Random fact. My very first blog created in February 2020 was about enjoying the single life. I knew I wanted to be single for life since high school, but I had yet to experience a real relationship, and you could say my curiosity got the best of me.
I dated quite a bit in my early 20s and after my only long term relationship (14 months) ended, I realized I’m much happier alone. That relationship ended October 2016, so I’ve been enjoying the single life for 5 years now, and I have no regrets. I did take down that blog though since I didn’t have many article ideas, but this is one article I really wanted to share again as I felt it was something people need to read.
Love can suck sometimes. Relationships have it’s ups and downs and breakups can be devastating. Dating apps can be dreadful and it may feel like there’s no real or faithful people anymore.
However, many of us keep searching for someone, someone who could be our best friend but also someone we can be intimate with. Someone who can make us laugh and still be a shoulder to cry on. Someone who truly cares about us and surprises us with what we’ve been wanting the most.
Must be nice, right? Sadly, most relationships aren’t as lovey dovey as the media makes it out to be.
What’s worse is that society pushes us to find someone. From childhood, romantic relationships are shoved in our face, especially for girls. We are shown that a rich and handsome prince will come sweep us off our feet and give us the life we want and deserve. Rarely is a woman a badass main character without some man coming in and making her fall in love. (You gotta love Elsa and Merida for being unique princesses).
Then in certain countries, women are only seen as their objects. A wife ‘belongs’ to her man. If a woman isn’t married by the time she’s 30 or 25, she loses her value and society is quite harsh on her.
In the West however, we as women have more freedom, power, and equality…but it still doesn’t always feel that way, does it? Even if society seems to be supportive of girls going to university and having their own jobs, we are constantly asked when are we finding someone? When are we getting married? When are we having kids? As if being a mother is our main role in life.
Men may also feel self conscious when they are unsuccessful finding a girl. It feels like only the rich or hottest guys have girls flocking over them. They may feel like no one would want them for who they are, only for what they have and what they can offer.
While having a girlfriend sounds great in theory, there are quite a few girls who don’t treat their boyfriend’s like human beings. They never ask them how they are, they don’t care to listen, they don’t buy them anything and they look down on them if they show any emotions. The man is expected to do all the work in a relationship and always make amends when their girl is mad.
It certainly sucks from both sides and I wouldn’t be surprised if people are like me and just don’t see a need for a relationship, but many are still conscious about what others think or what their parents expect of them.
Disclaimer: Before I get into this list, I do want to make it clear that I am not telling everyone to be single or to never date again. In fact, as a Christian, I do value the beauty of love and marriages, and if I were to ever get married (which I don’t plan to), I would prefer an old fashioned yin and yang relationship where we have our roles in the household and everyone has their needs met. However, I find peace and purpose in the single life so that’s the life I personally choose.
And again, this list isn’t telling you to end your relationships if you are in one, nor is it telling you to stay single for life if you don’t want that. I will not be responsible for any breakups. Rather, I’m just advising that if you are single right now, to embrace this time you have to do all you want and life your best life. Once you are coupled or married off, you may never get to experience this time of true singleness again, so enjoy it while you have it.
No Compromising
I put this first because it’s one of the biggest benefits to being single. You can do what you want when you want. You don’t need to ask for someone’s opinion or do something you dislike to please them. It’s your money, your time, and your life, and you can do whatever you want with it since you are single. Choose the paint you want, pick the neighbourhood you like, decorate your home the way you prefer.
If you ever decide to travel solo, it’s one of the best things because you can spend the whole trip only doing what you care for. I’m a picky eater so when I went to Japan alone, it was great getting to spend more time shopping and doing activities, instead of spending 50% of the time dining in and just watching others eat things I don’t care for.

