As I continue to dig more into Japanese music and theory on my own guitar learning journey, I felt a strong need to learn Japanese music terms so I could read their blogs and watch their videos. Sadly, no such list existed just yet, so I made one!
This list includes general terms, music staff terminology, note degrees, list of instruments, guitar terms, and practice/performance terms.
I had to use various resources to find these terms, and I had to translate some words myself since I couldn’t find them. I filled in some hiragana myself and all the romanji myself to ensure it is consistent.
If I misplaced a word, or you know of a better translation, please let me know in the comments! Feel free to request any necessary words as well and I will add them asap.
Be sure to check out my Japanese Music Phrases and Common Words in Japanese Lyrics List. And if you’d like to learn more about Japanese music theory so you can understand and create your own Japanese inspired music, check out The Complete Japanese Music Theory Course!

Note: The Hiragana and Katakana section is shared, but have no fear. If there is a Kanji version for the word, then the Hira/Kata section will have the Hiragana transliteration. For a majority of these words, they are borrowed, so only Katakana will be present.
For a few words, the official Japanese term is a mix of Katakana and Kanji. In this case, I put the whole word in the Kanji section, and transliterated the whole phrase into Hiragana, as it is generally easier for students of the language to read. To ensure consistency between readings, I would stick to the katakana spelling, so a word like “ベース歌手” (Bass Singer) will show “べえすかしゅ” in the hiragana section and “beesu kashu” in the Romanji section.
This also applies to “オー” I would write “おお” in Hiragana instead of “おう” as I want the vowels and readings to be consistent through the columns.
English | Romanji | Hiragana/Katakana | Kanji |
Song (without words, a tune) | kyoku | きょく | 曲 |
Song (with words) | uta | うた | 歌 |
Rhythm | ritsudou | りつどう | 律動 |
Melody | senritsu | せんりつ | 旋律 |
Harmony | wasei | わせい | 和声 |
Key | choushi | ちょうし | 調子 |
Tuning | chousei | ちょうせい | 調整 |
Volume | onryou | おんりょう | 音量 |
Tone/Timbre (Tone Colour) | neiro | ねいろ | 音色 |
Musical Time | hyoushi | ひょうし | 拍子 |
Music Theory | ongaku riron | おんがくりろん | 音楽理論 |
Arrangement | henkyoku | へんきょく | 編曲 |
Compose | sakkyoku | さっきょく | 作曲 |
Transpose | tenchi | てんち | 転置 |
Instrument | gakki | がっき | 楽器 |
Music Store | gakkiten | がっきてん | 楽器店 |
Verse | baasu | バース | |
Chorus | gasshou | がっしょう | 合唱 |
Chorus | koorasu | コーラス | |
Singer | kashu | かしゅ | 歌手 |
Voice | koe | こえ | 声 |
Vocals | bookaru | ボーカル | |
Bassline | beesu rain | ベースライン | |
Tempo | tenpo | テンポ | |
To Play/Perform an Instrument | ensou suru | (…を)えんそう する | (…を)演奏する |
To Play (An Instrument, especially a stringed instrument) | kanaderu | かなでる | 奏でる |
To Play (A Stringed Instrument, including piano, organ) | hiku | ひく | 弾く |
To Play (A Wind Instrument) | fuku | ふく | 吹く |
