100 New Year Resolution Ideas

2023 is around the corner! Have you taken some time to think about your resolutions for next year? I feel like as I get older, less and less people make resolutions because they figure they won’t stick to it anyways, or they don’t need a new year to start a goal, but I personally love the idea of a fresh start.

Hi! I’m Nostalgia, and since I’m such a goal oriented person, new resolutions mean a lot to me. Last year, I had goals of improving in guitar, playing on stage with my rookie band (a dream of mine since middle school), getting my G drivers license, and writing 100 articles on here. Not only have I made all that happen, but this is actually my 200th published article! I didn’t have much time to focus on learning Japanese or get in shape and such, but those will definitely be my focus for 2023!

If you take your resolutions seriously, then you can really make the new year a new you. If you want tips on how to achieve your goals, I have a thorough article here, but in this article, I’m just going to pitch 100 new year resolution ideas you may want to adopt to build a better future for yourself.

1. Pick Up A Hobby

One of the most popular resolutions is picking up a hobby and doing it regularly. There are so many hobbies to choose from. Maybe you want to get into something artistic like painting, sewing, or playing violin. Maybe you want something that will free up your mind like yoga, meditation, or tai chi. Or maybe you want to get something that will greatly enrich your life like gardening, or investing.

Regardless, there’s 100s and 100s of hobbies to choose from, so do some research and do something more beneficial than scrolling social media all day or binging Netflix every night. Definitely check out my article on how you can rediscover your passions as an adult here!

2. Create & Keep A Budget

The pandemic has got a lot of us down. Lost jobs, combined with food deliveries during lockdowns, or perhaps adopting a pet to keep you company has caused a lot of us to drain our savings and/or accumulate some debt. Well, those days are behind us so it’s time to get on track.

If you have yet to really take a look at your income, your bills, and your other expenses, it’s time to make a budget. Write it down or get an excel sheet and put everything down, including entertainment and emergency funds. If you realize you can’t afford your current lifestyle, cut some things or create a second income. Create a financial goal for the end of the year and stick to it. Your future self will thank you.

3. Pick Up A New Language

Who doesn’t want to learn a second or third…or fourth language? There are so many languages out there to learn and each will open you up to a new culture and even money making opportunities. If there’s a language you’ve been meaning to learn, there’s no better time than now to get started. You can take a more serious approach by buying some workbooks or taking classes in-person or online, or you can do it more casually with dramas and the many free apps available.

4. Get In Shape

One of the most popular and common resolutions is to get in shape. Getting in shape is different for everyone. Some do feel a need to lose a few pounds. Some have had desk jobs for over 5 years and just don’t move much on a regular basis. Others may have gotten an injury and had to take it easy for a while. And I’m sure many of us have gained an inch or two due to the pandemic. Regardless, this is your year to finally take that fitness goal seriously and get in shape.

5. Start Up A Business

If entrepreneurship was ever on your mind, why not make this year your year. A lot of people don’t realize that most business take a lot of time to build and grow. They think they can start it up when they’re ready and it’ll be popular in a couple months. While some may get lucky by going viral, the majority have been building and promoting their side business for months or years before it really took off for them to do it full time. Thus, the sooner you get things going, the sooner you can see success. It’s time to take to take action!

6. Go To Therapy/Get A Therapist

Over the last few years, the topic of mental health has become more acceptable to talk about, and social media has made it easier for people to self-diagnose or realize the trauma they’ve been through. During the pandemic, many millennials have decided to try an online therapist like those from BetterHelp to gain more insight and peace.

There is a saying that everyone should go to therapy. but I’ll say it certainly depends. If you’re someone who regularly reflects and takes the time to get to know yourself on a really deep level, and you journal out your feelings or have friends you can talk to, and you listen and take criticism from others to learn and change, and you try to work out your problems or confront those who have hurt you, and you’re generally at peace with yourself, then you’re doing quite fine!

But if you’re someone who feels like they don’t know themselves well, and you feel like you have a lot bottled up, and there’s stories you have never told anyone, and that’s causing you to be an emotional wreck…or worse, numb with depression, a therapist is definitely worth it for your sanity and your future. Life can get better!

7. Join A Gym

This is combined with #4, but it is a resolution on it’s own. If you struggle with motivating yourself to stay in shape, or you just want to take your fitness to the next level, getting a gym membership is totally worth it! Once you invest in something, you’re a bit more likely to want to make use of it. Some gyms do require contracts, but there are new ones popping up that make it easier to end it. Of course this is a big step and investment regardless, so only sign up if you’re serious and have the time to actually go.

8. Give More Compliments

It’s a cold, cold world out there. As they say, everyone is dealing with something, and some are near the end of the line. A simple compliment can change the world for some, especially if they never hear nice things about themselves on a regular basis. Of course, a compliment has to be genuine, so don’t just say things you think people want to hear.

Sometimes it can be as simple as just pointing out what you noticed first. Does that receptionist have a nice smile, let them know. Does the waitress have a pretty necklace? It may have caught her eye too, or be a special gift to her. Don’t forget to compliment your friends to. Let them know you admire their drive, or how kind or cool they are, or their cute little habits. Sometimes they don’t even notice these traits until you point it out to them and it can really boost their confidence send self-esteem.

9. Spend Less Time On Social Media

While social media can have many benefits like connecting us with more people and sharing serious news, for many, it has more negative effects on their mental health. Social media is designed to be addictive with colourful layouts, and you get a dopamine hit with every notification or like. It can be really hard to back off without a conscious and deliberate effort.

You can utilize some phone apps that help you set time limits for each app, or you can quite cold turkey and just delete them if you don’t need them. You can also set yourself a schedule, like you can only scroll when on your lunch break or on the bus ride home. The best way to avoid social media is to fill that idle time with a hobby or something more productive. If you need something to do with your hands, why not try crochet, gimp, or sudoku puzzles?

10. Start Meal Prepping

If you’re on a budget, or just don’t like relying on the fast food options around your workplace, it may be worth getting into meal prepping. “Meal prepping is the concept of preparing whole meals or dishes ahead of schedule“. You’ll spend a couple hours one day of the week to cook and pack everything, and then you can just grab it to go each day. If you have a family and kids, this can save you time for more worthwhile things during the week.

11. Read More Books

Ahh yes, books still exist and new ones are still coming out each year. If you need a break from screens but still want something entertaining, why not go for a book next time? You can borrow them from the library or buy them at your local bookstore. You can also go for non-fiction books like How-Tos, biographies, science, or history books to gain more knowledge into the world. Many millionaires and entrepreneurs thank reading for how they got to where they are now, so it’s always worth it to get more into reading.

12. Quit Something Toxic

Are you a smoker? Drinker? Maybe…doing something illegal? Perhaps you’re a gambler. If there’s something you partake in that you know isn’t that good for you, perhaps this is the year you start taking steps to cut that addiction or bad habit. There is enough information and help out there if you’re serious about cutting it from your life.