No Waiting On People
I’ve always been an independent person. While I do love hanging out with my friends, sometimes they aren’t available so you have to plan things far in advance. You also risk people cancelling on you or showing up late, and it’s just a lot of waiting.
Sure, I don’t mind a ride, but if I had to choose between waiting 2 hours for you to finish talking to whoever after church or just taking the bus on my own time, I’ll just go.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you can do things on your own time?
Instead of waiting for a day when others are available, I just make plans alone and I’ll invite who I want. If they can make it, cool! If not, I’m going anyways. If I want to watch a show, I’ll watch a show. If I want to travel somewhere, I’m going to book tickets. Having company makes no difference to me. Not like anyone expects me to wait for them, cause I’m single 😉

Many people with significant others, on the other hand, often complain about having to wait for someone for the next episode, or waiting for them to be free to check out a new restaurant, or waiting for their partner to surprise them with tickets.
As a single person, I ain’t waiting for nobody. If I want to do something tomorrow, I’m just going to go and do it.
Staying Slim
I have yet to hear someone tell me that dating made them skinnier…unless they happen to be dating a gym rat or vegan, but they’re usually unhappy in those relationships as there’s a lot of pressure to change and give up their own lifestyle.
Generally, when you’re with someone, you’re going to go out more, eat more, cook more etc, so it’s natural to gain some weight.
There’s also the additional aspect of people in relationships getting too comfortable and ‘letting themselves go’ since they don’t have to impress anyone. So staying single usually means you’ll be looking your best.
More Money
Adding onto the above, people seem to be more broke when they are dating someone. It’s not just the food, but it’s going out more (bus fare/gas money), doing activities, buying gifts for each other, maybe taking trips, and other acts of love.
It’s a lot easier to save money when you only have to consider yourself and aren’t pressured to go out or spend money to impress your lover.

Advance in your career
When in a relationship, your lover tends to take center stage. You focus more on what you can do for them and how you can please them. If you live together or have a family, you’re focused more on just paying the bills or raising the kids.
When you’re single, however, you’re more focused on building a life that you would enjoy, and that includes finding a job you don’t dread, and one that pays well enough to do all the other things you want.
I went to college for medical administration and I switched jobs 3 times just to get into that field. I didn’t mind it, but it wasn’t fulfilling, and it would only pay so much. I had my whole life to live! So I decided to pursue my true childhood dream career. Wasn’t sure how, but I found a way.
Less than 3 years later, I’m working at one of the biggest and oldest firms in the province. Not only have I met some amazing people and have some status in the field, but I get to help people everyday…all from the comfort of my home 😉

Employers aren’t supposed to ask about your marital status or kids, nor can they refuse you due to those things, but that doesn’t mean it won’t get in your way somehow. When you have a family, chances are, you’re only able to take certain positions or work certain times. This may be an issue for some employers and they would prefer someone is more flexible and open.
You may also have to pass up amazing opportunities or well paying positions since you aren’t able to relocate or put in the hours required. Just something to think about.
Less Expectations
It can be annoying constantly being asked if you’re dating or when you’ll find someone, but honestly, those who are in relationships probably get asked way more questions. “When are you getting married? When are you getting a house? When are you having kids?”
People generally don’t pay as much attention to singles as you’re sometimes still seen as a kid to them, which, I personally don’t mind. I’ll hold onto my youth while I can. As we all already know, being an adult with bills and responsibilities suck. Last thing you need is more pressure to do this and that.

As long as people realize you love being single, I find they stop asking after a while, and will even praise you for your decisions. More so if they had a failed marriage or have trauma from a previous relationship. As long as you can defend your lifestyle and you’re moving forward in life, they won’t have much to say….they may even be a little jealous.
More Freedom
When you’re single, you’re not tied down in any way. You don’t have to seek someone’s approval or permission. You don’t have to miss out on events since your partner isn’t interested in it.
I have noticed that many couples end up in this box where they only do things they both like, or one partner may get to indulge in their interests more than the other.