To Play (A Percussion Instrument) | tataku | たたく | 叩く |
Music Staff Words
Sheet Music/Score | gafuku | がくふ | 楽譜 |
Music Staff | gosen | ごせん | 五線 |
Treble Clef | toonkigou | とおんきごう | ト音記号 |
Alto Clef | arutokigou | あるときごう | アルト記号 |
Tenor Clef | tenoorukigou | てのおるきごう | テノール記号 |
Bass Clef | heonkigou | へおんきごう | ヘ音記号 |
Time Signature | hyoushikibou | ひょうしきごう | 拍子記号 |
Bar | shousetsu | しょうせつ | 小節 |
Note | onpu | おんぷ | 音符 |
Whole Note | zenonpu | ぜんおんぷ | 全音符 |
Half Note | nibuonpu/nibunonpu | にぶおんぷ/にぶんおんぷ | 二分音符 |
Quarter Note | shibuonpu | しぶおんぷ | 四分音符 |
Eight Note | hachibuonpu | はちぶおんぷ | 八分音符 |
Rest | kyuushifu | きゅうしふ | 休止符 |
Whole Rest | zenkyuushifu | ぜんきゅうしふ | 全休止符 |
Half Rest | nibunkyuushifu | にぶんきゅうしふ | 二分休止符 |
Quarter Rest | yonbunkyuushifu | よんぶんきゅうしふ | 四分休止符 |
Eighth Rest | hachibunkyuushifu | はちぶん きゅうしふ | 八分休止符 |
Natural | honikigou | ほんいきごう | 本位記号 |
Accidental | henkakigou | へんかきごう | 変化記号 |
Sharp | eion | えいおん | 嬰音 |
Sharp | shaapu | シャープ | |
Flat | henon | へんおん | 変音 |
Flat | furatto | フラット | |
Double Sharp | jyuuei | じゅうえい | 重嬰 |
Double Flat | jyuuhen | じゅうへん | 重変 |
Group of Notes | renonpu | れんおんぷ | 連音符 |
Slur | suraa | すらあ |
Theory Terminology
Music Theory | ongaku riron | おんがくりろん | 音楽理論 |
Major Key | chouchou | ちょうちょう | 長調 |
Minor Key | tanchou | たんちょう | 短調 |
Chords | waon | わおん | 和音 or コード |
Chord Progression | koodo shinkou | コードしんこう | コード進行 |
Root Note | konon | こんおん | 根音 |
Common Chord/Triad | sandowaon | さんどわおん | 三度の和音 |
Tetrad | yonwaon | よんわおん | 四和音 |
Diatonic Chord | daiatonikku coodo | ダイアトニック・コード | |
Octave | okutaabu | オクターブ | |
Arpeggio | bunsanwaon | ぶんさんわおん | 分散和音 |
Inversion | tenkaikei | てんかいけい | 転回形 |
Scales | onkai | おんかい | 音階 |
Chromatic Scale | hanonkai | はんおんかい | 半音階 |
Major Scale | chouonkai | ちょうおんかい | 長音階 |
Minor Scale | tanonkai | たんおんかい | 短音階 |
Pentatonic Scale | goin | ごいん | 五音 |
Intervals | ontei | おんてい | 音程 |
Circle of Fifths | godoken | ごどけん | 五度圏 |
Accidental | henkakigou | へんかきごう | 変化記号 |
Whole Step | zenon | ぜんおん | 全音 |
Half Step | hanon | はんおん | 半音 |
Beat | biito | ビート | |
Eight Note Beat | eito biito nado | エイトビートなど | |
Syncopation | shinkopeeshon | シンコペーション |
Scale Degrees
*I’m still working out the proper pronunciations and the best way to organize this section*
Scale Degrees | ondo | おんど | 音度 |
Tonic (I) | i度音 しゅおん / 主音 | ||
Tonic (I) | tonikku/tonika | トニック/トニカ | |
Supertonic (ii) | ii度音 じょうしゅおん / 上主音 | ||
Mediant (iii) | kaminaka on | iii度音 じょうちゅうおん / 上中音 | |
Subdominant (IV) | /かぞくおん | iv度音 かぞくおん / 下属音 | |
Subdominant (IV) | sabudominanto | サブドミナント | |
Dominant (V) | zoku on | v度音 ぞくおん / 属音 | |
Dominant (V) | dominanto | ドミナント | |
Submediant (vi) | /かちゅうおん | vi度音 かちゅうおん / 下中音 | |
Leading Tone (vii) | vii度音 どうおん / 導音 | ||
Leading Tone (vii) | riidingu toon* | リーディング・トーン |
Types of Chords
Chord | waon | わおん | 和音 |
6th Chord | roku no waon | ろくのわおん | 六の和音 |
Major Chord | chou san waon | ちょうさんわおん | 長三和音 |
Minor Chord | tan san waon | たんさんわおん | 短三和音 |
Diminished Chord | gensanwaon | げんさんわおん | 減三和音 |
