Website SEO
& Monetization
Want to improve your search rankings?
Looking to increase money streams?
I can Also Help With Editing and Testing!

Website Consultation
Want to build a website from scratch? Or does your old website need an upgrade? I can help!
I’ve been interested in web design, using free drag and drop website builders since childhood. As an adult, I’ve built 8 professional websites using WordPress for myself or for others. I have experience using other website builders like Wix, Google Sites, Squarespace, and I’m also confident creating promotional material via Canva, Paint, and Vistaprint.
This website, Chromatic Dreamers, was created in September 2021 and was made to promote my rookie anime band with the same name. Not only did I build the website from scratch, but I wrote over 200 articles in my niche: beginner musicians, bands, and anime fans. My most popular articles are in the Japanese music theory arena, and it makes sense as I didn’t have any real competition in that sector. I assumed that meant no one cared for it, but I was frustrated as I was previously looking for it and couldn’t find anything, so I was eager to fill that hole in resources.
I focused on SEO (Search Engine Optimization), writing relevant and useful articles as I wanted to get passive traffic and hopefully passive income as well. Within a year, this blog was getting over 20,000 views mainly through Google, and it almost hit 30,000 views the following year. Not bad at all for a micro-niche. As November 2024, the blog’s 3rd year, I have made over $4000 in passive income through eBooks, course sales, ad revenue, and subscriptions. While I certainly could charge more, I know that my content is hard/impossible to find elsewhere, so I would rather more people have access to it, thus why I share so much valuable information for free.
With time, I have no doubt I will continue to make more passively through this website, and I have no doubt any website can become profitable, even making 5 or 6- figures if they build their website correctly. Let me teach you how to go about it!

“In the information age, a website can generate such a high income which even a factory cannot generate.”
Why My Services
Are Different & Better
If you’ve ever browsed the marketplace for service providers who claim they can help your website rank and make money, you’ll notice one thing in common….these people don’t have their own website. It is very possible that they have helped others build their website or helped a bit with rankings, but they are essentially riding off the success and work of other people.
It’s like a gymnastics coach who has never done a backflip in their life, yet they are promising that they can make a young budding gymnast into the next gold Olympian. Perhaps they can, but they have never been in the gymnasts shoes. They don’t really understand their pain, struggles, and mental hurdles. If the gymnast succeeds, the coach gets the fame and glory, but if they fail, the coach can just say ‘you didn’t try hard enough/maybe you just weren’t cut out for this’. They get all the money while sitting on the sidelines. Even if you broke your neck, they face no real consequences. They can just find another young and willing gymnast to train.
Here’s another real life example: I have a friend who purchased a course from an influencer that made the promise that ‘with my program, you can design calendars, sell it on Etsy, and make 4-figures of passive income a month!’ My friend did what the course said, but only made a sale from her husband and me. I explained to her, ‘yes, the influencer is rich, but did she make that money from selling calendars alone, or is her income from influencing? Yes, she has a lot of sales on Etsy, but she was already an influencer before that, and thus drove her fans to buy her calendars. You can’t expect the same success as a nobody via her methods’.
For my older failed websites, I fell victim trying these services myself before hearing my friend’s story, and that’s why I know and understand her struggle and frustration. I paid someone to make an affiliate website for me. Many Fiverr sellers were saying ‘you can make passive income fast with one’, so I bought a whole new domain and they put it together for me. The only thing was, it wasn’t getting any traffic, and thus, no money. The guy’s ad made it sound like the site was all I needed, but after he delivered it and I complained that it wasn’t making any money, he said I had to drive traffic there myself. False advertising. I also paid for SEO services to boost my views/visitors, and I would see instant results, and thus leave a good review….but then it would die back down within a couple weeks or months. They are a waste of time and money.
I also tried a blogging coach who reached out to me after I asked a question in a Facebook blogging group. She said she had answers and tips for me, and got me on a call asap to ask me questions, but she didn’t share any real information. After she analyzed my needs, desires, and changed my mindset on a lot of things, she then promised she could help me reach those financial goals with her limited-time offer, so I gave her a shot.
I was given her drip-release course that took 6 weeks, and then she started making a personalized program for me. At the end of it, she never once touched my blog, and instead, tried to make me a coach like herself, so I dropped out. I had a full-time job and wouldn’t have the time for coaching, nor did I feel qualified to be one so my integrity wouldn’t have it. The money was gone, but at least I learned my lesson, and it’s a lesson I can prevent you from ever learning as well.
Additionally, some of these services may be the death of your website/blog as they will attract bots, fake comments, and wonky stats that will cause Search Engines to not trust your website. If you pay for others to write articles for you, they may be plagiarizing other articles, or nowadays, they may be using AI or ChatGPT to write generic posts. Search spiders will pick up on that too and penalize you as well. I had an old, now deleted site, get so many spam comments thanks to SEO services, and I thought they were real…I was very disappointed.