There is such freedom when you realize you are in control of your own life and you don’t have to please anyone. Once you learn to stop listening to what society expects of you and realize your future is determined by your own choices, that’s when life truly begins. Be your true self and be free!
Enjoy Your Hobbies
Dating takes up a lot of time. A LOT of time. Sometimes it feels like you just don’t have any time to enjoy the things you used to or pursue new interests.
Whatever your interests are, (music, art, yoga, sewing, reading, etc) being single means you can use more of your free time embracing what you love. Even if your hobby was gaming or gardening, you don’t have to worry about what your S.O. may think.
Hobbies are also great for mental health as you are actually learning and progressing in something. If your relationship doesn’t last, all that time you’ve invested into that person ultimately led to nothing.
Hobbies can always lead to bigger things, like a side hustle or something you can show off at a talent show.
It also makes you a more interesting person. I’m sure we’ve all met people where their whole identity and personality revolved around their boyfriend/girlfriend, and they can be quite dull individuals.

Chase Your Dreams
People probably think I’m crazy as I just go after what I want despite the odds, but I wasn’t always this way.
At one point, I was full of fears and anxiety and I chose to live a safe life: go to work, run my errands, and stay at home. However, life wasn’t fulfilling. I didn’t want to lie on my death bed with regrets, or lose a limb and not be able to do all I’ve dreamt of.
Since then, I’ve crossed most things off my bucket list in the spam of 2 years, and the only thing left is my middle school dream of creating a band.
This site, Chromatic Dreamers, is actually my band’s site, and this is actually my third attempt trying to make a band. We already got a lot further than my first band (that one only made it to the first rehearsal), so I see a lot of potential with this group.
I have adopted the mentality that anything is possible if you believe it is and you work towards it. Never give up until you achieve your dreams.

I certainly have friends who were like me, letting life pass them by and not doing much, but I feel I’ve been rubbing off on them. They see me doing things despite the odds, staying positive despite their doubts, and that makes them more eager to pursue their own dreams.
If there’s anytime to pursue your dreams, it’s when you’re single and have that time and money to do so. You can certainly attempt to when you’re older and have a family, but youth is a beautiful thing. It’s the time to try, to explore and to make mistakes.
You’ll be Emotionally Stable
As great as a person may be, no one is perfect. Because no one is perfect, you’re not always going to be happy in a relationship. You’re going to feel sad, angry, scared, hurt, crazy, insecure and so on.
Sometimes, it’s just being incompatible. If you’re someone who wants to talk everyday, but your partner is more quiet and cold, you’re not going to get the attention you need to feel satisfied.
I mean, if you like the ups and downs of finding love, you do you. But I prefer the stability of the single life. I have enough self-love and I have friends I can hang with and talk to. I really don’t need someone who is going to drive me insane.
I was always a pretty confident person, but when I decided to date seriously for a few years in my early 20s, I felt the worst I ever felt. It didn’t matter how much screening I did, there’s a lot of fake people online, abusive and manipulative people out there. As much as I knew I’d be a great caring, giving, supportive girlfriend, I couldn’t find a good guy worthy of that.
After choosing to be single, it did take a few months of distracting myself and analyzing my past relationships. But after I started embracing my singleness and taking control of my life, I’m not only happier but super stable mentally. No one affects how I feel about life or myself.
More Self-Love
The longer you stay alone, the more you’ll love yourself. Just like once your parents stop providing for you, you’ll automatically step up and learn to take care of yourself.
While external sources of love may be great, you’ll make it much further when you realize you have the ability to give yourself more love than anyone else could.
The more time you spend with yourself, and the more time you listen to your thoughts, feel your emotions, analyze your past, realize your capabilities, and come to terms with how special and unique you are, it would be hard not to love yourself.