Augmented Chord | zousanwaon | ぞうさんわおん | 増三和音 |
7th Chord | shichi no waon | しちのわおん | 七の和音 |
Major 7th Chord | chou shichi no waon | ちょうしちのわおん | 長七の和音 |
Minor 7th Chord | tan shichi no waon | たんしちのわおん | 短七の和音 |
Major-Minor 7th Chord | tansanchou shichi no waon | たんさんちょうしちのわおん | 短三長七の和音 |
Dominant Seventh Chord | zoku shichi no waon | ぞくしちのわおん | 属七の和音 |
Half-Diminished 7th Chord | hangen shichi no waon | はんげんしちのわおん | 半減七の和音 ( 短七の和音 ) |
Diminished 7th Chord | gen shichi no wa on | げんしちのわおん | 減七の和音 |
9th Chord | kyuu no waon | きゅうのわおん | 九の和音 |
11th Chord | jyuuichi no waon | じゅういちのわおん | 十一の和音 |
13th Chord | jyuusan no waon | じゅうさんのわおん | 十三の和音 |
Singers & Musicians
Singer | kashu | かしゅ | 歌手 |
Soprano | sopurano kashu | そぷらの かしゅ | ソプラノ歌手 |
Alto | aruto kashu | あると かしゅ | アルト歌手 |
Tenor | tenooru kashu | てのおる かしゅ | テノール歌手 |
Baritone | bariton kashu | ばりとん かしゅ | バリトン歌手 |
Bass | beesu kashu | べえすかしゅ | ベース歌手 |
Composer | sakkyokuka | さっきょくか | 作曲家 |
Musician | ongakuka/ongakka | おんがくか/おんがっか | 音楽家 |
Performer | pafoomaa | パフォーマー | |
DJ | DJ | ||
Pop Star | ninki kashu | にんき かしゅ | 人気歌手 |
Pop Star | poppu sutaa | ポップスター | |
Rapper | rappaa | ラッパー | |
Guitarist | gitarisuto | ギタリスト | |
Bassist | beeshisuto | ベーシスト | |
Drummer | doramaa | ドラマー | |
Pianist | pianisuto | ピアニスト | |
Keyboard Player | kiiboodo sousha | きいぼおどそうしゃ | キーボード奏者 |
Organist | orugan sousha | おるがんそうしゃ | オルガン奏者 |
Flautist | furūto sousha | ふるうとそうしゃ | フルート奏者 |
Saxophonist | sakkusu sousha | さっくすそうしゃ | サックス奏者 |
Trumpeter | toranpetto sousha | とらんぺっとそうしゃ | トランペット奏者 |
Trombonist | toronbōn sousha | とろんぼおんそうしゃ | トロンボーン奏者 |
Violinist | baiorinisuto | バイオリニスト |
Guitar | gitaa | ギター | |
Bass | baiorin | バイオリン | |
Ukulele | ukurere | ウクレレ | |
Mandolin | mandorin | マンドリン | |
Drum (Set) | doramu (setto) | ドラム(セット) | |
Bass Drum | basu doramu | バスドラム | |
Snare Drum | sunea doramu | スネアドラム | |
Tom Drum | tamu | タム | |
Cymbal | shinbaru | シンバル | |
Piano | piano | ピアノ | |
Harpsichord | chenbaro | チェンバロ | |
Xylophone | mokkin | もっきん | 木琴 |
Xylophone | shirofon | シロフォン | |
Vibraphone | viburafon | ヴィブラフォン | |
Marimba | marinba | マリンバ | |
Glockenspiel | gurokkenshupiiru | グロッケンシュピール | |
Fiddle | fidoru | フィドル | |
Violin | baiorin | バイオリン | |
Viola | biora | バイオラ | |
Cello | chero | チェロ | |
Bass (Wood Bass) | uddo beesu | ウッドベース | |
Contrabass | kontorabasu | コントラバス | |
Piccolo | pikkoro | ピッコロ | |
Flute | furuuto | フルート | |
Alto Flute | aruto furuuto | アルトフルート | |
Bass Flute | basu furuuto | バスフルート | |
Contrabass Flute | kontorabasu furuuto | コントラバスフルート | |
Clarinet | kurarinetto | クラリネット | |
Alto Clarinet | aruto kurarinetto | アルトクラリネット | |
Bass Clarinet | basukurarinetto | バスクラリネット | |
Contrabass Clarinet | kontorabasu kurarinetto | コントラバスクラリネット | |
Saxophone | sakusofon | サクソフォン | |
Soprano Saxophone | sopurano sakusofoon | ソプラノサクソフォーン | |
Alto Saxophone | aruto sakusofoon | アルトサクソフォーン | |
Tenor Saxophone | tenaa sakusofoon | テナーサクソフォーン | |
Baritone Saxophone | bariton sakusofoon | バリトンサクソフォーン | |
Oboe | ooboe | オーボエ | |
