25 Easy Anime Songs For Bass Guitar (+Tabs)

Anime Bassist Girl

It’s hard being a bass player sometimes, isn’t it? Compared to guitar resources, bass tends to be neglected, even though they are one of the most vital members of a band.

A few months back, I made a funky bass line article list, but considering I made easy lists for guitar and drums, it only makes sense to make an easy bass list too. And I will say, when it comes to anime and Japanese music, it’s a lot easier finding more complex basslines than it is easy ones. If that’s what you’re looking for, check out 10 Anime Songs With Funky Basslines.

I know how it feels being an anime fan and a musician, and not being able to find songs within your skill level, so this list is for learners like you! Learn more songs, get your notes even, and build some confidence as a musician.

If you’d like to find more articles like this one, keep an eye out on my J-Music Learning Resources Page. And if you’d like to learn more about Japanese music theory so you can understand and create your own Japanese inspired music, check out The Complete Japanese Music Theory Course!


Fire Force

Tabs | BPM = 185

This is a pretty easy going song. While it may sound fast and have more complex guitar parts, you can take it easy with eighth notes, and a few quarter note licks. Also work on your muting and rests in a comfortable setting.



Tabs | BPM = 150

This song has pretty consistent eighth notes throughout, with a single melodic lick between a couple sections. After the solo, your fingers can get a little break with whole notes before the final chorus.



Tabs | BPM = 172 | Drop D Tuning

This song is pretty consistent most of the time, but it is an opportunity to work on getting your fingers moving every now and then, but the notes are within proximity of each other. There are also decent rests and breaks when there is a huge jump. Definitely a late beginner song if you’re planning to play more funky pieces later on.

Hikaru Nara

Your Lie In April

Tabs | BPM = 160

Looking for a more positive sounding track? Definitely practice with this hit. You’ll get to practice playing on mostly the 3rd and 2nd strings, which could help if you’re someone who feels tied to the bottom string. The chorus is a little funky, but it’s repetitive, so you’ll have time to get used to it.

Tell Me Why


Tabs | BPM = 120

If you want a super slow song that isn’t too basic, try out this song. You’ll get to work on changing notes on different beats, and also working on a few different rhythms. It’s a great way to get used to transition notes/walking basslines as well.


My Hero Academia

Tabs | BPM = 95

Don’t let the complex guitar deceive you…nor the slow BPM. Your part will consist of 16th notes, but you can just consider these 8th notes in a BPM of 170. Your notes are pretty consistent, no random notes between chord changes to throw you off. You’ll also get a break during the verse, and half notes later for a few bars, then you get a simple short lick to practice.

Inner Light

Hajime no Ippo

Tabs | BPM = 175

If you’re tired of consistent eighth note picking….you’ll still have to bare it for a bit of this song, but you’ll also get quite a few other patterns to learn and try out. The notes are simply enough that you can focus more on getting your plucking right.

Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku

Dragon Ball Z

Tabs | BPM = 128

If you want a super easy song that has a slower pace, this would be a great song to start with. All eighth note plucking, no random notes or licks in sight.



Tabs | BPM = 166

Last Dinosaur


Tabs | BPM = 170

If you want something as simple as Dan Dan Kokoro with no random notes or licks, but at a faster pace, this, try out this piece. Simple eighth notes, and chord changes every bar or two.



Tabs | BPM = 170

This is a great song to practice if you want something that is pretty consistent for the most part, but has a few funky licks now and then so you don’t get bored. It’s a great way to practice your scales too if I should say so myself.

Rolling Star


Tabs | BPM = 169

If you’re just learning the TV size length, this is a super easy and basic song. If you choose to continue onwards, you’ll get to practice muted picking, slides, and a few other licks.

Kimi ga Suki da to Sakebitai

Slam Dunk

Tabs | BPM = 143

For the most part, this is a simple eighth beat song, but it also gives you a chance to practice octaves and work on changing notes on a beat outside of 1.