You no longer feel a need to prove yourself to other people, or try to win over a potential lover because all that starts to matter is how you think and feel about yourself.
And if others don’t see how awesome you are, or treat you like you’re less, you’ll be able to ignore them or cut them off because you don’t need that kind of negative energy in your life. Treat yo self first.
Meet More People
If you’re someone who likes to meet people, then going out as an individual is the best thing you can do.
When you’re with a group, you’re going to stick with that group all day and strangers won’t approach you. When you’re out alone, you have more freedom and time to make conversation and potentially meet other people.
When I travel alone, I usually get more attention from tour guides or other individuals in the activity we are doing. I don’t mind chilling alone with my thoughts or spending a few minutes on my phone, but if an opportunity to converse ever comes up, I’m a social butterfly.
Even if we don’t exchange contact information, it’s nice just seeing and meeting new people and learning about them. Here’s some pics of people I met and I don’t know their name nor how to get in touch with them XD

Just cause you’re single doesn’t mean you have to stay home and be a hermit. Sign up to classes, go to clubs and bars, explore a new area, and just put yourself out there. It’s not as bad as you think!
Peace & Quiet
This may not be a benefit for everyone (especially extroverts), but for me, being able to come home and just sit in silence on my computer is the definition of a good evening.
Having very loud and annoying siblings hurts my ears, and having visitors come by when I’m not expecting them and being forced to socialize or babysit can be draining. Now that I’ve moved out, I get to enjoy silence more often and I have yet to get tired of it. I truly crave moments of solitude and silence.

You’ll Be Safer
A lady from a Single’s Facebook group I’m in brought this up, and while I wanted to keep this article on the positive side, it is something to talk about. There’s a lot of bad things that can happen when dating, in a relationship, or married to someone.
Many people die due to relationships. In fact, domestic violence is the number one killer of woman around the world. Even if you manage to avoid that, many others are scared of their exes who stalk, harass, and threaten them.
Dating itself isn’t the safest as people catfish and lie online, and others don’t show their true personalities until you fall in love with them. People have been raped, kidnapped, and trafficked due to people they met or were seeing. It’s not always a risk worth taking.
Better Friendships
Lovers are nice and all, but I think what we all crave more than anything are true friends.
Relationships are essentially a contract between two people but that can always come to an end if one isn’t happy or satisfied. Friendships, on the other hand, are like family you get to choose. A true friend’s love is unconditional. They accept your flaws and can vibe with you. They can be there for you when things are rocky between your family or your lover.
As much as we may hope our significant other could be that best friend, and some actually do marry their best friends, it’s still nice having more people you can hang with, talk to, and relate to. It’s also nice having someone to rant to or get advice from.
Once I stopped focusing on finding the right guy, I started spreading the love I had to my friends and working hard to strengthen those bonds. I’m the one who’ll regularly check in on them, ask for updates on things they told me about, let them rant to me and also help them out whenever I can.
Since I’m single, if they want a buddy, I’m pretty flexible. I’m open to anything! If they just went through a breakup, I have the time and energy to support them, and I can show them the bright side of being single too.

Even if you are in a relationships, please don’t neglect your friends. I’ve seen it happen too many times, and guess who comes back crawling when things don’t work out. Cherish your friends!

Allows Healing
You can’t fully heal while with someone who is tearing you apart. Nor is a good idea to enter another relationship when you still have a lot of baggage to sort through. You’re going to end up being the toxic one and expecting way more from your partner than they owe you. It’s not fair to them.
You need to stop thinking that relationships will fix your problems and make you happy. A relationship goes both ways. Just as they are supposed to love and give to you, you are supposed to do the same.
If you’re going into relationships expecting everything from the other person, any self-respecting person will back away quick.
As hard as it is to be alone, you need this time to sit back and reflect. If you try to distract yourself with someone new or you neglect and ignore your pain, it will come back sooner or later, usually hurting the other person in the process.
You could end up losing a wonderful individual because you became a burden to them and they couldn’t handle you anymore.