Bassoon | fagotto/basuun | ファゴット/バスーン) | |
Contrabassoon | kontorabatto/daburu basuun | コントラファゴット/ダブル・バスーン) | |
English Horn | ingurisshu horun | イングリッシュホルン | |
French Horn | furenchi horun | フレンチ・ホルン | |
Trombone | toronboon | トロンボーン | |
Tuba | chuuba | チューバ | |
Trombone | toronboon | トロンボーン | |
Trumpet | toranpetto | トランペット | |
Ocarina | okarina | オカリナ | |
Whistle | hoissru | ホイッスル | |
Organ | orugan | オルガン | |
Pipe Organ | paipu orugan | パイプオルガン | |
Reed Organ | riido orugan | リードオルガン | |
Harmonica | haamonika | ハーモニカ | |
Accordion | akoodian | アコーディオン | |
Bagpipe | bagupaipu | バグパイプ | |
Steel Drum | suteiiru doramu | スティールドラム | |
Triangle | chaimu | チャイム | |
Bell | beru | ベル | |
Hand Bell | handoberu | ハンドベル | |
Jingle Bell | sureiberu* | スレイベル | |
Cowbell | kauberu | カウベル | |
Shaker | sheika | シェイカー | |
Maracas | marakasu | マラカス | |
Castanets | kasutanetto | カスタネット | |
Biwa | biwa | びわ | 琵琶 |
Koto | koto/sou | こと/そう | 琴/箏 |
Sanshin | sanshin | さんしん | 三線 |
Shakuhachi | shakuhachi | しゃくはち | 尺八 |
Shamisen | shamisen/samisen | しゃみせん/さみせん | 三味線 |
Taiko | taiko | たいこ | 太鼓 |
Music Box | myuujikku bokkusu | ミュージックボックス | |
Hand Clap | hando kurappu | ハンドクラップ | |
Fingersnap | fingaa sunappu | フィンガースナップ | |
Voice Percussion | boisu paakasshon | ボイスパーカッション | |
Body Percussion | bodi paakasshon | ボディパーカッション |
Guitar Terminology
*I had to dig through many Japanese sites for these. None had a clear list, and some had different translations, but I did my best to get the right translations with my intermediate Japanese knowledge. Please let me know if something is incorrect or if there is a better translation*
Electric Guitar | ereki gitaa | エレキ ・ ギター | |
Acoustic Guitar | akoosuteikku gitaa | アコースティック ・ ギター | |
Electric Acoustic Guitar | ereako | エレアコ | |
Classical Guitar | kurashikku gitaa | クラシック ・ ギター | |
Flamenco Guitar | furamenko gitaa | フラメンコ ・ ギター | |
Folk Guitar | fooku gitaa | フォーク ・ ギター | |
Steel Guitar | sutiru gitaa | スティール ・ ギター | |
Tenor Guitar | tenaa gitaa | テナー ・ ギター | |
Baritone Guitar | bariton gitaa | バリトン ・ ギター | |
Double Neck Guitar | daburu nekku gitaa | ダブルネック ・ ギター | |
Head | gitaa no heddo | ギターのヘッド | |
Nut | natto | ナット | |
Peg | pegu | ペグ | |
Neck | nekku | ネック | |
Bridge | burijji | ブリッジ | |
Finger Board | shiban yubiita | しばん ゆびいた | 指板 |
Body | bodi | ボディ | |
Fret | furetto | フレット | |
Strings *Note that STRING could be tsuru or gen. I will be using gen below as it appears to be more common* | gen/tsuru | げん/つる | 弦 |
Nylon Strings | nairon gen | ないろんげん | ナイロン弦 |
Change Guitar Strings *Note that Japanese has no singular/plural differences. So sentences below can apply to 1 string or many* | gitaa no gen o harikaeru | ぎたあ の げん を はりかえる | ギターの弦を張り替える |
Break a String | gen ga kireru | げん が きれる | 弦がきれる |
Loosen a String | gen o yurumeru | げん を ゆるめる | 弦を緩める |
Remove a String | gen o hazusu | げん を はずす | 弦をはずす |
Half Step/Semitone Lower Tuning (Eb) | han on sage | はん おん さげ | 半音下げ |
Full Step Lower Tuning (D) | ichi on sage | いち おん さげ | 1音下げ |