13. Stop Taking Time For Granted

I’m putting this here as a resolution because it is a big mindset switch which will greatly change your life for the better. Too many people are living like they’re going to reach retirement and die of old age, but only 10% of people in the world hit 65 years old. Yes, a majority of those who don’t are from third world countries and who don’t have access to proper food and health care, but let’s not forget the many who die in first world countries due to cancer, car accidents, murder, and other unpredictable situations and scenarios.

There’s no guarantee you or I will see next year, let alone next month, so stop procrastinating on the things you want to do. You need to tell someone something? What are you waiting for? If you can do that activity you’ve been fantasizing about next week, why do you keep saying ‘one day’? Live like everyday could be your last day. Stop taking time for granted.

14. Stay True To Your Word (& Stop Flaking)

Do your friends trust you? If you said ‘you’ll be there’ can they rely on you to really be there? If the answer is ‘no’, perhaps it’s time you start staying true to your word. If you committed to plans, stop flaking on them. You promised your friend you’ll help them move? Check in with them a couple days before to see what the plans are. You told your sister you’ll check out that new cafe with her? Don’t disappoint her once again. Aim to become someone who others want to make plans with and who they know they can depend on to be there.

15. Cook Something New Each Week

Food is such an amazing thing! One ingredient can become 25+ different dishes! If you feel like you’ve been in a rut, cooking the same 10 dishes throughout the year, why not challenge yourself to learn a new recipe or try a new dish at least once a week. Do your research, get the ingredients in advance, and just have fun trying new recipes. By the end of the year, you’ll have at least 40 new dishes in your repertoire!

16. Join A Club

Were you ever in a club while in school? Book club, anime club, film club, photography club, choir or band? Clubs are great! If you’re interested in a hobby, clubs are a great place to learn from more experienced people and just have fun. Not only will you make new friends but you get to be part of something bigger than yourself. You can find some official clubs on Google, but you can also find more casual clubs on sites like Meetup or Facebook.

17. Add More Veggies To Your Diet

Yeah yeah, we’re all told to eat more veggies, and sometimes, we want to eat more but it’s hard. Produce tends to spoil very quickly, and it can be hard to make that weekly or bi-weekly trip to get more produce. Or maybe you buy it and forget about it, and by the time you remember, it’s rotten. But if you make an effort for the new year, it’s definitely possible.

Shop once a week, or even bi-weekly. Eat the quickest spoiling veggies first (ie. corn, spinach, beans, tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms) and then save the ones that can last a little longer for the end of the week (ie. cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, peppers). Some veggies can last a couple weeks (ie potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, celery), though you can also rely on canned veggies and dried beans to get you through until your next shopping trip.

18. Shower/Brush Your Teeth More Often

While many people do shower and brush their teeth daily, there are others who are struggling with depression and other mental health issues where taking care of themselves is the last thing they care to do. Some struggle to get out of bed or even make a meal to eat, and that lack of motivation can make it hard to go to school or get a job.

Sometimes, it starts with the simple things like showering a bit more, combing your hair and putting it in a braid so it doesn’t get tangled and so on. Getting into skincare and making a habit of it can also be refreshing. It may be hard to do when you’re not looking forward to it, but you’ll always feel better after. Anything helps!

19. Visit Your Doctor

Many lives were lost during the pandemic, but you survived! Even so, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep an eye on your health. If you haven’t seen your family doctor since you were a kid, or you can’t even remember when your last check up was, it may be time to make a visit.

If you have free health care, you really don’t have an excuse. There’s so many diseases that people catch too late, but with regular visits and tests, you can prevent or tackle them before they ever become anything serious. If you have any concerns or just want to improve your quality of life, a visit can give you insight as well. Better to be safe than sorry.

20. Cross Things Off Your Bucket List

We all have a bucket list. This is a list of things you would like to do before you ‘kick the bucket’. I personally like to think of it as a list of things I’d like to do before I’m too old to enjoy it, or end up too sick or disabled to even leave my bed.

Do you want to go skydiving? You’d like to try standup comedy? Want to see a baseball game? Participate in a marathon? See Niagara Falls? I get that some dreams may be big or require a lot of money, but I’m sure there’s a few smaller things that you could do this month if you seriously planned for it. We don’t know what the future may hold, so stop procrastinating on this list!

21. Take The Stairs Every Time

Most of us could use a little more exercise. If you’re someone who takes public transit or lives in an apartment building, an easy way to add more cardio to your day-to-day life is by making the effort to take the stairs every time. Okay, maybe not ‘every time’, especially if you’re carrying groceries or just had a long day at work, but try to make it your default.

22. Go On Vacation

Many people literally work themselves to death. They’ve been working for 20+ years and never took a day off work. While it is honourable to be such a hard working person, there is a lot more to life than work. I don’t think a single person every regrets taking some time off for themselves. Your workplace will survive without you, trust me. If you have saved up a lot of vacation days, it’s time to make use of it. You can do a staycation, or travel somewhere you’ve been dreaming of for ages!

23. Pick Up Yoga

Everyone has heard of Yoga, and there’s a big reason why it has yet to lose popularity. It may seem slow and soft, and while that is true, it is actually quite hard for many to start. However, considering how easy it can be on the body, the benefits are tremendous!

Yoga improves strength and flexibility, relieves pain, can help with weight loss, improve cardio and circulatory health, and much much more. For those who are injured and can’t do any rigorous exercises, yoga has been more than enough when it comes to staying fit.

24. Drink More Water

I’m not going to explain this one 😛

25. See Your Friends Every Month

How often do you see your friends? It can be hard when you’re grown up and all have different schedules and priorities, but if you live in the same city, it’s worth the effort. The pandemic is mostly over and I’m sure there’s lots of things you guys want to see and together, so you can all make this a resolution to see each other more next year.

26. Relax More??

Life can be really stressful. Exams, work cases, new projects, family life, bills etc. Sometimes, you can barely catch a break! But that’s why you need to make a conscious effort to relax more. If you have a lunch break, take every minute of that lunch break for yourself. Take a walk, get some fresh air, do some deep breaths. Make an effort to make some me-time where you can just sit down and watch a couple shows, or give yourself a weekly bubble bath and take your time.

27. Pursue A New Career

The pandemic has (hopefully) been eye opening for many of us. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a faithful employee for 20+ years, if they need to cut people, you’re not immune. Other jobs will not hesitate to overwork their minimum wage employees. If you’ve been miserable at your current job or career, it’s never too late to pursue a new one.

If there’s something you’re more passionate about and would love to try, do your research. Some courses may require schooling, but many jobs just require a short course or experience. Take those steps in your free time, and when you’re ready to switch or an opportunity comes your way, start running!

