Pursue your

Musical dreams

The ULtimate Music Blog For Beginners, Bands,
& Anime Fans

Nostalgia Black Guitarist holding guitar and smiling

My Origin Story

Hi! I’m Nostalgia. I took music all through school, playing various instruments (keyboard, clarinet, viola), participating in musical extracurriculars (drum line, drama club musical, cheerleading), and singing alone & in choirs. However, I played my instruments casually, never trying to master any of them. As long as I was able to cover songs, that was all that mattered.  

By the time I graduated in 2012, I realized, I wasn’t that talented in regards to music. I couldn’t play complex pieces on piano nor improvise like other kids. Since I didn’t see a future in music, I decided to retire. I tried other hobbies afterwards, but nothing gave me the same spark that music did. I did try a few other instruments (harmonica, ocarina), but since I shared a room and lived in a small apartment, they were too noisy to practice regularly or seriously.    

After playing Guitar Hero at home for a while, I picked up guitar for the first time in 2017. I relied on nothing but print outs since I didn’t have internet at home. This worked out in my favour as I was able to see patterns on the fretboard and apply theory for the first time. I was even able to improvise confidently within a few months! Having made great progress in my first 6 months, I decided to invest in private lessons. 

My teacher saw great potential, but by the 3rd lesson, he pushed me too far, expecting me to do multiple new things on the spot (play on higher frets, with distortion and muting, bends and slides, all at full speed). He was disappointed, and said I’ll have to relearn guitar from the beginning. I got discouraged and put the instrument down. It wouldn’t be for long though!

Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality


Founding & MIssion

In 2020, with new found motivation and the will to cross the last thing off my childhood bucket list (playing with a band on stage), I picked up guitar again. I’ve been recording my guitar journey on Instagram (@key2nostalgia) to track my progress and hopefully inspire others to keep practicing as well. 

After filling the gaps in my foundation with GuitarTricks, I’ve been working hard on my rhythm skills while studying more about Japanese music theory, as that’s the music I love and want to play the most. Not long after, I started putting my rookie anime band together (more details below). 

By September 2021, my band practiced a few times and were dedicated. They said they wanted to take the serious route, so I built this website. I built a couple self-improvement/goal achievement blogs in 2020 as blogging was also a dream of mine, but I ran out of article ideas pretty soon; thus, I was really excited to blog to promote the band. I would share guitar tips, compile easy anime songs for beginners, and share what I learned about Japanese music theory. Turns out, it was my perfect niche! 

Within a year, I’ve grown so much. Not only do I feel pretty confident as a rhythm guitarist, but I also got to cross the band dream off my bucket list. We got to perform an acoustic set at the Pretty Heroes convention and perform on a real stage at Idol Revolution. The following year, the singer and I got together again as an acoustic duo, which meant more pressure for me, but we played more, at Pretty Heroes and at Japan Festival Canada! The year after, I was recruited to play for a church plant each week, and paid to be part of a high production gospel music video! It just keeps on going~

I’m still a beginner, so if I can make my crazy musical dreams come to life, so can you! As long as you put in the work and put yourself out there, unimaginable things can happen! Definitely check out my blog as I’ve spilled my heart out in every article ^_^

A dream doesn't become reality through magic;
It takes sweat, determination, and hard work


Check Out My Shop & Services

Online Music Coaching Sessions

Are you stagnant? Lacking motivation and drive?
Unsure of what to do next when it comes to your musicianship? Sometimes, we all need a coach who can look at us objectively and point us in the right direction. 

Coaching can help you gain clarity on your weaknesses, negative mindset, and habits that are holding you back. It can help with creating realistic goals, a practice routine, and a promotional plan. And of course, it will provide you with various tips on gigging, recording, stage presence, and general musicianship. All this in one session to help you get to the next step on your musical journey!

Unlike someone who is 20 years ahead of you and doesn’t even remember what it was like to be a beginner or to lack experience, why not consider me? I love to share, teach, and do all I can to help others succeed. 

Japanese Music EBooks

When I picked up guitar with a focus on Japanese and Anime music, I did not know what I was signing up for. I knew the genre sounded very different from Western music, but all theory lessons were focused on that, and didn’t make sense when applied to Japanese Music. It took a lot of digging, but I finally unlocked the key. I’ve also loved studying Japanese, but their daily language doesn’t cover the words and slang used in anime, video games, and music, so I created dictionaries and study guides for that too!