Give yourself time to heal, time to find yourself, time to figure out your faults in the previous relationships so you don’t make the same mistakes in your next one.
Getting To Smirk More
Okay, hear me out just a bit. I know this sounds a bit evil (and it is), but I’m sure many other proud singles would say the same.
People are constantly telling us to find someone, to get married, to have kids….but those same people cry and rant every week because of their horrible partner, or they get divorced and have to deal with all the legal matters. Not to mention the complaints bout their kids who drive them up a wall and never help out at home.
When I see couples who clearly can’t stand each other, people begging for their ex and trying to get them back, and kids throwing tantrums in public places, I can’t help but feel a bit satisfied knowing I made the right choice.
Emotions: in check. Sanity: in check. It’s hard to continue to feel empathetic towards people who choose to stick with things that are clearly making them unhappy.
Your Own Bed
I don’t think I need to explain this one.
I personally love spending the night alone at a hotel room and getting a queen or king size bed to myself. Sometimes two if it’s cheaper than a one bedroom! <3 I’ve slept on futons for years and shared a room my whole life until I moved out, so I appreciated my vacation rooms 10X more.

Don’t Have To Share
Although a guy may not really care when a girl steals his fries after she said she was fine, I’m sure we’re all a little sensitive when other people feel entitled to our stuff or when we feel pressured to share even when we don’t really want to.
While sharing is caring, sometimes, we want that last slice of pie to ourselves. We mean it when we tell others not to eat our leftovers. Having people take what we’ve saved for ourselves can ruin your whole day or week. Spending money because you feel obligated to sucks sometimes.
Less Cleaning
I am the middle child, but I am the eldest-female, so my mom would usually ask me to help do everyone’s laundry, to do the full sink of dishes, clean the tub and so on, even if I contributed to those messes the least.
I have since moved out so I don’t have to clean nearly as much. Sure, the place gets a little messy when I’m lazy, but I can clean on my own time, when I feel like it. I only have to do laundry once a month cause I work from home.
If you have a messy boyfriend or have kids, you’ll certainly have to clean a lot more. Even if you enjoy cleaning, it’s a time consuming job with little reward or appreciation.
Dress How You Like
Of course any good guy would not push you to dress a certain way, but a good girlfriend would still consider their feelings when it comes to revealing clothes or items that may attract the attention of other men. You may also try to dress in a way that you know your partner likes, even if you aren’t the biggest fan of that style.
People who truly get to express themselves through their outfits are usually those who are single as they don’t have to consider the thoughts and feelings of those around them, nor worry about embarrassing someone they’re dating.

Higher Self-Esteem
People who jump from one relationship to the next often have low self-esteem. In fact, there are a lot of people who determine their self worth based on how much attention they get from others and if they can attract others.
Of course this also means that when they are rejected, ignored, or dumped, their self-esteem plummets. They go from one relationship to the next hoping to get the love, praise, and attention that makes them feel good about themselves.

Those who are stable in their independence have a deeper level of self-love and confidence because they don’t depend on external forces to make them feel better about themselves.
I know people don’t really notice me on the street, but even if they did, their thoughts don’t matter to me. I’m not trying to impress anyone or fetch a boyfriend. I’m just living my best life.
Getting The Last Seat
Personally, this is my favourite reasons for being single and why I love taking myself out and travelling alone.
My favourite ramen shop only has about 4 tables, but they have about 12 bar-side seats. If I’m craving ramen and decide to go there by myself, even if there was a line up, I usually get to skip the line since there is a single bar side seat available and everybody else is a group.
When it comes to plane and train rides, movie theatres, amusement parks and other situations where most people come in groups, there is usually single seats here and there.
Others will have limited choices because they want to be together, but you get more options and sometimes better options since there are bound to be single seats scattered around. Just something to think about.
On a plane ride to Yellowknife, my carry-on suitcase was a bit too big to fit overhead, but couldn’t fit well under the seat in front of me. Somehow, the only empty seat was beside me both ways so I got to put it there. There’s also single seats on some trains as I got to experience on the Via Rail. It’s nice having that extra space to yourself!
More Help & Attention
As mentioned in the ‘meet more people’ section, people are more likely to approach you if you are single.
These aren’t people who want to date you, persay. I’m actually talking about tour guides, waitresses, sales associates, etc. People who are there to help and assist you, but they obviously won’t hang around a group for long as they will feel like they are intruding.
When I went alone to Yellowknife for a 3-night aurora viewing tour, we had a very passionate tour guide the first night. Everyone else was in big groups and would wonder around doing their own thing. He ended up sticking by me and showing me some of the best spots and letting me know when it’s about to come out.