28. Start Volunteering

If you’re someone with a bit more free time, why not volunteer? There’s so many charities and community houses that are urgently seeking people to help those in need. You can help give out food to the homeless, conduct English conversation circles with refugees and immigrants, be a mentor or big brother/sister to troubled teens, wrap gifts to raise money for causes, help pick up garbage in the neighbourhood and so on. It always feels good to help others, and it can always help you gain connections and experience for other aspects of your life.

29. Stop Weighing Yourself

While it’s certainly commendable to get in shape, you can do that without getting on the scale. If you’re someone who always has your weight on your mind and it has been affecting you mentally, maybe it’s time to put the scale away…or even chuck it out the window.

Workout and diet as usual, but base your progress on how you feel or how you look in the mirror. Even if you may be gaining a couple pounds, you may actually be slimmer around the waist and just gaining muscle around your arms and thighs. As long as you’re in a healthy weight range, then does it really matter how much you weigh?

30. Listen To More Audiobooks/Podcasts

Now, we mentioned reading more books earlier, but sometimes, we just don’t have the time or attention span to really sit down and give a book our full attention. I’m sure we all got books on our shelves that have yet to be touched. The great thing about audiobooks and podcasts is that you can still heard the same great stories or get that valuable information without staring at a screen or a book.

This is great if you’re someone with a long commute, or you take some time to get ready in the morning. You can also listen to it while exercising at the gym, doing chores, or taking a bubble bath. Audio is definitely the best means for people with busy lives, so why not swap out some music for an audiobook or podcast now and then?

31. Master A Skill/Talent

As opposed to just starting or partaking in a hobby casually, maybe you can make it a resolution to really get good at something. It can be as serious or useful as learning how to plumb or code, or something more simple and fun that you’ve been doing casually like juggling or archery. Learning and practicing something is always great for your mind, but being great at something is also great for your confidence and self-esteem. If someone asks what you can do, you won’t hesitate to bring that skill up.

32. Clean Up Your House

Have you been saying ‘I need to clean up that attic’ or ‘I need to organize the garage’ for 8 years now? Yeah yeah, ‘you didn’t have time’, but during the pandemic when you had all the time in the world, you still didn’t do it sooooo…..make it your resolution to get that done this year.

33. Sort Out Your Closet

You didn’t think I’d skip the closet, did you? If you’re a girl like me, chances are, you got a lot of clothes in your closet that you have yet to touch and/or may never wear. Or maybe you gained or lost weight and you haven’t been able to wear some things anymore. Or maybe, some clothes is old and has lost it’s shape or colour.

Regardless, it may be worth it to go through each piece and figure out if you’re going to keep it, donate it, or throw it out. This applies to guys too as they may hold on to clothes the longest, even if it’s worn and has holes in it.

34. Find Out What Fits Your Body Type

While going through your closet, you may be trying on a lot of clothes. While you’re at it, why not take some time to learn and study what really fits your body. Fashion classes aren’t a part of the curriculum at school, so unless you’re really into clothes and fashion, you may be wondering why some people look really good with certain pieces but you don’t. It’s worth looking into your face and body shape and learning to dress your part.

East Asian fashion that tends to rock the long baggy style (ie, oversized T-shirts, lots of layers), but that doesn’t work if you have a big chest as it’ll make you look wider than you are. You also shouldn’t pair a baggy jacket with skinny jeans if you’re top heavy as it will make you look even more unbalanced…those are things I’ve personally had to learn. Once I realized I’m an inverted triangle, I started wearing more skirts to balance things out. It’s totally worth learning and looking into for the new year.

35. Get A New Look/Style

So you cleared out your closet and found out more about what would suit your body, maybe it’s time to figure out what look or style is best for you and start gathering pieces of clothes that you can play around with.

Is there a certainly style you’ve been meaning to try? Maybe you realized your clothes is quite juvenile considering your age. You can definitely watch “What Not To Wear” to get some ideas in that department.

36. Upgrade Your Skincare Routine

How’s your skin doing? Some people are blessed with even skin that, even if they never wash it, they never break out, but many of us aren’t that lucky. If your current skincare routine isn’t working for you, it may be worth it to try better products with stronger ingredients. Or if you have more serious issues like acne or hyperpigmentation, and you have more money to spare, it will definitely be worth it to visit a medical spa or esthetician. Your skin can get better with time and effort, trust me!

37. Become An Expert At Something

There’s so many topics and subjects out there! If there’s something you’re already pretty knowledgeable about, why not make it a mission to truly dive in and become an expert at that topic? It can be a person goal out of curiosity, or you can even become a recognized expert. Then when journalists, detectives, lawyers, or other content creators seek information, they can come to you! If you end up as an expert witness for a criminal case, you can expect some real cha-ching!

38. Start Journaling

Journaling has so many benefits and it’s sad that many have yet to pick this up. I’ve been journaling for over a decade now, since Grade 11, and it’s great being able to store some valuable memories along with the emotions I felt at that time. It’s also been a great way to learn more about myself as I write out my thoughts and feelings, and I get to see how much I’ve grown and how far I’ve come. If you feel kinda lost or you’re lacking confidence, I’m sure journaling could be a solution for you! I write about journaling builds confidence in this article!

39. Write & Publish A Book

Are you one of those people who keeps saying they’ll write a book one day? Compared to the past where your transcript needed to be accepted by a publicist and still pay quite a bit to get it published, you can now self-publish your books for free on places like Amazon. There’s also print on demand services where they’ll only print and ship a book when someone orders it. So if it’s been a dream of yours to be a published writer, you got no excuses.

40. Improve Your Focus

Our attention spans have been suffering more and more as social media makes information more easily accessible. It’s gotten worse now that short videos are the trend. If something doesn’t catch our attention in 3-5 seconds, we move onto the next thing, and that can really affect our focus.

If you find it hard to focus on your job, homework, lectures, or longer videos, don’t just assume you have ADHD and can’t control it. Many were able to focus at one time, and just need to work on that skill again, kinda like how long you can hold a note when you sing. With a deliberate effort to distance yourself from short things and maintain your attention even when a little bored, you can certainly build your focus again.

41. Walk More Regularly

If you want to get more into shape but don’t have the time or energy to do full workouts, sometimes just adding a few more steps into your daily routine could make a big difference. If you need to visit a shop that’s only a block or two away, walk instead of pulling out your car. If you do take your car, park a little farther away so you can get more steps in. Use the stairs instead of the escalator. Take a detour on your way home now and then.

42. Do More A Solo Activities

So many people are scared of doing things alone that they would procrastinate or never do things because they couldn’t find someone to do it with them. It’s time to take control of your life and your time and get comfortable doing things on your own. As someone who has been proudly single, it’s been a blast taking myself out, doing solo trips, and just booking crazy activities when I’m free instead of working around other’s schedules.

I get that there is a lot of anxiety and you may feel like people are watching and juding you, but trust me, they’re not. You can start by doing things like shopping on your own. You’ll realize how nice it is being able to check out the shops you like and take your time trying on things. That also means you don’t have to wait around while your friends try on things.

