My 10 Favourite Quotes About Dreams

I am a huge dreamer. Since I was a kid, I had many ideas, goals, dreams, and things on my bucketlist…

Yet, for over 20 years, I procrastinated on all I wanted to do in life.


Cause I was broke. Cause I was scared. Cause I had family responsibilities. Cause I didn’t want to waste time. Cause I had no one to join me. Cause people thought it was ridiculous. Cause it just didn’t seem possible…

But life hits you sometimes.

In 2018, I realized that life really is short and unpredictable. I could lose a limb or come down with a terminal disease, and I knew I would be sitting at home regretting all I could have done while I was healthy and capable. I haven’t even gone swimming or ice skating for years, and I loved those things!

A sudden rush of urgency came over me and I started making things happen.

The very first thing I did was plan a trip to Japan. It was something I’ve wanted to do since high school, but I was broke and so were my friends. I considered not going because I developed a fear of planes (thanks MayDay!) and knew they were prone to natural disasters. But everytime I would hear of someone else going, I would feel immense jealousy. I knew I couldn’t die without going! My friends said they couldn’t go, so I went alone. I was done waiting on people.

After I came back safely, I just gained a lot of confidence in myself, and it made it easier to pursue other things. I switched careers and pursued my true childhood dream. I did two more solo trips across Canada, east to Halifax, NS, and North to Yellowknife, NT. I did a lot of new activities and also revisited childhood favourites. I finally moved out and got my own place. And now, I’m in the process of crossing the last thing on my initial bucketlist, create a band and perform on stage.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if I kept making excuses to not pursue my dreams. I knew I would continue to be miserable as I’ve always been. I knew I would be sitting back with envy and jealousy over those who were enjoying things I wanted to do.

I didn’t want to keep making excuses and blaming my background for why things couldn’t happen. So what if I’m a black female and people assume the worst of me? So what if my parents divorced and we struggled a lot? So what if I grew up in ‘the hood’ and people don’t expect much from me?

I could either follow the statistics, or change the tide and become someone I would be proud of.

I’ve learned a lot over the last 4 years, and I do hope to teach and mentor others to also pursue what would make them happiest.

I get that sometimes, our dreams seem to out of reach or impossible at times, but if you keep pursuing them seriously, I truly believe you can reach them. If anything, you’ll never reach them if you never pursue them. That’s how dreams work.

So, below are my top 10 quotes about dreams and why I love them!

1. “Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.” Jonas Salk

-Looking back at history, whenever there was a huge tide or change in society or when oppressed groups got their freedom, it all started with one or a few people who dreamt of a different life and decided to stand up. The odds were hugely against them, but their words gave hope and inspired others to also rise up and fight.

2. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” Earl Nightingale

-I really love this quote because it really puts a perspective on time. I know there were times I considered not learning something because it would take too long to be good at it, but then in 4 years time, I look back thinking, ‘if I started it back then, I would be amazing right now!’ If there’s a skill you want to learn, if you’re considering going to school for a field your passionate about, or there’s something you would have to work your way up to achieving, why not do it! You got time. You’ll have even more time if you stopped binging shows and scrolling on social media, and were actually productive!

3. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

Too often, I hear people saying they’re too old for this or that. I’m not sure who told them that, but I understand that adulthood can wash away all your hopes and dreams. When your responsibilities pile up and you realize how hard it is to learn or be active, it can feel like it’s too late for childish dreams, but it’s not! I always love seeing older adults and even elderly people finally get their degree, or to see them in a skating competition, or starting that business they’ve put on hold while they raised their kids. It’s never too late.

4. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman

Humans are amazing! We are capable of so much when we put our minds and bodies towards a goal. While it may take some time and persistence, if you keep making progress, things will start to happen.

5. “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Suzy Kassem

Doubt and lack of confidence will prevent someone from every trying. If you didn’t think you could win, you wouldn’t prepare, practice, or enter the ring at all. Sure, you may enter the ring and lose, but it will give you the experience and education you need to do better next time. Most successful people will tell you they failed time and time again before they ever made it big, but they believed in themselves and their dream, and eventually, they made it and got what they wanted.

6. “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” Christopher Reeve

So many of our dreams just seem so big at the forefront. Maybe you want to be a singer, or you want to own a house, or you want to travel the world! It just seems so out of reach. But you can choose to pursue them or give up on them. If you pursue them, everyday, you will start making steps towards making that a reality. The first hill is always the hardest and bumpiest, but as you get closer to your dream, the finish line becomes more visible, and you no longer question if it could happen. That’s how dreams work!

7. “Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you.” Marsha Norman

This quote is so beautiful, and I think if we take it to heart, it would truly push us to pursue our dreams. Dreams aren’t just wishful thoughts, but things we want to happen. Our souls are trying to show us the way to our best lives. Don’t neglect it. Make your true destiny happen!

8. “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’” George Bernard Shaw

I remember over the years, when someone would be doubtful about themselves, I used to say “anything can happen if you just believe in yourself” with a high pitched Disney tone as a joke. My little would get pissed when she heard the first few words come out of my mouth cause I used to say it so often. But over the years, I started to really believe that quote myself. When an adult friend would tell me an idea or dream they had, but they were doubtful about it, I would say “why not? What’s stopping you?” Usually, their excuses and reason for delay were pathetic. They would be envious of other’s who do what they want to do, and I really didn’t see anything in their way. Your mindset is so important when it comes to making dreams happen. Next time you come across something you want to do, instead of jumping to excuses and reasons why you can’t do it, ask yourself, why not?? Go for it!

9. “Don’t let others hijack your dreams. Be captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny.” Joanne Madeline Moore

This quote could be used in so many scenarios. Some may try to push you off track and sabotage you. Maybe they’re supportive of your dreams, but they have different ideas in mind in where you should go with it. Those who are people pleasers or are too shy to speak up for themselves, it’s easy to let others hijack your dreams and lead you in a different direction. However, we must stand strong in what we want. It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to reject advice and suggestions. Sometimes you may have to sever ties and end friendships if they’re too toxic and get in your way. Do what you got to do. It will all be worth it when your dreams become a reality. And chances are, you’ll find better, more supportive people on your path as well.

10. “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

What do you really want in life? I’m not asking what your parents expect you to do or what society expects you to have, I’m asking what do YOU really want? What do you really want to do as a career? What places do you want to visit? What things do you want to build or achieve? What hobbies do you want to learn? What talents do you want to master? What kind of place would you like to live in? Keep these things at the top of your mind and slowly work towards it. Work towards what would make you happy.

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