On other nights while we waited in our teepee, people and couples would start conversations with me just because I was clearly available and they were probably curious since I’m there alone (you don’t see many young, black Canadians travelling around Canada, that’s for sure).
In Halifax, I signed up for a sail, and I ended up in a group with 6 or so coworkers who know each other. We ended up chatting quite a bit as we waited for it to begin, and I hung out with the only lady on the deck for a bit (she’s the one who took the photos for me).
I did a segway tour with 2 other individuals from different provinces and we all got to chat a bit. I liked the tour quite a bit and didn’t have much plans the next day, so I went back. They didn’t have any tours booked, so I paid again for a one-on-one custom tour.
The girl was actually younger than me, like high school age, but she was super energetic and lovely. It was like hanging with a cool friend. We got some ice cream and hung out at a quiet park.

That night, I had to catch an 11pm bus to the airport for a 5am flight (no buses between then, and a taxi would have been expensive), so I decided to buy a pizza before boarding the bus.
The hostess who took my to-go order and I joked around quite a bit. She was curious about Toronto and said she was really bored in Halifax. ‘Nothing to do and all the same people’. After I left, I noticed she wrote a message on my box wishing me a safe flight.
People are just really sweet and helpful when you’re alone. If they are on the job, they probably feel a bit more responsibility to ensure you have a good time. That, or they’re usually ignored by groups and would like a change of scenery, so I get to be that for them.
I don’t mind standing out and I’m not shy at all, so I do treasure those spontaneous moments where I get to socialize with someone new and get special treatment. Yall should try it.
You’ll Be A Badass
Imagine this. While everyone else is desperately searching for someone, crying over sucky partners and breakups, feeling insecure about finding the one….you’re over here doing your own thing.
Secure, confident, and taking yourself out on dates. It surprises a lot of people when I say I’m happily single, and just as quickly as they ask questions and share concerns, I shoot them down because I know what I want, and having someone just isn’t on that list.

When I mention the benefits of being alone and all I have done by myself, they are not only intrigued but amazed. Some wish they could go after their dreams with such vigor, and some would have never thought about travelling alone. Some loved being single but they crumbled to societal pressures to be with someone.
I’m like a rare species to people. Being single shouldn’t be weird…we are born single and spend most of our youth single. But seeing individuals who are proud and happy to be single is kinda rare, and it can be inspiring to those who feel insecure about it.
Free To Explore
Take this whatever way you will. Some may explore by travelling. Some may explore a bunch of different hobbies and activities. Some may skip around and try different jobs. Some may decide not to commit and instead, date multiple people at once.
When you’re not tied down to anything, you’re free to go where you heart and curiosity takes you. There’s no consequences. There’s no one to report to or explain things to. No one else has to know what you do or what you did.
Better Relationships
We already talked about friendships, but honestly, being single can help in various relationships, including romantic relationships.
When you reek of insecurity and desperation, you’ll attract the losers, the douchebags, the fake friends, the users and abusers. They pray on the weak. They pray on those who look up to them, who listen to them, and who will stick by their side despite poor treatment.
When you learn to be satisfied in your independence, and when you know yourself enough to be strong and confident, not only will you let go of unhealthy relationships, but you’ll also be intimidating to those who only seek out to harm and use others.
When you learn to respect yourself and set boundaries, only those who respect those rules will stick around, and those are who you’d want around.
And while I haven’t looked into this, I’m sure it’s a lot easier to steal someone from another relationship (aka, someone who needs someone) than to convince a happily single person to date you. Isn’t that why cheating is so common? People stay in unhappy relationships until someone better comes along.
Better Family Ties
Continuing on from the last point, it can also help your relationships with your family. Instead of finding a partner as an escape, you’ll be forced to face them because they are the only family you have.
While I definitely don’t think I had the worst family, there were certainly many aspects that left me miserable and hurt. My older brother, who was always bigger and taller than me, would hit me and call me names through til adulthood. Chores were never evenly distributed, my siblings got away with everything, and I felt like I was the only one who stepped up and cared bout my mom.
However, whenever I complained about anything or asked why they didn’t have to help, my mom would quickly shut me down and get louder than me, so I bottled it all up.
When I moved out, it allowed me to express myself more freely, and we did fight, I gave her the silent treatment etc, but eventually she listened and stopped denying my experiences. We’ve worked things out and I don’t feel as angry anymore, so even me and my sister have gotten closer since.