Then, maybe you can try some solo activities like bouldering or archery. Maybe even visit a movie theatre. I find it funny that people think that’s scary to do considering you’re in a dark place and everyone is looking at the screen in front of them. Maybe after, you’ll have the guts to check out that lovely cafe or restaurant on your own. One step at a time!

43. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Making your bed as a resolution may seem kinda silly, but it can actually have many benefits. There’s a reason why military personnel do this without fail. For one, it’s a way to ensure you actually get out of bed and start your day. Then, you just completed your first task of the day which can put you in the mindset to achieve other things. They also say people who make their bed sleep about 20% better than those who don’t. Not so silly now, is it? Even if no one sees it, you will. You get to see a tidy room and look forward to getting in that bed later on that night.

44. Go To Bed On Time

And at night time, maybe it’s your resolution to go to bed at a certain time each night. If anything, going to sleep earlier will automatically make it easier to get up earlier, and thus feeling tired around the same time the following night.

If you can organize your day to ensure you get at least 7 hours of undisturbed sleep each night, you’ll be feeling rested, energized, and ready for the following day. Plan your days so you can finish everything and start your bedtime routine at least a couple hours before your bed time.

45. Work On Your Self-Talk

Self-Talk is the way you talk to yourself, aka your inner voice. Many people see their thoughts as something unreal and thus un-important, but your thoughts ultimately become your mindset which controls your life. If you think you’re ugly and useless and not good at anything, how far do you think you’ll get in life? You’re not going to try because you just don’t think it’ll work out.

If you struggle with negative self-talk, maybe you can work on that for your resolution. A great way to start is via positive affirmations. Say them in the mirror everyday until you believe it. When you find yourself going down a self-hate train, make an effort to put a stop to it and replace it with some amazing things about yourself. Definitely check out my Life Changing Self-Esteem Builder if you have struggles finding things you love about yourself.

46. No Phones While Eating/With Friends

A really sweet resolution is making an effort to put down the phone in scenerios where you should be taking in what’s around you. If you’re hanging with your friends, try to not touch your phone. Heck, turn it off if you can. Each of you should be enjoying each others company and finding something you can do together, like watching a movie or playing a board game.

If you’re eating, even if you’re eating alone, it’s good to just pay attention to the meal in front of you and use that time to be grateful and appreciative of the food you have and really take in the flavours. This can also help with more mindful eating which can be great for dieting purposes. The Japanese, for example, are very mindful eaters. They have one of the healthiest and oldest people, so it’s worth learning from them.

47. Ditch Your Toxic Friends

This is a serious resolution that can tremendously change your life for the better, assuming you have the guts to really go through with it. Life is too short to be around people who make you feel miserable and insecure, people who don’t invite you places, people who mock and gaslight you, people who steal your boyfriends from you, people who always ask and borrow but never give or help you out when you need it, people who are always gossiping and talking smack behind your back, any of that. Even if you feel like you don’t have other friends, it’s better to be alone than with the wrong people.

48. Fix Your Digestion System

Digestion issues seem to be a common thing for a lot of us. Maybe you regularly have constipation or diarrhea. Maybe you have pretty bad cramps a few times a year. Maybe you have some other health issue or allergy or something in which what you eat can make you feel pretty bad later on.

Why not aim to figure out where your issues lie and work on improving your digestion? If you live in a place with free health care, go visit your doctor. Maybe you’ll find out you have a gluten allergy or PCOS and this can help you figure out how to better feed and fulfill your body. It may be worth checking in with a dietitian who can help you figure out what you need to incorporate or what to change up in your diet.

49. Meditate Daily

Meditation has always had many amazing mental and physical benefits. In this day and age where you’re constantly bombarded by information and distractions, meditation is more important than ever. Learn to quiet your mind, focus more, and gain real self-control.

50. Improve Your Singing

It feels like everyone wanted to be a singer at one point, and can we blame them for having that dream? Most household names are singers after all. Even if you may never become a professional singer or Broadway star, it never hurts to want to improve your natural skills and be able to deliver when needed.

51. Start A Blog

Many people have always thought about starting a blog, but few take that first step. I started this blog in late 2021 and hey, if you’re reading this, that means it’s doing pretty well. I will say, it’s definitely not easy and it does take a lot of time, you’ll have to learn about designing and SEO and so on, but it will be worth it when you become a notable expert or are making passive income from it.

If you have a lot of valuable knowledge on a topic, or there’s a niche you’re really interested in and you’re willing to do the research, go for it! I wrote an article here on how I found my niche and how to find yours. Also feel free to reach out to me for advice or encouragement. Your first 6 months can be hard when you’re giving it your all and aren’t getting any views, but if you keep at it, it will grow!

52. Improve Your Drawing

Do you love to draw? Or have any artistic talents? Instead of just doodling in your free time or only practicing now and then, why not make a conscious effort to learn more and draw more? Buy better materials, follow some Youtube materials, and work on taking your art to the next level.

53. Stop Gossiping

Gossiping has always been toxic. Sure, getting the latest news and talking smack may be fun, but trust me, no one likes a gossiper. It’s already bad when negative rumours spread, especially if they’re not true, but if you’re also gossiping about your friend’s and spreading their secrets, they won’t trust you nor want to be your friend anymore.

Adding on, gossiping says a lot about you. Perhaps your jealous or envious, or you think you’re better than other people. It’s time to practice some humility. Find something more interesting to talk about, like news, politics, or your own life. Aim to only seek the truth and go to the source instead of spreading lies. Change the topic around gossipers or just distance yourself from them.

54. Do Daily Random Acts of Kindness

Don’t you remember how you felt when someone held the elevator for you, or offered to pitch in when you were a $1 short at a store, or when someone returned the wallet that you lost? What surprises me is that when news of someone doing a good act comes out, people always say ‘we need more people like him/her’, but rarely do they take action to be that kind of person. Imagine if we were all that person! But if you can start, you can create a wave in which other people want to be that person too.

If you see someone struggling with their grocery bags, offer to lend them a hand. Stayed at a hotel? Clean up a bit after yourself and put your garbage bags and towels together for the maid. You see a stranger who’s a little stressed or even crying? Give them a moment of your time to talk things our and comfort them. The beauty of RAK is seeing something and taking action, and trust me, they usually don’t take more than a few minutes of your time but it could mean the world to someone else and give them the hope and faith they need to keep living.

55. Reduce Your Waste

Many people are changing their lifestyles to further reduce their waste with hopes of saving the earth and creating a brighter future for everyone. While it may not feel like one person can make a difference, it truly does. Perhaps you can even influence your friends or family to also reduce their waste too.

Buy reusable straws and mugs that cafes can refill for you. Get some reusable shopping bag and make sure you always go out with one so you can say no to plastic ones at the store. Look for products that are recyclable or come in glass containers that you can repurpose. And of course, make sure you compost what you can instead of throwing everything in the garbage.

