The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly opened people’s eyes to life, time, and our privileges. We really never know what the future may hold. Some chose to waste their lock in time binging shows on Netflix, while others started hustling and are now running successful businesses.
I originally wrote this article on an old blog during that time, but decided to republish it here as the holiday season rolls around. Definitely take some time for yourself, catch up on shows, you deserve it…but don’t waste every spare minute passively when you could be working towards your better self.
Below are 25+ ways to stay productive inside and ensure you finish your break on a better note!
1. Exercise
We can all use a little more exercise, myself included. If you’re someone who usually doesn’t have the time or energy after a long day at work, then use your day(s) off to do some squats, yoga, or take a jog around the block. Your body will thank you for it.

2. Learn A Language
They say it takes 10,000 hours to learn a language, and that means you can’t cram learning a langauge. It needs to be studied and practiced regularly. If it’s an interest of yours to learn a second or third language, use this time!
There are many free resources on the internet, and good old DuoLingo is also a great study buddy. You can purchase a few books to learn from, borrow CDs from the library, and find some conversation partners online to practice with.
Get past the learning curve during your break, and then you can study more casually when things get busy again.
3. Arts & Crafts
Oh how I miss school days where arts and crafts were a regular thing…but for those who kept up with the craft, they are now finding many ways to make money online.
Not only are crafts a great de-stressor and an outlet for creativity, but you can sell what you make, teach others on Youtube, or just save yourself money on gifts.

4. Start Blogging
You may or may not be surprised to know that blogging is still going strong. Even though videos and social media continue to blow up, many people still go to websites for information or direction. You are here after all.
I know many people have considered starting a blog, but just never got to it. Some are intimidated or think no one cares what they have to read, but trust me, your insight and words will be valued by someone and many ones.
You can choose a free website builder, but I would highly recommend using Bluehost and WordPress if you’re serious. It allows full ownership, control, and freedom over your website, the design, and your content. If you want to add ads or do affiliate marketing for passive income, you would need to own the site.
It’s a bit of a steep learning curve, but it’s worth it. I did pay people on Fiverr to create my first two websites, but the design wasn’t what I envisioned, and reaching out for help after was impossible and timely, so I took matter into my own hands. I can now create a new site from scratch in under a week.
It may cost a couple hundred dollars to start up, but again, it’s worth it. And it’s yours! It’s something you can show off and be proud of.
5. Fix Your Posture
This may seem like a weird one, but this is something I’ve been working on. Bad habits die hard, but I certainly don’t want to end up with a hunchback in my 30s. Use your time at home to practice sitting and standing up straight. Be mindful and correct yourself.
6. Learn To Code/Hack
Coding is all the rage and with good reason. As the world continues to become more dependent on technology, our needs and expectations will only continue to grow.

Although many are going to school to learn this, coding is essentially a language. There is nothing much school can teach you that you can’t learn with a book or online course. School does keep you on track and you do get the title, but if you’re just curious, you can definitely get started at home.
You can try out FREE coding sites like Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp. You can also use TryHackMe to learn hacking for free!
They not only teach you how to code or hack, but they have labs which allow you to practice what you’ve learned and grading to see if you’re doing it right. Get started now and have fun later building websites, apps, games, and programs!
7. Clean Up & Organize
I’m sure we all have a place in our home that we keep saying ‘we’ll clean when we have time’ but never seem to get to it. Whether it’s that messy attic, or that pile of clothes in the corner that you wanted to sort through and donate, why not take this time to at least get started.

Usually, once you get into it and build momentum, you’ll realize it wasn’t that big of a project after all. Procrastination is a dangerous thing, I tell ya!
8. Write An Article
There are so many places where you can write and get your word out there. If you don’t feel you can dedicated to a blog, you can still publish on sites like Linkedin or Medium and build a reputation and following for yourself.
There are also many smaller blogs that may be looking for guest writers to share their knowledge or experience in their niche, some even willing to pay per word for your work.
You also have the option to become a freelancer on a site like Fiverr. State your price, get some gigs, and be your own boss! If you like writing and researching, don’t pass up this money making opportunity!
9. Write A Book
On that note, why not write a book? Maybe you’ve had an idea for a long time, or just always wanted to be a published author. Well you’re not going to get anywhere if you don’t start writing! There are many tips online for getting started and how to write properly.
Even if it may not be hard-copy worthy in your opinion, you can self publish on platforms like Amazon or use other storytelling sites, like the forever popular Wattpad. You may be surprised how many people love your writing, and that will inspire or push you to go further!
10. Learn A Card Trick