Pick | pikku | ピック | |
Tuner | chuunaa | チューナー | |
Guitar Strap | sutorappu | ストラップ | |
Pick Up | pikkuappu | ピックアップ | |
Neck Pickup (Neck Side) | nekkugawa | ねっくがわ | ネック側 |
Neck Pickup (Front Pickup) | furonto pikkuappu | フロントピックアップ | |
Middle Pickup (Center Pickup) | sentaa pikkuappu | センターピックアップ | |
Bridge Pickup (Rear Pickup) | ria pikkuappu | リアピックアップ | |
Bridge Pickup (Bridge Side) | burijjigawa | ぶりっじがわ | ブリッジ側 |
Whammy Bar | Toremoro aamu (Tremolo Arm) | トレモロアーム | |
Pick Guard | pikku gaado | ピックガード | |
Foot Stool | ashidai | あしだい | 足台 |
Capo | kapotasuto | カポタスト | |
Cable (They refer to cables as “shields”) | shiirudo | シールド | |
Amp | ampu | アンプ | |
Tube Amp | shinkuukan anpu | しんくうかん あんぷ | 真空管アンプ |
Frequency | shuuhasuu | しゅうはすう | 周波数 |
Effector (Effects Pedal) | エフェクター | ||
Effects Pedal Board | efekutaa peedo | エフェクターボード | |
9 Volt Battery (For Pedals) | kyuu boruto gata denchi *gata is often omitted when spoken* | きゅう ぼると がたでんち | 9V形電池 |
Distortion | hizumi | ひずみ | |
Delay | direi | ディレイ | |
Reverb | ribaabu | リバーブ | |
Gain | gein | ゲイン | |
Increase Gain | gein o ageru | ゲインをあげる | |
Lower Gain | gein o sageru | げいん を さげる | ゲインを下げる |
Mute | myuuto | ミュート | |
Stroke (Strumming) | sutorooku | ストローク | |
Strum on Guitar | gitaa o kakinarasu | ぎたあ を かきならす | ギターをかき鳴らす |
Cutting (Funk Rhythm/Strumming) | kattingu | カッティング | |
Press a Fret | furetto o osaeru | ふれっと を おさえる | フレットを抑える |
Thumb | oya yubi | おやゆび | 親指 |
Index Finger | hitosashi yubi | ひとさしゆび | 人差し指 |
Middle Finger | nanka yubi | なかゆび | 中指 |
Ring Finger | kusuri yubi | くすりゆび | 薬指 |
Pinky | ko yubi | こゆび | 小指 |
Play A Solo | soro o hajiku | そろをはじく | ソロを弾く |
Sing w/ Guitar (Singing with one’s own accompaniment) | hikigatari o suru | ひきがたりをする | 弾き語りをする |
Play Standing | tatte gitaa o hajiku | たってぎたーをはじく | 立ってギターを弾く |
Shred | Hayabiki | はやびき | 速弾き |
Shred (Play Fast) | Hayabiki (Not a typo. Same pronunciation, different kanji) | はやびき | 早弾き |
Improvise | sokkyou ensou | そっきょうえんそう | 即興演奏 |
Barre Chords | seeha | セーハ | |
Arpeggio | arupejio | アルペジオ | |
Pinch Harmonics | pikkingu haamonikusu | ピッキングハーモニクス | |
Bending (Bend the Strings) | gen o mageru | げんをまげる | 弦を曲げる |
Choking (How they refer to as Bending) | kubu o shimeru | くびをしめる | 首を絞める |
Choking (Direct Translation) | chookingu | チョーキング | |
Hammer On | hanma ringu | ハンマリング | |
Pull Off | puringu | プリング | |
Tapping (Right hand playing) | raito hando souhou | らいとはんどそうほう | ライトハンド奏法 |
Tapping | tappingu | タッピング | |
Vibrato | biburaato | ビブラート |
Genres | ongaku janru | おんがくじゃんる | 音楽ジャンル |
Pop | poppu | ポップ | |
Rock | rokku | ロック | |
Punk Rock | panku rokku | パンク・ロック | |
Rock n Roll | rokkun rooru | ロックン・ロール | |
Progressive Rock | puroguresshivu rokku | プログレッシヴ・ロック | |
Heavy Metal | hebui metaru | ヘヴィ・メタル | |
Death Metal | desu metaru | デス・メタル | |
Grunge | gurenji | グランジ | |
Alternative | orutanateivu* | オルタナティヴ | |
Psychedelic | saikuderikku | サイケデリック | |
House | hausu | ハウス | |
Hip-Hop | hippu hoppu | ヒップホップ | |
Reggae | regee | レゲエ | |