Japanese Chord Progressions Study Guide eBook

Japanese Music Theory Course

To this very date, my most popular article is where I break down 15 anime song progressions, and my most popular eBook is also about Japanese chord progressions. I’ve been wanting to create a course that compiled all I learned in one place and with FL Studio in hand, I have finally made it a reality. If you’re wondering why Japanese music sounds so different and you realized Western chord progressions don’t even come close, here’s all the answers you could ever need in one place!

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience,
and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Nostalgia Selfie in Rehearsal Studio Band Practice
Chromatic Dreamers Gimme Mochi On Stage


Completed 2022:

The Chromatic Dreamers Rookie Band Project

It’s been a dream of mine to get on stage and I had the feeling there were other newbies who had the same dream. It can be intimidating being a beginner when there are only advanced players around, but I wanted to prove that anyone can get on stage through this short-term project. 

I managed to find 3 other dreamers to join me on this journey. We all loved anime and Japanese music, and we were looking forward to performing them on stage one day. However, I will say, even the ‘easiest’ Japanese songs are harder than the average Western song as they got longer chord progressions, funkier basslines, and lots of fancy riffs…but we were driven!

After finding our final member, we started rehearsing together in August 2021. Our main goal as a band was to play at an anime convention. Almost exactly a year after we started rehearsing, we got to do just that at the Pretty Heroes Convention. Unfortunately, it was just an acoustic set, but thankfully, the next opportunity came right after at Idol Revolution, hosted by Dolly Momoiro. 

Pretty Heroes Con
@ The JCCC

Idol Revolution
@ See-Scape

Dream On!

Completed 2023:

Natsukashii Kumo Acoustic Duo

Between April and August 2023, Nostalgia and Cloud reunited to form the acoustic duo called Natsukashii Kumo, which simply means “Nostalgic Cloud”. 

We are both a big fan of the older anime songs we grew up with and hold them dear to our hearts. During the band project, we felt a little frustrated as the guys didn’t care to master the songs and that held us back immensely. With just the two of us, we were able to learn over 20 songs in a couple of months. No more power chords, only complex chord progressions for me! 

We then went on to perform at Pretty Heroes again and did 7 songs in our 30 minute set. We also asked and were given the honour of performing at Japan Festival Canada 2023 for 15 minutes, and covered 5 songs. The festival is the biggest Japanese event in North America, so we couldn’t have asked for a better finale for the band project. 

It’s been amazing to see how far a rookie band (or even just a rookie musician like myself) can go if they practice hard, put themselves out there, and dare to ask. I hope our journey has inspired other musicians of any skill level to also take that leap of faith and chase your musical dreams with all your heart! <3

Pretty Heroes Con
@ The JCCC

Japan Festival 2023
@ Mississauga Square


Ongoing 2024:

Joined A ChurcH Plant's Worship Team/ Music Ministry

Around new years 2023, I came to accept the true gospel of faith alone in Jesus Christ and was born again. I lost interest in a lot of things, including Japanese music, and only cared to hear or read about things concerning God, the bible, spiritual warfare, and end times prophecy.  I wrote my first Christian article around this time, and later started my Christian Journal with all my discoveries. 

I then decided to go back to my home church, but realized they had a lot of false doctrine and interpretations. While I was hoping for a new church family for connection and encouragement, I was also wary of the search as I already knew many churches aren’t biblical and have compromised for the world, but I did tell God that ‘if I saw 2024, I will get serious about it’. 

Just in time, a couple churches reached out to me on BandMix. They were both quite some distance outside of Toronto, but one took the time to answer my doctrinal questions, offered to set up a stable ride for me, and their online bible studies sounded decent, so I said I’ll check em out. It was a small church plant that was borrowing musicians from other churches, After they moved to a morning schedule, I became the only stable musician. It was a lot of pressure, especially with so many new songs, but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

I’m excited to keep working on my ear and transposition skills through this experience, but more importantly, I’m happy to have a real church community, and to use my new found talents to serve God and minister to the body of Christ. I’ll even say I feel God allowed my dreams to succeed so I would be equipped to serve this church that was desperately praying for musicians <3

Praising God

New Band Project 2024

Chromatic Saints Collab Band

When writing my Japanese Christian Artists List, I was pleasantly surprised to have found over 85 artists/bands as I was only able to find about 3 in the past. Japan’s Christian population has always been less than 2%, and most of the world hasn’t paid much attention to Japanese music until now, meaning these artists don’t get much promotion or donations, and that also means those who could be spiritually touched by these songs won’t hear them either.