Kinda random, but hear me out. How many times have you played with cards in your life?
I can bet more than 60% of households have a deck of cards as well. They’re also pocket size, so it’s very easy to carry around. Thus, unlike many other hobbies or talents, you can bet you’ll get to show off your card tricks more than a few times in your life time.
I say this because there were times I was able to blow a kid’s mind by picking their card, or impress my friends when shuffling. Of course, you can always just improve your stacking skills, play games like speed or solitaire alone, or even learn to throw them!
Cards are full of possibilities, and best of all, they’re cheap!
11. Practice An Instrument
Although some may deny it, I’m sure the majority of us wished we could play an instrument. Piano, guitar, drums, perhaps the violin? Maybe you’re interested in smaller instruments like flute, ocarina, or harmonica? It’s never too late to start!
And as mentioned in my “How To Avoid Low Confidence As A New Musician” article, very few musicians are naturally talented or find it easy. Most have spent thousands of hours and sometimes decades practicing and honing their craft. They make it look easy as they’ve been practicing for ages.
Not only is learning an instrument a fun and productive way to spend your free time, but it is said to have great benefits for the brain.

As you progress, you can probably find a band or orchestra to play in, or even make money through lessons, so why not?
12. Tutor Others Online
Are you very knowledgeable at one or more subjects? Instead of getting rusty and letting your intelligence go to waste, why not teach online?
There are many online teaching platforms, or you can post an ad on a classified marketplace like Fiverr. It could be long term or just exam prep. Make a few bucks helping students with their classes or helping adults with their English.
13. Get Smarter
You’re never too old to learn and there’s always something interesting out there that you could learn about. You don’t have to sit down and study these things seriously either. Instead of watching a drama series or sitcom, why not watch an insightful show or documentary?
Growing up, I was a big fan of shows on Discovery Channel, and was obsessed with MythBusters, MayDay, 1000 Ways To Die, and How It’s Made. Even reality shows on TLC and Slice, such as Kitchen Nightmares, Hoarders, Til Debt Do Us Part, and My 600-lbs life, although dramatic, really gave me insight into the world, people and their psychology, and how to handle money. I can definitely have a conversation about anything at this point.
If you’d like a break from screens, it’s always good to pick up a book! Find something you’ve been curious about, or been meaning to learn. You never know when random knowledge may come in handy!
14. Daydream
Yes, this may not be the most productive past-time, but don’t drop the idea just yet.

Many of us surround ourselves with technology and entertainment at all times. So much that our creativity and ability to keep ourselves entertained has vanished. When social media sites go down, many people actually freak out!
Start gaining control of your life and your mind again. Even a few moments a day with your thoughts or dreaming about what you want can be great for your mind according to studies.
When it comes to your goals in life, visualizing is not only a great motivator, but will help you work harder to get to that point. Try it one day! Just sit down somewhere, get comfortable, and just let your mind wonder. Or maybe create your own epic story! Whatever you choose.
15. Time To Sew/Knit
Sewing and knitting is no longer a granny’s sport. Young people have started to see the benefits and opportunities in these with good reason. I myself took a beginners sewing class a few years back, and I look forward to when I have the space to set up my own little station.

Not only can you create your own skirts, tops, and scarves, but you’ll be able to create original gifts or even sell things for profit. Knitting is a lot cheaper to get into and is a wonderful calming past-time, but learning sewing can help you create things faster, while also being great for repairs and alterations.
16. Start A Youtube Channel
If you have a talent, can animate, educate, or just have an outgoing personality, why not start a channel? The amount of niche and genres on the web is crazy, and you’re bound to find people who would love to watch you and care what you have to say.
Create skits, teach others how to do something you’re passionate about, maybe just start a talk show where you discuss things in your niche, or display your live in a vlog. Whether you have your own small gathering or manage to go viral, it’s always a great idea to take advantage of the internet and the attention it may bring you.
17. Learn a New Recipe
Instead of ordering in or throwing some processed foods in the oven, why not use this time to learn a new recipe, or really learn the fundamentals of baking?
I have noticed a rise in millennials interest for cooking, especially as veganism and trying to save money is on the rise, but along with eating healthier, these life skills are sure to come in handy.

Impress your next date, or start designing cakes. Cooking is something we all have to do now and then, so why not take advantage and explore?
18. Start Journaling
Anyone who journals will probably continue to journal. I started in Grade 11, and I used to write almost daily, but as my life got more boring and repeatitive, I find myself writing maybe once or twice a month.