Life is too short to stick around with people who don’t respect you or to hold on to negative feelings.
Choose who you want to keep in your life and be sure to say what you need to instead of bottling things up. If they love you, they will listen and try to change so you can both be happy.
Be The Protagonist
You ever noticed that the majority of movies and shows have protagonists that are single individuals? Sure, they may get a love interest later on, but generally, they are single.
This is because single people have the freedom, power, and confidence to go wherever they need to to accomplish what they want to. If they need to train 16 hours a day, they can do that. If they need to put their life in danger to fight crime, they can do that. If they want to take over the world, they don’t have a wife nagging them that it’s stupid and to behave.
If you’re an anime fan, I’m sure you can name tens or hundreds of protagonists who have a big dream and we get to enjoy watching them through the seasons, staying single, and staying focused on their dreams. Ash, Naruto, Luffy, etc.
They may have love interests, but it’s not a priority. Or rather, it would even be a distraction. Their dream matters more and that’s what makes them interesting. Anyone can find love, but not everyone could be a Pokemon master or Hokage.
Not to mention, if you do want to change the world or help people, being free and flexible is the best time to do so. Superheroes will happily put their life at risk to fight crime. They may have loved ones, but they usually don’t have a wife or kids waiting at home for them. Just some food for thought.
In my field, being available, being able to work late hours or do a case last minute is highly valuable and I’m happy I can do that. When society truly opens up, I’ll be out there volunteering again too.
While you’re single, go after your dreams, pursue your craziest fantasies, and make a change in the world. You may not have the option to do those things later.

In Conclusion…
While many are in a rush to find someone and tie the knot, they are pretty much losing a lot of their youth and freedom playing the dating game. There’s a reason why people consider marriage as “settling down”. It’s pretty much the end of your freedom and the beginning of responsibilities as you put your family first.
Now I won’t act like there are no negatives to being single. It’s nice to automatically know who your +1 is, you’ll have someone to carry your bags, kill the bugs around your home, or just cuddle up to when you had a bad day.
And I can’t lie, it sucks when you can’t do a tour or activity because there needs to be at least 2+ people, but hey, you can’t win everything. And I consider those things small in comparison to what I can do while I’m free and independent. Going anywhere with kids means watching them have fun or going on kiddie rides yourself.
Love and relationships can be an amazing thing, and I would never discourage someone from chasing those things, but in a world where everyone is pushing people to date, and people have low self-esteem because they can’t find a partner, I just wanted to shed an opposing light and show that it’s really not that bad.
Being single is always seen as something negative, but if one can just slow down and put a hold on dating, even for just a year or two, not only will they get to live life more, but they’ll also be more emotionally, financially, and mentally prepared for their next partner, and thus lead to a healthier, happier, more stable relationship.
There’s so much to do and explore in life that if you are single right now, you should really make the most of it. Sign up for that dance class. Go spend a year in another country. Take a chance with that business idea you have. Go on a weekend drive and do some soul searching. Enjoy Saturday nights with your friends. Volunteer and help the needy.
Life doesn’t start or end when you find someone. Don’t let the ability to land a partner be what defines you. Be someone in yourself and learn to love yourself, and before you know it, the right one will come.
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