Air Gear

Tabs | BPM = 184

This songs a bit faster, and it has some riffs, but it’s nothing that I don’t think a late beginner can handle. The licks in the intro is repetitive and all close together on the same line. The verse slows things down while you do simple 2-note melodies. Followed by a simple eighth beat rhythm, and then the lick you learned in the intro.

Doubt & Trust


Tabs | BPM = 156 | Drop D Tuning

This is a very basic eighth beat rhythm song. And honestly, since there are no notes on fret 0 or 1, you don’t need to drop the tuning. Just make all the notes written 2 notes higher. If it says 9, play fret 11. If it says 5, play fret 7. When the guitar drops their tuning to reach lower notes, bass tends to change their tuning to match, but it isn’t always necessary. Just a pro tip for other tabs you may come across 🙂

Uragiri no Yuuyake


Tabs | BPM = 156

If you’re looking for a really fun song that is simple but still gives you a bit of variation, try out this song! I’ll let you take a look to see what this song is all about.

High School Of The Dead OP

High School Of The Dead

Tabs | BPM = 190

The notes of this song is simple, but it is on the faster side. It has quite a bit of variation, and I also like that you’ll get to practice note changes on the up beat, which is pretty common in Japanese music. As long as your plucking is up to speed, this song shouldn’t be too difficult for you to learn.

Lightning FLame Dragon Roaring

Fairy Tail

Tabs | BPM = 157 | Drop D Tuning

Okay okay, if you’re really really bored of eighth note strumming, this is a great song to practice. You’ll get some rhythms that combine eighth and sixteenth notes, and then eighths and quarters in the chorus. There’s a bunch of other new rhythms for you to test out. Now and then, you’ll get a little melodic lick to practice as well.

My World Down

Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad

Tabs | BPM = 135

This is a pretty simple song with a slower BPM. If you want to practice moving between notes with different fingers, this song has a simple lick to do just that.

Falling Down

Higashi no Eden

Tabs | BPM = 131

This is another straight forward eighth beat rhythm song with a comfortable tempo. If anything, you’ll get comfortable travelling up and down the neck as it has songs on the 2nd fret and the 12th fret.

Ash Like Snow

Mobile Suite Gundam 00

Tabs | BPM = 166

The notes for this song is simple, but you get a play different rhythms throughout and actually feel like you’re moving with the band. Be sure to practice your counting and work on your muting with this song.

Little Braver

Angel Beats

Tabs | BPM = 128

There are a lot of Angel Beats songs, but this is probably the easiest on the list. The majority of the song is basic eighth beat plucking, but you’ll get some slides, walking basslines, hammer-ons, and just a few additional notes to keep it interesting. With a BPM of 128, it’s a great song to prepare you for more intermediate level songs.

Shunkan Sentimental

Fullmetal Alchemist

Tabs | BPM = 175

This song appears pretty simple, and for the most part it is, but be prepared for upbeat note changes, rests, slides, and just a few licks to keep you on your feet.

Hime Murasaki


Tabs | BPM = 85

With the slow BPM, this may look and sound like one of the easiest songs on the list, but that depends how comfortable you are with different strumming patterns and playing on higher strings. If those are things you really need to work on, this is the perfect song for you.



Tabs | BPM = 130

To finish up this list, I got the first opening for Bleach! Slower BPM. Whole notes, eighth notes, sections to work on your rests, and a couple melodic riffs to practice. Enjoy practicing with this classic!

3 thoughts on “25 Easy Anime Songs For Bass Guitar (+Tabs)”

  1. Pingback: 10 Anime Songs with Funky Basslines (+Tabs) ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers

  2. Pingback: 15 MORE Anime Songs with Funky Basslines (+Tabs) ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers

  3. Pingback: Bocchi The Rock! Songs Ranked By Bass Difficulty (+Tabs) ⋆ Chromatic Dreamers

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