So when I started building, I already knew from experience what to do and what not to do. I wrote every single article here myself, sharing my own experiences and knowledge, and/or doing a lot of research to write something deeper and more complete. I wasn’t a 30-year guitarist who got famous before social media and doesn’t even remember what it was like being a newbie, I was a rookie guitarist who had dreams and was going to make it happen despite my lack of experience. And I was hoping to encourage and advise others who are beside me or not far behind me, or who had similar dreams but was intimidated by more advanced musicians. I was so passionate about that topic and Japanese music that I wrote over 200 articles in the first 2 years.
Not only did Search Engines realize my content was valuable, but so did my readers. And not only did my views grow, but people were buying my products, signing up for my email list, and even donating to me each month. People have posted my articles in Facebook groups and Reddit threads, and I’ve even been mentioned as a resource in Youtube videos! While the growth wasn’t immediate, it was steady and consistent, going from 0 views to over 15K in the first year and some.
So, if you want a successful blog or website, you NEED to stand out amongst the crowd. Not only do you need to provide something new or something deeper, but you also need to be authentic and trustworthy. If you want a website that gets traffic on its own without you constantly promoting and posting it everywhere, and you want to build your email list of people who actually really love you and your content, you NEED to be willing to play the long game. You NEED to built authority through valuable content and work your way up search ranks.
There are basic resources that no one ever told me about, but I found through my own research and digging. I initially paid a lady to help index up to 5 links at a time, and I probably used her services 4 times before realizing I could submit all these myself for free. These individuals will charge you $50+ for something that takes them 2-minutes to do, and you’re here thinking they’re working miracles. But you see, I have my own full-time job in another field, and this music blog brings in enough passive income through eBooks, courses, and ads so I could enjoy my guitar hobby and buy a bubble tea here and there.
I don’t want you to need me, and I don’t need you to need me. That is why, after you fill out the form and I analyze your website, I will give you so much valuable advice in one meeting, with all the resources you may ever need so that you can feel confident doing this website thing on your own. I don’t want you to go through this alone and struggle like I did. I don’t want you to fall pray to scammers and liars who will suck your money for temporary results, or worse, no results. I’ll share all I can with you so you can manage your blog yourself and be on a successful path. Getting your website up there WILL require work. You WILL have to put in the hours into writing and promoting yourself, but once the traffic starts flowing, you’re set, possibly for life!
So if you’re looking for someone to build your site who actually has built her own successful website and has seen the light on the other side, I’m your girl! I have taken additional courses as well to ensure I can advise you even on things I haven’t personally explored on my own website. I can also review, edit, proofread, and test your website!

“SEO is an investment just like a tree that needs effort, patience and time to grow before you can see the result.”
My Website Services
SEO Consultation
$250 / Consultation
If you are looking for help on indexing pages, finding the right keywords, competing with similar sites, and building your rank on Google, I will give you true and honest advice and guidance so your site can start climbing ranks organically.
I’ll give you a free tip right now. To win at the search engine game, you need to make relevant, reliable, and informative articles, and you need to focus on what people are actually looking up. People won’t be looking up you or your brand if you’re a nobody, but if your article matches their search results, and they found that your content was authentic and helpful, they won’t hesitate to bookmark it or even check out your other content.
My home page didn’t get much views in the first couple of years, but now it is my #1 page as people have gotten familiar with it. My content is all original, never plagiarized, nor written by bots, and Google has given me authority thanks to do that. And trust me, there are a lot of scammy or untrusted websites out there, so the last thing you’d want to do is follow bad advice or work with individuals who may give you a lot of foreign views now, and you being penalized long-term for it.
Many of my articles are in the top 5 spots, or at least on the first page of results! I don’t even have to wait or submit my articles to be indexed anymore. Google will do it automatically because I’m a trusted website that always has valuable content, but I was also smart about what I wrote about. If you found this page via Google, it just proves that authority and views in one niche can help give you authority in views in other niches and search queries.
Let me help you find out what sub-niches or topics others have yet to really reach in your field. I’ll review your current articles, and share how you can improve them so they’d stand out amongst the crowd. I’ll also share other details you may not know to actually get your content ranking on search engines faster! It is a slow game regardless, but if you do it write, you can get on the first page of results sooner rather than never.

