we have reunited to make an acoustic duo: Natsukashii Kumo! (Nostalgic Cloud)!
You can learn more about the first band project here, but consider this my first post in regards to this new project. I am a musical blogger who loves to share tips/lessons as a beginner guitarist myself, along with stories and insight as I navigate the music industry. This project will be a lot more casual, and we’re hoping to perform more often at places like cafes or open mics and such. We just want to learn and grow as we perform and entertain people.
I actually didn’t think or plan to start up anything again anytime soon, if at all. The last project was 3 years of learning the instrument, researching about bands and running rehearsals, screening applicants, managing members and meetups, creating this website and blogging to promote us, urging the other musicians constantly to memorize and be consistent, and keeping an eye out for opportunities. I truly gave it my everything to ensure it succeeded.
Considering that was my 3rd band attempt (more details on my first band project page), it was a great relief to finally cross that off my childhood bucket list. It was also an honor to re-inspire my bandmates as they had musical dreams but kinda gave up on them until this opportunity came around. After it was all done, I needed a well deserved break. I didn’t play at all for a few months as I was burnt out. I’m also a goal oriented person and just didn’t have anything to work on.
Cloud, the singer, was quite enthusiastic about starting another band. We know each other pretty well after all this time talking and working together, (I’m an ENFJ and she’s an INFJ, so we connect in that aspect as well), so I know she was kinda hoping I’d take charge and take her along for the ride again, but I told her, ‘if you want a band, you’ll have to take control. I’ll happily join and follow your lead!’ Eventually, she said maybe it can just be us 2 to start.
I was still so-so about acoustic songs. I love how full chords and long progressions sound, but they take a lot more mental energy to remember than power chords for rock songs. Last year when I had to learn “Platina” for Pretty Heroes (her song choice), that really pushed me to improve as it had many new and odd chords, and was played at a very fast speed. It took me months to master that along with singing and harmonizing.
There’s a lot more pressure when I’m the only one playing. But….hey, it’s a way to help me really improve as a guitarist and keep me motivated to play, so why not? I do still really love rock songs, and I do still crave that band experience, but I can take it easy in this small duo and really take my rhythm guitar skills to the next level in the mean time ^_^
She said maybe we can just record a few covers, so I told her to pick 3 songs of her choice, any style, any genre. I was just happy to support her as she once gave up on her singing dreams, but picked up the mic again to help me bring my dream to life. I wanted her to finally do more songs she really wanted to as well.
She ended up picking 3 Japanese songs. I knew they wouldn’t take me long to learn, so I said maybe we can create a setlist and perform wherever when she’s ready. No need for the pressure of a big gig like a convention or public event, we can just do cafes or something simple. And since they’re Japanese, we can just host em on this site as another band project.
So the start of April 2022 (it’s April 9th as I’m writing this), we ended up picking a few more songs. I was flying through em and feeling pretty good about this, so I created our page and our Instagram. We finalized 20 songs a few days ago, and I already memorized most of them. I thought the riffs and such would be hard, but it only took a few minutes to get a handle of em. Just goes to show how much I’ve grown since 2020.
It’ll still take me a bit more time to play em all perfectly at full speed, and I’ll still have to learn the foreign lyrics, practice singing and playing together, and work on harmonies, but there’s enough time. Cloud is a lil busy these days, but she always comes through when she’s committed, so you can count on us!
Our first rehearsal is next weekend, and we plan to record some covers in May. Then we’ll be preparing some sets for the summer. I’m actually really excited to show you guys the songs we have in store. Some are more recent and popular hits, but we got quite a forgotten classics and other niche songs that are bound to bring our audience nostalgia~
Please support us by following our Instagram and maybe coming out to see us play! 😛
We’ll be sure to update you guys on our Facebook Page and our Webpage!
UPDATE DECEMBER 2024: “No Longer Dreaming” Published!
If you’re a beginner or inexperienced musician who wants to break out in this competitive field, check out my new eBook! I started this blog when I was still a rookie guitarist with no experience, but with confidence and a plan, I created a band and we performed at a venue, conventions, and a festival in the span of 2 years.
As a solo musician, I’ve played for a church, got to be part of a high production music video, and was offered to perform at a huge event and play on an album. In this guide book, you’ll learn how to choose your style, niche & target audience, what to practice, how to find bandmates and organize rehearsals, how to promote yourself and/or your band, where to look for gigs, how to dress for photoshoots and the stage, how to network with people, and so much more! If you’re interested, click here for more details!

Thanks for reading <3