56. Be More Grateful

So many people are depressed and stressed, and others love to complain about everything, but no matter your situation, there’s always something to be grateful for. Those who grew up poor, or even were homeless and starving at one point tend to be the happiest because they learned to be thankful with anything and they feel blessed having the bare necessities. If you’re not at that level, it may be worth it to practice more gratefulness.

You’re alive, aren’t you? Do you know how many people died yesterday? More than 160,000! Did you get to eat today? Do you have a roof over your head? You’re more blessed than so many other people. Did you get an education? You’re able to get a job and provide for yourself? Able to get a license and drive? Or able to vote? So many don’t have those rights or opportunities.

Are you living in a safe country? You don’t have to worry about a bomb going off nor have to flee from your home country? Do you get to breathe fresh air and drink fresh water? You have a nice soft bed with a fluffy cover for winter? Yeah, that’s what I thought. It’s so easy to forget the small things we have with our first world problems, but if you want to be happier, then learn to be happy with what you have.

57. Pray Daily

If you’re religious or seeking a better connection with the creator of the world, it’s time to start praying. While getting on your knees is great and can help with focus, you can pray anytime, anywhere. Praying is similar to meditation in that you’re taking time to think and reflect, but if you’re talking to God, it’s a different experience. You’ll be more aware of your sins and flaws, you’ll be more grateful for your blessings, and you’ll also feel a certain peace that comes with knowing God has things under control and wants the best for you.

58. Go Back To Church

And on that above note, if you haven’t been to church in ages, even before the pandemic, but you’ve been meaning to go back, then this could be your resolution for the year. I for one haven’t gone, in a few years, but when I went back a few months ago, it was really nice!

Church does provide a wonderful and supportive environment (if not, you should find another one), and it can be nice singing and praying with others. If you’ve been finding it hard to stay strong in your faith especially with the media that’s always saying God doesn’t exist, church can be a great place to gain confidence and courage.

59. Stop Buying What You Don’t Need

Are you an impulse buyer? You splurge when you shop? Maybe Instagram and Tiktok keeps showing you some really cute stuff that you just neeeed to have? Well, it’s time to start saying ‘no’. I’m all for treating yourself, and as long as you’re making your own money, you have the right to spend it as you like, BUT, if you’re room is getting cluttered with a bunch of things that you don’t even care about, or you forgot you even had, and you personally know you wasted your money, maybe it’s time to stop.

Go out to shop less and give yourself time to think about an item before you purchase. Only buy things you really need or truly feel you can’t live without and will regret not buying it.

60. Keep Your Room/Car Clean

Places we spend a lot of time in can get really messy in such a short amount of time. Even if you do your monthly cleanups, you’ll feel a lot better and breathe a lot better if you can just keep it clean to begin with. Give yourself a 24-48 hour time limit to clean up anything. Get a little trash bin in your room or take out your trash every time you exit your car. Avoid eating in there, but if you do, use a tray or something so crumbs don’t get everywhere. Put things back in its place, and give it a nice sweep or vacuum once a week.

61. Become A Plant Mom/Dad

Want to brighten up and liven up your home while also improving the air that you breathe everyday? You can definitely buy or grow your own plants and change up the energy of your home. Some people gain some fulfillment and meaning in keeping their plans healthy and alive like they would a pet. Depending on what you plant, your crops could even feed you back!

62. Forgive and Let Go Of Grudges

A big human fault is thinking that, if we stay angry at someone and never forgive them, we are somehow punishing them. It may work if you regularly see that person and they actually want to make it up to you, but the majority of the time, that person has moved on and/or are just living their best life without acknowledging you. You’re only making your life worse by holding on to all those negative emotions and feelings.

Even if you’re not religious, the idea of forgiving others so we can be forgiven is a wonderful message. We all make mistakes, and there may have been people you’ve hurt very badly but you didn’t realize or have forgotten about it, and it may be the same for them. You’re not the center of the universe, so the best thing you can do for yourself is let go.

Maybe journal it so you can get those feelings out somewhere, or maybe just confront that person and finally get those things off your chest. Just do something so you can move forward and let go of those grudges.

63. Stay In Touch With Extended Family

We can all get lazy with communicating with loved ones when they live far away, but as I said earlier about not taking time for granted, we really don’t know how long we’ll live, nor how long our loved ones will live. Make more calls to your grandma while she’s alive. Is your favourite aunt and uncle only an hour drive away? Visit them more. Make plans with your cousins who share your interests. Offer to babysit your nieces and nephews before they get too old and won’t care to hang with you.

64. Make New Friends

The saddest thing about life is that people put so much weight on relationships and marriage that friendships are put in the backburner. It can be quite lonely and isolating when you realize you don’t really have friends or all your friends are in relationships and don’t give you much time. Welp, it’s never to late to make new friends!

While you can certainly make new friends online, as I have done, I do think better or stronger friendships can happen when you meet in person and can get a real sense of each other’s vibes. If you meet each other at an event, lesson, or club (like an art club, not a dancing club), at least you’ll know you have similar interests and can look forward to seeing each other again in the future!

65. Be More Private

Some people have no problems staying private about everything in their lives, but others are more open and social. There’s nothing wrong with either extreme, but it’s often those who are too open that tend to get hurt the most, speaking from experience. You don’t have to become someone who doesn’t say or share anything, but maybe don’t always share your plans and goals, or only share things if asked. As they say, when you say less, people tend to weigh your words more heavily.

66. Wash Your Hands More/Improve Hygiene

I was always someone who’d wash my hands over 10 times a day as that’s how I grew up. You’d wash your hands when you come inside, before you cook and before you eat, after using the washroom and before washing your face, etc. I’m a public transit user, live in an apartment building, and had reception jobs for a few years, so I’m always cautious about the germs on buttons, doors, elevators, railings, bus handles etc.

But even before the pandemic, I realized how nasty some of yall are. I remember one time with friends, we went to an escape room which is really dusty, and then went to a burger place for food. I went to the washroom to wash my hands after the activity and again at the restaurant while they didn’t They then proceeded to use their hands to eat their burgers and fries. I tried to stay quiet but I couldn’t haha. They were grossed for a second, but then were like, meh it’s too late now.

During the pandemic, it still didn’t help when it came to a lot of people’s hygiene. Many just relied on gloves and hand sanitizers instead of just taking a moment to use the washroom. Even if you’re not someone who gets sick, it’s good to consider those who you may be interacting with, as many are more prone to illnesses. Just something to think about and consider.

But on that note, though a bit different from the Brushing Teeth/Showering More resolution above, maybe it’s your goal to improve your hygiene and cleanliness. Don’t wear your shoes inside (I honestly didn’t know this was a thing since no one in my area of Toronto did it), change and wash your bedsheets more often, wear deodorant if you tend to sweat a lot etc….wash your legs…..it baffles me that people shower and don’t wash your legs like omg…

67. Send More Handwritten Letters

I remember this old meme/comic that shows in the past, we would always get letters so we were excited to get our first few emails. Now, we all get emails, so a physical letter is so much more meaningful. When I buy a birthday card for someone, I always spend time writing something personal and then drawing and decorating it.