Monetization Consultation
$350 / Consultation
If you have yet to attempt monetizating your website, or you’ve tried a few things but they aren’t bringing in any or much income, it may be worth getting a consultation.
For me, I tried affiliate marketing first, but it didn’t work as I didn’t have the traffic yet. I then tried eBooks, and my first one or two for guitarists didn’t sell, and I believe it’s because I didn’t have the traffic, and there are bigger guitarists that have established products. But when I made my Japanese music progression book, something that didn’t exist before, I started seeing regular sales. And when I saw that people were willing to buy a book on the topic, I later made an in-depth course and that too did really well for sales.
Ad Networking is obviously a very popular way to monetize, but you don’t want to do it too soon and be stuck with Google ads which pays very little and makes your website look very spammy. Additionally, Ads only pay well if you already have traffic coming to your blog, and some ad networks won’t take you unless you already have 10K, 50K, or 100K visitors a month. While this consultation isn’t focused on SEO, it will be discussed as that is a factor in determining what monetization routes are best for you.
So for this consultation, I will need a bit more time to learn about you, your brand, your current stats and success, your skills and writing abilities, your available time, financial goals and so on. I may also need time to research your specific niche, check out stats with other blogs in that niche, and also see what your competitors are doing.
I will then recommend a few monetization ideas that may be right up your alley, such as digital products (eBooks, courses), physical products, services (art work, commissions, coaching), ad networking, affiliate marketing, guest blogging, sponsorships, subscriptions, social media, and so on. You can pick a few that you would like to pursue based on your personality and time availability, and I will give you the inside scoop on where to go, places to apply, and how to promote those products.

Website Editing & Proofreading
$25 / Page
$5-$35 / Article (Please Contact)
Do you have a website up already but just want different eyes to review it? As they say, it’s harder to catch your own mistakes and typos. While I am my own editor (Native English speaker, Medical Admin diploma, TEFL certified, writer for various websites, and writes legal reports for a living) I have very lengthy articles, and even when I read through it 10 times, I may still catch a mistake when I look at it again months or years later.
So if you don’t have as much confidence in your writing skills, or you’re an ESL speaker, or you just don’t have the time or energy to look over your content, let me help you! Not only will I edit and proofread your pages, but I can also look out for other inconsistencies, such as old addresses and contact information still appearing on some pages, or letting you know about outdated information and links that no longer work.
Additionally, I will point out other things that could be improved on your website, such as weird formatting, text that isn’t visible due to the background, or text appearing in different fonts and sizes throughout the page. I have a keen eye for detail that I could even tell when a paragraph has a space at the start when other paragraphs don’t. Let me help you make your site look and sound more professional!
If you only want pages edited, you can fill out the form below. If you would like articles/posts edited, please contact me first at

Website Tester
$50-$200 / Website
If you are looking for an outsider to go through your website and make sure it is user friendly, and to provide feedback on their thoughts, experiences, or suggestions to make your website more appealing to the public, I can certainly help!
Things I would look for are broken links, lots of spelling or grammar mistakes, intrusive ads, missing buttons or buttons that don’t do anything nor go anywhere, text that blend in with the background, information that is confusing or misleading (ie you left your map at a default address that says United States when your text says you live in England), games that are a bit buggy, background music that no one was expecting, and so on. I can test your website via my laptop, tablet, and/or phone.
My price will be determined by the number of pages, how complex the website is (ie games, intake forms, testing software), and how many devices you would like me to test it on, and how much time I estimate it taking. Please contact me first at with the subject “Website Tester”, and I will give you a quote!