Rap | rappu | ラップ | |
Funk | fanku | ファンク | |
Techno | tekuno | テクノ | |
R&B | aaru ando bii | アール アンド ビー | |
Techno | tekuno | テクノ | |
Dubstep | dabu | ダブ | |
Country | kantorii | カントリー | |
Blues | buruusu | ブルース | |
Jazz | jyazu | ジャズ | |
Soul | souru | ソウル | |
Classical | kurashikku | クラシック | |
J-pop | jei poppu | ジェイポップ | |
J-rock | jei rokku | ジェイ・ロック | |
Visual Kei | bijuaru kei | ゔぃじゅあるけい | ヴィジュアル系 |
*For more Genres, refer to this Japanese Wikipedia page on Genres
Practice & Performances
Date and Time | nichiji | にちじ | 日時 |
Practice | renshuu | れんしゅう | 練習 |
Lesson | ressun | レッスン | |
Memorize (A Song/Score) | anpu | あんぷ | 暗譜 |
Play By Ear | mimi kopi | みみこぴ | 耳コピ |
Improvise | sokkyou | そっきょう | 即興 |
Solo | soro | ソロ | |
Duet | duetto | デュエット | |
Band | bando | バンド | |
Rock Band | rokku bando | ロックバンド | |
Jazz Band | jazu bando | ジャズバンド | |
Brass/Wind Band | suisougakudan | すいそうがくだん | 吹奏楽団 |
Brass Band | burasu bando | ブラスバンド | |
String Quartet | gengakushijyuusoudan | げんがくしじゅうそうだん | 弦楽四重奏団 |
Orchestra | gakudan | がくだん | 楽団 |
Orchestra | ookusutora | オーケストラ | |
Symphony | koukyoukyoku | こうきょうきょく | 交響曲 |
Choir | koorasu | コーラス | |
Pop Group | poppu guruupu | ポップグループ | |
Live Show | raibu | ライブ | |
Recital | happyoukai | はっぴょうかい | 発表会 |
Conductor | shikisha | しきしゃ | 指揮者 |
Director/Producer | enshutsuka | えんしゅつか | 演出家 |
DTM (DeskTop Music – Japanese Word) | DTM | ||
Track | torakku | トラック | |
To Record | rokuon suru | ろくおんする | (…を)録音する |
Record | rekoodo | レコード | |
Record Label | rekoodo reeberu | レコードレーベル | |
Recording | rekoodingu | レコーディング | |
Recording Studio | rokuon sutajio | ろくおんすたじお | 録音スタジオ |
Venue | raibuhause (live house) | ライブハウス | |
Performance Time | shutsuen jikan | しゅつえんじかん | 出演時間 |
Tickets | chiketto* | チケット | |
Members | menbaa | メンバー | |
Audience | kankyaku | かんきゃく | 観客 |
Stage | butai | ぶたい | 舞台 |
Stage | suteeji | ステージ | |
Sold Out | urikire | うりきれ | 売り切れ |
Tuning | chuuningu | チューニング | |
Sound Check | saundo chekku | サウンドチェック | |
To Be In Sync (To Meet, Be Together) | au | あう | 合う |
To Be Off (Sound, pitch etc) | zureru | ズレる | |
Microphone | maiku | マイク | |
Feedback (Howling) | hauringu | ハウリング | |
Headphones | heddohon | ヘッドホン | |
Music Stand | fumendai | ふめんだい | 譜面台 |
Speakers | supiikaa | スピーカー | |
Amp | anpu | アンプ | |
Volume | onryou | おんりょう | 音量 |
Loud | ookii | おおきい | 大きい |
Volume is Loud | onryou ga ookii | おんりょうがおおきい | 音量が大きい |
Soft | chiisai | ちいさい | 小さい |
Volume is Low | onryou ga chiisai | おんりょうがちいさい | 音量が小さい |
Beginner, Amateur | shoshinsha | しょしんしゃ | 初心者 |
Posture, Stance | kamaekata | かまえかた | 構え方 |
From The Top | atama kara | あたま から | 頭から |
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If you’re interested in learning more vocabulary and kanji so you can watch anime and dramas, read manga, sing J-pop at karaoke, or play raw Japanese video games, check out my 250+ Kanji for Japanese Media (+Sentences) article and my Japanese Study Guide!
This was quite helpful. I encountered some words I don’t normally use. Thank you.