I also used to have penpals and it was great writing a few pages of how life has been and something cool about my culture. These are the things people will physically hold on to for years to come, so make yours more meaningful and personal! If you haven’t been writing much, it’s a great way to keep your penmanship up to par.

68. Stop Hoarding Stuff

Whether you managed to clean up your house or not like an earlier resolution had, another resolution could be to avoid getting too much stuff, especially unnecessary things, to begin with. And if you do buy stuff, then don’t hold on to every box it comes in. If something is broken, even if it was a gift, sometimes it’s just better to throw it away. Do you need to keep your old phone cases or shoes that are dirty and torn up when you already got newer shoes? I don’t think so. Stop hoarding things!

69. Pay Off Your Credit Card Every Month

If you make a pretty decent income, yet you still keep balances on your credit cards…what are you doing? I get that sometimes people forget, or they just decide to put their money into other means, but you may be accumulating interest and possibly ruining your credit score.

I do recommend using a credit card for the sake of building credit, getting cashback or airmiles rewards, and because it’s a lot safer if fraud were to happen, but you do need to use your cards responsibly. So if you can pay off your balance monthly, do it! And if you can’t, at least pay the minimum amount each month, preferably more. Only use what you can afford and pay it off asap.

70. Become A Better Friend

On the self improvement side, becoming a better friend is something we should all strive to be. Many wish they had better friends without even realizing they’re a horrible friend themselves and that the sweetest people don’t want to be close to them.

So how does one become a better friend? Well, that will depend on where you are and what your friends need. But in general, some tips include being a better listener, being more supportive, being less critical of their flaws and mistakes, being there emotionally and physically when they need you, staying true to your word like we mentioned earlier, remember details about them and surprising them with what they like, and offering help before they ask for it.

71. Learn To Manage Your Natural Hair

If you’re a POC or someone with curly or wavy hair, you probably grew up thinking that straight was best and you never really took the time to learn to manage your real hair texture.

The natural hair movement has been going strong, and black people have fought for their rights to wear more natural styles like afros, braids, and dreads to work, so there’s no better time to start embracing the hair that grows out of your scalp and figuring out what styles work best for you.

Save money on the perms/relaxers and stop damaging it with heat. There’s a lot you can learn so you can style your hair with confidence. Definitely check out Youtube for styles, tutorials, and inspiration!

72. Do Something That Scares You

We all have fears, and that’s okay! If you don’t want to be around spiders, trust me, I’m not talking about those kind of fears at all. Rather, this resolution refers to things that many people do on a regular basis, but your fear and anxiety has gotten in your way, and it may even be affecting your quality of life.

Maybe you’re scared of flying, but you really want to visit another country. Maybe you’re scared something bad will happen at concerts, but it’s on your bucket list to see an artist perform live. Maybe you’re dealing with social anxiety, but you want to make more friends or join a club. Maybe this year, you’ll take that step into confronting your fears so you can live a more fulfilling life.

73. Stay On Top of Your E-Mail Box

I have so many e-mail boxes and because of all the software and sites I’ve signed up to in the past, they can get quite messy. Having a blog also means a few emails a day from various plug-ins. I don’t usually have the time to check and deal with them on a regular basis so when the end of the year comes, it can take a few hours or days to really clean and sort them out. I think next year, I’m going to work on keeping it nice and tidy. Maybe you can too!

74. Become A Mentor

This was in my volunteering section, but I felt it deserves it’s own little blurb. So many young people are struggling. Some have it really hard as they may not have decent or present parents, some grew up in bad neighbourhoods and are at risk, and others just don’t have much drive as they don’t see a bright future. If you have the time, the passion, the knowledge and the wisdom, it can be a wonderful and fulfilling experience volunteering your time to be a mentor to someone.

Depending on how much time and energy you can put it, it can be as simple as a call a few times a week, or you can be more like a big brother or sister figure and be the one who goes to their shows, takes them places for fun, and just be someone they can count on. As they grow, mature, and become a functioning adult in society, they will owe it to you. You can also be a mentor to older adults who may want to get into your field or do something similar to what you do.

75. Stretch Daily

If you want to get more fit, but aren’t ready to dedicate to a 30 minute, 5X a week workout into your life, you can start your fitness journey with some daily stretching. Maybe stretch and twist a bit once you get out of bed, or take a moment to do some neck stretches and rolls at your desk. Reach for your feet every night before you lie down to sleep. Even 2-5 minutes can make a difference when it comes to strength and flexibility.

76. Talk less, Listen More

Have you been told you talk too much by more than a couple people in your life? Or maybe you realize you tend to overwhelm every ‘conversation’ you’re in? Talking is good and it’s great to be open and to share your life and your thoughts, but like everything in life, there needs to be a balance. If your friends or family don’t even have a chance to talk because you never take a break nor ask them questions, the convo can be really one sided and people may not want to talk to you much.

For this resolution, the first step is acceptance. Realize how much you talk vs how much the person you’re with talks. Start asking them more questions. How was their day? How is work going? What are they working on? How’s your hobby going? Maybe you’ll realize you really don’t know much about them, so it’s time to take more interest in their interests and projects. Listen with the intent of understanding and not with the urge to respond. Let them finish and allow breaks of silence so they can talk if they wanted to.

77. Pick Up An Instrument

Wouldn’t it be cool to play an instrument? Maybe you played something back in school but haven’t touched it since. Maybe you want to be in a rock band like I did and the guitar is calling your name. Music has so many mental and physical benefits. Not only are you learning a new language, but you’re also learning to synchronise your eyes, your hands, your breathing, and sometimes your legs as well.

It’s always fun to be able to play the songs you like, and it can also be an amazing experience to play with other people. Perhaps you can take it further and even start gigging or selling your services. Wedding musicians, for example, make a whole lot of money. Cut your screen time in half by picking up this amazing and fulfilling pastime.

73. Take More Breaks

Are you someone who is always on hustle mode? You wake up and you’re rushing to make breakfast for your family and get your kids ready for school, then you head off to your job, then you come home to do more chores and this and that? It’s time to incorporate more me-time. As much as you may feel like things need to do be done right now, you can always make time for more breaks.

Do you need to clean up every single night? I get that you like a clean house, but maybe you can exchange that hour of cleaning for a show, or take a nice bubble bath with a book. If you do have a family, it doesn’t hurt to ask or try to delegate some tasks so not everything falls on you. Even if you work home alone or you’re an entrepreneur, be sure to take a few breathers. Take your lunch breaks away from your desktop and just relax a bit.

74. Be More Spontaneous

Are you someone who likes your weeks planned in advance? If asked to do something last minute, you always say ‘no’ because you have chores to do? Listen. So many people regret not saying yes or taking those opportunities when they had the chance.