Although I don’t have to, it’s a good way to put down some memorable moments, release some emotions, organize my thoughts and plans, and just have something to track my journey through adulthood. I don’t think there’s anything more personal and open as journaling, and it can really help you learn more about yourself and what’s really going on in your head.
It’s also funny when someone tries to challenge you on a date or event and you’re like…I wrote about this, don’t make me pull it out. XD
19. Clean Up Your Digital Footprint
I work in the tech and intelligence, so take this to heart. It seems like every month a celebrity or influence is being exposed for a racist or discriminatory post they made 10 years ago. The internet doesn’t forget!
That’s why it’s best to go back and delete any potentially embarrassing or incriminating evidence before someone else gets to it.
Depending on how long you’ve been using social media, this may take a long time, but again, better you get started now. Try to remember your old emails, log into accounts you’ve stopped using. Look up your name and all your nicknames or aliases and see what stuff shows up. Go through your old Tweets and Youtube comments.
Along with deleting stupid or ignorant comments from your younger days, also keep an eye out for private information you may have unknowingly shared. Maybe a picture exposes your address, or your number still shows up from an old classified ad, or your full birth date is public on Facebook. All this could make you easier to track, hack, and dox.
Again, do this now before anything happens, as there’s no going back after. There are thousands of cyber crime victims everyday and the police won’t help in the majority of cases. Be sure to create stronger passwords for your most valued accounts while you’re at it.
20. Invest Your Money
There are many ways to get into investing. Day trading, penny stocks, etc. If you got more money, they always say real estate is worth it. You can invest into businesses, startups, anything else you believe in and watch your money grow.
Of course this will require some planning, researching, and budgeting upfront. Don’t take the gamble if you can’t afford it. If you don’t have that much time, investing some of your savings into mutual funds may end up making you a few extra hundreds or thousands in 5 year’s time.
21. Take A Course
There’s so many courses online, and there are quite a few free ones too. You can take a course to learn a practical skill like Linux and Writing, or a course in personal development, such as public speaking or standing up for yourself.
Some may only be a couple hours long, but some may be 50+ hours and even give you a certificate. If you go the time, why not? Check out this list that contains many great online course sites!
22. Meditate or Practice Taichi
You may have picked up that I’m all about mindfulness and just being in tune with oneself.
Although neither of these may sound fun or productive, being able to calm your mind, focus on your breathing, and just live in the now is amazing for your health, mind, and soul.

Taichi is also said to improve your balance and awareness. The more you practice these more quiet and slow activities, the more you will be able to focus and relax through other activities.
23. Dance Dance Dance
There’s something about dance. Not only is dancing a fun workout, but there’s choreographies for almost every kind of music out there.
Workout with Zumba, learn ballroom dances like Salsa and Tango, maybe cover your favourite Kpop dances or learn how to twerk to some hip hop. Cute, sexy, badass, there’s a routine for everything.
Even if you’re not someone who would get out of their seat at a club (you won’t even find me at the club), the more you practice dancing, the better you’ll get. Being able to learn routines, really embrace the music, and eventually get into character…there’s just nothing like it.
Best of all, you don’t have to go embarrass yourself elsewhere, just get a game or put on a youtube video at home. Stay fit while having fun.
24. Figure Out Your shape & Style
How many of us have watched other people who seem to always be dressed well, while we look like potato bags? I know I had that feeling. Not only was I a tomboy with no fashion sense, but I just felt like a lot of clothes didn’t fit me well. Even when I was feeling great in the moment, the photos made me think otherwise.

Once I realized I was an inverted triangle, baggy shirts/sweaters and skinny jeans (which was always my style) was the exact opposite of what I should be wearing.
Figure out your body shape, face shape, and what best suites it. Maybe look at your skintone and figure out what colours or makeup suits you best. Trial and experiment while you are at home.
Maybe there’s a certain style you’ve been meaning to adopt. Do you want to look cuter or more badass? Cute and feminine? Cool and dark?
Once you know what works best, maybe you can go through your clothes and give away or donate clothes that really doesn’t suite you, or has been sitting there unworn for way too long.
25. Plan Your Future
Last on this list, but certainly not the least, is to think, plan, and prepare for your future. It’s normal to feel anxious about the future, and so many of us just want to focus on the now, but it’s never a bad idea to really sit down with yourself and write down what you want to do with your life.
What’s your goals for your career? Do you plan to get married and have kids? How about places you want to travel to? Why not set a year you plan to make that happen. Perhaps there’s activities on your bucket list, why not write them down and make them happen next year?
The sooner you can put down your goals and dreams on paper, the faster you can start making it a reality.

Hope this list has given you some ideas for your next holiday or long weekend. You don’t have to be productive every break you get, but definitely make the most of your spare time to build skills, create another income, or just become a better you.
Life is short. Dream on and live with no regrets!