This terminology cheat-sheet is extremely useful as I begin my first transcription/arrangement project with a Japanese client. Thank you so much for compiling this!
You’re so very welcome! I’m always happy to hear it was of use to someone after all the work I put into compiling and figuring out words ^_^
Hi, I’m currently playing with a taiko group in the U.S. and trying to learn Japanese. Since I try to use what little I know, I’ve certainly included multiple entries from your list into my cheat sheet for Japanes music terms. One thing I haven’t had luck figuring out was if there is a Japanese equivalent for ‘clean’ in the music sense, like: “For a first run-through, she played that really clean!”
I’ve put out a few feelers, but I thought I might ask here and also say thanks for the list!
Hi Justin! Thanks for your comment and compliment, it means a lot! ^_^
And that’s so cool that you’re playing with a taiko group! Before I even knew much about the instrument or style, my school’s drumline went to see a group called Yamato when they performed in my city back in 2010 or so. I remember being so touched and motivated by them!
Unfortunately, I’m not Japanese nor have played with Japanese musicians, so I’m not too sure. Any translators I have requested services from aren’t musicians either. I’m even trying to recall the musical animes I watched to see if anyone used the word ‘clean’ when complimenting another, but I don’t think they used that. If you have time though, it may be worth it to watch either “Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life” (Koto) or Mashiro no Oto/Those Snow White Notes (Shamisen). There’s a lot of musical animes out there, but I found these two were really focused on technique and would criticize or compliment each other’s accuracy, tone, speed, and passion. Since all the members of the group are playing the same instrument and they all need to be in sync, they couldn’t be as passive or happy go lucky as other animes like K-On! would be. They were both working towards competitions as well, so they really had to be excellent. I’m sure you’ll find a lot of phrases or keywords that would be useful in your situation, along with how to best interact with your Japanese peers! ^_^
Thanks for this list! I’m going to be playing my first shows in Japan next year and I’d love to be able to talk about my music with Japanese musicians – so many of the terms here will be helpful. Do you know of any resources that list terms / expressions that would be useful when engaging with audiences during my performances? I can only assume that some of the usual things we say to English-speaking crowds don’t necessarily translate perfectly to Japanese. Thanks again!
Thanks for commenting! And hmmm….I did make this article a few years back, but it was more for musicians talking to other musicians. I found phrases online, but didn’t have a chance to get it professionally edited as I wasn’t even sure if the article would get any attention in the first place. I’ve certainly learned a lot about the Japanese music scene since then.
I have attended and reviewed a few concerts in previous years for Japanese artists/bands when they toured in my city (Scandal, One OK Rock, Miyavi, Man With A Mission, and Radwimps), I think I added some talking clips from all of them in the articles that you can reference. They didn’t say a whole lot, probably due to time and the language barrier, but whether they spoke in English or Japanese, it was pretty basic small talk like you would expect here.
“Ikimashou” (Let’s go!) or “Hajimeru you!” (Let’s begin/start) is always an energetic way to start. When they did take a moment between songs to talk, it was usually about what it was like visiting the city (how it’s cold, local food, plans or how they had fun, maybe recent news, very light hearted), what the song is about (about their mom, or for encouragement, usually not an in-depth explanation), and just engaging with the audience like any other band would do, such as: “Genkiii?/Genki desu ka?” (How are you?/Are you in good spirits?), “Tanoshiii?” (Are you having fun?), “Ureshi!” (I’m happy), “Yokatta” (I’m glad/Thank goodness), “Mou ichido!” (One more time!), “Arigatou (Gozaimasu)!” (Thank You [very much]!). They generally tried to speak in English, but I’m sure other phrases you can try is “Issho ni Utaimashou!” (Let’s sing together/Sing with me!), “Suki/daisuki” (I love yall!…though it’s usually female stars who through that out more), or something like, “Minna wa Subarashii!” (You guys/everyone is amazing!).
The audience may respond with things like “Hai!” (Yes), “Daisuki!” (I/We love you!), “Suteki (pronounced ste-ki)” or “Sugoi” (You’re cool/awesome/amazing), “Saikou” or “Ichiban” (You’re the best/greatest/coolest), and “Ankouru!” (Encore!).
Hope that gives you some things to work with! ^_^
Thanks for the detailed reply, this is exactly what I was looking for! I really appreciate your insight – also that other article you linked is definitely of use as well. This site is a goldmine 🙂