You may not get to see your friends or family often, so if they invite you out and you can move things around, why not hang with them? If you’re friends want to visit one more place on your night out, go along with it. If they have a spare ticket and asked you to go, take it! Chores and sleep can wait now and then.

75. Go To More Events/Shows

While ‘free’ entertainment is nice and all, it’s certainly a different experience going to see things live. You get to be closer to the action and actually feel like you’re part of something. If you like concerts, festivals, musicals, and such, why not see more of them. These kinds of events don’t happen everyday, and some artists or shows only happen every few years, so don’t miss those opportunities.

76. Go To Fancy Restaurants More Often

If you’re a foodie, but you’re usual idea of a night out is McDonalds or fast food ramen, maybe it’s time to for you to treat yourself and enjoy the finer things in life. Maybe you’re seeing all these food influencers enjoying food that you want to try, but what’s stopping you? Go check them out yourself!

77. Create A Side-Business

We can all use some spare change, and sometimes creating a side-hustle is just what you need. This is something you can manage on your own free time and it may even have the potential to become something bigger. Some good ideas are cleaning, baby-sitting, arts and crafts that are sellable, washing cars, mowing lawns, producing, gigging, and tutoring.

78. Or Build A Passive Income

If you don’t have much free time to physically do a side job, a passive income business may be totally up your alley. Of course, most passive income ideas may take a lot of time to create and build, but it will totally be worth it long-term. Some ideas include blogging, lending and investing, creating digital products, Airbnb, selling photographs, and designing products for print on demand.

79. Turn Off Electronics an Hour Before Bed

I’m sure you’ve heard this tip before, but if you’re eager to get better sleep or you just want to work on not having your phone in your hands every minute of every day, this may be the resolution for you. Some tricks I have heard is charging it on a wall away from your bed or even another room. Try reaching for a book or another form of entertainment before going to bed.

80. Apologize More

We all make mistakes, but some will never admit that. Isn’t it funny that parents will often make their kids apologize when they hurt another kid, but they’ll never apologize themselves? We talked about forgiving others and letting go of grudges earlier, but now it’s time to put the shoe on the other foot or however that phrase goes. Humbleness and humility will always be admired more than pride and egos.

Stop being so stubborn or righteous, and start realizing how your actions or words may have hurt people. Maybe there’s someone you know that you hurt years back. If you still remember it and it’s still bothering you, why not go out of your way to apologize to them. They may be over it, but maybe they really needed to hear it so they can move forward.

It’s an amazing feeling when you can admit your faults and perhaps some old friendships can be repaired as well. Don’t live with regrets when you realize you can no longer make amends.

81. Make Coffee At Home

If you’re someone who always buys coffee on your way to work, and especially if you’re someone who has to buy Starbucks which costs you $4+ dollars, maybe this is the year you save money and start making your morning brew at home.

A 920g Folgers tub of coffee beans costs under $12 (less if on sale), and it’s said to make over 100 cups of coffee. Compare that to $2+ coffee for 300+ days a year….yeah. Even if you go for Keurig pods, you can get 80 McCafe pods for $60, so you’ll always be saving money making coffee at home. You can even add as much caramel syrup or whipped cream that you’d like!

82. Reduce or Clear Your Debt

Did you graduate 5 years ago and still haven’t made a dent in your student loan? Maybe you splurged a lot in the past and you got a maxed out credit card that has yet to be dealt with. Or worse, you owe some hefty taxes to the government and are just hoping you won’t get caught.

It can be easy to just ignore your debts and avoid bills, but things will catch up to you, and it will definitely reflect on your credit score which can make it hard to get a mortgage, loan, or a car later on in life. Do yourself a favour, and start making an effort to lower your debt next year.

83. Learn A Basic Life Skill

It’s never too late to learn something, especially those skills many people learn as a kid like riding a bike, or swimming. Or if you’re one of millions who never learned to read or write. Or even basic cooking skills, like frying eggs, boiling pasta, or following recipes for a boxed cake. If there’s anything most of the world seems to be able to do, but you’re struggling with, start to get into it.

84. Spend More Time Outside

They say 42% of the U.S population has a Vitamin D deficiency, and is that surprising at all? Even before the pandemic, it seems like everyone spends their free time indoors as that’s where all the electronics and entertainment is. Kids don’t even get to go around and climb trees or ride bikes anymore as parents don’t trust the outside world. But after being locked down for some time, I think we all realized just how great it can be to go outside, get some fresh air and spend time in the sun.

They say sunlight helps a lot with fatigue and depression, so if you’re a homebug like me who can go weeks without stepping outside, make it a mission to go out for 15 minutes a day. Take a short walk around the block or sit down in a park for a little bit. If you do get the opportunity to go outside for work or school, maybe spend an extra 15 minutes outside before you go home, or spend half of your lunch break outside. Maybe eat out there with your friends more…maybe plan some picnics!

85. Be More Prepared

Some people live their lives fully relaxed, just assuming nothing will happen, or relying and depending on others to handle things when they do. But learning to be prepared for anything and everything is such a valuable skill, and guess what? It can be learned and practiced. If you’re planning a trip, don’t just pack the defaults like clothes, our toothbrush, and your phone charger. Think of other scenarios and what you may need then.

If you plan to hike in that country, you should have a compass, along with a small first aid kit just in case. Are you going to get a SIM card or Pocket Wifi during your stay so you can use your phone and access Google Maps? Did you make a reservation for that? Did you tell a friend or family member where you plan to spend your nights so they can reach you if they hear of a natural disaster hitting your location?

It’s not about being paranoid, but there’s nothing worse than being in a bad situation and not having a backup plan nor anything or anyone to help you. If that tourist spot was known for scams and robberies, isn’t it better that you thought ahead and had a body pouch where you kept your passport, extra money, a printed map, and your hotel card, than to have lost everything in your bag and phone that was stolen from you? I’m just saying…

86. Learn CPR or First Aid

According to some studies, while 65% of people have received some CPR training at a point in their life, only 18% are up to date. 18% may sound like 1/5 people, but that depends on your circle. It sucks to know you could have saved a friend or loved one if you remembered what to do. Courses aren’t expensive, and some even offer it free, but it is totally worth spending a handful of hours each year just to refresh your memory and be able to do these things with confidence.

87. Clean Up Your Digital Footprint

Older folk may not have to worry about this much, but if you’re someone who grew up in the internet age, or a millennial who started up as social media sites were coming up, it may be worth spending a few weeks or months cleaning up your digital footprint, more so if you were someone who used your real name online.

How do you go about this? Well, first would be finding and deleting old profiles that you forgot about and that you’d hope the world will forget about. Maybe you got some embarrassing stuff on Tumblr, MySpace, or Tagged. You have some dating profiles that you haven’t used in ages? Time to close them officially. Your friends tagged you in photos from your partying and drinking days? Ask them to untag you so you don’t show up when employers are looking you up. Delete some posts and comments from your young and rebellious days, especially if they can offend some groups today.