In an effort to help spread the word, I’m starting a collab band where we come together every couple of months to record a song from as many Japanese Christian artists as we can! The groups I’ve found span a variety of genres, from Hymns, Gospel, and CCM, to Rock, Metal, Funk, Hip Hop and more. If you’re in Toronto and are interested in playing or singing for this project, email me at chromaticdreamers@gmail.com. 

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

New Venure


Jpop-Inspired, Christian-Themed Background Music

For Christmas 2022, I was gifted FL Studio by my bandmate, and it opened a whole new world of possibilities. I was excited to see what I could create with all the J-music theory I learned over the last few years. And as usual, I’m just going to put myself out there instead of procrastinating or waiting for perfection. I don’t plan to be famous or go viral, so this is just for fun! 

Around the same time I got that gift, I realized how dark this world has gotten and returned to my faith seriously. I was raised in a legalistic church and spent the last decade distracted by the world (school, work, dating, dreams), but when I finally understood the depth and beauty of the gospel, I wanted to chase after Jesus with all my heart and refused to look back. I’ve also been noticing just how much satanism, witchcraft, and demons are celebrated and promoted in the media, to the point that no one blinks an eye at the lyrics or imagery used in songs like “Unholy” (Sam Smith), “Paint The Town Red (She’s The Devil)” (Doja Cat), “Holy Fvck* (Demi Lovato), “Guilty As Sin” (Taylor Swift). Not to mention, all the shows and movies that either put Lucifer and demons in a positive light or make magic seem attractive, especially in anime. 

Two can play at that game though! If people are allowed to release and promote blatantly evil and demonic content, then I can be just as bold with holy Christian content too! While my songs don’t have lyrics, I use chord progressions and instrumentation to convey emotions and stories that align with the Christian experience…and I’ll always use a verse to back up the name and concept of the song too! I use un-edited photos I randomly took in the past because I feel there’s just too much filters, AI, editing, and fakeness in this world as it is. Nature is beautiful as it is. Memories are beautiful too! but ultimately, I just want people to focus on the music more than anything.

1st Single ♱ 1/11/2023

"Be Courageous"

Inspired by Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you.” The persecution against Christians is only getting hotter as time goes by. and Revelation says it will only get worse. It’s time to be bold and stand up for Christ. It’s time to be courageous even if your life may be on the line. 

2nd Single ♱ 5/25/2024

"In The Garden"

Compared to last year when I wrote “Be Courageous”, I have a lot more peace and love in my heart. I have a community of Christians around me via online friends, lady’s bible study, and the church that I now serve at. Seeing how true the bible is, I know I’m in good hands. I can now focus on just being in God’s presence, like Adam and Eve did ‘in the garden’ of Eden (Genesis 2). 

3rd Single ♱ 9/7/2024


When an individual puts their faith in Jesus, they are immediately saved and justified…but they also start the life-long supernatural transformation process towards holiness called “Sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 6:11). I drew inspiration from the transformation songs of anime like Sailormoon and Digimon. When a Christian takes this process seriously, they become more confident in their abilities to fight sin and the evil one with the help of their Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit living within!

4th Single ♱ 9/9/2024

"War Against Your Soul"

Ephesians 6:11-12 make it clear: “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places.” This life is not a game. Even if you are saved, you still have to fight against sin and your flesh, you still have to face persecution, you still have to believe when times get tough. Thank God we have hope because we know how this story ends. 

5th Single ♱ 9/13/2024


One of the most common Christian experiences is feeling convicted or condemned because they fell prey to temptation and sinned once again. Like Adam and Eve, they run and hide like a wanted convict, and start doubting their salvation. But Romans 8:1 tells us ‘there’s no more condemnation for those in Christ Jesus’. We can run, but we can’t hide from God. We are His children, and like a good Father, he will discipline and correct us, but He does love us and wants to comfort us. He wants us to abide in His presence. 

6th Single ♱ 9/13/2024

"First Love"

When one remembers that they are truly loved by God, that He chose them before the foundation of the world, and knew them before they were formed in the womb, and died on the cross for all their sins, and is coming back to take us home…..can any other love compare? We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Let’s not be like the church of Ephesus mentioned and confronted in Revelation because they ‘left their first love’, enjoy a cool night out with God at your side with this chill City Pop track. 

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.