It may be even worth cleaning up your mailboxes or deleting ones you haven’t used just in case they get hacked or compromised as they may contain a lot of personal information that can help someone impersonate you. Same with your drives. I’d personally recommend saving personal photos on an external hard drive instead of a cloud that is technically online and on a server somewhere. Anything online can be hacked, so prevention is always best!

88. Take A New Course

There is a course for literally everything in this day and age, and there’s so many means to learn! There’s a lot of thorough free courses on Youtube for you to follow. I really like Udemy as well, as there’s many amazing courses for under $20 when on sale. There’s also free websites around that want to teach people, especially for coding and Microsoft office suite.

But, if you prefer to learn in person or it’s a skill that requires things or other people like sewing, cake decorating, ballroom dancing, martial arts, etc, there’s probably a school in your area that is offering lessons. As you get older, you should always be learning and keeping your mind sharp.

89. Organize Your Files/Photos

Would you consider your desktop organized? Can you find what you need to find when you need to find them? How about your folder full of memories? If you got multiple devices and drives, it may be worth it to go through all your digital belongings and really organize it. Maybe get an external hard drive so you can secure your stuff from cyber attacks or stolen devices.

90. Get Your Driver’s License

I’m in my late 20s and just got my full license. I never cared to drive nor wanted to own a car so I didn’t see a reason for one, but so many jobs expect you to have a G license even if you’re not driving. But hey, if I ever need to move again, if I ever want to do a road trip with friends, or do that Mario Kart thing on my next trip to Japan, I will have the ability to get in a car and drive one. You’ll definitely gain a lot of confidence and independence as a driver. You can get a family or friend to teach you, or go to school and get a private instructor like I did.

91. Learn A New Program/Software

We are in a digital age, so any digital skills you have are an asset. Do you know what all the little buttons so in Microsoft Word? Are you interesting in learning Photoshop? Maybe you want to take up coding and maybe launch an app one day! There’s so many free and cheap courses available, so get started next year!

92. Watch More Documentaries

For you who tend to binge entertaining series during your spare time, how about just switching a sitcom or reality show for a documentary now and then? Documentaries can be quite entertaining, and at least you’ll learn something new about the world.

93. Eat Less Sugar

Self explanatory. It’s okay to enjoy sweets now and then, but if you’re someone who lives on soda and cookies, and you need to have your slice of pie or cake after dinner, your body will thank you for cutting your sugar intake just a bit.

Switch one cup of pop for tea, take a smaller slice of cake, or eat a couple less cookies than usual. If you’re someone who eats from the bag, pour your serving into a bowl so you don’t eat as mindlessly. Maybe have a couple days a week where you avoid sugar completely. Anything helps!

94. Sit Less

Another fitness idea that you can adopt more easily into your life is simply sitting less. If you’re someone who is always sitting, then make a conscious effort to stand more. Don’t always look for the first seat available on the bus, nor take a seat at the doctor’s office if they said it’ll only be 5 minutes. If you work from home or have a progressive office, maybe look into a standing desk.

95. Learn To Knit or Sew

Knitting and sewing are often seen as a granny’s sport, but my goodness, are they amazing skills to have! Even if you don’t plan to become a famous designer, it’s nice being able to sew up a hole in your favourite blouse, or alter pants that are a little too long for you. It’s also great being able to make your own throw pillows or makeup bag.

For knitting, it’s a nice calming hobby, but you can also make hats or gloves for your loved ones, or maybe even sell them online. There’s just so much potential in what you can make with the bare basics, so why not learn?

96. Join A Band/Team

If you’re always around the same people and you want a change of scenery, or even just want to feel motivated and work towards something with others who share the same interests, why not join a band or a team? This is different from a club mentioned above in that they actually work together to get stuff done.

A band will learn to play songs so they can perform, or a sports team will practice regularly so they can win games. There may also be clubs that are more competition focused, and that would fit in this category as well. When life is feeling pretty dull, these teams can get your heart pumping.

97. Only Say “Yes” When You Mean It

This is for you people pleasers out there, speaking as one myself. If you really want to do something and you have the time, go for it! But if you’re even a little hesitant, whether you’re not in the mood, or you don’t have much free time that week, or it’s just not your thing, it’s time to start saying “no”.

Trust me when I say, people aren’t going to react as badly as you think they may. They may be surprised at first if you’re always someone who says ‘yes’, but they’ll respect you. Learn to stick to your answer and now always be persuaded. But, if they do switch and become toxic, then those aren’t the kinds of people you want in your life. I can bet they’re the same person who’ll never come through when you need them.

98. Start A Youtube Channel

Have you always wanted to start a Youtube channel? Why not start next year!? You don’t need fancy equipment to record amazing videos. With the quality our phones have, it doesn’t surprise me that many Youtubers only use that and a circle light. It may take some time to figure out your focus/niche, and how to edit videos, but once you get started, you’ll learn things along the way.

99. Become A Minimalist

Minimalism is not just about throwing out everything and living in an empty house. According to BecomingMinimalist, “minimalism is intentionally living with only the things I really need—those items that support my purpose. I am removing the distraction of excess possessions so I can focus more on those things that matter most.”

Consumerism has us buying things just for the sake of it or to impress others, but when you step back and think about why you even have this or that, or that you don’t really need something, it can be enlightening. The lighter your room, the lighter your mind.

100. Learn Who You Really Are

Last, but definitely not least in the slightest, is to spend the new year getting to know who you really are. Not who your parents shaped you to be, not how society wants you to be, not who your lover things you are or how you act around your friends, but your real, true self.

I personally believe a reason why a lot of people aren’t happy and don’t even know why is because of lack of self awareness. You have to know what you really enjoy because you just do what everyone else does. You have yet to realize how your childhood trauma affects you everyday, and you don’t even realize your toxic traits or habits that makes it hard to make or keep real friends.

You spend everyday distracted with social media and entertainment, and you just assume that if you were like this person or had what that person has, you’d be successful and fulfilled but that’s the farthest thing from the truth. If you don’t know who you really area, and what your heart and soul craves, you’ll continue to live aimlessly, pleasing others, or chasing the American Dream instead of what you want.

So make next year the year of true peace and happiness and start getting to know yourself. You can adopt multiple tips above such as therapy, journaling, meditation, and prayer to get started on self-reflection, and also start thinking about how you were and what you wanted to be when you were a child. Also ask your friends and family how they see you and who they think you really are behind the facade, you may be surprised by their deep insight that you don’t even realize.


So there you go. 100 New Year Resolution Ideas. You know, I surprised myself that I was able to come up with them in a day, but I guess that’s partly cause I always do research on this topic as I’m always looking for a new goal to achieve.

I hope you can find a few resolutions that you’re interested in and will take the actions required to make it happen. No two years should be the same. With new hobbies, new goals, new mindsets, and new people, you should always strive to make next year better than the last ~<3

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